
Serbian Vocabulary List • Colors and shapes

Serbian Vocabulary: Colors and shapes

– Useful words you should know –


Want to learn the Serbian language? Here’s a complete list of the most basic, common and useful words in Serbian with their translation in English, on the topic of colors and shapes. Ideal to help you boost your Serbian vocabulary!

Do you spot any errors or want to add a word to the list? Don’t hesitate to leave a comment to improve the site!

a color boju
white beo
black crna
gray grej
yellow žuta
orange narandžasta
green zelena
blue plava
red crvena
brown braon
beige beћ
purple ljubiиasti
mauve mauve
pink roze
dark mraиno
golden zlatni
silver srebro
a pyramid piramida
a square kvadrat
a circle krug
a triangle trougao
a rectangle pravougaonik
a star zvezda
a line linija
an arrow strelica
a heart srce
a crescent polumesec

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Essential Serbian Vocabulary: The calendar (days, months, seasons)

Serbian Vocabulary: The calendar (days, months, seasons)

– Useful words you should know –


Want to learn the Serbian language? Here’s a complete list of the most basic, common and useful words in Serbian with their translation in English, on the topic of the calendar (days, months, seasons). Ideal to help you boost your Serbian vocabulary!

Do you spot any errors or want to add a word to the list? Don’t hesitate to leave a comment to improve the site!

Monday Ponedeljak
Tuesday Utorak
Wednesday Sreda
Thursday Četvrtak
Friday Petak
Saturday Subota
Sunday Subota
January Januar
February Februar
March Mart
April April
May Maj
June Jun
July Jul
August Avgust
September Septembar
October Oktobar
November Novembar
December Decembar
Spring Proleжe
Summer Leta
Autumn Jesen
Winter Zimski
before pre
after posle
soon uskoro
this month ovog meseca
this year ove godine
this week ove sedmice
from time to time s vremena na vreme
already veж
today danas
tomorrow sutra
yesterday juče
last night sinoć
the day before yesterday prekjuče
a long time ago pre mnogo vremena
a week ago pre nedelju dana
never nikad
next year sledeće godine
next time sledeći put
next week sledeća sedmica
next month sledećeg meseca
last year prošle godine
last month prošlog meseca
last week prošlu sedmicu
in the morning ujutro
in the afternoon u popodnevnim časovima
in the evening uveče
the day dan
now sada
later kasnije
immediately odmah
sometimes ponekad
rarely retko
recently nedavno
frequently često
often иesto
very often vrlo često
slowly polako
quickly brzo
late kasno
early rano
always uvek
every day svaki dan
right away odmah
all the time celo vreme
all day long po ceo dan
a holiday praznik
a month mesec dana
a year godinu dana
an hour sat
a minute minutu
a week sedmica

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Learn Serbian Vocabulary • Travel and tourism

Serbian Vocabulary: Travel and tourism

– Useful words you should know –


Want to learn the Serbian language? Here’s a complete list of the most basic, common and useful words in Serbian with their translation in English, on the topic of travel and tourism. Ideal to help you boost your Serbian vocabulary!

Do you spot any errors or want to add a word to the list? Don’t hesitate to leave a comment to improve the site!

travel putovati
tourism turizam
a hotel hotel
on time na vreme
late kasno
the airport aerodrom
landing sletanje
take-off poletanje
the air conditioning klima uređaj
the distance daljina
the customs običaji
the border ivica
the train station železnička stanica
the bus station autobuska stanica
a ticket tiket
the reception prijem
the reservation rezervacija
the road put
a highway autoput
the plane avion
by plane avionom
the bus autobus
the taxi taksi
the train voz
the car auto
a helicopter helikopter
the sign znak
the parking lot parking
the passport pasoš
the seat sedište
the toilet wc šolja
the sunglasses naočare za sunce
a key ključ
a camera fotoaparat
one way ticket karta u jednom pravcu
a return ticket povratna karta
a ticket office biletar
an accommodation smeštaj
a pillow jastuk
a blanket ćebe
a sleeping bag vreća za spavanje
a luggage prtljag
a bag kesica
a backpack ranac
an information informacija
a tourist turista
a vaccine vakcina
an insurance osiguranje
a postcard razglednica
an itinerary plan puta
a destination odredište
a flashlight baterijska lampa
an electrical outlet električna utičnica
a tent šator
a suitcase kofer
to visit da posetim
to travel da putujem
to rent za iznajmljivanje
to leave napustiti
to cancel da otkažem
to cancel a reservation da otkažete rezervaciju
to photograph za fotografisanje
the wind vetar
the snow sneg
the rain kiša
the storm oluja
the sun sunce
the sea more
a mountain planina
a lake jezero
a national park nacionalni park
a country zemlja
a forest šuma
a cave pećina
an island ostrvo
a beach plaža
the nature priroda
the landscape pejzaž
sun cream krema za sunčanje
a towel peškir

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Useful Serbian Words – Contrary Words

Learn Serbian Vocabulary: Contrary words

– Useful words you should know –


Want to learn the Serbian language? Here’s a complete list of the most basic, common and useful words in Serbian with their translation in English, on the topic of contrary words. Ideal to help you boost your Serbian vocabulary!

Do you spot any errors or want to add a word to the list? Don’t hesitate to leave a comment to improve the site!

young mlad
old stari
empty prazan
full puna
vertical vertikala
horizontal horizontalno
useful korisnim
useless beskorisno
a city grad
a village selo
a question pitanje
an answer odgovor
sad tužno
happy srećna
all sve
nothing ništa
a teacher nastavnik
a student student
early rano
late kasno
open otvoren
closed zatvoreno
first prvi
last poslednji
secure siguran
dangerous opasno
near blizu
far daleko
sugar šećer
salt so
dry suv
wet mokar
often često
rarely retko
always uvek
never nikad
same isti
different različit
dirty prljavo
clean čist
the evening veče
the morning jutro
small mali
large veliki
rich bogat
poor jadan
the ceiling plafon
the floor sprat
animal životinja
human ljudski
guilty kriv
innocent nevin
here ovde
there tamo
hunger glad
the thirst žeđ
the sun sunce
the moon mesec
the sister sestra
the brother brat
slow spor
fast brzo
before pre nego što
after posle
heavy težak
light svetlosti
old stari
new nova
easy lako
difficult teško
start početak
finish završiti
friend prijatelju
enemy neprijatelj
yesterday juče
tomorrow sutra
cold hladno
hot vruće
right jel tako
left levo
a woman žena
a man čovek
inside u
outside spolja
strong jaka
weak slab
soft soft
hard teško
a lot mnogo
a little malo
up gore
down dole
exactly baš tako
probably verovatno
married oženjen
single jedno
noisy bučan
quiet tiho
complicated komplikovan
simple jednostavan
now sada
later kasnije
long dugačak
short kratak
interesting zanimljivo
boring dosadan
normal normalan
strange čudan
outside spolja
inside u
the entrance ulaz
the exit izlaz
white beo
black crn
expensive skupo
cheap jeftino
to walk hodati
to run trčati
to attach priložiti
to detach odvojiti se
to go up da ide gore
to go down ići dole
to increase povećati
to decrease da smanji
to stop da se zaustavi
to continue nastaviće se
to take off da poleti
to land da sleti
to put on staviti na
to remove ukloniti
to move forward da se krene napred
to move back da se pomerim nazad
to forget zaboraviti
to remember zapamtiti
to show pokazati
to hide sakriti se
to save da sačuvate
to spend potrošiti
to build izgraditi
to destroy da uništi
to arrive stići
to leave napustiti
to enter ući
to go out izaći
to laugh smejati se
to cry plakati
to sell prodati
to buy kupiti
to break slomiti
to repair za popravku
to lend da pozajmljuju
to borrow da se zadužuju
to earn zaraditi
to lose izgubiti
to slow down da uspori
to speed up ubrzati
to search potražiti
to find pronaći
to pull povući
to push gurati
to take uzeti
to give dati
to wake up da se probudim
to fall asleep zaspe
to hold da drže
to let go prepustiti se
to turn on da biste uključili
to turn off da isključite
to sell prodati
to buy kupiti
to send poslati
to receive primiti

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Serbian Vocabulary (PDF): The human body, head and face

Serbian Vocabulary: The human body, head and face

– Useful words you should know –


Want to learn the Serbian language? Here’s a complete list of the most basic, common and useful words in Serbian with their translation in English, on the topic of the human body, head and face. Ideal to help you boost your Serbian vocabulary!

Do you spot any errors or want to add a word to the list? Don’t hesitate to leave a comment to improve the site!

the head glavu
the face lice
the mouth usta
the throat grlo
the cheek obraz
the tongue jezik
the lips usne
the jaw vilica
the neck vrat
the forehead čelo
the chin brada
the nose nos
the hair kosa
the eyes očima
a tooth zub
the hair kosa
an ear uvo
a mustache brkovi
a beard bradu
the skin koža
the shoulder rame
the forearm podlakticu
the wrist zglob
an arm ruku
the arms ruke
the elbow lakat
a hand ruka
a thumb palac
the fingers prstima
the belly trbuh
the chest grudi
the back leđa
the breasts grudi
the buttocks zadnjica
the foot stopalo
the heel peta
the knee koleno
the leg nogu
the thigh butina
a toe jedan šmek
the stomach stomak
the brain mozak
the lungs pluća
the skeleton kostur
a bone kost
the skull lobanja
a muscle mišić

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Serbian Vocabulary for Beginners: The city and public places

Serbian Vocabulary: The city and public places

– Useful words you should know –


Want to learn the Serbian language? Here’s a complete list of the most basic, common and useful words in Serbian with their translation in English, on the topic of the city and public places. Ideal to help you boost your Serbian vocabulary!

Do you spot any errors or want to add a word to the list? Don’t hesitate to leave a comment to improve the site!

a city grad
the suburbs predgrađe
the capital prestonica
the crowd gužva
the police policija
the pollution zagađenje
the firemen vatrogasci
the toilets toaleti
clean иist
dirty prljavi
safe sigurno
quiet tiho
an apartment stan
a bus stop autobuska stanica
a bar kafana
a post office pošta
a shopping center tržni centar
a city center centar grada
a castle zamak
a cemetery groblje
a cinema bioskop
a police station policijska stanica
a dentist zubar
an atm bankomat
a traffic jam gužva u saobraćaju
a garage garaža
a skyscraper soliter
a hospital bolnica
a hotel hotel
a building zgrada
an apartment stan
a store prodavnica
a market pijaca
a doctor doktor
a subway podzemna železnica
a monument spomenik
a museum muzej
a park park
a parking lot parking
a bridge most
a neighborhood komšiluk
a restaurant restoran
a stadium stadion
a supermarket supermarket
a theater pozorište
a sidewalk trotoar
a village selo
a neighbor komšija
a zoo zoološki vrt
a bank banka
a library biblioteka
a cathedral katedrala
a school škola
a church crkva
a queue red
a fountain fontana
a train station železnička stanica
a bus station autobuska stanica
a bookstore knjižara
a mosque džamija
a pharmacy apoteka
a swimming pool bazen
a bicycle path biciklistička staza
a pedestrian street pešačka ulica
a street ulicu
a main street glavna ulica
an alley uličica
an avenue avenija
a highway autoput
a gas station benzinska pumpa
a statue statua
a synagogue sinagoga
a university univerzitet
a factory fabrika
a garbage can kanta za đubre
a prison zatvor

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Basic Serbian Vocabulary: Family and friends

Serbian Vocabulary: Family and friends

– Useful words you should know –


Want to learn the Serbian language? Here’s a complete list of the most basic, common and useful words in Serbian with their translation in English, on the topic of family and friends. Ideal to help you boost your Serbian vocabulary!

Do you spot any errors or want to add a word to the list? Don’t hesitate to leave a comment to improve the site!

the great-grandfather pradeda
the great grandmother prababa
the grandfather dedu
the grandmother baba
the grandson unuk
the granddaughter unuka
the grandchildren unuci
the father otac
the mother majka
the parents roditelji
the child dete
the children deca
the son sin
the daughter kćerka
a baby beba
a teenager tinejdžer
the adults odrasli
the brother brat
the sister sestra
half-brother polubrat
half-sister polusestra
a twin blizanac
the uncle ujak
the aunt tetka
the cousin rođaka
the nephew sestrić
the niece sestričina
a friend prijatelj
the boyfriend dečko
the girlfriend devojka
the fiancé verenik
the groom mladoženja
the husband muž
the wife žena
the parents-in-law svešteni roditelji
father-in-law tast
the mother-in-law svekrva
the brother-in-law šuga
the sister-in-law snajka
the son-in-law zeta
the daughter-in-law snaja
a family member član porodice
adopted usvojen
only son jedini sin

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The Most Common Adjectives in Serbian

100 Most common Serbian adjectives list

– Basic & Useful adjectives list –


Want to learn the Serbian language? Here’s a complete list of the most basic, common and useful adjectives in Serbian with their translation in English. Ideal to help you boost your Serbian vocabulary!

Do you spot any errors or want to add an adjective to the list? Don’t hesitate to leave a comment to improve the site!

a lot Mnogo
accurate Precizan
bad Loљe
beautiful Prelepa
big Veliki
boring Dosadno
brave Hrabri
broken Slomljena
clumsy Nespretna
cold prehlada
colorful Ћivopisan
comfortable Udobno
complicated Komplikovano
crazy Lud
curious Radoznao
cute Slatka
dangerous Opasno
dark Mraиno
dead Mrtav
deep dubok
delicious Ukusno
different Različite
dirty Prljavi
disgusting Odvratno
dry Suva
easy lak
edible Jestivo
effective Efektivno
elegant Elegantno
empty prazan
excellent Odliиno
excited Uzbuрen
exciting Uzbudljivo
famous Poznat
far Daleko
fast Brzo
first Prvi
forbidden Zabranjeno
friendly Prijateljski
full Pun
fun Zabavno
funny Smeљno
good Dobro
great Veliki
heavy Teљko
high Visoko
honest Iskren
huge Ogroman
immediate Hitnu
important Vaћno
impossible Nemoguжe
incredible Neverovatno
innocent Nevin
intelligent Inteligentan
interesting Zanimljivo
international Međunarodne
jealous Ljubomoran
lazy Lenj
legal Pravni
long Dugo
many Mnogo
mysterious tajanstven
narrow Suziti
necessary Neophodno
new Novi
nice Lepo
noisy Buиno
official Zvaniиno
old Stari
open Otvorite
ordinary Obiиan
passionate Strastveni
patient Pacijent
perfect Savrљeno
polluted Zagaрen
poor siromašan
popular Popularan
possible Moguжe
powerful Moжan
precious Dragoceno
quiet Tiho
rare Retko
rich Bogat
romantic Romantiиno
rotten Trulo
sad Tuћno
scary Straљno
set Postavite
short Kratka
shy Stidljiv
sick Bolestan
silent Tihi
similar Slične
simple Jednostavno
slow Sporo
small Mali
solid Иvrst
special Posebno
strange Иudno
strong Jak
stubborn Tvrdoglav
sympathetic Saoseжajni
tedious Dosadno
thick Debela
thin Mrљav
tiny Mali
tired Umorna
traditional Tradicionalni
unique Jedinstveni
warm Toplo
weak Slab
weird Иudno
wet Vlaћna
worst Najgori
young Mlada

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most used Serbian adjectives
list of useful Serbian adjectives
list of most important Serbian adjectives
common Serbian adjectives
most common adjectives in Serbian
most used adjectives in Serbian
basic adjectives in Serbian
most important adjectives in Serbian
important adjectives in Serbian
Serbian important adjectives
Serbian most important adjectives
100 most common adjectives in Serbian
100 most used Serbian adjectives
Commonly Used Serbian adjectives
Most Widely Used Serbian adjectives
Must-Know Serbian adjectives for Beginners


The Most Common and Useful Serbian Adverbs

100 Most common Serbian adverbs list

– Basic & Useful adverbs list –


Want to learn the Serbian language? Here’s a complete list of the most basic, common and useful adverbs in Serbian with their translation in English. Ideal to help you boost your Serbian vocabulary!

Do you spot any errors or want to add an adverb to the list? Don’t hesitate to leave a comment to improve the site!

about o
absolutely apsolutno
accidentally sluиajno
actively aktivno
after posle
almost skoro
also takođe
always uvek
anytime bilo kada
anywhere nigde
apparently oиigledno
approximately otprilike
around oko
automatically automatski
barely jedva
blindness slepilo
briefly kratko
calmly mirno
carefully paћljivo
cautiously oprezno
certainly sigurno
clearly jasno
comfortably udobno
commonly često
completely potpuno
constantly stalno
correctly ispravno
courageously hrabro
curiously zanimljivo
currently trenutno
deliberately namerno
delicately delikatno
desperately oиajniиki
easily lako
elsewhere drugde
enormously veoma
enough dovoljno
everywhere svuda
exactly taиno
exceptionally izuzetno
extremely izuzetno
finally konaиno
formerly nekadašnji
fortunately sreжom
frankly iskreno
freely slobodno
hard teљko
here ovde
honestly iskreno
immediately odmah
inside unutra
lately skoro
long dugo
loudly glasno
more viљe
mysteriously misteriozno
naturally naravno
needlessly bespotrebno
never nikad
normally normalno
now sada
nowhere nigde
obviously oиigledno
often иesto
only samo
otherwise inaиe
outside napolju
patiently strpljivo
perfectly savrљeno
perhaps moћda
personally liиno
probably verovatno
quickly brzo
quietly tiho
randomly nasumice
rarely retko
really stvarno
repeatedly više puta
right away odmah
separately odvojeno
seriously ozbiljno
significantly značajno
silently tiho
simply jednostavno
slightly malo
slowly polako
sometimes ponekad
somewhere negde
soon uskoro
standing stoji
still joљ
strangely иudno
strictly strogo
strongly snažno
stupidly glupavo
suddenly odjednom
surprisingly iznenaрujuжe
then onda
there tamo
together zajedno
unfortunately naћalost
upside down naopako
usually obiиno
very veoma
well pa
wrongly pogreљno

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most used Serbian adverbs
list of useful Serbian adverbs
list of most important Serbian adverbs
common Serbian adverbs
most common adverbs in Serbian
most used adverbs in Serbian
basic adverbs in Serbian
most important adverbs in Serbian
important adverbs in Serbian
Serbian important adverbs
Serbian most important adverbs
100 most common adverbs in Serbian
100 most used Serbian adverbs
Commonly Used Serbian adverbs
Most Widely Used Serbian adverbs
Must-Know Serbian adverbs for Beginners


The 100 Most Common Serbian Verbs

100 Most common Serbian verbs list

– Basic & Useful verbs list –


Want to learn the Serbian language? Here’s a complete list of the most basic, common and useful verbs in Serbian with their translation in English. Ideal to help you boost your Serbian vocabulary!

Do you spot any errors or want to add a verb to the list? Don’t hesitate to leave a comment to improve the site!

to accept da prihvatim
to add da biste dodali
to allow da dozvoli
to answer da odgovorim
to arrive da stigneš
to ask da pitam
to be da bude
to become da postanem
to believe da verujem
to break da se slomi
to bring da donesem
to buy da kupim
to call da pozovem
to change da se promeni
to choose da odaberem
to clean za čišćenje
to close da zatvorim
to come da dođe
to come back da se vratim
to continue da nastavim
to cook da kuvam
to count za prebrojavanje
to cry da zaplačem
to cut da presečem
to decide da odlučim
to do da biste to uradili
to drive za disk jedinicu
to eat da jedem
to enter da biste uneli
to exist da postoji
to explain da objasnim
to fall da padne
to fall asleep da zaspim
to find naći
to finish da završim
to fly da letim
to follow da biste ih pratili
to forget da zaboravim
to get off da sišem
to get out da izađem
to give dati
to go za odlazak
to have da ima
to hear da čuješ
to help da biste pomogli
to hold da izdržim
to keep da zadržim
to know znati
to laugh da se smejem
to learn učiti
to leave napustiti
to listen da slušam
to live da bi živeo
to look like da izgledam kao
to look da pogledam
to lose da izgubim
to love voleti
to make da napravim
to meet u susret
to need da treba
to open da biste otvorili
to pay da platim
to play za reprodukciju
to prepare za pripremu
to prevent da sprečim
to put da stavim
to read za čitanje
to recall za opoziv
to receive za prijem
to recognize da prepoznam
to refuse da odbijem
to remember da se setim
to repeat da ponovim
to rest da se odmoriš
to return da se vrati
to run za pokretanje
to say da kažem
to search za pretraživanje
to see videti
to sell za prodaju
to send za slanje
to shoot da pucam
to show da se prikaže
to sing da pevam
to sit down da sednem
to sleep za spavanje
to start za početak
to stay da ostanem
to stop da se zaustavi
to succeed da bi uspeo
to switch off da se isključim
to take da uzmem
to talk da pričamo
to taste po ukusu
to think da pomislim
to throw da bacim
to touch na dodir
to try pokušati
to turn da se okrenem
to turn on da se uključi
to understand da razumem
to use za korišćenje
to wait da sačekam
to wake up da se probudim
to walk da hodam
to want želeti
to wash up da se opere
to wear nositi
to win da pobedim
to work na posao
to write pisati

➡️ More Serbian vocabulary lists:


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most used Serbian verbs
list of useful Serbian verbs
list of most important Serbian verbs
common Serbian verbs
most common verbs in Serbian
most used verbs in Serbian
basic verbs in Serbian
most important verbs in Serbian
important verbs in Serbian
Serbian important verbs
Serbian most important verbs
100 most common verbs in Serbian
100 most used Serbian verbs
Commonly Used Serbian Verbs
Most Widely Used Serbian Verbs
Must-Know Serbian Verbs for Beginners