
The Most Common Adjectives in Romanian

100 Most common Romanian adjectives list

– Basic & Useful adjectives list –


Want to learn the Romanian language? Here’s a complete list of the most basic, common and useful adjectives in Romanian with their translation in English. Ideal to help you boost your Romanian vocabulary!

Do you spot any errors or want to add an adjective to the list? Don’t hesitate to leave a comment to improve the site!

a lot mult
accurate precis
bad rău
beautiful frumos
big mare
boring plictisitor
brave curajos
broken spart
clumsy neîndemânatic
cold rece
colorful Colorat
comfortable confortabil
complicated complicat
crazy nebun
curious curios
cute drăguţ
dangerous periculos
dark întunecat
dead mort
deep adânc
delicious delicios
different diferit
dirty murdar
disgusting dezgustător
dry uscat
easy ușor
edible comestibil
effective eficace
elegant elegant
empty gol
excellent excelent
excited entuziasmat
exciting Interesant
famous celebru
far departe
fast repede
first prim
forbidden interzis
friendly amical
full plin
fun distracție
funny distractiv
good bun
great minunat
heavy greu
high înalt
honest cinstit
huge imens
immediate imediat
important important
impossible imposibil
incredible incredibil
innocent nevinovat
intelligent inteligent
interesting interesant
international internațional
jealous gelos
lazy leneș
legal legal
long lung
many mulți
mysterious misterios
narrow îngust
necessary necesar
new nou
nice drăguţ
noisy zgomotos
official oficial
old vechi
open deschide
ordinary ordinar
passionate pasionat
patient pacient
perfect perfect
polluted Poluate
poor sărac
popular popular
possible posibil
powerful puternic
precious prețios
quiet liniștit
rare rar
rich bogat
romantic romantic
rotten putred
sad trist
scary înfricoșător
set apus
short scurt
shy timid
sick bolnav
silent tăcut
similar asemănător
simple simplu
slow încet
small mic
solid solid
special special
strange ciudat
strong puternic
stubborn încăpățânat
sympathetic Simpatic
tedious plictisitor
thick gros
thin subțire
tiny minuscul
tired obosit
traditional tradițional
unique unic
warm cald
weak slab
weird ciudat
wet ud
worst Cel mai rău
young tânăr

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most used Romanian adjectives
list of useful Romanian adjectives
list of most important Romanian adjectives
common Romanian adjectives
most common adjectives in Romanian
most used adjectives in Romanian
basic adjectives in Romanian
most important adjectives in Romanian
important adjectives in Romanian
Romanian important adjectives
Romanian most important adjectives
100 most common adjectives in Romanian
100 most used Romanian adjectives
Commonly Used Romanian adjectives
Most Widely Used Romanian adjectives
Must-Know Romanian adjectives for Beginners


Basic Romanian Vocabulary: Family and friends

Romanian Vocabulary: Family and friends

– Useful words you should know –


Want to learn the Romanian language? Here’s a complete list of the most basic, common and useful words in Romanian with their translation in English, on the topic of family and friends. Ideal to help you boost your Romanian vocabulary!

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the great-grandfather străbunicul
the great grandmother străbunica
the grandfather bunicul
the grandmother bunica
the grandson nepotul
the granddaughter nepoata
the grandchildren nepoții
the father tatăl
the mother mama
the parents parintii
the child copilul
the children copiii
the son fiul
the daughter fiica
a baby un copil
a teenager un adolescent
the adults adulții
the brother fratele
the sister sora
half-brother fratele vitreg
half-sister soră vitregă
a twin un geamăn
the uncle unchiul
the aunt mătușa
the cousin vărul
the nephew nepotul
the niece nepoata
a friend un prieten
the boyfriend iubitul
the girlfriend prietena
the fiancé logodnicul
the groom mirele
the husband soțul
the wife soția
the parents-in-law socrii
father-in-law socru
the mother-in-law soacra
the brother-in-law cumnatul
the sister-in-law cumnata
the son-in-law ginerele
the daughter-in-law nora
a family member un membru al familiei
adopted adoptat
only son numai fiule

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Romanian Vocabulary for Beginners: The city and public places

Romanian Vocabulary: The city and public places

– Useful words you should know –


Want to learn the Romanian language? Here’s a complete list of the most basic, common and useful words in Romanian with their translation in English, on the topic of the city and public places. Ideal to help you boost your Romanian vocabulary!

Do you spot any errors or want to add a word to the list? Don’t hesitate to leave a comment to improve the site!

a city un oraș
the suburbs suburbiile
the capital capitala
the crowd mulțimea
the police poliția
the pollution poluarea
the firemen pompierii
the toilets toaletele
clean curat
dirty murdar
safe seif
quiet liniștit
an apartment un apartament
a bus stop o stație de autobuz
a bar o bară
a post office un oficiu poștal
a shopping center un centru comercial
a city center un centru al orașului
a castle un castel
a cemetery un cimitir
a cinema un cinematograf
a police station o secție de poliție
a dentist un dentist
an atm un bancomat
a traffic jam un ambuteiaj
a garage un garaj
a skyscraper un zgârie-nori
a hospital un spital
a hotel un hotel
a building o clădire
an apartment un apartament
a store un magazin
a market o piață
a doctor un medic
a subway un metrou
a monument un monument
a museum un muzeu
a park un parc
a parking lot o parcare
a bridge un pod
a neighborhood un cartier
a restaurant un restaurant
a stadium un stadion
a supermarket un supermarket
a theater un teatru
a sidewalk un trotuar
a village un sat
a neighbor un vecin
a zoo o grădină zoologică
a bank o bancă
a library o bibliotecă
a cathedral o catedrală
a school o școală
a church o biserică
a queue o coadă
a fountain o fântână
a train station o gară
a bus station o stație de autobuz
a bookstore o librărie
a mosque o moschee
a pharmacy o farmacie
a swimming pool o piscină
a bicycle path o pistă de biciclete
a pedestrian street o stradă pietonală
a street o stradă
a main street o stradă principală
an alley o alee
an avenue o cale
a highway o autostradă
a gas station o benzinărie
a statue o statuie
a synagogue o sinagogă
a university o universitate
a factory o fabrică
a garbage can o cutie de gunoi
a prison o închisoare

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Romanian Vocabulary (PDF): The human body, head and face

Romanian Vocabulary: The human body, head and face

– Useful words you should know –


Want to learn the Romanian language? Here’s a complete list of the most basic, common and useful words in Romanian with their translation in English, on the topic of the human body, head and face. Ideal to help you boost your Romanian vocabulary!

Do you spot any errors or want to add a word to the list? Don’t hesitate to leave a comment to improve the site!

the head capul
the face fata
the mouth gura
the throat gâtul
the cheek obrazul
the tongue limba
the lips buzele
the jaw maxilarul
the neck gâtul
the forehead fruntea
the chin bărbia
the nose nasul
the hair parul
the eyes ochii
a tooth un dinte
the hair parul
an ear o ureche
a mustache o mustață
a beard o barbă
the skin pielea
the shoulder umărul
the forearm antebrațul
the wrist încheietura mâinii
an arm un braț
the arms brațele
the elbow cotul
a hand o mână
a thumb un deget mare
the fingers degetele
the belly burta
the chest pieptul
the back spatele
the breasts sanii
the buttocks fesele
the foot piciorul
the heel călcâiul
the knee genunchiul
the leg piciorul
the thigh coapsa
a toe un deget de la picior
the stomach stomacul
the brain creierul
the lungs plămânii
the skeleton scheletul
a bone un os
the skull craniul
a muscle un mușchi

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Useful Romanian Words – Contrary Words

Learn Romanian Vocabulary: Contrary words

– Useful words you should know –


Want to learn the Romanian language? Here’s a complete list of the most basic, common and useful words in Romanian with their translation in English, on the topic of contrary words. Ideal to help you boost your Romanian vocabulary!

Do you spot any errors or want to add a word to the list? Don’t hesitate to leave a comment to improve the site!

young tineri
old vechi
empty gol
full deplin
vertical vertical
horizontal orizontală
useful util
useless inutil
a city un oras
a village un sat
a question o intrebare
an answer un raspuns
sad trist
happy fericit
all toate
nothing nimic
a teacher un profesor
a student un student
early din timp
late târziu
open deschis
closed închis
first primul
last ultimul
secure sigur
dangerous periculos
near aproape
far departe
sugar zahăr
salt sare
dry uscat
wet umed
often de multe ori
rarely rareori
always mereu
never nu
same la fel
different diferit
dirty murdar
clean curat
the evening seara
the morning dimineata
small mic
large mare
rich bogat
poor sărac
the ceiling tavanul
the floor podeaua
animal animal
human uman
guilty vinovat
innocent nevinovat
here aici
there acolo
hunger foame
the thirst setea
the sun soarele
the moon luna
the sister sora
the brother fratele
slow încet
fast rapid
before inainte de
after după
heavy greu
light ușoară
old vechi
new nou
easy uşor
difficult dificil
start start
finish finalizarea
friend prieten
enemy dusman
yesterday ieri
tomorrow mâine
cold rece
hot fierbinte
right dreapta
left stânga
a woman o femeie
a man un barbat
inside interior
outside in afara
strong puternic
weak slab
soft moale
hard greu
a lot mult
a little puțin
up sus
down jos
exactly exact
probably probabil
married căsătorit
single singur
noisy zgomotos
quiet liniște
complicated complicat
simple simplu
now acum
later mai tarziu
long lung
short mic de statura
interesting interesant
boring plictisitor
normal normal
strange ciudat
outside in afara
inside interior
the entrance intrarea
the exit ieșirea
white alb
black negru
expensive scump
cheap ieftin
to walk a merge
to run a alerga
to attach a atasa
to detach a detaşa
to go up pentru a merge sus
to go down pentru a merge în jos
to increase a creste
to decrease a reduce
to stop a opri
to continue a continua
to take off a decola
to land a ateriza
to put on a pune pe
to remove a sterge
to move forward a merge înainte
to move back să se întoarcă
to forget a uita
to remember a ține minte
to show a arăta
to hide a se ascunde
to save a salva
to spend a cheltui
to build a construi
to destroy a distuge
to arrive a ajunge
to leave a pleca
to enter a intra
to go out a iesi afara
to laugh a rade
to cry să plângă
to sell a vinde
to buy a cumpara
to break a sparge
to repair a repara
to lend a imprumuta
to borrow a împrumuta
to earn a câștiga
to lose a pierde
to slow down a incetini
to speed up a mari viteza
to search a căuta
to find a găsi
to pull a trage
to push a împinge
to take a lua
to give a da
to wake up a se trezi
to fall asleep a adormi
to hold a tine
to let go de a da drumul
to turn on pentru a porni
to turn off a opri
to sell a vinde
to buy a cumpara
to send a trimite
to receive a primi

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Learn Romanian Vocabulary • Travel and tourism

Romanian Vocabulary: Travel and tourism

– Useful words you should know –


Want to learn the Romanian language? Here’s a complete list of the most basic, common and useful words in Romanian with their translation in English, on the topic of travel and tourism. Ideal to help you boost your Romanian vocabulary!

Do you spot any errors or want to add a word to the list? Don’t hesitate to leave a comment to improve the site!

travel călătorie
tourism turism
a hotel un hotel
on time punctual
late târziu
the airport aeroportul
landing aterizare
take-off decolare
the air conditioning aerul conditionat
the distance distanța
the customs vama
the border frontiera
the train station gara
the bus station stația de autobuz
a ticket un bilet
the reception recepția
the reservation rezervarea
the road drumul
a highway o autostradă
the plane avionul
by plane cu avionul
the bus autobuzul
the taxi taxiul
the train trenul
the car masina
a helicopter un elicopter
the sign semnul
the parking lot parcarea
the passport pașaportul
the seat scaunul
the toilet toaleta
the sunglasses ochelarii de soare
a key o cheie
a camera o cameră foto
one way ticket bilet dus
a return ticket un bilet dus-întors
a ticket office o casă de bilete
an accommodation o cazare
a pillow o pernă
a blanket o pătură
a sleeping bag un sac de dormit
a luggage un bagaj
a bag o pungă
a backpack un rucsac
an information o informație
a tourist un turist
a vaccine un vaccin
an insurance o asigurare
a postcard o carte poștală
an itinerary un itinerariu
a destination o destinație
a flashlight o lanternă
an electrical outlet o priză electrică
a tent un cort
a suitcase o valiză
to visit pentru a vizita
to travel pentru a călători
to rent de inchiriat
to leave a pleca
to cancel pentru a anula
to cancel a reservation pentru a anula o rezervare
to photograph pentru a fotografia
the wind vântul
the snow zăpada
the rain ploaia
the storm furtuna
the sun soarele
the sea marea
a mountain un munte
a lake un lac
a national park un parc național
a country o țară
a forest o pădure
a cave o peșteră
an island o insulă
a beach o plajă
the nature natura
the landscape peisajul
sun cream crema de soare
a towel un prosop

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Essential Romanian Vocabulary: The calendar (days, months, seasons)

Romanian Vocabulary: The calendar (days, months, seasons)

– Useful words you should know –


Want to learn the Romanian language? Here’s a complete list of the most basic, common and useful words in Romanian with their translation in English, on the topic of the calendar (days, months, seasons). Ideal to help you boost your Romanian vocabulary!

Do you spot any errors or want to add a word to the list? Don’t hesitate to leave a comment to improve the site!

Monday Luni
Tuesday Marți
Wednesday Miercuri
Thursday Joi
Friday Vineri
Saturday Sâmbătă
Sunday Duminică
January Ianuarie
February Februarie
March Martie
April Aprilie
May Mai
June Iunie
July Iulie
August August
September Septembrie
October Octombrie
November Noiembrie
December Decembrie
Spring Primăvară
Summer Vară
Autumn Toamnă
Winter Iarnă
before înainte
after după
soon curând
this month în această lună
this year în acest an
this week în această săptămână
from time to time din când în când
already deja
today azi
tomorrow mâine
yesterday ieri
last night aseară
the day before yesterday cu o zi înainte de ieri
a long time ago cu mult timp în urmă
a week ago o săptămână în urmă
never niciodată
next year anul viitor
next time data viitoare
next week săptămâna viitoare
next month luna viitoare
last year anul trecut
last month luna trecută
last week săptămâna trecută
in the morning dimineaţa
in the afternoon după-amiaza
in the evening seara
the day a doua zi
now acum
later mai târziu
immediately îndată
sometimes uneori
rarely rar
recently recent
frequently frecvent
often adesea
very often foarte des
slowly încet
quickly repede
late târziu
early devreme
always întotdeauna
every day în fiecare zi
right away imediat
all the time întotdeauna
all day long toată ziua
a holiday o vacanță
a month o lună
a year un an
an hour o oră
a minute un minut
a week o săptămână

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Romanian Vocabulary List • Colors and shapes

Romanian Vocabulary: Colors and shapes

– Useful words you should know –


Want to learn the Romanian language? Here’s a complete list of the most basic, common and useful words in Romanian with their translation in English, on the topic of colors and shapes. Ideal to help you boost your Romanian vocabulary!

Do you spot any errors or want to add a word to the list? Don’t hesitate to leave a comment to improve the site!

a color o culoare
white alb
black negru
gray gri
yellow galben
orange portocală
green verde
blue albastru
red roșu
brown brun
beige bej
purple purpuriu
mauve mov
pink roz
dark întunecat
golden aurit
silver argint
a pyramid o piramidă
a square un pătrat
a circle un cerc
a triangle un triunghi
a rectangle un dreptunghi
a star o stea
a line o linie
an arrow o săgeată
a heart o inimă
a crescent o semilună

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The Most Common and Useful Romanian Adverbs

100 Most common Romanian adverbs list

– Basic & Useful adverbs list –


Want to learn the Romanian language? Here’s a complete list of the most basic, common and useful adverbs in Romanian with their translation in English. Ideal to help you boost your Romanian vocabulary!

Do you spot any errors or want to add an adverb to the list? Don’t hesitate to leave a comment to improve the site!

about despre
absolutely absolut
accidentally accidental
actively activ
after după
almost aproape
also și
always întotdeauna
anytime oricând
anywhere oriunde
apparently aparent
approximately aproximativ
around împrejurul
automatically automat
barely abia
blindness orbire
briefly scurt
calmly calm
carefully atent
cautiously prudent
certainly desigur
clearly clar
comfortably confortabil
commonly frecvent
completely complet
constantly mereu
correctly corect
courageously curaj
curiously curios
currently actualmente
deliberately deliberat
delicately delicat
desperately disperare
easily cu ușurință
elsewhere în altă parte
enormously enorm
enough suficient
everywhere pretutindeni
exactly tocmai
exceptionally extrem
extremely extrem
finally în cele din urmă
formerly odinioară
fortunately din fericire
frankly sincer
freely liber
hard tare
here aici
honestly sincer
immediately îndată
inside înăuntru
lately in ultima vreme
long lung
loudly tare
more mai mult
mysteriously misterios
naturally firește
needlessly inutil
never niciodată
normally normal
now acum
nowhere nicăieri
obviously evident
often adesea
only numai
otherwise altminteri
outside afară
patiently răbdare
perfectly perfect
perhaps poate
personally personal
probably probabil
quickly repede
quietly linişte
randomly aleator
rarely rar
really chiar
repeatedly repetat
right away imediat
separately separat
seriously serios
significantly semnificativ
silently tăcere
simply numai
slightly puțin
slowly încet
sometimes uneori
somewhere undeva
soon curând
standing permanent
still încă
strangely ciudat
strictly strict
strongly puternic
stupidly stupid
suddenly deodată
surprisingly surprinzător
then apoi
there acolo
together împreună
unfortunately din păcate
upside down cu susul în jos
usually de obicei
very foarte
well bine
wrongly greşit

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most used Romanian adverbs
list of useful Romanian adverbs
list of most important Romanian adverbs
common Romanian adverbs
most common adverbs in Romanian
most used adverbs in Romanian
basic adverbs in Romanian
most important adverbs in Romanian
important adverbs in Romanian
Romanian important adverbs
Romanian most important adverbs
100 most common adverbs in Romanian
100 most used Romanian adverbs
Commonly Used Romanian adverbs
Most Widely Used Romanian adverbs
Must-Know Romanian adverbs for Beginners


The 100 Most Common Romanian Verbs

100 Most common Romanian verbs list

– Basic & Useful verbs list –


Want to learn the Romanian language? Here’s a complete list of the most basic, common and useful verbs in Romanian with their translation in English. Ideal to help you boost your Romanian vocabulary!

Do you spot any errors or want to add a verb to the list? Don’t hesitate to leave a comment to improve the site!

to accept pentru a accepta
to add pentru a adăuga
to allow pentru a permite
to answer pentru a răspunde
to arrive pentru a ajunge
to ask pentru a cere
to be a fi
to become a deveni
to believe a crede
to break pentru a rupe
to bring pentru a aduce
to buy pentru a cumpăra
to call pentru a apela
to change pentru a schimba
to choose pentru a alege
to clean pentru a curăța
to close pentru a închide
to come a veni
to come back pentru a reveni
to continue pentru a continua
to cook pentru a găti
to count pentru a număra
to cry a plânge
to cut pentru a tăia
to decide pentru a decide
to do a face
to drive pentru a conduce
to eat a mânca
to enter pentru a intra
to exist a exista
to explain pentru a explica
to fall a cădea
to fall asleep pentru a adormi
to find a găsi
to finish pentru a termina
to fly pentru a zbura
to follow de urmat
to forget a uita
to get off pentru a coborî
to get out pentru a ieși
to give a da
to go pentru a merge
to have a avea
to hear a auzi
to help pentru a ajuta
to hold a ține apăsat
to keep pentru a păstra
to know a şti
to laugh a râde
to learn a învăţa
to leave a pleca
to listen pentru a asculta
to live a trăi
to look like pentru a arata ca
to look să se uite
to lose a pierde
to love a iubi
to make pentru a face
to meet pentru a se întâlni
to need a avea nevoie
to open pentru a deschide
to pay pentru a plăti
to play pentru a juca
to prepare pentru a se pregăti
to prevent pentru a preveni
to put pentru a pune
to read pentru a citi
to recall pentru a reaminti
to receive pentru a primi
to recognize a recunoaște
to refuse a refuza
to remember să ne amintim
to repeat pentru a repeta
to rest să se odihnească
to return pentru a reveni
to run pentru a rula
to say a spune
to search pentru a căuta
to see pentru a vedea
to sell pentru a vinde
to send pentru a trimite
to shoot pentru a trage
to show pentru a afișa
to sing a cânta
to sit down să se așeze
to sleep să doarmă
to start pentru a începe
to stay pentru a rămâne
to stop pentru a opri
to succeed pentru a reuși
to switch off pentru a opri
to take pentru a lua
to talk pentru a vorbi
to taste după gust
to think a gândi
to throw a arunca
to touch pentru a atinge
to try a încerca
to turn pentru a transforma
to turn on pentru a activa
to understand pentru a înțelege
to use pentru a utiliza
to wait să aștepte
to wake up pentru a te trezi
to walk a merge
to want a dori
to wash up pentru a se spăla
to wear a purta
to win pentru a câștiga
to work pentru a lucra
to write a scrie

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most used Romanian verbs
list of useful Romanian verbs
list of most important Romanian verbs
common Romanian verbs
most common verbs in Romanian
most used verbs in Romanian
basic verbs in Romanian
most important verbs in Romanian
important verbs in Romanian
Romanian important verbs
Romanian most important verbs
100 most common verbs in Romanian
100 most used Romanian verbs
Commonly Used Romanian Verbs
Most Widely Used Romanian Verbs
Must-Know Romanian Verbs for Beginners