
Basic Serbian words for beginners

Basic Serbian words for beginners

– Essential words to know –


Learn the essentials of Serbian easily with this vocabulary list that contains all the most basic words used in Serbian, with their english translations. If you’re a beginner, it will come in handy to review or learn Serbian by yourself before traveling, or if you want to enrich and improve your Serbian vocabulary to better express yourself in writing and speaking!

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Please Molim vas
Thank you! Hvala!
Sorry!  Izvinite! 
What? Šta?
Who? Ko?
When? Kada?
Why? Zaљto?
Which? Koji?
How? Kako?
Where ? Gde?
How much ? Koliko?
Yes Da
No  Ne 
Maybe Moћda
Of course Naravno
something Neљto
nothing Niљta
somebody Neko
nobody Niko
before Pre
after Posle
far Daleko
near Blizu
here Ovde
there tamo
today Danas
tomoorow tomoorow
now Sada
man Иovek
woman žena
friend Prijatelj
more Viљe
less Manje
always Uvek
later Kasnije
never Nikad
same Isto
different Različite
small Mali
large Velike
difficult Teљko
easy lak
hot Toplo
cold prehlada
yesterday Juče
after Posle
beautiful Prelepa
broken Slomljena
free Slobodan
a pharmacy apoteka
money Novac
a bag kesica
a lighter upaljač
a cigarette cigaretu
a bottle flašu
soap Sapun
clean Иist
dirty Prljavi
a trash can kanta za smeće
a trash bag kesa za smeće
the silence tišina
a tool alatka
pregnant Trudna
sick Bolestan
a baby beba
a little bit Pomalo
a doctor doktor
a dentist zubar
a medicine lek
a book knjiga
a story priča
a phone telefon
a computer računar
a car auto
a plane avion
the name ime
the adress adresa
the age doba
the nationality nacionalnost
a choice izbor
an answer odgovor
the key Ključ
the light svetlost
the television televizor
the bed krevet
the house kuća
the shower tuš
the window prozor
the door Vrata
the table tabela
tired Umorna
water Voda
open Otvorite
closed Zatvoren
clothes Odeжu
coffee kafa
tea čaj
lunch Ruиak
dinner večera
a fruit voće
a vegetable povrće
a beverage napitak
a child dete
rain kiša
the entrance ulaz
the exit izlaz
music muzika
a smile osmeh
the world svet
the sky nebo
a river reka
the sea more
the mountain planina
the lake jezero
the island ostrvo
the beach plaža

➡️ More Serbian vocabulary lists:


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