
Slovak Vocabulary for Beginners: The city and public places

Slovak Vocabulary: The city and public places

– Useful words you should know –


Want to learn the Slovak language? Here’s a complete list of the most basic, common and useful words in Slovak with their translation in English, on the topic of the city and public places. Ideal to help you boost your Slovak vocabulary!

Do you spot any errors or want to add a word to the list? Don’t hesitate to leave a comment to improve the site!

a city mesto
the suburbs predmestia
the capital hlavné mesto
the crowd dav
the police polícia
the pollution znečistenie
the firemen hasiči
the toilets toalety
clean čistý
dirty špinavý
safe bezpečný
quiet pokojný
an apartment apartmán
a bus stop autobusová zastávka
a bar bar
a post office pošta
a shopping center nákupné centrum
a city center centrum mesta,
a castle hrad
a cemetery cintorín
a cinema kino
a police station policajná stanica
a dentist zubár
an atm bankomat
a traffic jam dopravná zápcha
a garage garáž
a skyscraper mrakodrap
a hospital nemocnica
a hotel hotel
a building budova
an apartment apartmán
a store predajňa
a market trh
a doctor lekár
a subway metro
a monument pamätník
a museum múzeum
a park park
a parking lot parkovisko
a bridge most
a neighborhood okolie
a restaurant reštaurácia
a stadium štadión
a supermarket supermarket
a theater divadlo
a sidewalk chodník
a village dedina
a neighbor sused
a zoo zoologická záhrada
a bank banka
a library knižnica
a cathedral katedrála
a school škola
a church kostol
a queue fronta
a fountain fontána
a train station vlaková stanica
a bus station autobusová stanica
a bookstore kníhkupectvo
a mosque mešita
a pharmacy lekáreň
a swimming pool plavecký bazén
a bicycle path cyklotrasa
a pedestrian street pešia ulica
a street ulica
a main street hlavná ulica
an alley ulička
an avenue avenue
a highway diaľnica
a gas station čerpacia stanica
a statue socha
a synagogue synagóga
a university univerzita
a factory továreň
a garbage can odpadkový kôš
a prison väzenie

➡️ More Slovak vocabulary lists:


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