
Danish Vocabulary for Beginners: The city and public places

Danish Vocabulary: The city and public places

– Useful words you should know –


Want to learn the Danish language? Here’s a complete list of the most basic, common and useful words in Danish with their translation in English, on the topic of the city and public places. Ideal to help you boost your Danish vocabulary!

Do you spot any errors or want to add a word to the list? Don’t hesitate to leave a comment to improve the site!

a city en by
the suburbs forstæderne
the capital hovedstaden
the crowd publikum
the police politiet
the pollution forureningen
the firemen brandmændene
the toilets toiletterne
clean ren
dirty snavset
safe sikker
quiet rolige
an apartment en lejlighed
a bus stop et busstoppested
a bar en bar
a post office et posthus
a shopping center et indkøbscenter
a city center et bymidte
a castle et slot
a cemetery en kirkegård
a cinema en biograf
a police station en politistation
a dentist en tandlæge
an atm en hæveautomat
a traffic jam en trafikprop
a garage en garage
a skyscraper en skyskraber
a hospital et hospital
a hotel et hotel
a building en bygning
an apartment en lejlighed
a store en butik
a market et marked
a doctor en læge
a subway en metro
a monument et monument
a museum et museum
a park en park
a parking lot en parkeringsplads
a bridge en bro
a neighborhood et kvarter
a restaurant en restaurant
a stadium et stadion
a supermarket et supermarked
a theater et teater
a sidewalk et fortov
a village en landsby
a neighbor en nabo
a zoo en zoologisk have
a bank en bank
a library et bibliotek
a cathedral en katedral
a school en skole
a church en kirke
a queue en kø
a fountain et springvand
a train station en togstation
a bus station en busstation
a bookstore en boghandel
a mosque en moske
a pharmacy et apotek
a swimming pool en svømmepøl
a bicycle path en cykelsti
a pedestrian street en gågade
a street en gade
a main street en hovedgade
an alley en gyde
an avenue en allé
a highway en motorvej
a gas station en tankstation
a statue en statue
a synagogue en synagoge
a university et universitet
a factory en fabrik
a garbage can en skraldespand
a prison et fængsel

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Danish Vocabulary List: Colors and shapes

Danish Vocabulary: Colors and shapes

– Useful words you should know –


Want to learn the Danish language? Here’s a complete list of the most basic, common and useful words in Danish with their translation in English, on the topic of colors and shapes. Ideal to help you boost your Danish vocabulary!

Do you spot any errors or want to add a word to the list? Don’t hesitate to leave a comment to improve the site!

a color en farve
white hvid
black sort
gray grå
yellow gul
orange orange
green grøn
blue blå
red rød
brown brun
beige beige
purple lilla
mauve lilla
pink lyserød
dark mørk
golden gylden
silver sølv
a pyramid en pyramide
a square en firkant
a circle en cirkel
a triangle en trekant
a rectangle et rektangel
a star en stjerne
a line en streg
an arrow en pil
a heart et hjerte
a crescent en halvmåne

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Essential Danish Vocabulary: The calendar (days, months, seasons)

Danish Vocabulary: The calendar (days, months, seasons)

– Useful words you should know –


Want to learn the Danish language? Here’s a complete list of the most basic, common and useful words in Danish with their translation in English, on the topic of the calendar (days, months, seasons). Ideal to help you boost your Danish vocabulary!

Do you spot any errors or want to add a word to the list? Don’t hesitate to leave a comment to improve the site!

Monday Mandag
Tuesday tirsdag
Wednesday onsdag
Thursday torsdag
Friday Fredag
Saturday lørdag
Sunday Søndag
January januar
February februar
March marts
April April
May Kan
June juni
July juli
August august
September september
October oktober
November november
December december
Spring Forår
Summer Sommer
Autumn Efterår
Winter Vinter
before før
after efter
soon snart
this month denne måned
this year dette år
this week denne uge
from time to time fra tid til anden
already allerede
today i dag
tomorrow i morgen
yesterday i går
last night igåraftes
the day before yesterday dagen før i går
a long time ago for lang tid siden
a week ago en uge siden
never aldrig
next year næste år
next time næste gang
next week næste uge
next month næste måned
last year sidste år
last month sidste måned
last week sidste uge
in the morning om morgenen
in the afternoon om eftermiddagen
in the evening om aftenen
the day dagen
now nu
later senere
immediately straks
sometimes sommetider
rarely sjældent
recently for nylig
frequently ofte
often tit
very often meget ofte
slowly langsomt
quickly hurtigt
late sent
early tidlig
always altid
every day hver dag
right away med det samme
all the time hele tiden
all day long hele dagen lang
a holiday en ferie
a month en måned
a year et år
an hour en time
a minute et minut
a week en uge

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Learn Danish Vocabulary: Travel and tourism

Danish Vocabulary: Travel and tourism

– Useful words you should know –


Want to learn the Danish language? Here’s a complete list of the most basic, common and useful words in Danish with their translation in English, on the topic of travel and tourism. Ideal to help you boost your Danish vocabulary!

Do you spot any errors or want to add a word to the list? Don’t hesitate to leave a comment to improve the site!

travel rejse
tourism turisme
a hotel et hotel
on time en gang
late sent
the airport lufthavnen
landing landing
take-off afgang
the air conditioning klimaanlægget
the distance afstanden
the customs tolden
the border grænsen
the train station togstationen
the bus station busstationen
a ticket en billet
the reception receptionen
the reservation reservationen
the road vejen
a highway en motorvej
the plane flyet
by plane med fly
the bus bussen
the taxi taxaen
the train toget
the car bilen
a helicopter en helikopter
the sign skiltet
the parking lot parkeringspladsen
the passport passet
the seat sædet
the toilet toilettet
the sunglasses solbrillerne
a key en nøgle
a camera et kamera
one way ticket enkeltbillet
a return ticket en returbillet
a ticket office et billetkontor
an accommodation en bolig
a pillow en pude
a blanket et tæppe
a sleeping bag en sovepose
a luggage en bagage
a bag en pose
a backpack en rygsæk
an information en information
a tourist en turist
a vaccine en vaccine
an insurance en forsikring
a postcard et postkort
an itinerary en rejseplan
a destination en destination
a flashlight en lommelygte
an electrical outlet en stikkontakt
a tent et telt
a suitcase en kuffert
to visit at besøge
to travel at rejse
to rent at leje
to leave at forlade
to cancel at annullere
to cancel a reservation at annullere en reservation
to photograph at fotografere
the wind vinden
the snow sneen
the rain regnen
the storm stormen
the sun solen
the sea havet
a mountain et bjerg
a lake en sø
a national park en nationalpark
a country et land
a forest en skov
a cave en grotte
an island en ø
a beach en strand
the nature naturen
the landscape landskabet
sun cream solcreme
a towel et håndklæde

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Useful Danish Vocabulary – Contrary Words

Learn Danish Vocabulary: Contrary words

– Useful words you should know –


Want to learn the Danish language? Here’s a complete list of the most basic, common and useful words in Danish with their translation in English, on the topic of contrary words. Ideal to help you boost your Danish vocabulary!

Do you spot any errors or want to add a word to the list? Don’t hesitate to leave a comment to improve the site!

young ung
old gammel
empty tom
full fuld
vertical lodret
horizontal vandret
useful nyttig
useless ubrugelig
a city en by
a village en landsby
a question et spørgsmål
an answer et svar
sad trist
happy lykkelig
all alle
nothing ikke noget
a teacher en lærer
a student en studerende
early tidlig
late sent
open åben
closed lukket
first først
last sidst
secure sikker
dangerous farligt
near nær ved
far langt
sugar sukker
salt salt
dry tør
wet våd
often tit
rarely sjældent
always altid
never aldrig
same samme
different forskellige
dirty snavset
clean ren
the evening aftenen
the morning morgenen
small lille
large stor
rich rig
poor fattige
the ceiling loftet
the floor gulvet
animal dyr
human human
guilty skyldig
innocent uskyldig
here her
there der
hunger sult
the thirst tørsten
the sun solen
the moon månen
the sister søsteren
the brother broderen
slow langsom
fast hurtig
before før
after efter
heavy tung
light lys
old gammel
new ny
easy let
difficult svært
start start
finish afslut
friend ven
enemy fjende
yesterday i går
tomorrow i morgen
cold kold
hot hed
right ret
left venstre
a woman en kvinde
a man en mand
inside inde
outside uden for
strong stærk
weak svag
soft blød
hard svært
a lot en masse
a little en lille
up op
down ned
exactly nemlig
probably sandsynligvis
married gift
single enkelt
noisy støjende
quiet rolige
complicated kompliceret
simple enkel
now nu
later senere
long lang
short kort
interesting interessant
boring kedelig
normal normal
strange mærkelig
outside uden for
inside inde
the entrance indgangen
the exit udgangen
white hvid
black sort
expensive dyrt
cheap billig
to walk at gå
to run at løbe
to attach at fastgøre
to detach at løsrive sig
to go up at gå op
to go down at gå ned
to increase at forøge
to decrease at formindske
to stop at stoppe
to continue at fortsætte
to take off at tage af
to land at lande
to put on at tage på
to remove at fjerne
to move forward at komme videre
to move back at flytte tilbage
to forget at glemme
to remember at huske
to show at vise
to hide at gemme
to save at gemme
to spend at bruge
to build at bygge
to destroy at ødelægge
to arrive at ankomme
to leave at forlade
to enter at gå ind
to go out at gå ud
to laugh at grine
to cry at græde
to sell at sælge
to buy at købe
to break at ødelægge
to repair at reparere
to lend at låne
to borrow at låne
to earn at tjene
to lose at tabe
to slow down at sænke farten
to speed up at fremskynde
to search at søge
to find at finde
to pull at trække
to push at skubbe
to take at tage
to give at give
to wake up at vågne op
to fall asleep at falde i søvn
to hold at holde
to let go at give slip
to turn on at tænde
to turn off at slukke
to sell at sælge
to buy at købe
to send at sende
to receive at modtage

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Learn Danish Vocabulary: The human body, head and face

Danish Vocabulary: The human body, head and face

– Useful words you should know –


Want to learn the Danish language? Here’s a complete list of the most basic, common and useful words in Danish with their translation in English, on the topic of the human body, head and face. Ideal to help you boost your Danish vocabulary!

Do you spot any errors or want to add a word to the list? Don’t hesitate to leave a comment to improve the site!

the head hovedet
the face ansigtet
the mouth munden
the throat halsen
the cheek kinden
the tongue tungen
the lips læberne
the jaw kæben
the neck halsen
the forehead panden
the chin hagen
the nose næsen
the hair håret
the eyes øjnene
a tooth en tand
the hair håret
an ear et øre
a mustache et overskæg
a beard skæg
the skin huden
the shoulder skulderen
the forearm underarmen
the wrist håndleddet
an arm en arm
the arms armene
the elbow albuen
a hand en hånd
a thumb en tommelfinger
the fingers fingrene
the belly maven
the chest kisten
the back bagsiden
the breasts brysterne
the buttocks balderne
the foot foden
the heel hælen
the knee knæet
the leg benet
the thigh låret
a toe en tå
the stomach maven
the brain hjernen
the lungs lungerne
the skeleton skelettet
a bone en knogle
the skull kraniet
a muscle en muskel

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Danish Vocabulary List: Family and friends

Danish Vocabulary: Family and friends

– Useful words you should know –


Want to learn the Danish language? Here’s a complete list of the most basic, common and useful words in Danish with their translation in English, on the topic of family and friends. Ideal to help you boost your Danish vocabulary!

Do you spot any errors or want to add a word to the list? Don’t hesitate to leave a comment to improve the site!

the great-grandfather Oldefar
the great grandmother Oldemor
the grandfather Bedstefaderen
the grandmother Bedstemoren
the grandson barnebarnet
the granddaughter barnebarnet
the grandchildren børnebørnene
the father Faderen
the mother moderen
the parents Forældrene
the child Barnet
the children Børnene
the son Sønnen
the daughter datteren
a baby en baby
a teenager en teenager
the adults De voksne
the brother broderen
the sister søsteren
half-brother halvbror
half-sister halvsøster
a twin en tvilling
the uncle Onklen
the aunt tanten
the cousin Fætteren
the cousin Fætteren
the nephew nevøen
the niece Niecen
a friend en ven
the boyfriend kæresten
the girlfriend Kæresten
the fiancé Den forlovede
the groom brudgommen
the husband manden
the wife Konen
the parents-in-law svigerforældrene
father-in-law svigerfar
the mother-in-law svigermor
the brother-in-law Svogeren
the sister-in-law Svigerinden
the son-in-law svigersønnen
the daughter-in-law svigerdatteren
a family member et familiemedlem
adopted adopteret
only son eneste søn

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The Most Common and Useful Danish Adverbs

100 Most common Danish adverbs list

– Basic & Useful adverbs list –


Want to learn the Danish language? Here’s a complete list of the most basic, common and useful adverbs in Danish with their translation in English. Ideal to help you boost your Danish vocabulary!

Do you spot any errors or want to add an adverb to the list? Don’t hesitate to leave a comment to improve the site!

about om
absolutely absolut
accidentally ved en fejltagelse
actively aktivt
after efter
almost næsten
also også
always altid
anytime når som helst
anywhere overalt
apparently tilsyneladende
approximately rundt regnet
around rundt om
automatically automatisk
barely knap
blindness blindhed
briefly kort
calmly roligt
carefully omhyggeligt
cautiously forsigtigt
certainly sikkert
clearly klart
comfortably komfortabelt
commonly almindeligt
completely fuldstændig
constantly konstant
correctly korrekt
courageously modigt
curiously nysgerrigt
currently i øjeblikket
deliberately med vilje
delicately delikat
desperately desperat
easily let
elsewhere andre steder
enormously enormt
enough nok
everywhere overalt
exactly nemlig
exceptionally undtagelsesvis
extremely ekstremt
finally langt om længe
formerly tidligere
fortunately heldigvis
frankly ærligt talt
freely frit
hard svært
here her
honestly ærligt talt
immediately straks
inside inde
lately på det sidste
long lang
loudly højlydt
more mere
mysteriously mystisk
naturally naturligt
needlessly unødvendigt
never aldrig
normally normalt
now nu
nowhere ingen steder
obviously naturligvis
often tit
only kun
otherwise ellers
outside uden for
patiently tålmodigt
perfectly perfekt
perhaps måske
personally personligt
probably sandsynligvis
quickly hurtigt
quietly lige så stille
randomly tilfældigt
rarely sjældent
really virkelig
repeatedly gentagne gange
right away med det samme
separately separat
seriously helt seriøst
significantly væsentligt
silently stille
simply ganske enkelt
slightly en anelse
slowly langsomt
sometimes sommetider
somewhere et eller andet sted
soon snart
standing stående
still stadig
strangely mærkeligt nok
strictly strengt taget
strongly stærkt
stupidly dumt
suddenly pludselig
surprisingly overraskende
then derefter
there der
together sammen
unfortunately desværre
upside down omvendt
usually som regel
very meget
well godt
wrongly forkert

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most used Danish adverbs
list of useful Danish adverbs
list of most important Danish adverbs
common Danish adverbs
most common adverbs in Danish
most used adverbs in Danish
basic adverbs in Danish
most important adverbs in Danish
important adverbs in Danish
Danish important adverbs
Danish most important adverbs
100 most common adverbs in Danish
100 most used Danish adverbs
Commonly Used Danish adverbs
Most Widely Used Danish adverbs
Must-Know Danish adverbs for Beginners


Learn Basic Danish | Greetings and Introductions

Danish Greetings and Introductions

– Essential words and phrases to know –


Learn the essentials of Danish easily with this vocabulary list that contains all the most basic words and phrases used in Danish for greetings and Introductions, with their english translations. If you’re a beginner, it will come in handy to review or learn Danish by yourself before traveling, or if you want to enrich and improve your Danish vocabulary to better express yourself in writing and speaking!

Do you spot any errors or want to add a vocabulary word to the list? Don’t hesitate to leave a comment to improve the site!

Hello Hej
Good morning! God morgen!
Good afternoon! God eftermiddag!
Hi Hej
Good evening God aften
Good night Godnat
Sleep well Sov godt
How are you? Hvordan har du det?
I’m fine, thank you. Jeg har det fint, tak.
How about you? Hvad med dig?
Nice to meet you. Dejligt at møde dig.
Nice to meet you too. Dejligt at møde dig også.
Likewise Ligeledes
It’s good to see you. Det er godt at se dig.
Nice to see you again. Godt at se dig igen.
Pleased to meet you. Det glæder mig at møde dig.
How nice to see you! Hvor er det dejligt at se dig!
What’s up? Hvad så?
What brings you here? Hvad bringer dig her?
When you’re leaving
Goodbye Farvel
I hope we’ll meet again. Jeg håber vi ses igen.
I’ve got to go. Jeg bliver nødt til at gå.
It was good meeting you. Det var godt at møde dig.
It was great seeing you again. Det var dejligt at se dig igen.
It was great to catch up! Det var dejligt at indhente!
See you again sometime. Vi ses igen engang.
See you in the morning Ses i morgen
See you later Vi ses senere
See you soon Vi ses snart
See you tomorrow Vi ses i morgen
See you tonight Vi ses i aften
Sleep well Sov godt
Take care. Pas på.
Other greetings
Bless you Velsigne dig
Cheers! Skål!
Farewell Farvel
Good luck! Held og lykke!
Talk to you soon Vi tales snart med dig
Welcome Velkommen
Well done! Godt klaret!

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