Danish Vocabulary: The city and public places
– Useful words you should know –
Want to learn the Danish language? Here’s a complete list of the most basic, common and useful words in Danish with their translation in English, on the topic of the city and public places. Ideal to help you boost your Danish vocabulary!
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a city | en by |
the suburbs | forstæderne |
the capital | hovedstaden |
the crowd | publikum |
the police | politiet |
the pollution | forureningen |
the firemen | brandmændene |
the toilets | toiletterne |
clean | ren |
dirty | snavset |
safe | sikker |
quiet | rolige |
an apartment | en lejlighed |
a bus stop | et busstoppested |
a bar | en bar |
a post office | et posthus |
a shopping center | et indkøbscenter |
a city center | et bymidte |
a castle | et slot |
a cemetery | en kirkegård |
a cinema | en biograf |
a police station | en politistation |
a dentist | en tandlæge |
an atm | en hæveautomat |
a traffic jam | en trafikprop |
a garage | en garage |
a skyscraper | en skyskraber |
a hospital | et hospital |
a hotel | et hotel |
a building | en bygning |
an apartment | en lejlighed |
a store | en butik |
a market | et marked |
a doctor | en læge |
a subway | en metro |
a monument | et monument |
a museum | et museum |
a park | en park |
a parking lot | en parkeringsplads |
a bridge | en bro |
a neighborhood | et kvarter |
a restaurant | en restaurant |
a stadium | et stadion |
a supermarket | et supermarked |
a theater | et teater |
a sidewalk | et fortov |
a village | en landsby |
a neighbor | en nabo |
a zoo | en zoologisk have |
a bank | en bank |
a library | et bibliotek |
a cathedral | en katedral |
a school | en skole |
a church | en kirke |
a queue | en kø |
a fountain | et springvand |
a train station | en togstation |
a bus station | en busstation |
a bookstore | en boghandel |
a mosque | en moske |
a pharmacy | et apotek |
a swimming pool | en svømmepøl |
a bicycle path | en cykelsti |
a pedestrian street | en gågade |
a street | en gade |
a main street | en hovedgade |
an alley | en gyde |
an avenue | en allé |
a highway | en motorvej |
a gas station | en tankstation |
a statue | en statue |
a synagogue | en synagoge |
a university | et universitet |
a factory | en fabrik |
a garbage can | en skraldespand |
a prison | et fængsel |
➡️ More Danish vocabulary lists:
- Greetings
- Basic words to learn
- 100 most common Danish verbs
- Useful adverbs
- Useful adjectives
- Family and friends
- The human body, head and face
- Contrary words
- Travel and tourism
- The calendar (days, months, seasons)
- Colors and shapes
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