
Learn Danish Vocabulary: Travel and tourism

Danish Vocabulary: Travel and tourism

– Useful words you should know –


Want to learn the Danish language? Here’s a complete list of the most basic, common and useful words in Danish with their translation in English, on the topic of travel and tourism. Ideal to help you boost your Danish vocabulary!

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travel rejse
tourism turisme
a hotel et hotel
on time en gang
late sent
the airport lufthavnen
landing landing
take-off afgang
the air conditioning klimaanlægget
the distance afstanden
the customs tolden
the border grænsen
the train station togstationen
the bus station busstationen
a ticket en billet
the reception receptionen
the reservation reservationen
the road vejen
a highway en motorvej
the plane flyet
by plane med fly
the bus bussen
the taxi taxaen
the train toget
the car bilen
a helicopter en helikopter
the sign skiltet
the parking lot parkeringspladsen
the passport passet
the seat sædet
the toilet toilettet
the sunglasses solbrillerne
a key en nøgle
a camera et kamera
one way ticket enkeltbillet
a return ticket en returbillet
a ticket office et billetkontor
an accommodation en bolig
a pillow en pude
a blanket et tæppe
a sleeping bag en sovepose
a luggage en bagage
a bag en pose
a backpack en rygsæk
an information en information
a tourist en turist
a vaccine en vaccine
an insurance en forsikring
a postcard et postkort
an itinerary en rejseplan
a destination en destination
a flashlight en lommelygte
an electrical outlet en stikkontakt
a tent et telt
a suitcase en kuffert
to visit at besøge
to travel at rejse
to rent at leje
to leave at forlade
to cancel at annullere
to cancel a reservation at annullere en reservation
to photograph at fotografere
the wind vinden
the snow sneen
the rain regnen
the storm stormen
the sun solen
the sea havet
a mountain et bjerg
a lake en sø
a national park en nationalpark
a country et land
a forest en skov
a cave en grotte
an island en ø
a beach en strand
the nature naturen
the landscape landskabet
sun cream solcreme
a towel et håndklæde

➡️ More Danish vocabulary lists:


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