
Useful Serbian Words – Contrary Words

Learn Serbian Vocabulary: Contrary words

– Useful words you should know –


Want to learn the Serbian language? Here’s a complete list of the most basic, common and useful words in Serbian with their translation in English, on the topic of contrary words. Ideal to help you boost your Serbian vocabulary!

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young mlad
old stari
empty prazan
full puna
vertical vertikala
horizontal horizontalno
useful korisnim
useless beskorisno
a city grad
a village selo
a question pitanje
an answer odgovor
sad tužno
happy srećna
all sve
nothing ništa
a teacher nastavnik
a student student
early rano
late kasno
open otvoren
closed zatvoreno
first prvi
last poslednji
secure siguran
dangerous opasno
near blizu
far daleko
sugar šećer
salt so
dry suv
wet mokar
often često
rarely retko
always uvek
never nikad
same isti
different različit
dirty prljavo
clean čist
the evening veče
the morning jutro
small mali
large veliki
rich bogat
poor jadan
the ceiling plafon
the floor sprat
animal životinja
human ljudski
guilty kriv
innocent nevin
here ovde
there tamo
hunger glad
the thirst žeđ
the sun sunce
the moon mesec
the sister sestra
the brother brat
slow spor
fast brzo
before pre nego što
after posle
heavy težak
light svetlosti
old stari
new nova
easy lako
difficult teško
start početak
finish završiti
friend prijatelju
enemy neprijatelj
yesterday juče
tomorrow sutra
cold hladno
hot vruće
right jel tako
left levo
a woman žena
a man čovek
inside u
outside spolja
strong jaka
weak slab
soft soft
hard teško
a lot mnogo
a little malo
up gore
down dole
exactly baš tako
probably verovatno
married oženjen
single jedno
noisy bučan
quiet tiho
complicated komplikovan
simple jednostavan
now sada
later kasnije
long dugačak
short kratak
interesting zanimljivo
boring dosadan
normal normalan
strange čudan
outside spolja
inside u
the entrance ulaz
the exit izlaz
white beo
black crn
expensive skupo
cheap jeftino
to walk hodati
to run trčati
to attach priložiti
to detach odvojiti se
to go up da ide gore
to go down ići dole
to increase povećati
to decrease da smanji
to stop da se zaustavi
to continue nastaviće se
to take off da poleti
to land da sleti
to put on staviti na
to remove ukloniti
to move forward da se krene napred
to move back da se pomerim nazad
to forget zaboraviti
to remember zapamtiti
to show pokazati
to hide sakriti se
to save da sačuvate
to spend potrošiti
to build izgraditi
to destroy da uništi
to arrive stići
to leave napustiti
to enter ući
to go out izaći
to laugh smejati se
to cry plakati
to sell prodati
to buy kupiti
to break slomiti
to repair za popravku
to lend da pozajmljuju
to borrow da se zadužuju
to earn zaraditi
to lose izgubiti
to slow down da uspori
to speed up ubrzati
to search potražiti
to find pronaći
to pull povući
to push gurati
to take uzeti
to give dati
to wake up da se probudim
to fall asleep zaspe
to hold da drže
to let go prepustiti se
to turn on da biste uključili
to turn off da isključite
to sell prodati
to buy kupiti
to send poslati
to receive primiti

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