
The 100 Most Common Turkish Verbs

100 Most common Turkish verbs list

– Basic & Useful verbs list –


Want to learn the Turkish language? Here’s a complete list of the most basic, common and useful verbs in Turkish with their translation in English. Ideal to help you boost your Turkish vocabulary!

Do you spot any errors or want to add a verb to the list? Don’t hesitate to leave a comment to improve the site!

to accept kabul etmek
to add eklemek için
to allow izin vermek için
to answer cevap vermek için
to arrive varmak için
to ask sormak için
to be olmak
to become olmak
to believe inanmak
to break kırmak için
to bring getirmek için
to buy satın almak için
to call aramak için
to change değiştirmek için
to choose seçmek için
to clean temizlemek için
to close kapatmak için
to come gelmek için
to come back geri gelmek için
to continue devam etmek için
to cook yemek pişirmek için
to count saymak için
to cry ağlamak için
to cut kesmek için
to decide karar vermek
to do yapmak için
to drive sürmek için
to eat yemek için
to enter girmek için
to exist var olmak
to explain açıklamak için
to fall düşmek için
to fall asleep uykuya dalmak
to find Bulunacak olan
to finish bitirmek için
to fly uçmak için
to follow takip etmek için
to forget unutmak
to get off inmek için
to get out dışarı çıkmak için
to give Vermek
to go gitmek için
to have sahip olmak
to hear duymak için
to help yardım etmek için
to hold tutmak için
to keep tutmak için
to know Bilmek
to laugh gülmek
to learn Öğrenmek
to leave Ayrılmak
to listen dinlemek için
to live yaşamak için
to look like gibi görünmek
to look bakmak için
to lose kaybetmek
to love sevmek
to make yapmak için
to meet tanışmak için
to need ihtiyaç duymak
to open açmak için
to pay ödemek için
to play oynamak için
to prepare hazırlanmak için
to prevent önlemek için
to put koymak için
to read okumak için
to recall hatırlamak için
to receive almak için
to recognize tanımak için
to refuse reddetmek
to remember hatırlamak
to repeat tekrarlamak için
to rest dinlenmek için
to return geri dönmek için
to run çalıştırmak için
to say demek
to search aramak için
to see Görmek
to sell satmak için
to send göndermek için
to shoot ateş etmek için
to show göstermek için
to sing şarkı söylemek için
to sit down oturmak için
to sleep uyumak için
to start başlamak için
to stay kalmak için
to stop durdurmak için
to succeed başarılı olmak
to switch off kapatmak için
to take almak için
to talk konuşmak için
to taste tatmak için
to think düşünmek
to throw atmak için
to touch dokunmak için
to try Denemek
to turn dönmek için
to turn on açmak için
to understand anlamak
to use kullanmak için
to wait beklemek için
to wake up uyanmak için
to walk yürümek için
to want İstemek
to wash up yıkamak için
to wear Giymek
to win kazanmak için
to work çalışmak için
to write Yazmak

➡️ More Turkish vocabulary lists:


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most used Turkish verbs
list of useful Turkish verbs
list of most important Turkish verbs
common Turkish verbs
most common verbs in Turkish
most used verbs in Turkish
basic verbs in Turkish
most important verbs in Turkish
important verbs in Turkish
Turkish important verbs
Turkish most important verbs
100 most common verbs in Turkish
100 most used Turkish verbs
Commonly Used Turkish Verbs
Most Widely Used Turkish Verbs
Must-Know Turkish Verbs for Beginners


The 100 Most Common Thai Verbs

100 Most common Thai verbs list

– Basic & Useful verbs list –


Want to learn the Thai language? Here’s a complete list of the most basic, common and useful verbs in Thai with their translation in English. Ideal to help you boost your Thai vocabulary!

Do you spot any errors or want to add a verb to the list? Don’t hesitate to leave a comment to improve the site!

to accept ที่จะยอมรับ Thī̀ ca yxmrạb
to add เพื่อเพิ่ม pheụ̄̀x pheìm
to allow อนญาต xnỵāt
to answer เพื่อตอบ pheụ̄̀x txb
to arrive ที่จะมาถึง thī̀ ca mā t̄hụng
to ask ที่จะถาม thī̀ ca t̄hām
to be เป็น pĕn
to become ที่จะกลายเป็น thī̀ ca klāy pĕn
to believe ที่จะเชื่อ thī̀ ca cheụ̄̀x
to break ที่จะทำลาย thī̀ ca thảlāy
to bring ที่จะนำ thī̀ ca nả
to buy ที่จะซื้อ thī̀ ca sụ̄̂x
to call โทร thor
to change เพื่อเปลี่ยน pheụ̄̀x pelī̀yn
to choose เลือก leụ̄xk
to clean ทำความสะอาด thảkhwām s̄axād
to close ใกล้ kıl̂
to come ที่จะมา thī̀ ca mā
to come back ที่จะกลับมา thī̀ ca klạb mā
to continue เพื่อจะดำเนินการต่อ pheụ̄̀x ca dảnein kār t̀x
to cook เพื่อทำอาหาร pheụ̄̀x thả xāh̄ār
to count เพื่อนับ pheụ̄̀x nạb
to cry ร้องไห้ r̂xngh̄ị̂
to cut ที่จะตัด thī̀ ca tạd
to decide ในการตัดสินใจ nı kār tạds̄incı
to do ทำ thả
to drive ขับ k̄hạb
to eat กิน kin
to enter เพื่อป้อน pheụ̄̀x p̂xn
to exist ออก xxk
to explain อธิบาย xṭhibāy
to fall จะลดลง ca ld lng
to fall asleep ง่วงนอน ng̀wng nxn
to find การค้นหา kār kĥnh̄ā
to finish ที่จะเสร็จสิ้น thī̀ ca s̄er̆c s̄în
to fly ที่จะบิน thī̀ ca bin
to follow ที่จะปฏิบัติตาม thī̀ ca pt̩ibạti tām
to forget ลืม lụ̄m
to get off เพื่อลง pheụ̄̀x lng
to get out ที่จะออกไป thī̀ ca xxk pị
to give ที่จะให้ thī̀ ca h̄ı̂
to go ไป pị
to have เพื่อที่จะมี pheụ̄̀x thī̀ ca mī
to hear ที่จะได้ยิน thī̀ ca dị̂yin
to help เพื่อช่วย pheụ̄̀x ch̀wy
to hold ที่จะถือ thī̀ ca t̄hụ̄x
to keep เก็บ kĕb
to know ที่จะรู้ว่า thī̀ ca rū̂ ẁā
to laugh หัวเราะ h̄ạwreāa
to learn เพื่อเรียนรู้ pheụ̄̀x reīyn rū̂
to leave ทิ้ง thîng
to listen เพื่อฟัง pheụ̄̀x fạng
to live เพื่อมีชีวิต pheụ̄̀x mī chīwit
to look like เพื่อให้ดูเหมือน pheụ̄̀x h̄ı̂ dūh̄emụ̄xn
to look มอง mxng
to lose ที่จะสูญเสีย thī̀ ca s̄ūỵ s̄eīy
to love ที่จะรัก thī̀ ca rạk
to make เพื่อทำ pheụ̄̀x thả
to meet พบ phb
to need ต้องการ t̂xngkār
to open เพื่อเปิด pheụ̄̀x peid
to pay จ่าย c̀āy
to play เล่น lèn
to prepare เตรียมตัว terīymtạw
to prevent เพื่อหลีกเลี่ยง pheụ̄̀x h̄līk leī̀yng
to put ที่จะนำ thī̀ ca nả
to read อ่าน x̀ān
to recall เพื่อเรียกคืน pheụ̄̀x reīyk khụ̄n
to receive ที่จะได้รับ thī̀ ca dị̂ rạb
to recognize เพื่อรับรู้ pheụ̄̀x rạb rū̂
to refuse ที่จะปฏิเสธ thī̀ ca pt̩is̄eṭh
to remember เพื่อจดจำ pheụ̄̀x cdcả
to repeat ทำซ้ำ thả ŝả
to rest เพื่อที่จะพัก pheụ̄̀x thī̀ ca phạk
to return ที่จะกลับมา thī̀ ca klạb mā
to run วิ่ง wìng
to say เพื่อพูด pheụ̄̀x phūd
to search ค้นหา kĥnh̄ā
to see เพื่อที่จะได้เห็น pheụ̄̀x thī̀ ca dị̂ h̄ĕn
to sell ขาย k̄hāy
to send ส่ง s̄̀ng
to shoot ในการถ่ายภาพ nı kār t̄h̀āy p̣hāph
to show แสดง s̄ædng
to sing ร้องเพลง r̂xngphelng
to sit down นั่งลง nạ̀ng lng
to sleep นอน nxn
to start เริ่ม reìm
to stay ที่จะอยู่ thī̀ ca xyū̀
to stop ที่จะหยุด thī̀ ca h̄yud
to succeed เพื่อประสบความสําเร็จ pheụ̄̀x pra s̄b khwām s̄̊ārĕc
to switch off ปิด pid
to take ที่จะใช้ thī̀ ca chı̂
to talk เพื่อที่จะพูด pheụ̄̀x thī̀ ca phūd
to taste เพื่อลิ้มรส pheụ̄̀x lîm rs̄
to think คิด khid
to throw ที่จะโยน thī̀ ca yon
to touch สัมผัส s̄ạmp̄hạs̄
to try ลอง lxng
to turn ที่จะเลี้ยว thī̀ ca leī̂yw
to turn on เปิด peid
to understand เข้าใจไหม k̄hêācı h̄ịm
to use ใช้ chı̂
to wait เพื่อรอ pheụ̄̀x rx
to wake up ตื่นนอน tụ̄̀n nxn
to walk ที่จะเดิน thī̀ ca dein
to want ต้องการ t̂xngkār
to wash up เพื่อล้าง pheụ̄̀x l̂āng
to wear เพื่อสวมใส่ pheụ̄̀x s̄wm s̄ı̀
to win ที่จะชนะ thī̀ ca chna
to work ไปทำงาน pị thảngān
to write เขียน k̄heīyn

➡️ More Thai vocabulary lists:


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most used Thai verbs
list of useful Thai verbs
list of most important Thai verbs
common Thai verbs
most common verbs in Thai
most used verbs in Thai
basic verbs in Thai
most important verbs in Thai
important verbs in Thai
Thai important verbs
Thai most important verbs
100 most common verbs in Thai
100 most used Thai verbs
Commonly Used Thai Verbs
Most Widely Used Thai Verbs
Must-Know Thai Verbs for Beginners


The 100 Most Common Swedish Verbs

100 Most common Swedish verbs list

– Basic & Useful verbs list –


Want to learn the Swedish language? Here’s a complete list of the most basic, common and useful verbs in Swedish with their translation in English. Ideal to help you boost your Swedish vocabulary!

Do you spot any errors or want to add a verb to the list? Don’t hesitate to leave a comment to improve the site!

to accept att acceptera
to add att lägga till
to allow för att tillåta
to answer för att svara
to arrive att komma fram
to ask att fråga
to be att vara
to become att bli
to believe att tro
to break att bryta
to bring att ta med
to buy att köpa
to call att ringa
to change att ändra
to choose att välja
to clean att rengöra
to close för att stänga
to come kommande
to come back att komma tillbaka
to continue att fortsätta
to cook att laga mat
to count att räkna
to cry att gråta
to cut att klippa
to decide att bestämma sig
to do att göra
to drive att köra
to eat att äta
to enter för att komma in
to exist att existera
to explain att förklara
to fall att falla
to fall asleep att somna
to find att hitta
to finish för att avsluta
to fly att flyga
to follow att följa
to forget att glömma
to get off att gå av
to get out att komma ut
to give att ge
to go att gå
to have att ha
to hear att höra
to help för att hjälpa
to hold att hålla
to keep att behålla
to know att veta
to laugh att skratta
to learn att lära sig
to leave att lämna
to listen att lyssna
to live att leva
to look like att se ut som
to look att titta
to lose att förlora
to love att älska
to make att göra
to meet att träffas
to need att behöva
to open för att öppna
to pay att betala
to play att spela
to prepare att förbereda
to prevent för att förhindra
to put att sätta
to read att läsa
to recall att återkalla
to receive att ta emot
to recognize att känna igen
to refuse att vägra
to remember att komma ihåg
to repeat att upprepa
to rest att vila
to return att återvända
to run att springa
to say att säga
to search för att söka
to see att se
to sell att sälja
to send att skicka
to shoot att skjuta
to show att visa
to sing att sjunga
to sit down att sitta ner
to sleep att sova
to start för att börja
to stay att stanna
to stop att sluta
to succeed att lyckas
to switch off för att stänga av
to take att ta
to talk att prata
to taste efter smak
to think att tänka
to throw att kasta
to touch att röra vid
to try att försöka
to turn för att vända
to turn on så här aktiverar du
to understand att förstå
to use att använda
to wait att vänta
to wake up att vakna
to walk att gå
to want att vilja
to wash up att diska
to wear ha på sig
to win att vinna
to work att arbeta
to write att skriva

➡️ More Swedish vocabulary lists:


© – Do not copy on other sites


most used Swedish verbs
list of useful Swedish verbs
list of most important Swedish verbs
common Swedish verbs
most common verbs in Swedish
most used verbs in Swedish
basic verbs in Swedish
most important verbs in Swedish
important verbs in Swedish
Swedish important verbs
Swedish most important verbs
100 most common verbs in Swedish
100 most used Swedish verbs
Commonly Used Swedish Verbs
Most Widely Used Swedish Verbs
Must-Know Swedish Verbs for Beginners


The 100 Most Common Swahili Verbs

100 Most common Swahili verbs list

– Basic & Useful verbs list –


Want to learn the Swahili language? Here’s a complete list of the most basic, common and useful verbs in Swahili with their translation in English. Ideal to help you boost your Swahili vocabulary!

Do you spot any errors or want to add a verb to the list? Don’t hesitate to leave a comment to improve the site!

to accept kukubali
to add kuongeza
to allow kuruhusu
to answer kujibu
to arrive kufika
to ask kuuliza
to be kuwa
to become kuwa
to believe Kuamini
to break Kuvunjika
to bring kuleta
to buy kununua
to call kupiga simu
to change kubadilika
to choose kuchagua
to clean kusafisha
to close kufunga
to come kuja
to come back kurudi
to continue kuendelea
to cook kupika
to count kuhesabu
to cry kulia
to cut kukata
to decide Kuamua
to do kufanya
to drive kuendesha gari
to eat kula
to enter Kuingia
to exist kuwepo
to explain kufafanua
to fall kuanguka
to fall asleep kulala usingizi
to find Kupata
to finish kumaliza
to fly kuruka
to follow kufuata
to forget Kusahau
to get off kuondoka
to get out Ili kutoka
to give Kupea
to go kwenda
to have kuwa na
to hear kusikia
to help kusaidia
to hold kushikilia
to keep kuweka
to know Kujua
to laugh kucheka
to learn Kujifunza
to leave Kuondoka
to listen Kusikiliza
to live kuishi
to look like kuonekana kama
to look kuangalia
to lose kupoteza
to love kupenda
to make kutengeneza
to meet kukutana
to need kuhitaji
to open kufungua
to pay kulipa
to play kucheza
to prepare Kujiandaa
to prevent kuzuia
to put kuweka
to read kusoma
to recall kukumbuka
to receive kupokea
to recognize kutambua
to refuse kukataa
to remember kukumbuka
to repeat kurudia
to rest kupumzika
to return kurudi
to run kukimbia
to say kusema
to search kutafuta
to see Kuona
to sell kuuza
to send kutuma
to shoot kupiga risasi
to show kuonyesha
to sing kuimba
to sit down kukaa chini
to sleep kulala
to start kuanza
to stay kukaa
to stop kuacha
to succeed kufanikiwa
to switch off kuzima
to take kuchukua
to talk kuzungumza
to taste kuonja
to think kufikiria
to throw kutupa
to touch kugusa
to try Kujaribu
to turn kugeuka
to turn on kuwasha
to understand kuelewa
to use kutumia
to wait kusubiri
to wake up kuamka
to walk kutembea
to want Kutaka
to wash up Kuosha
to wear Kuvalia
to win kushinda
to work kufanya kazi
to write Kuandika

➡️ More Swahili vocabulary lists:


© – Do not copy on other sites


most used Swahili verbs
list of useful Swahili verbs
list of most important Swahili verbs
common Swahili verbs
most common verbs in Swahili
most used verbs in Swahili
basic verbs in Swahili
most important verbs in Swahili
important verbs in Swahili
Swahili important verbs
Swahili most important verbs
100 most common verbs in Swahili
100 most used Swahili verbs
Commonly Used Swahili Verbs
Most Widely Used Swahili Verbs
Must-Know Swahili Verbs for Beginners


The 100 Most Common Slovenian Verbs

100 Most common Slovenian verbs list

– Basic & Useful verbs list –


Want to learn the Slovenian language? Here’s a complete list of the most basic, common and useful verbs in Slovenian with their translation in English. Ideal to help you boost your Slovenian vocabulary!

Do you spot any errors or want to add a verb to the list? Don’t hesitate to leave a comment to improve the site!

to accept da sprejmejo
to add za dodajanje
to allow omogočanje
to answer za odgovor
to arrive za prihod
to ask da vas vprašam
to be ki jih je treba
to become da postanejo
to believe verjeti
to break za prekinitev
to bring da bi
to buy za nakup
to call za klic
to change za spremembo
to choose izberite
to clean za čiščenje
to close za zapiranje
to come da pridejo
to come back da se vrnem.
to continue za nadaljevanje
to cook za kuhanje
to count za štetje
to cry jokati
to cut za rezanje
to decide za odločitev
to do narediti
to drive za vožnjo
to eat za jesti
to enter za vnos
to exist obstajati
to explain za razlago
to fall padec
to fall asleep zaspati
to find najti
to finish za dokončanje
to fly za letenje
to follow da sledite
to forget za pozabljanje
to get off za izklop
to get out za izhod
to give dati
to go za pojdi
to have da je
to hear za poslušanje
to help za pomoč
to hold držati
to keep za ohraniti
to know vedeti
to laugh za smeh
to learn zvedeti
to leave zapustiti
to listen poslušati
to live živeti
to look like da izgledajo kot
to look za pogled
to lose za izgubo
to love ljubiti
to make da bi
to meet za izpolnitev
to need za potrebe
to open za odpiranje
to pay za plačilo
to play za predvajanje
to prepare za pripravo
to prevent za preprečevanje
to put da se
to read za branje
to recall za odpoklic
to receive za prejemanje
to recognize za prepoznava
to refuse zavrniti
to remember zapomniti
to repeat za ponovitev
to rest za počitek
to return za vrnitev
to run zagon
to say za povedati
to search iskanje
to see za večjo
to sell za prodajo
to send za pošiljanje
to shoot ustreliti
to show za prikaz
to sing za pojejo
to sit down da se usede
to sleep za spanje
to start za začetek
to stay za bivanje
to stop za zaustavitev
to succeed za uspeh
to switch off izklop
to take za jemanje
to talk za pogovor
to taste po okusu
to think misliti
to throw za metanje
to touch dotaknite se
to try poskusiti
to turn za obračanje
to turn on vklop
to understand razumeti
to use za uporabo
to wait počakajte
to wake up da se zbudi
to walk za hojo
to want želeti
to wash up za umiti
to wear nositi
to win za zmago
to work za delo
to write pisati

➡️ More Slovenian vocabulary lists:


© – Do not copy on other sites


most used Slovenian verbs
list of useful Slovenian verbs
list of most important Slovenian verbs
common Slovenian verbs
most common verbs in Slovenian
most used verbs in Slovenian
basic verbs in Slovenian
most important verbs in Slovenian
important verbs in Slovenian
Slovenian important verbs
Slovenian most important verbs
100 most common verbs in Slovenian
100 most used Slovenian verbs
Commonly Used Slovenian Verbs
Most Widely Used Slovenian Verbs
Must-Know Slovenian Verbs for Beginners


The 100 Most Common Slovak Verbs

100 Most common Slovak verbs list

– Basic & Useful verbs list –


Want to learn the Slovak language? Here’s a complete list of the most basic, common and useful verbs in Slovak with their translation in English. Ideal to help you boost your Slovak vocabulary!

Do you spot any errors or want to add a verb to the list? Don’t hesitate to leave a comment to improve the site!

to accept Prijať
to add pridať
to allow povoliť
to answer odpoveď
to arrive prísť
to ask opýtať sa
to be byť
to become stať sa
to believe veriť
to break na prestávku
to bring priniesť
to buy kúpiť
to call Ak chcete zavolať
to change zmeniť
to choose vybrať si
to clean na čistenie
to close zavrieť
to come prísť
to come back vrátiť sa
to continue pokračovať
to cook variť
to count počítať
to cry plakať
to cut na rezanie
to decide rozhodnúť sa
to do čo robiť
to drive šoférovať
to eat jesť
to enter vstúpiť
to exist existovať
to explain vysvetliť
to fall spadnúť
to fall asleep zaspať
to find nájsť
to finish dokončiť
to fly lietať
to follow sledovať
to forget zabudnúť
to get off vystúpiť
to get out dostať sa von
to give dať
to go ísť
to have mať
to hear počuť
to help na pomoc
to hold držať
to keep ponechať
to know vedieť
to laugh smiať sa
to learn dozvedieť sa
to leave odísť
to listen počúvať
to live žiť
to look like vyzerať ako
to look pozrieť sa
to lose prehrať
to love milovať
to make urobiť
to meet stretnúť sa
to need potrebovať
to open otvoriť
to pay zaplatiť
to play hrať
to prepare pripraviť
to prevent aby sa zabránilo
to put dať
to read Čítať
to recall na stiahnutie z trhu
to receive prijímať
to recognize rozpoznať
to refuse odmietnuť
to remember zapamätať si
to repeat opakovať
to rest na odpočinok
to return vrátiť sa
to run spustiť
to say povedať
to search vyhľadávanie
to see vidieť
to sell predať
to send poslať
to shoot na streľbu
to show ukázať
to sing spievať
to sit down sadnúť si
to sleep spať
to start na začiatok
to stay zostať
to stop zastaviť
to succeed uspieť
to switch off na vypnutie
to take vziať
to talk hovoriť
to taste podľa chuti
to think myslieť
to throw hádzať
to touch dotknúť sa
to try skúsiť
to turn otočíte
to turn on zapnutie
to understand pochopiť
to use na použitie
to wait čakať
to wake up zobudiť sa
to walk chodiť
to want chcieť
to wash up umyť sa
to wear nosiť
to win vyhrať
to work do práce
to write písať

➡️ More Slovak vocabulary lists:


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most used Slovak verbs
list of useful Slovak verbs
list of most important Slovak verbs
common Slovak verbs
most common verbs in Slovak
most used verbs in Slovak
basic verbs in Slovak
most important verbs in Slovak
important verbs in Slovak
Slovak important verbs
Slovak most important verbs
100 most common verbs in Slovak
100 most used Slovak verbs
Commonly Used Slovak Verbs
Most Widely Used Slovak Verbs
Must-Know Slovak Verbs for Beginners


The 100 Most Common Serbian Verbs

100 Most common Serbian verbs list

– Basic & Useful verbs list –


Want to learn the Serbian language? Here’s a complete list of the most basic, common and useful verbs in Serbian with their translation in English. Ideal to help you boost your Serbian vocabulary!

Do you spot any errors or want to add a verb to the list? Don’t hesitate to leave a comment to improve the site!

to accept da prihvatim
to add da biste dodali
to allow da dozvoli
to answer da odgovorim
to arrive da stigneš
to ask da pitam
to be da bude
to become da postanem
to believe da verujem
to break da se slomi
to bring da donesem
to buy da kupim
to call da pozovem
to change da se promeni
to choose da odaberem
to clean za čišćenje
to close da zatvorim
to come da dođe
to come back da se vratim
to continue da nastavim
to cook da kuvam
to count za prebrojavanje
to cry da zaplačem
to cut da presečem
to decide da odlučim
to do da biste to uradili
to drive za disk jedinicu
to eat da jedem
to enter da biste uneli
to exist da postoji
to explain da objasnim
to fall da padne
to fall asleep da zaspim
to find naći
to finish da završim
to fly da letim
to follow da biste ih pratili
to forget da zaboravim
to get off da sišem
to get out da izađem
to give dati
to go za odlazak
to have da ima
to hear da čuješ
to help da biste pomogli
to hold da izdržim
to keep da zadržim
to know znati
to laugh da se smejem
to learn učiti
to leave napustiti
to listen da slušam
to live da bi živeo
to look like da izgledam kao
to look da pogledam
to lose da izgubim
to love voleti
to make da napravim
to meet u susret
to need da treba
to open da biste otvorili
to pay da platim
to play za reprodukciju
to prepare za pripremu
to prevent da sprečim
to put da stavim
to read za čitanje
to recall za opoziv
to receive za prijem
to recognize da prepoznam
to refuse da odbijem
to remember da se setim
to repeat da ponovim
to rest da se odmoriš
to return da se vrati
to run za pokretanje
to say da kažem
to search za pretraživanje
to see videti
to sell za prodaju
to send za slanje
to shoot da pucam
to show da se prikaže
to sing da pevam
to sit down da sednem
to sleep za spavanje
to start za početak
to stay da ostanem
to stop da se zaustavi
to succeed da bi uspeo
to switch off da se isključim
to take da uzmem
to talk da pričamo
to taste po ukusu
to think da pomislim
to throw da bacim
to touch na dodir
to try pokušati
to turn da se okrenem
to turn on da se uključi
to understand da razumem
to use za korišćenje
to wait da sačekam
to wake up da se probudim
to walk da hodam
to want želeti
to wash up da se opere
to wear nositi
to win da pobedim
to work na posao
to write pisati

➡️ More Serbian vocabulary lists:


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most used Serbian verbs
list of useful Serbian verbs
list of most important Serbian verbs
common Serbian verbs
most common verbs in Serbian
most used verbs in Serbian
basic verbs in Serbian
most important verbs in Serbian
important verbs in Serbian
Serbian important verbs
Serbian most important verbs
100 most common verbs in Serbian
100 most used Serbian verbs
Commonly Used Serbian Verbs
Most Widely Used Serbian Verbs
Must-Know Serbian Verbs for Beginners

russian vocabulary

The 100 Most Common Russian Verbs

100 Most common Russian verbs list

– Basic & Useful verbs list –


Want to learn the Russian language? Here’s a complete list of the most basic, common and useful verbs in Russian with their translation in English. Ideal to help you boost your Russian vocabulary!

Do you spot any errors or want to add a verb to the list? Don’t hesitate to leave a comment to improve the site!

to accept принять prinyat
to add добавить dobavit
to allow чтобы разрешить chtoby razreshit
to answer ответить otvetit
to arrive прибывать pribivat
to ask спросить sprosit
to be будущий budushchiy
to become стать stat
to believe верить verit
to break сломать slomat
to bring привезти privezti
to buy купить kupyt
to call позвонить pozvonit
to change изменить izmenit
to choose выбрать vybrat
to clean для очистки dla ochiste
to close закрыть zakryt
to come приехать priekhat
to come back вернуться vernutsya
to continue чтобы продолжить chtoby prodolzhyt
to cook готовить gotovit
to count для подсчета dla podscheta
to cry плакать plakat
to cut вырезать vyrezat
to decide принять решение prinyat reshenie
to do сделать sdelat
to drive водить vodit
to eat поесть poest
to enter для входа dla vkhoda
to exist существовать sushchestvovat
to explain объяснить obyasnit
to fall упасть upast
to fall asleep заснуть zasnut
to find Найти naiti
to finish чтобы закончить chtoby zakonchit
to fly летать letat
to follow следить за новостями sledit saa novostyami
to forget забыть zabyt
to get off чтобы сойти chtoby soiti
to get out чтобы выбраться chtoby vybratsya
to give Давать davat
to go идти idti
to have иметь imet
to hear услышать uslyshat
to help чтобы помочь chtoby pomoch
to hold держать derzhat
to keep сохранить sochranite
to know Знать znat
to laugh смеяться smeyatsya
to learn Научиться nauchitsya
to leave Уезжать ouezzat
to listen слушать slushat
to live жить zhit
to look like чтобы выглядеть как chtoby vyglyadet kak
to look посмотреть posmotret
to lose проиграть proigrat
to love любить liubit
to make сделать sdelat
to meet встретиться vstretitsya
to need нуждаться nuzhdatsya
to open открыть otkrit
to pay оплатить oplatite
to play играть igrat
to prepare для подготовки dla podgotovki
to prevent для предотвращения dla predotvrashcheniya
to put поставить postavit
to read читать chitat
to recall отозвать otozvat
to receive получить poluchit
to recognize распознать raspoznat
to refuse отказаться otkazatsya
to remember запомнить zapomnite
to repeat повторить povtorit
to rest на отдых na otdykh
to return вернуться vernutsya
to run для запуска dla zapuska
to say сказать skazat
to search для поиска dla poisca
to see Увидеть uvidet
to sell продать prodat
to send отправить otpravit
to shoot стрелять strelyat
to show показать pokazat
to sing петь pet
to sit down присесть prisesti
to sleep спать spat
to start для начала dla nachala
to stay остаться ostatsya
to stop остановиться ostanovitsya
to succeed чтобы добиться успеха chtoby dobytsia uspekha
to switch off , чтобы выключить , chtoby vyklyuchit
to take взять vzyat
to talk поговорить pogovorit
to taste по вкусу pau vkusu
to think думать dumat
to throw бросить brosit
to touch на ощупь na oshchup
to try Пытаться pytatsya
to turn повернуть povernut
to turn on для включения dla vklyucheniya
to understand чтобы понять chtoby ponyat
to use использовать ispolzovat
to wait ждать zhdat
to wake up чтобы проснуться chtoby prosnutsya
to walk гулять gulyat
to want Хотеть khotet
to wash up мыть myt
to wear Носить nosit
to win чтобы выиграть chtoby viigrat
to work Работать rabotat
to write Написать napisat

➡️ More Russian vocabulary lists:


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most used Russian verbs
list of useful Russian verbs
list of most important Russian verbs
common Russian verbs
most common verbs in Russian
most used verbs in Russian
basic verbs in Russian
most important verbs in Russian
important verbs in Russian
Russian important verbs
Russian most important verbs
100 most common verbs in Russian
100 most used Russian verbs
Commonly Used Russian Verbs
Most Widely Used Russian Verbs
Must-Know Russian Verbs for Beginners


The 100 Most Common Romanian Verbs

100 Most common Romanian verbs list

– Basic & Useful verbs list –


Want to learn the Romanian language? Here’s a complete list of the most basic, common and useful verbs in Romanian with their translation in English. Ideal to help you boost your Romanian vocabulary!

Do you spot any errors or want to add a verb to the list? Don’t hesitate to leave a comment to improve the site!

to accept pentru a accepta
to add pentru a adăuga
to allow pentru a permite
to answer pentru a răspunde
to arrive pentru a ajunge
to ask pentru a cere
to be a fi
to become a deveni
to believe a crede
to break pentru a rupe
to bring pentru a aduce
to buy pentru a cumpăra
to call pentru a apela
to change pentru a schimba
to choose pentru a alege
to clean pentru a curăța
to close pentru a închide
to come a veni
to come back pentru a reveni
to continue pentru a continua
to cook pentru a găti
to count pentru a număra
to cry a plânge
to cut pentru a tăia
to decide pentru a decide
to do a face
to drive pentru a conduce
to eat a mânca
to enter pentru a intra
to exist a exista
to explain pentru a explica
to fall a cădea
to fall asleep pentru a adormi
to find a găsi
to finish pentru a termina
to fly pentru a zbura
to follow de urmat
to forget a uita
to get off pentru a coborî
to get out pentru a ieși
to give a da
to go pentru a merge
to have a avea
to hear a auzi
to help pentru a ajuta
to hold a ține apăsat
to keep pentru a păstra
to know a şti
to laugh a râde
to learn a învăţa
to leave a pleca
to listen pentru a asculta
to live a trăi
to look like pentru a arata ca
to look să se uite
to lose a pierde
to love a iubi
to make pentru a face
to meet pentru a se întâlni
to need a avea nevoie
to open pentru a deschide
to pay pentru a plăti
to play pentru a juca
to prepare pentru a se pregăti
to prevent pentru a preveni
to put pentru a pune
to read pentru a citi
to recall pentru a reaminti
to receive pentru a primi
to recognize a recunoaște
to refuse a refuza
to remember să ne amintim
to repeat pentru a repeta
to rest să se odihnească
to return pentru a reveni
to run pentru a rula
to say a spune
to search pentru a căuta
to see pentru a vedea
to sell pentru a vinde
to send pentru a trimite
to shoot pentru a trage
to show pentru a afișa
to sing a cânta
to sit down să se așeze
to sleep să doarmă
to start pentru a începe
to stay pentru a rămâne
to stop pentru a opri
to succeed pentru a reuși
to switch off pentru a opri
to take pentru a lua
to talk pentru a vorbi
to taste după gust
to think a gândi
to throw a arunca
to touch pentru a atinge
to try a încerca
to turn pentru a transforma
to turn on pentru a activa
to understand pentru a înțelege
to use pentru a utiliza
to wait să aștepte
to wake up pentru a te trezi
to walk a merge
to want a dori
to wash up pentru a se spăla
to wear a purta
to win pentru a câștiga
to work pentru a lucra
to write a scrie

➡️ More Romanian vocabulary lists:


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most used Romanian verbs
list of useful Romanian verbs
list of most important Romanian verbs
common Romanian verbs
most common verbs in Romanian
most used verbs in Romanian
basic verbs in Romanian
most important verbs in Romanian
important verbs in Romanian
Romanian important verbs
Romanian most important verbs
100 most common verbs in Romanian
100 most used Romanian verbs
Commonly Used Romanian Verbs
Most Widely Used Romanian Verbs
Must-Know Romanian Verbs for Beginners

polish vocabulary

The 100 Most Common Polish Verbs

100 Most common Polish verbs list

– Basic & Useful verbs list –


Want to learn the Polish language? Here’s a complete list of the most basic, common and useful verbs in Polish with their translation in English. Ideal to help you boost your Polish vocabulary!

Do you spot any errors or want to add a verb to the list? Don’t hesitate to leave a comment to improve the site!

to accept akceptować
to add dodawać
to allow pozwolić
to answer odpowiedź
to arrive przybyć
to ask pytać
to be być
to become stawać się
to believe wierzyć
to break przerwa
to bring przynieść
to buy kupić
to call nazwać
to change zmieniać
to choose wybierać
to clean czysty
to close zamykać
to come przychodzić
to come back Wracaj
to continue kontynuować
to cook kucharz
to count hrabia
to cry płakać
to cut ciąć
to decide decydować
to do robić
to drive stacja dysków
to eat jeść
to enter wejść
to exist istnieć
to explain wyjaśniać
to fall jesień
to fall asleep zasnąć
to find znaleźć
to finish skończyć
to fly mucha
to follow następować
to forget zapominać
to get off Wysiadać
to get out Wynoś się
to give dać
to go iść
to have mieć
to hear słyszeć
to help Pomoc
to hold trzymać
to keep zachować
to know wiedzieć
to laugh śmiać się
to learn uczyć się
to leave opuszczać
to listen słuchać
to live mieszkać
to look like Wyglądać
to look patrzeć
to lose zgubić
to love miłość
to make robić
to meet spełnić
to need potrzeba
to open otwierać
to pay płacić
to play grać
to prepare przygotować
to prevent zapobiegać
to put kłaść
to read czytać
to recall pamiętać
to receive otrzymać
to recognize rozpoznać
to refuse odmówić
to remember pamiętać
to repeat powtórzyć
to rest odpoczynek
to return wrócić
to run biegać
to say powiedzieć
to search szukać
to see widzieć
to sell sprzedawać
to send Wyślij
to shoot strzelać
to show pokazać
to sing śpiewać
to sit down Usiądź
to sleep spać
to start początek
to stay pobyt
to stop zatrzymać
to succeed odnieść sukces
to switch off wyłączyć
to take brać
to talk mówić
to taste smak
to think myśleć
to throw rzucać
to touch Dotyk
to try próbować
to turn skręcić
to turn on włączyć
to understand rozumieć
to use używać
to wait czekać
to wake up Budzić
to walk iść
to want chcieć
to wash up zmywanie naczyń
to wear nosić
to win wygrać
to work praca
to write pisać

➡️ More Polish vocabulary lists:


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most used Polish verbs
list of useful Polish verbs
list of most important Polish verbs
common Polish verbs
most common verbs in Polish
most used verbs in Polish
basic verbs in Polish
most important verbs in Polish
important verbs in Polish
Polish important verbs
Polish most important verbs
100 most common verbs in Polish
100 most used Polish verbs
Commonly Used Polish Verbs
Most Widely Used Polish Verbs
Must-Know Polish Verbs for Beginners