Danish Vocabulary: The calendar (days, months, seasons)
– Useful words you should know –
Want to learn the Danish language? Here’s a complete list of the most basic, common and useful words in Danish with their translation in English, on the topic of the calendar (days, months, seasons). Ideal to help you boost your Danish vocabulary!
Do you spot any errors or want to add a word to the list? Don’t hesitate to leave a comment to improve the site!
Monday | Mandag |
Tuesday | tirsdag |
Wednesday | onsdag |
Thursday | torsdag |
Friday | Fredag |
Saturday | lørdag |
Sunday | Søndag |
January | januar |
February | februar |
March | marts |
April | April |
May | Kan |
June | juni |
July | juli |
August | august |
September | september |
October | oktober |
November | november |
December | december |
Spring | Forår |
Summer | Sommer |
Autumn | Efterår |
Winter | Vinter |
before | før |
after | efter |
soon | snart |
this month | denne måned |
this year | dette år |
this week | denne uge |
from time to time | fra tid til anden |
already | allerede |
today | i dag |
tomorrow | i morgen |
yesterday | i går |
last night | igåraftes |
the day before yesterday | dagen før i går |
a long time ago | for lang tid siden |
a week ago | en uge siden |
never | aldrig |
next year | næste år |
next time | næste gang |
next week | næste uge |
next month | næste måned |
last year | sidste år |
last month | sidste måned |
last week | sidste uge |
in the morning | om morgenen |
in the afternoon | om eftermiddagen |
in the evening | om aftenen |
the day | dagen |
now | nu |
later | senere |
immediately | straks |
sometimes | sommetider |
rarely | sjældent |
recently | for nylig |
frequently | ofte |
often | tit |
very often | meget ofte |
slowly | langsomt |
quickly | hurtigt |
late | sent |
early | tidlig |
always | altid |
every day | hver dag |
right away | med det samme |
all the time | hele tiden |
all day long | hele dagen lang |
a holiday | en ferie |
a month | en måned |
a year | et år |
an hour | en time |
a minute | et minut |
a week | en uge |
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- Basic words to learn
- 100 most common Danish verbs
- Useful adverbs
- Useful adjectives
- Family and friends
- The city and public places
- The human body, head and face
- Contrary words
- Travel and tourism
- Colors and shapes
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