
Learn Basic Filipino | Greetings and Introductions

Filipino Greetings and Introductions

– Essential words and phrases to know –


Learn the essentials of Filipino easily with this vocabulary list that contains all the most basic words and phrases used in Filipino for greetings and Introductions, with their english translations. If you’re a beginner, it will come in handy to review or learn Filipino by yourself before traveling, or if you want to enrich and improve your Filipino vocabulary to better express yourself in writing and speaking!

Do you spot any errors or want to add a vocabulary word to the list? Don’t hesitate to leave a comment to improve the site!

Hello Kamusta
Good morning! Magandang umaga!
Good afternoon! Magandang hapon!
Hi Hi
Good evening Magandang gabi
Good night Magandang gabi
Sleep well Matulog ka ng maayos
How are you? Kumusta ka?
I’m fine, thank you. Okay lang ako, salamat.
How about you? ikaw naman?
Nice to meet you. Ikinagagalak kitang makilala.
Nice to meet you too. Kinagagalak kong makilala ka rin.
Likewise Ganun din
It’s good to see you. Masaya akong makita ka.
Nice to see you again. Nagagalak akong makita kitang muli.
Pleased to meet you. Ikinagagalak kitang makilala.
How nice to see you! kay gandang makita ka!
What’s up? anong meron?
What brings you here? Ano ang nagdala sa iyo rito?
When you’re leaving
Goodbye Paalam
I hope we’ll meet again. sana magkita ulit tayo.
I’ve got to go. Kailangan ko ng umalis.
It was good meeting you. It was good meeting you.
It was great seeing you again. Napakasaya na makita kang muli.
It was great to catch up! Ang galing makahabol!
See you again sometime. Magkita ulit tayo minsan.
See you in the morning Kita tayo sa umaga
See you later See you later
See you soon Hanggang sa muli
See you tomorrow Kita tayo bukas
See you tonight See you tonight
Sleep well Matulog ka ng maayos
Take care. Ingat.
Other greetings
Bless you Pagpalain ka
Cheers! Cheers!
Farewell Paalam
Good luck! Good luck!
Talk to you soon Kausapin kita
Welcome Maligayang pagdating
Well done! Magaling!

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Learn Basic Estonian | Greetings and Introductions

Estonian Greetings and Introductions

– Essential words and phrases to know –


Learn the essentials of Estonian easily with this vocabulary list that contains all the most basic words and phrases used in Estonian for greetings and Introductions, with their english translations. If you’re a beginner, it will come in handy to review or learn Estonian by yourself before traveling, or if you want to enrich and improve your Estonian vocabulary to better express yourself in writing and speaking!

Do you spot any errors or want to add a vocabulary word to the list? Don’t hesitate to leave a comment to improve the site!

Hello Tere
Good morning! Tere hommikust!
Good afternoon! Tere päevast!
Hi Tere
Good evening Tere õhtust
Good night Head ööd
Sleep well Maga hästi
How are you? Kuidas sul läheb?
I’m fine, thank you. Minuga on kõik korras, tänan.
How about you? Kuidas on sinuga?
Nice to meet you. Meeldiv tutvuda.
Nice to meet you too. Tore tutvuda ka.
Likewise Samamoodi
It’s good to see you. Sind on hea näha.
Nice to see you again. Tore sind jälle näha.
Pleased to meet you. Meeldiv tutvuda.
How nice to see you! Kui tore sind näha!
What’s up? Mis toimub?
What brings you here? Mis sind siia toob?
When you’re leaving
Goodbye Hüvasti
I hope we’ll meet again. Loodan, et kohtume veel.
I’ve got to go. ma pean minema.
It was good meeting you. Tore oli sinuga kohtuda.
It was great seeing you again. Tore oli teid jälle näha.
It was great to catch up! Tore oli järele jõuda!
See you again sometime. Näeme millalgi jälle.
See you in the morning Näeme hommikul
See you later Näeme hiljem
See you soon Varsti näeme
See you tomorrow Homme näeme
See you tonight Näeme täna õhtul
Sleep well Maga hästi
Take care. Ole tubli.
Other greetings
Bless you Terviseks
Cheers! Tervist!
Farewell Hüvastijätt
Good luck! Edu!
Talk to you soon Räägime varsti
Welcome Tere tulemast
Well done! Hästi tehtud!

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Learn Basic Dutch | Greetings and Introductions

Dutch Greetings and Introductions

– Essential words and phrases to know –


Learn the essentials of Dutch easily with this vocabulary list that contains all the most basic words and phrases used in Dutch for greetings and Introductions, with their english translations. If you’re a beginner, it will come in handy to review or learn Dutch by yourself before traveling, or if you want to enrich and improve your Dutch vocabulary to better express yourself in writing and speaking!

Do you spot any errors or want to add a vocabulary word to the list? Don’t hesitate to leave a comment to improve the site!

Hello Hallo
Good morning! Goedemorgen!
Good afternoon! Goedemiddag!
Hi Hoi
Good evening Goedenavond
Good night Welterusten
Sleep well Welterusten
How are you? Hoe gaat het met je?
I’m fine, thank you. Alles goed, bedankt.
How about you? En jij?
Nice to meet you. Aangenaam kennis te maken.
Nice to meet you too. Ook leuk jou te ontmoeten.
Likewise Insgelijks
It’s good to see you. Het is goed om je te zien.
Nice to see you again. Fijn om je nog eens te zien.
Pleased to meet you. Prettig kennis met U te maken.
How nice to see you! Wat leuk je te zien!
What’s up? Hoe gaat het?
What brings you here? Wat brengt jou hier?
When you’re leaving
Goodbye Tot ziens
I hope we’ll meet again. Ik hoop dat we elkaar nog eens zullen ontmoeten.
I’ve got to go. Ik moet gaan.
It was good meeting you. Het was goed je te ontmoeten.
It was great seeing you again. Het was geweldig om je weer te zien.
It was great to catch up! Het was geweldig om bij te praten!
See you again sometime. Ik zie je nog wel een keer.
See you in the morning Ik zie je morgenochtend
See you later Tot ziens
See you soon Tot ziens
See you tomorrow Tot morgen
See you tonight Zie je vanavond
Sleep well Welterusten
Take care. Wees voorzichtig.
Other greetings
Bless you Zegen u
Cheers! Proost!
Farewell Afscheid
Good luck! Veel geluk!
Talk to you soon Spreek je snel
Welcome Welkom
Well done! Goed gedaan!

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Learn Basic Danish | Greetings and Introductions

Danish Greetings and Introductions

– Essential words and phrases to know –


Learn the essentials of Danish easily with this vocabulary list that contains all the most basic words and phrases used in Danish for greetings and Introductions, with their english translations. If you’re a beginner, it will come in handy to review or learn Danish by yourself before traveling, or if you want to enrich and improve your Danish vocabulary to better express yourself in writing and speaking!

Do you spot any errors or want to add a vocabulary word to the list? Don’t hesitate to leave a comment to improve the site!

Hello Hej
Good morning! God morgen!
Good afternoon! God eftermiddag!
Hi Hej
Good evening God aften
Good night Godnat
Sleep well Sov godt
How are you? Hvordan har du det?
I’m fine, thank you. Jeg har det fint, tak.
How about you? Hvad med dig?
Nice to meet you. Dejligt at møde dig.
Nice to meet you too. Dejligt at møde dig også.
Likewise Ligeledes
It’s good to see you. Det er godt at se dig.
Nice to see you again. Godt at se dig igen.
Pleased to meet you. Det glæder mig at møde dig.
How nice to see you! Hvor er det dejligt at se dig!
What’s up? Hvad så?
What brings you here? Hvad bringer dig her?
When you’re leaving
Goodbye Farvel
I hope we’ll meet again. Jeg håber vi ses igen.
I’ve got to go. Jeg bliver nødt til at gå.
It was good meeting you. Det var godt at møde dig.
It was great seeing you again. Det var dejligt at se dig igen.
It was great to catch up! Det var dejligt at indhente!
See you again sometime. Vi ses igen engang.
See you in the morning Ses i morgen
See you later Vi ses senere
See you soon Vi ses snart
See you tomorrow Vi ses i morgen
See you tonight Vi ses i aften
Sleep well Sov godt
Take care. Pas på.
Other greetings
Bless you Velsigne dig
Cheers! Skål!
Farewell Farvel
Good luck! Held og lykke!
Talk to you soon Vi tales snart med dig
Welcome Velkommen
Well done! Godt klaret!

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Learn Basic Czech | Greetings and Introductions

Czech Greetings and Introductions

– Essential words and phrases to know –


Learn the essentials of Czech easily with this vocabulary list that contains all the most basic words and phrases used in Czech for greetings and Introductions, with their english translations. If you’re a beginner, it will come in handy to review or learn Czech by yourself before traveling, or if you want to enrich and improve your Czech vocabulary to better express yourself in writing and speaking!

Do you spot any errors or want to add a vocabulary word to the list? Don’t hesitate to leave a comment to improve the site!

Hello Ahoj
Good morning! Dobré ráno!
Good afternoon! Dobré odpoledne!
Hi Ahoj
Good evening Dobrý večer
Good night Dobrou noc
Sleep well Dobře se vyspi
How are you? Jak se máte?
I’m fine, thank you. Mám se dobře, děkuji.
How about you? co ty?
Nice to meet you. Rád vás poznávám.
Nice to meet you too. Také tě ráda poznávám.
Likewise Rovněž
It’s good to see you. Je dobré tě vidět.
Nice to see you again. Rád tě zase vidím.
Pleased to meet you. Rád vás poznávám.
How nice to see you! Jak mile je te videt!
What’s up? Co se děje?
What brings you here? Kde se tu berete?
When you’re leaving
Goodbye Ahoj
I hope we’ll meet again. doufám, že se znovu setkáme.
I’ve got to go. Musím jít.
It was good meeting you. Rád jsem tě poznal.
It was great seeing you again. Bylo skvělé tě znovu vidět.
It was great to catch up! Bylo skvělé to dohnat!
See you again sometime. Uvidíme se zase někdy.
See you in the morning Uvidíme se ráno
See you later Uvidíme se později
See you soon Brzy se uvidíme
See you tomorrow Uvidíme se zítra
See you tonight Ahoj večer
Sleep well Dobře se vyspi
Take care. Opatruj se.
Other greetings
Bless you Požehnej vám
Cheers! Na zdraví!
Farewell Rozloučení
Good luck! Hodně štěstí!
Talk to you soon Brzy na slyšenou
Welcome Vítejte
Well done! Výborně!

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Learn Basic Croatian | Greetings and Introductions

Croatian Greetings and Introductions

– Essential words and phrases to know –


Learn the essentials of Croatian easily with this vocabulary list that contains all the most basic words and phrases used in Croatian for greetings and Introductions, with their english translations. If you’re a beginner, it will come in handy to review or learn Croatian by yourself before traveling, or if you want to enrich and improve your Croatian vocabulary to better express yourself in writing and speaking!

Do you spot any errors or want to add a vocabulary word to the list? Don’t hesitate to leave a comment to improve the site!

Hello zdravo
Good morning! Dobro jutro!
Good afternoon! Dobar dan!
Hi bok
Good evening dobra večer
Good night laku noć
Sleep well lijepo spavaj
How are you? Kako si?
I’m fine, thank you. Dobro sam, hvala.
How about you? A ti?
Nice to meet you. Drago mi je.
Nice to meet you too. Drago mi je.
Likewise također
It’s good to see you. Lijepo te je vidjeti.
Nice to see you again. Lijepo te je ponovno vidjeti.
Pleased to meet you. Drago mi je.
How nice to see you! Kako te je lijepo vidjeti!
What’s up? Što ima?
What brings you here? Što vas dovodi ovdje?
When you’re leaving
Goodbye Doviđenja
I hope we’ll meet again. Nadam se da ćemo se opet sresti.
I’ve got to go. Moram ići.
It was good meeting you. Bilo je lijepo upoznati te.
It was great seeing you again. Bilo je lijepo ponovno te vidjeti.
It was great to catch up! Bilo je super nadoknaditi!
See you again sometime. Vidimo se opet nekad.
See you in the morning Vidimo se ujutro
See you later Vidimo se kasnije
See you soon Vidimo se uskoro
See you tomorrow Vidimo se sutra
See you tonight Vidimo se večeras
Sleep well lijepo spavaj
Take care. Čuvaj se.
Other greetings
Bless you Blago tebi
Cheers! Živjeli!
Farewell Doviđenja
Good luck! Sretno!
Talk to you soon Čujemo se uskoro
Welcome Dobrodošli
Well done! Dobro napravljeno!

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Learn Basic Chinese | Greetings and Introductions

Chinese Greetings and Introductions

– Essential words and phrases to know –


Learn the essentials of Chinese easily with this vocabulary list that contains all the most basic words and phrases used in Chinese for greetings and Introductions, with their english translations. If you’re a beginner, it will come in handy to review or learn Chinese by yourself before traveling, or if you want to enrich and improve your Chinese vocabulary to better express yourself in writing and speaking!

Do you spot any errors or want to add a vocabulary word to the list? Don’t hesitate to leave a comment to improve the site!

Hello Nǐ hǎo
Good morning! zǎoshang hǎo!
Good afternoon! Xiàwǔ hǎo!
Hi Nǐ hǎo
Good evening wǎnshàng hǎo
Good night wǎn’ān
Sleep well shuì dé hǎo
How are you? nǐ hǎo ma?
I’m fine, thank you. Wǒ hěn hǎo, xièxiè nǐ.
How about you? Nǐ ne?
Nice to meet you. Hěn gāoxìng jiàn dào nǐ.
Nice to meet you too. Wǒ yě hěn gāoxìng jiàn dào nǐ.
Likewise Tóngyàng de
It’s good to see you. hěn gāoxìng jiàn dào nǐ.
Nice to see you again. Hěn gāoxìng zàicì jiàn dào nǐ.
Pleased to meet you. Hěn gāoxìng jiàn dào nǐ.
How nice to see you! Jiàn dào nǐ zhēn hǎo!
What’s up? Zhè shì zěnme huí shì?
What brings you here? Shénme fēng bǎ nǐ chuī lái?
When you’re leaving
Goodbye zàijiàn
I hope we’ll meet again. wǒ xīwàng wǒmen néng zàijiànmiàn.
I’ve got to go. Wǒ dé zǒule.
It was good meeting you. Hěn gāoxìng rènshí nǐ.
It was great seeing you again. Hěn gāoxìng zàicì jiàn dào nǐ.
It was great to catch up! Hěn gāoxìng gǎn shàng!
See you again sometime. Yǒu shíjiān zàijiàn.
See you in the morning Zǎoshang jiàn
See you later huítóu jiàn
See you soon zài jiàn
See you tomorrow míngtiān jiàn
See you tonight jīn wǎn jiàn
Sleep well shuì dé hǎo
Take care. xiǎoxīn.
Other greetings
Bless you zhùfú nǐ
Cheers! gānbēi!
Farewell Gàobié
Good luck! zhù nǐ hǎo yùn!
Talk to you soon Yǐhòu zài liáo
Welcome huānyíng
Well done! zuò dé hǎo!

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Learn Basic Burmese | Greetings and Introductions

Burmese Greetings and Introductions

– Essential words and phrases to know –


Learn the essentials of Burmese easily with this vocabulary list that contains all the most basic words and phrases used in Burmese for greetings and Introductions, with their english translations. If you’re a beginner, it will come in handy to review or learn Burmese by yourself before traveling, or if you want to enrich and improve your Burmese vocabulary to better express yourself in writing and speaking!

Do you spot any errors or want to add a vocabulary word to the list? Don’t hesitate to leave a comment to improve the site!

Hello haallo
Good morning! main g lar nannaathkainnpar!
Good afternoon! main g lar naelaihkainn par!
Hi maingalarpar
Good evening main g lar nyanayhkainnpar
Good night kaunggsawnyapar
Sleep well kaunggkaungg aiutpyaw parhcay
How are you? naykaungglarr?
I’m fine, thank you. ngar aasainpyay partaal . kyaayyjuupar .
How about you? sain k raw?
Nice to meet you. saint ko twaeratar wamsarpartaal .
Nice to meet you too. kyawantawlaee saint ko twaeratar wamsarpartaal .
Likewise aalarrtuu
It’s good to see you. twaetar kaunggpartaal .
Nice to see you again. pyantwaeratar wamsarpartaal .
Pleased to meet you. twaeratar wamsarpartaal .
How nice to see you! mainn kotwaeratar bhaallout wamsarhcarar kaungg lell .
What’s up? bhartway htuu lell?
What brings you here? mainnko bhark deko yuular tarlell .
When you’re leaving
Goodbye swarrtotmaal
I hope we’ll meet again. pyan sonetwaekyamaallhoet myahaaw lang partaal .
I’ve got to go. ngar swarr hcarar shitaal .
It was good meeting you. mainnnae twaesoneratar kaunggpartaal .
It was great seeing you again. pyantwaeratar aaramkaunggpartaal .
It was great to catch up! a me litehphoet kaunggtaal .
See you again sometime. taithkyanehkyanemhar pyantwae maal .
See you in the morning manaat mha twaemaal .
See you later noutmhatwaemaal
See you soon makyaarhkain pyansonekyamaal
See you tomorrow manaathpyantwaemaal
See you tonight deny twaemaal .
Sleep well kaunggkaungg aiutpyaw parhcay
Take care. garuhcite par .
Other greetings
Bless you sang ko bhurarrsahkain kaungg hkyaee payyparhcay
Cheers! pyawshwinparhcay
Farewell nhuatsaat sai .
Good luck! kankaunggparhcay!
Talk to you soon makyaarhkain mainnnae hcakarrpyaww par .
Welcome kyaosopartaal .
Well done! kaungghcwar pyeesone sai!

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Learn Basic Bulgarian | Greetings and Introductions

Bulgarian Greetings and Introductions

– Essential words and phrases to know –


Learn the essentials of Bulgarian easily with this vocabulary list that contains all the most basic words and phrases used in Bulgarian for greetings and Introductions, with their english translations. If you’re a beginner, it will come in handy to review or learn Bulgarian by yourself before traveling, or if you want to enrich and improve your Bulgarian vocabulary to better express yourself in writing and speaking!

Do you spot any errors or want to add a vocabulary word to the list? Don’t hesitate to leave a comment to improve the site!

Hello Здравейте Zdraveĭte
Good morning! Добро утро! Dobro utro!
Good afternoon! Добър ден! Dobŭr den!
Hi здрасти zdrasti
Good evening добър вечер dobŭr vecher
Good night лека нощ leka nosht
Sleep well спокоен сън spokoen sŭn
How are you? Как сте? Kak ste?
I’m fine, thank you. Добре съм, благодаря. Dobre sŭm, blagodarya.
How about you? Ами ти? Ami ti?
Nice to meet you. Приятно ми е да се запознаем. Priyatno mi e da se zapoznaem.
Nice to meet you too. И на мен ми е приятно да се запознаем. I na men mi e priyatno da se zapoznaem.
Likewise по същия начин po sŭshtiya nachin
It’s good to see you. Радвам се да те видя. Radvam se da te vidya.
Nice to see you again. Радвам се да те видя отново. Radvam se da te vidya otnovo.
Pleased to meet you. Приятно ми е да се запознаем. Priyatno mi e da se zapoznaem.
How nice to see you! Колко се радвам да те видя! Kolko se radvam da te vidya!
What’s up? Какво става? Kakvo stava?
What brings you here? Какво ви води тук? Kakvo vi vodi tuk?
When you’re leaving
Goodbye Довиждане Dovizhdane
I hope we’ll meet again. Надявам се да се срещнем отново. Nadyavam se da se sreshtnem otnovo.
I’ve got to go. Трябва да тръгвам. Tryabva da trŭgvam.
It was good meeting you. Беше ми приятно да се запознаем. Beshe mi priyatno da se zapoznaem.
It was great seeing you again. Беше страхотно да те видя отново. Beshe strakhotno da te vidya otnovo.
It was great to catch up! Беше страхотно да наваксам! Beshe strakhotno da navaksam!
See you again sometime. Ще се видим отново някой път. Shte se vidim otnovo nyakoĭ pŭt.
See you in the morning Ще се видим сутринта Shte se vidim sutrinta
See you later До скоро Do skoro
See you soon Ще се видим скоро Shte se vidim skoro
See you tomorrow Ще се видим утре Shte se vidim utre
See you tonight Ще се видим довечера Shte se vidim dovechera
Sleep well спокоен сън spokoen sŭn
Take care. Пази се. Pazi se.
Other greetings
Bless you Наздраве Nazdrave
Cheers! наздраве! nazdrave!
Farewell Сбогом Sbogom
Good luck! Късмет! Kŭsmet!
Talk to you soon Ще се чуем скоро Shte se chuem skoro
Welcome Добре дошли Dobre doshli
Well done! Много добре! Mnogo dobre!

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Learn Basic Armenian | Greetings and Introductions

Armenian Greetings and Introductions

– Essential words and phrases to know –


Learn the essentials of Armenian easily with this vocabulary list that contains all the most basic words and phrases used in Armenian for greetings and Introductions, with their english translations. If you’re a beginner, it will come in handy to review or learn Armenian by yourself before traveling, or if you want to enrich and improve your Armenian vocabulary to better express yourself in writing and speaking!

Do you spot any errors or want to add a vocabulary word to the list? Don’t hesitate to leave a comment to improve the site!

Hello Barev DZez
Good morning! Bari arravot!
Good afternoon! Bari or!
Hi Voghju՜yn
Good evening Bari yereko
Good night Bari gisher
Sleep well lav k’nel
How are you? Inch’pes yes?
I’m fine, thank you. Lav yem, shnorhakalut’yun.
How about you? Isk du inch’ kases k’vo masin?
Nice to meet you. Urakh yem tsanot’analu hamar.
Nice to meet you too. Hacheli e handipel DZez nuynpes.
Likewise Nmanapes
It’s good to see you. Hacheli e k’ez tesnel:
Nice to see you again. Hacheli e norits’ k’ez tesnel.
Pleased to meet you. Urakh yem handipel dzez:
How nice to see you! Inch’k’an hacheli e k’ez tesnel:
What’s up? Inch’ ka?
What brings you here? Inch’ e berum dzez aystegh?
When you’re leaving
Goodbye Ts’tesut’yun
I hope we’ll meet again. Husov yem, vor menk’ norits’ khandipenk’:
I’ve got to go. Petk’ e gnam.
It was good meeting you. Lav er k’ez het handipely:
It was great seeing you again. Hianali er k’ez norits’ tesnely:
It was great to catch up! Hianali er hasnely:
See you again sometime. Yerbeve khandipenk’ norits’:
See you in the morning Ktesnvenk’ arravotyan
See you later Ktesnvenk’
See you soon Khandipenk’ shutov
See you tomorrow Ktesnvenk’ vaghy
See you tonight Khandipenk’ yerekoyan
Sleep well lav k’nel
Take care. Hog tanel.
Other greetings
Bless you Arroghjut’yun
Cheers! Voghjuyn
Farewell Hrazhesht
Good luck! Hajoghut’yun!
Talk to you soon Kkhosenk’
Welcome Bari galust
Well done! Lav arets’ir.

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