Estonian Greetings and Introductions
– Essential words and phrases to know –
Learn the essentials of Estonian easily with this vocabulary list that contains all the most basic words and phrases used in Estonian for greetings and Introductions, with their english translations. If you’re a beginner, it will come in handy to review or learn Estonian by yourself before traveling, or if you want to enrich and improve your Estonian vocabulary to better express yourself in writing and speaking!
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Hello | Tere |
Good morning! | Tere hommikust! |
Good afternoon! | Tere päevast! |
Hi | Tere |
Good evening | Tere õhtust |
Good night | Head ööd |
Sleep well | Maga hästi |
How are you? | Kuidas sul läheb? |
I’m fine, thank you. | Minuga on kõik korras, tänan. |
How about you? | Kuidas on sinuga? |
Nice to meet you. | Meeldiv tutvuda. |
Nice to meet you too. | Tore tutvuda ka. |
Likewise | Samamoodi |
It’s good to see you. | Sind on hea näha. |
Nice to see you again. | Tore sind jälle näha. |
Pleased to meet you. | Meeldiv tutvuda. |
How nice to see you! | Kui tore sind näha! |
What’s up? | Mis toimub? |
What brings you here? | Mis sind siia toob? |
When you’re leaving | |
Goodbye | Hüvasti |
I hope we’ll meet again. | Loodan, et kohtume veel. |
I’ve got to go. | ma pean minema. |
It was good meeting you. | Tore oli sinuga kohtuda. |
It was great seeing you again. | Tore oli teid jälle näha. |
It was great to catch up! | Tore oli järele jõuda! |
See you again sometime. | Näeme millalgi jälle. |
See you in the morning | Näeme hommikul |
See you later | Näeme hiljem |
See you soon | Varsti näeme |
See you tomorrow | Homme näeme |
See you tonight | Näeme täna õhtul |
Sleep well | Maga hästi |
Take care. | Ole tubli. |
Other greetings | |
Bless you | Terviseks |
Cheers! | Tervist! |
Farewell | Hüvastijätt |
Good luck! | Edu! |
Talk to you soon | Räägime varsti |
Welcome | Tere tulemast |
Well done! | Hästi tehtud! |
➡️ More Estonian vocabulary lists:
- Basic words to learn
- 100 most common Estonian verbs
- Useful adverbs
- Useful adjectives
- Family and friends
- The city and public places
- The human body, head and face
- Contrary words
- Travel and tourism
- The calendar (days, months, seasons)
- Colors and shapes
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