
Learn Burmese Vocabulary: Family and friends

Burmese Vocabulary: Family and friends

– Useful words you should know –


Want to learn the Burmese language? Hereโ€™s a complete list of the most basic, common and useful words in Burmese with their translation in English, on the topic of family and friends. Ideal to help you boost your Burmese vocabulary!

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the great-grandfather aabhoe
the great grandmother aahpwarrkyee
the grandfather aahpoe
the grandmother aahpwarr
the grandson myay
the granddaughter myay
the grandchildren myaymyarr
the father aahpay
the mother aamay
the parents mibhamyarr
the child kayl
the children kalayymyarr
the son sarr
the daughter samee
a baby kalayy
a teenager saalkyawsaattaityout
the adults luukyeemyarr
the brother aaitko
the sister nyem
half-brother hp aay tuu hp kwalaaitko
half-sister hp aay tuu makwal
a twin aamwhartaithku
the uncle ulayy
the aunt aadaw
the cousin wamkwal
the cousin wamkwal
the nephew tuu
the niece tuum
a friend suungaalhkyinntaityout
the boyfriend hkyitsuu
the girlfriend raeehcarr
the fiancรฉ hcaehcaut htarrsuu
the groom sathoetsarr
the husband hkainpwann
the wife janee
the parents-in-law mibhayawkhkam
father-in-law yawk hkasuu
the mother-in-law yawkhkam
the brother-in-law hkellao
the sister-in-law hkaalm
the son-in-law sarrmaat
the daughter-in-law hkyawaym
a family member misarrhcuwain tait u
adopted mway hcarr sai .
only son tait u taeesaw sarr

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Learn Burmese Vocabulary: The city and public places

Burmese Vocabulary: The city and public places

– Useful words you should know –


Want to learn the Burmese language? Hereโ€™s a complete list of the most basic, common and useful words in Burmese with their translation in English, on the topic of the city and public places. Ideal to help you boost your Burmese vocabulary!

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a city myahoettaitmyahoet
the suburbs sainhkyayhpone
the capital myahoettaw
the crowd luuhcu luuwayy
the police rell
the pollution nyaitnyammhu
the firemen meesaatsamarrmyarr
the toilets aainsarmyarr
clean sanshinn
dirty nyait paat sai .
safe bhayy kainn sai .
quiet tatesate
an apartment titehkaanntaithku
a bus stop bhaatitkarrmhaattine
a bar bharr
a post office hcartite
a shopping center hcyaayywaal hcaintartaithku
a city center myahoetlaal
a castle relltitetaithku
a cemetery sain hkyaine konetaithku
a cinema roteshinronetaithku
a police station rellhcahkaanntaithku
a dentist swarrsararwaan
an atm atm taithku
a traffic jam yarin kyawwpateshoetmhu
a garage karrgodaung
a skyscraper moe myahaawtitetaithku
a hospital sayyrone taitrone
a hotel hotaal
a building aasouta utaithku
an apartment titehkaanntaithku
a store sinetaithku
a market hcyaayykwattaithku
a doctor sararwaan tait u
a subway myayaoutrahtarr
a monument aahtaimaamhaattaithku
a museum pyatitetaithku
a park paannhkyaantaithku
a parking lot karrparkain
a bridge tantarrtaithku
a neighborhood rautkwattaithku
a restaurant hcarrsout sinetaitsine
a stadium aarrkahcarrkwintaithku
a supermarket hcuuparmarrkaattaithku
a theater pyajarat ronetaithku
a sidewalk lambhayy
a village rwartaitrwar
a neighbor aainneehkyinn tait u
a zoo tirahcsaranrone
a bank bhan
a library hcar kyanytitetaithku
a cathedral bhurarrshihkoekyaunggtaithku
a school kyaunggtaitkyaungg
a church bhurarrkyaunggtaithku
a queue taannhce hkyinn .
a fountain hcamray
a train station rahtarr bhuutartaithku
a bus station bhaatitkarrgate
a bookstore hcaraotesine
a mosque baletaithku
a pharmacy sayysine
a swimming pool raykuukaan
a bicycle path hcaatbheelam
a pedestrian street luu kuulam
a street lamtaithku
a main street painmalam
an alley lamkyarrtaithku
an avenue taatlamtaithku
a highway aawayypyaylam
a gas station dharatsesine
a statue rotetutaithku
a synagogue tararr jarauttaithku
a university t kแ  sol tahchku
a factory hcaatrone taitrone
a garbage can aamhaitepone
a prison htaung taithku

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Learn Burmese Vocabulary: The human body, head and face

Burmese Vocabulary: The human body, head and face

– Useful words you should know –


Want to learn the Burmese language? Hereโ€™s a complete list of the most basic, common and useful words in Burmese with their translation in English, on the topic of the human body, head and face. Ideal to help you boost your Burmese vocabulary!

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the head uhkaungg
the face myetnhar
the mouth parrhcaut
the throat laihkyaungg
the cheek parr
the tongue shar
the lips nhuathkam
the jaw mayyroe
the neck laipainn
the forehead nahpuu
the chin mayyhcae
the nose nharhkaungg
the hair sanpain
the eyes myetlonemyarr
a tooth swarrtaithkyaungg
the hair sanpain
an ear narrtaithku
a mustache nhuathkammway
a beard motesatemway
the skin a raypwarr
the shoulder pahkone
the forearm laat hpyaan
the wrist laatkoutwaat
an arm laat maunggtaithku
the arms laatnaatmyarr
the elbow tan taungsait
a hand laattaitlone
a thumb laatm
the fingers laathkyaunggmyarr
the belly wam
the chest rainbhaat
the back noutkyaww
the breasts rainsarr
the buttocks tainparr
the foot hkyay
the heel hp naw ng
the knee duu
the leg hkyayhtout
the thigh paung
a toe hkyayhkyaungg
the stomach aahcaraain
the brain unhaout
the lungs aasote
the skeleton aaroehcu
a bone aaroetaithku
the skull u hkaungghkwan
a muscle kyawatsarr taithku

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Useful Burmese Vocabulary – Contrary Words

Learn Burmese Vocabulary: Contrary words

– Useful words you should know –


Want to learn the Burmese language? Hereโ€™s a complete list of the most basic, common and useful words in Burmese with their translation in English, on the topic of contrary words. Ideal to help you boost your Burmese vocabulary!

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young luungaal
old aahaungg
empty balar
full aapyany
vertical daunglite
horizontal aalyarrlite
useful aasonewain sai .
useless aasonemakya
a city myahoettaitmyahoet
a village rwartaitrwar
a question mayyhkwanntaithku
an answer a hpway t jhahku
sad wamnaeehcarar
happy pyawtaal .
all aarrlone
nothing bharmha
a teacher sarartaityout
a student kyaunggsarr tait u
early hcawhcaw
late noutkya
open hpw ng sai .
closed patesaim
first pahtam
last noutsone
secure lonehkyuan sai .
dangerous aantararalshi sai .
near aanee
far aawayy
sugar sakyarr
salt sarr ngaan
dry hkyawwatswae
wet hco hcwatsaw
often makyaarhkan
rarely mashisalout
always aamyaelltam
never bhaaltotmha
same aatuutuuparpell .
different matuubhuu .
dirty nyait paat sai .
clean sanshinn
the evening nyanayhkainn
the morning nannaathkainn
small sayy ngaal sai .
large kyeemarrsaw
rich kyawalwasaw
poor sainnrell
the ceiling myetnharkyaat
the floor kyampyin
animal tirahcsaran
human luusarr
guilty aapyitshi sai .
innocent aapyitmashi .
here demhar
there homhar
hunger sarlaungmhu
the thirst rayngaat
the sun nay
the moon lasai
the sister nyem
the brother aaitko
slow nhaayynhaayy
fast myan sai .
before me
after pyeenout
heavy layylan
light aalainn
old aahaungg
new aasait
easy lwalpartaal .
difficult hkaattaal .
start hcatain par .
finish pyeeaaung
friend suungaalhkyinn
enemy raansuu
yesterday manaek
tomorrow manaathpyan
cold aayy
hot puu taal .
right mhaantaal
left well
a woman meinmataityout
a man luutaityout
inside aatwinpine
outside aapyinmhar
strong hkinemar taal .
weak aarr naeetaal .
soft pyaww pyaungg
hard hkaattaal .
a lot aamyarrkyee
a little aanaeengaal
up taat
down sainn
exactly aatiaakya
probably hpyitninepartaal .
married aainhtaungsai
single taithkutaee
noisy suunyansaw
quiet tatesate
complicated shotehtway sai .
simple roeshinnsaw
now yahku
later noutpine
long shi
short toto
interesting hcatewainhcarrhcarar
boring pyinnhcarar
normal ponemhaan
strange htuusaann sai .
outside aapyinmhar
inside aatwinpine
the entrance wainpout
the exit htwatpout
white aahpyauu
black aanaatraung
expensive jhayy kyeetaal .
cheap hcyaayypaw taal .
to walk lamshoutraan
to run pyayraan
to attach puutwalraan
to detach hkwalhtoteraan
to go up taathphoet
to go down sainnraan
to increase toemyahainthphoet
to decrease shothkyaraan
to stop rautraan
to continue saatraan
to take off yuuraan
to land sainnsaatraan
to put on tainraan
to remove hpaalsharrraan
to move forward shaeshoetshwaeraan
to move back pyanshwaeraan
to forget maeraan
to remember mhaatmihphoet
to show pyasaraan
to hide hponekwalraan
to save kaaltainraan
to spend sonehcwalraan
to build taisoutraan
to destroy hpyetseeraan
to arrive routshiraan
to leave htwathkwarraan
to enter wainraan
to go out aapyinhtwat
to laugh raalhphoet
to cry ngoraan
to sell raunggraan
to buy waalraan
to break hkyoeraan
to repair pyupyinraan
to lend hkyaayyraan
to borrow hkyaayyraan
to earn wainngway raraan
to lose soneshoneraan
to slow down nhaayykwayraan
to speed up aashein myaha ng raan
to search sharhpwayraan
to find sharraan
to pull swalraan
to push twannraan
to take yuuraan
to give payyraan
to wake up noehtaraan
to fall asleep aiutpyawhphoet
to hold kineraan
to let go lwhaat litepar .
to turn on hpw inthphoet
to turn off pateraan
to sell raunggraan
to buy waalraan
to send payyphoetraan
to receive laathkanraan

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Learn Burmese Vocabulary: Travel and tourism

Burmese Vocabulary: Travel and tourism

– Useful words you should know –


Want to learn the Burmese language? Hereโ€™s a complete list of the most basic, common and useful words in Burmese with their translation in English, on the topic of travel and tourism. Ideal to help you boost your Burmese vocabulary!

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travel hkareeswarr
tourism hkareeswarrlotengaann
a hotel hotaal
on time aahkyanemhaan
late noutkya
the airport laysiut
landing sainnsaat
take-off pyaan taatsai
the air conditioning layaayypayyhcaat
the distance aakwaraawayy
the customs aakouthkwan
the border naalhcaut
the train station bhuutarrone
the bus station karrgate
a ticket laatmhaattaithku
the reception e ny hkanpwal
the reservation kyaotain mharhtarr
the road lamm
a highway aawayypyaylam
the plane layyarin
by plane lay yarinhpyang
the bus bhaatitkarr
the taxi takkahce
the train rahtarr
the car karr
a helicopter rahaatyarin
the sign sain kayt
the parking lot karrparkain
the passport ninengankuulaatmhaat
the seat htinehkone
the toilet aainsar
the sunglasses nay karmyetmhaan
a key sottaithkyaungg
a camera kainmarartaitlone
one way ticket a swarr taitkyaungg taeelaatmhaat
a return ticket a pyanlaatmhaat
a ticket office laatmhaatrone
an accommodation nayrar htinehkainn
a pillow hkaungg aonetaitlone
a blanket hcaung
a sleeping bag aiutaate
a luggage hkareesaungaate
a bag aatetaitlone
a backpack kyawwpoeaate
an information aahkyetaalaattaithku
a tourist hkareeswarr tait u
a vaccine karkwalsayy
an insurance aarmahkantaithku
a postcard phoethc kaattaithku
an itinerary hkareehcaintaithku
a destination u tai rartaithku
a flashlight dharatmee
an electrical outlet shuthcait palaut pouttaithku
a tent telltaitlone
a suitcase hkareesaungaate
to visit laipaatraan
to travel hkareeswarrraan
to rent ngharhphoet
to leave htwathkwarraan
to cancel paalhpyetraan
to cancel a reservation kyaotain mharyuumhuko paalhpyetraan
to photograph dharatponeriteraan
the wind lay
the snow nhainn
the rain moe
the storm monetine
the sun nay
the sea painlaal
a mountain taungtaitlone
a lake raykaantaithku
a national park aamyoesarr u yyaarintaithku
a country ninengantaithku
a forest tawtaithku
a cave guutaithku
an island kyawann taitkyawann
a beach kamhkyaytaithku
the nature sabharw
the landscape shuhkainn
sun cream nayraungkarhkarainm
a towel myetnhar sote pu war

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Essential Burmese Vocabulary: The calendar (days, months, seasons)

Burmese Vocabulary: The calendar (days, months, seasons)

– Useful words you should know –


Want to learn the Burmese language? Hereโ€™s a complete list of the most basic, common and useful words in Burmese with their translation in English, on the topic of the calendar (days, months, seasons). Ideal to help you boost your Burmese vocabulary!

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DAYS OF THE WEEK raatsattapaat myarreatnaeraatmyarr
Monday tanainlarnae
Tuesday aaingar
Wednesday buddhahuunae
Thursday kyaarsapatayynae
Friday sawkyaar
Saturday hcanaynae
Sunday t nain ganway
THE MONTHS lamyarr
January jaannawarrel
February hpayhpawwarrel
March maatl
April epyel
May may
June jwanl
July juulinel
August syagotel
September hcaattainbhar
October aouttobharl
November nowainbharl
December dejainbhar
THE SEASONS rarsemyarr
Spring nway u
Summer nwayrarse
Autumn saungg u
Winter saunggrarse
WHEN ? bhaaltotlell ?
before me
after pyeenout
soon makyaarme
this month i latwin
this year denhait
this week deaapaat
from time to time aahkaraarrlyawhcwar
already pyeepye .
today denae
tomorrow manaathpyan
yesterday manaek
last night manaeny
the day before yesterday manae k
a long time ago kyaarpye .
a week ago lwanhkaesaw taitpaatk
never bhaaltotmha
next year noutnhait
next time nouttaitkyaain
next week larmaeetaapaat
next month noutl
last year manhaitk
last month pyeehkae sanyl
last week pyeehkae saeetaapaatk
in the morning manaatpinemhar
in the afternoon naehkainnpinemhar
in the evening nyanaypinetwin
the day naeraat
now yahku
later noutpine
immediately hkyethkyinn
sometimes taithkartaitran
rarely mashisalout
recently makyaarsayymek
frequently makyaarhkan
often makyaarhkan
very often makyaarhkan
slowly hpyihpyihkyinn
quickly myanmyan
late noutkya
early hcawhcaw
always aamyaelltam
every day naetine
right away hkyethkyinn
all the time aahkyanetine
all day long taitnaelone
a holiday aarrlautraattaitraat
a month taitl
a year taitnhait
an hour taitnarre
a minute taitminait
a week tait parat

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Burmese Vocabulary List: Colors and shapes

Burmese Vocabulary: Colors and shapes

– Useful words you should know –


Want to learn the Burmese language? Hereโ€™s a complete list of the most basic, common and useful words in Burmese with their translation in English, on the topic of colors and shapes. Ideal to help you boost your Burmese vocabulary!

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THE COLORS aaraungmyarr
a color aaraungtaithku
white aahpyauu
black aanaatraung
gray meehkoeraung
yellow aawarraung
orange lim mawsee
green aahcaimraung
blue aapyaar
red a neay rarin
brown aanyoraung
beige a war nuraungshisaw
purple hkaramraung
mauve mauve
pink paannraung
dark mhaawngya mokyasaw
golden shway
silver ngway
THE SHAPES ponehcanmyarr
a pyramid pi r maittaithku
a square hcaturaanntaithku
a circle hcaatwinetaithku
a triangle tyai gantaithku
a rectangle hc tu gantaithku
a star kyaaltaitlone
a line linetaithku
an arrow myarrtaithcainn
a heart nhalone
a crescent l hkyam

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The Most Common Adjectives in Burmese

100 Most common Burmese adjectives list

– Basic & Useful adjectives list –


Want to learn the Burmese language? Hereโ€™s a complete list of the most basic, common and useful adjectives in Burmese with their translation in English. Ideal to help you boost your Burmese vocabulary!

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a lot aamyarrkyee
accurate ti kya sai .
bad makaungg
beautiful lhasaw aasainn
big kyeetaal .
boring pyinnhcarar
brave satti
broken kyoe
clumsy nibbaranshoet
cold aayy
colorful raunghcone
comfortable aasainpyay taal .
complicated shotehtway sai .
crazy aaruu
curious hcauthcu
cute hkyithcarar
dangerous aantararalshi sai .
dark mhaawngya mokyasaw
dead saypye .
deep naatnellsaw
delicious aarasar
different matuubhuu .
dirty nyait paat sai .
disgusting rwan monehcarar
dry hkyawwatswae
easy lwalpartaal .
edible hcarrsoneninesaw
effective hti routsai .
elegant kyaww
empty balar
excellent aaramkaunggtae
excited hcatelhuutsharr
exciting hcatelhuutsharrhcarar
famous narmaikyee
far aawayy
fast myan sai .
first pahtam
forbidden tarrmyithtarr sai .
friendly hpaw rwaysaw
full aapyany
fun pyawhcarar
funny raalhcarar
good kaunggtaal
great aaramkaunggtaal .
heavy layylan
high myang marrsaw
honest roeroesarrsarr
huge erar
immediate laatngainn
important aarayykyeetaal .
impossible mahpyitninebhuu .
incredible mayone nineloutaaung
innocent aapyitmashi .
intelligent aasinyarn
interesting hcatewainhcarrhcarar
international ninengantakar
jealous manarlo
lazy pyinn ri sai .
legal tararrwain
long shi
many aamyarrkyee
mysterious shhoetwhaatsaannkyaal
narrow kyainsaw
necessary loaautsaw
new aasait
nice kaunggtae
noisy suunyansaw
official tararrwain
old aahaungg
open hpw ng sai .
ordinary sarmaan
passionate aasaeeaasaan
patient luunar
perfect pyee pyany hconesaw
polluted nyaitnyam sai .
poor sainnrell
popular narmaikyee
possible hpyitninesai .
powerful aahcwmhtaat
precious aahpoetaan
quiet tatesate
rare sharrpartaal .
rich kyawalwasaw
romantic aahkyitrayy
rotten pote
sad wamnaee
scary kyawwathcarar
set saatmhaat
short toto
shy shattaal .
sick naymakaungg
silent aasantate
similar aalarrtuu
simple roeshinnsaw
slow nhaayynhaayy
small sayy ngaal sai .
solid a hcineaahkell
special aahtuu
strange htuusaann sai .
strong hkinemar taal .
stubborn hkaungg mar sai .
sympathetic kohkyinnhcar taal .
tedious a pyinn kyeetaal .
thick aahtuu
thin pein taal .
tiny sayyngaalsaw
tired painpaann sai .
traditional roerar
unique htuuhkyarrsaw
warm nway
weak aarr naeetaal .
weird htuusaanntaal .
wet hco hcwatsaw
worst aasoesone
young luungaal

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The Most Common and Useful Burmese Adverbs

100 Most common Burmese adverbs list

– Basic & Useful adverbs list –


Want to learn the Burmese language? Hereโ€™s a complete list of the most basic, common and useful adverbs in Burmese with their translation in English. Ideal to help you boost your Burmese vocabulary!

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about aakyaungg
absolutely lonew
accidentally matawtas
actively taattaatkyawkyaw
after pyeenout
almost neeparr
also kolaee
always aamyaelltam
anytime aahkyanemarway
anywhere bhaalnayrarmaso
apparently nyemarae
approximately hkanmhaannhkyay
around paatpaatlai
automatically aaloaalyawwat
barely aaninenine
blindness myethci kwal hkyinn .
briefly a to hkyaone
calmly aayyaayysayysayy
carefully garutahcite
cautiously satihtarrpyee
certainly sayhkyaartaal .
clearly shinnshinnlainnlainn
comfortably a ngyai m
commonly a myarraarrhpyang
completely lonew
constantly aasaatmapyat
correctly mhaanmhaankaankaan
courageously sattishishi
curiously hcauthcu taal .
currently lawlawsaal
deliberately tamaintakar
delicately sain sainmwaemwae
desperately hkyataal .
easily aalwaltakuu
elsewhere tahkyarrnayrarmhar
enormously aalwantarar
enough loneloutsaw
everywhere nayrartine
exactly aatiaakya
exceptionally hkyawinhkyet
extremely aalwanaamainn
finally noutsonetot
formerly aaraink
fortunately kankaungg htout mahcwar
frankly aahkyitrae
freely lwatlauthcwar
hard hkaattaal .
here demhar
honestly roeroesarrsarr
immediately hkyethkyinn
inside aatwinpine
lately makyaarsayymek
long shi
loudly kyaallaunghcwar
more nouthtaut
mysteriously htuuhtuuhkyarrhkyarr
naturally sabharwakyakya
needlessly maloaautbhell
never bhaaltotmha
normally ponemhaan
now yahku
nowhere bhaalnayrarmharmha
obviously sisar sai .
often makyaarhkan
only aarrloneaatwat
otherwise mahoterain
outside aapyinmhar
patiently hcateshihcwar
perfectly hconelainhcwar
perhaps hpyitkaungg
personally puggolrayyaar
probably hpyitninepartaal .
quickly myanmyan
quietly tatesatehcwar
randomly kyapaann
rarely mashisalout
really takaal
repeatedly aakyaainkyaain
right away hkyethkyinn
separately seehkyarrhce
seriously aalayyaanaathtarr
significantly sisisarsar
silently tatetatesatesate
simply roe shinnhcwar
slightly aanaeengaal
slowly hpyihpyihkyinn
sometimes taithkartaitran
somewhere taitnayrarrarmhar
soon makyaarme
standing raut naysai .
still sell
strangely htuuhtuuhkyarrhkyarr
strictly tainnkyauthcwar
strongly pyinnpyinnhtaanhtaan
stupidly m auu malai
suddenly rotetaraat
surprisingly aan syahcarar
then hthoetnout
there homhar
together aatuu
unfortunately kanmakaungg par .
upside down jouthtoe
usually myarrsaw aarrhpyang
very aaram
well kaunggpye
wrongly mharywinhcwar

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The 50 Most Common Burmese Verbs

50 Most common Burmese verbs list

– Basic & Useful verbs list –


Want to learn the Burmese language? Hereโ€™s a complete list of the most basic, common and useful verbs in Burmese with their translation in English. Ideal to help you boost your Burmese vocabulary!

Do you spot any errors or want to add a verb to the list? Don’t hesitate to leave a comment to improve the site!

to accept laathkanraan
to add htanyraan
to allow hkwngpyuraan
to answer hpyay soraan
to arrive routshiraan
to ask mayyraan
to be hpyitraan
to become hpyitlarraan
to believe yonekyihphoet
to break hkyoeraan
to bring yuularraan
to buy waalraan
to call hkawraan
to change pyaungglellraan
to choose rwayhkyaalraan
to clean sanshinnraan
to close pateraan
to come larraan
to come back pyanlarraan
to continue saatraan
to cook hkyetpyuatraan
to count raytwatraan
to cry ngoraan
to cut hpyatraan
to decide sonehpyatraan
to do loteraan
to drive maunggraan
to eat hcarrraan
to enter wainraan
to exist taishiraan
to explain shinnpyaraan
to fall lellhphoet
to fall asleep aiutpyawhphoet
to find sharraan
to finish pee sone ranya
to fly pyaansaannraan
to follow litenarraan
to forget maeraan
to get off sainnraan
to get out htwatraan
to give payyraan
to go swarrraan
to have shihphoet
to hear kyarrhphoet
to help kuunyehphoet
to hold kineraan
to keep hcawng shoutraan
to know siraan
to laugh raalhphoet
to learn sainyuuraan
to leave htwathkwarraan
to listen narrhtaunghphoet
to live aasaatshinraan
to look like kyaitetaal .
to look kyi shuraan
to lose soneshoneraan
to love hkyithphoet
to make loteraan
to meet twaehphoet
to need loaaut
to open hpw int lhaitraan
to pay payyraan
to play kahcarrraan
to prepare pyinsainraan
to prevent tarrseeraan
to put tainraan
to read hpaatraan
to recall pyanlai saimsaeeraan
to receive laathkanraan
to recognize aasiaamhaatpyuraan
to refuse ngyinnsoraan
to remember mhaatmihphoet
to repeat pyanlote par .
to rest aanarryuuraan
to return pyanhphoet
to run pyayraan
to say pyawwraan
to search sharhpwayraan
to see kyiraan
to sell raunggraan
to send payyphoetraan
to shoot paitraan
to show pyasaraan
to sing sesoraan
to sit down htineraan
to sleep aiutraan
to start hcatainraan
to stay nayhphoet
to stop rautraan
to succeed aaungmyinhphoet
to switch off pateraan
to take yuuraan
to talk hcakarrpyawwraan
to taste aarasar myiraan
to think hcain hcarrraan
to throw paitraan
to touch htiraan
to try kyaoehcarrraan
to turn a lha ny
to turn on hpw inthphoet
to understand narrlairaan
to use aasonepyuraan
to wait hcawng sineraan
to wake up noehtaraan
to walk lamshoutraan
to want lohkyin sai .
to wash up rayhkyoeraan
to wear waatsainraan
to win aanineraraan
to work aaloteloteraan
to write rayyhphoet

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