
Learn Basic Czech | Greetings and Introductions

Czech Greetings and Introductions

– Essential words and phrases to know –


Learn the essentials of Czech easily with this vocabulary list that contains all the most basic words and phrases used in Czech for greetings and Introductions, with their english translations. If you’re a beginner, it will come in handy to review or learn Czech by yourself before traveling, or if you want to enrich and improve your Czech vocabulary to better express yourself in writing and speaking!

Do you spot any errors or want to add a vocabulary word to the list? Don’t hesitate to leave a comment to improve the site!

Hello Ahoj
Good morning! Dobré ráno!
Good afternoon! Dobré odpoledne!
Hi Ahoj
Good evening Dobrý večer
Good night Dobrou noc
Sleep well Dobře se vyspi
How are you? Jak se máte?
I’m fine, thank you. Mám se dobře, děkuji.
How about you? co ty?
Nice to meet you. Rád vás poznávám.
Nice to meet you too. Také tě ráda poznávám.
Likewise Rovněž
It’s good to see you. Je dobré tě vidět.
Nice to see you again. Rád tě zase vidím.
Pleased to meet you. Rád vás poznávám.
How nice to see you! Jak mile je te videt!
What’s up? Co se děje?
What brings you here? Kde se tu berete?
When you’re leaving
Goodbye Ahoj
I hope we’ll meet again. doufám, že se znovu setkáme.
I’ve got to go. Musím jít.
It was good meeting you. Rád jsem tě poznal.
It was great seeing you again. Bylo skvělé tě znovu vidět.
It was great to catch up! Bylo skvělé to dohnat!
See you again sometime. Uvidíme se zase někdy.
See you in the morning Uvidíme se ráno
See you later Uvidíme se později
See you soon Brzy se uvidíme
See you tomorrow Uvidíme se zítra
See you tonight Ahoj večer
Sleep well Dobře se vyspi
Take care. Opatruj se.
Other greetings
Bless you Požehnej vám
Cheers! Na zdraví!
Farewell Rozloučení
Good luck! Hodně štěstí!
Talk to you soon Brzy na slyšenou
Welcome Vítejte
Well done! Výborně!

➡️ More Czech vocabulary lists:


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