
The Most Common Adjectives in Croatian

100 Most common Croatian adjectives list

– Basic & Useful adjectives list –


Want to learn the Croatian language? Here’s a complete list of the most basic, common and useful adjectives in Croatian with their translation in English. Ideal to help you boost your Croatian vocabulary!

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a lot puno
accurate točan
bad loše
beautiful lijep
big velik
boring dosadno
brave hrabar
broken slomljen
clumsy nespretan
cold hladna
colorful šarenilo
comfortable udobno
complicated komplicirano
crazy lud
curious znatiželjan
cute sladak
dangerous opasno
dark mračno
dead mrtav
deep duboko
delicious ukusno
different drugačiji
dirty prljavi
disgusting odvratan
dry suha
easy lako
edible jestive
effective djelotvoran
elegant elegantan
empty prazan
excellent izvrsno
excited uzbuđen
exciting uzbudljiv
famous poznati
far daleko
fast brzo
first prvi
forbidden zabranjeno
friendly prijateljski
full puna
fun zabava
funny smiješno
good dobro
great Sjajno
heavy težak
high visoka
honest pošten, čestit
huge ogroman
immediate neposredna
important važno
impossible nemoguće
incredible nevjerojatan
innocent nevin
intelligent inteligentan
interesting zanimljiv
international međunarodni
jealous ljubomoran
lazy lijen
legal pravni
long dugo
many puno
mysterious tajanstvena
narrow suziti
necessary potrebno
new novi
nice Lijepo
noisy glasan
official službeno
old star
open otvorena
ordinary obični
passionate strastvena
patient pacijent
perfect savršen
polluted zagađeno
poor siromašan
popular popularan
possible moguće
powerful snažan
precious dragocjen
quiet miran
rare rijedak
rich bogati
romantic romantičan
rotten pokvaren
sad tužan
scary zastrašujuće
set postaviti
short kratak
shy stidljiv
sick bolestan
silent tihi
similar sličan
simple jednostavan
slow usporiti
small mali
solid čvrsta
special poseban
strange čudno
strong snažna
stubborn tvrdoglav
sympathetic suosjećajan
tedious dosadan
thick debeo
thin tanak
tiny sitan
tired umoran
traditional tradicionalni
unique jedinstvena
warm toplo
weak slab
weird čudan
wet mokri
worst najgori
young mlada

➡️ More Croatian vocabulary lists:


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