
Useful Danish Vocabulary – Contrary Words

Learn Danish Vocabulary: Contrary words

– Useful words you should know –


Want to learn the Danish language? Here’s a complete list of the most basic, common and useful words in Danish with their translation in English, on the topic of contrary words. Ideal to help you boost your Danish vocabulary!

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young ung
old gammel
empty tom
full fuld
vertical lodret
horizontal vandret
useful nyttig
useless ubrugelig
a city en by
a village en landsby
a question et spørgsmål
an answer et svar
sad trist
happy lykkelig
all alle
nothing ikke noget
a teacher en lærer
a student en studerende
early tidlig
late sent
open åben
closed lukket
first først
last sidst
secure sikker
dangerous farligt
near nær ved
far langt
sugar sukker
salt salt
dry tør
wet våd
often tit
rarely sjældent
always altid
never aldrig
same samme
different forskellige
dirty snavset
clean ren
the evening aftenen
the morning morgenen
small lille
large stor
rich rig
poor fattige
the ceiling loftet
the floor gulvet
animal dyr
human human
guilty skyldig
innocent uskyldig
here her
there der
hunger sult
the thirst tørsten
the sun solen
the moon månen
the sister søsteren
the brother broderen
slow langsom
fast hurtig
before før
after efter
heavy tung
light lys
old gammel
new ny
easy let
difficult svært
start start
finish afslut
friend ven
enemy fjende
yesterday i går
tomorrow i morgen
cold kold
hot hed
right ret
left venstre
a woman en kvinde
a man en mand
inside inde
outside uden for
strong stærk
weak svag
soft blød
hard svært
a lot en masse
a little en lille
up op
down ned
exactly nemlig
probably sandsynligvis
married gift
single enkelt
noisy støjende
quiet rolige
complicated kompliceret
simple enkel
now nu
later senere
long lang
short kort
interesting interessant
boring kedelig
normal normal
strange mærkelig
outside uden for
inside inde
the entrance indgangen
the exit udgangen
white hvid
black sort
expensive dyrt
cheap billig
to walk at gå
to run at løbe
to attach at fastgøre
to detach at løsrive sig
to go up at gå op
to go down at gå ned
to increase at forøge
to decrease at formindske
to stop at stoppe
to continue at fortsætte
to take off at tage af
to land at lande
to put on at tage på
to remove at fjerne
to move forward at komme videre
to move back at flytte tilbage
to forget at glemme
to remember at huske
to show at vise
to hide at gemme
to save at gemme
to spend at bruge
to build at bygge
to destroy at ødelægge
to arrive at ankomme
to leave at forlade
to enter at gå ind
to go out at gå ud
to laugh at grine
to cry at græde
to sell at sælge
to buy at købe
to break at ødelægge
to repair at reparere
to lend at låne
to borrow at låne
to earn at tjene
to lose at tabe
to slow down at sænke farten
to speed up at fremskynde
to search at søge
to find at finde
to pull at trække
to push at skubbe
to take at tage
to give at give
to wake up at vågne op
to fall asleep at falde i søvn
to hold at holde
to let go at give slip
to turn on at tænde
to turn off at slukke
to sell at sælge
to buy at købe
to send at sende
to receive at modtage

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