
Useful Slovenian Words – Contrary Words

Learn Slovenian Vocabulary: Contrary words

– Useful words you should know –


Want to learn the Slovenian language? Here’s a complete list of the most basic, common and useful words in Slovenian with their translation in English, on the topic of contrary words. Ideal to help you boost your Slovenian vocabulary!

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young mlada
old star
empty prazno
full poln
vertical navpično
horizontal vodoravno
useful uporaben
useless neuporaben
a city mesto
a village vas
a question vprašanje
an answer odgovor
sad žalosten
happy srečen
all vse
nothing nič
a teacher učitelj
a student študent
early zgodaj
late pozen
open odprto
closed zaprto
first prvi
last zadnji
secure varno
dangerous nevarno
near blizu
far daleč
sugar sladkor
salt sol
dry suho
wet mokra
often pogosto
rarely redko
always nenehno
never nikoli
same enako
different drugačen
dirty umazan
clean čisto
the evening večer
the morning jutro
small majhna
large velik
rich bogata
poor ubogi
the ceiling strop
the floor tla
animal žival
human človek
guilty kriv
innocent nedolžen
here tukaj
there tam
hunger lakota
the thirst žeja
the sun sonce
the moon luna
the sister sestra
the brother brat
slow počasi
fast hitro
before prej
after po
heavy težka
light svetloba
old star
new novo
easy enostavno
difficult težko
start začetek
finish končati
friend prijatelj
enemy sovražnik
yesterday včeraj
tomorrow jutri
cold hladno
hot vroče
right prav
left levo
a woman ženska
a man moški
inside znotraj
outside zunaj
strong močan
weak šibka
soft mehko
hard težko
a lot veliko
a little malo
up gor
down navzdol
exactly točno
probably verjetno
married poročena
single samski
noisy hrupno
quiet tih
complicated zapleteno
simple preprosto
now zdaj
later pozneje
long dolga
short kratek
interesting zanimivo
boring dolgočasno
normal normalno
strange čudno
outside zunaj
inside znotraj
the entrance vhod
the exit izhod
white bela
black črna
expensive drago
cheap poceni
to walk hoditi
to run teči
to attach priložiti
to detach odklopiti
to go up iti gor
to go down iti dol
to increase povečati
to decrease zmanjšati
to stop ustaviti
to continue nadaljevati
to take off vzleteti
to land pristati
to put on nadeti
to remove odstraniti
to move forward premakniti naprej
to move back premakniti se nazaj
to forget pozabiti
to remember spomniti se
to show pokazati
to hide skriti
to save shraniti
to spend zapraviti
to build zgraditi
to destroy uničiti
to arrive prispeti
to leave oditi
to enter vstopiti
to go out iti ven
to laugh smejati se
to cry jokati
to sell prodati
to buy kupiti
to break zlomiti
to repair popraviti
to lend posojati
to borrow posoditi
to earn zaslužiti
to lose izgubiti
to slow down upočasniti
to speed up pospešiti
to search iskanje
to find najti
to pull vleči
to push potisniti
to take vzeti
to give dati
to wake up zbuditi se
to fall asleep zaspati
to hold držati
to let go izpustiti
to turn on prižgati
to turn off ugasniti
to sell prodati
to buy kupiti
to send poslati
to receive prejeti

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