Learn Romanian Vocabulary: Contrary words
– Useful words you should know –
Want to learn the Romanian language? Here’s a complete list of the most basic, common and useful words in Romanian with their translation in English, on the topic of contrary words. Ideal to help you boost your Romanian vocabulary!
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young | tineri |
old | vechi |
empty | gol |
full | deplin |
vertical | vertical |
horizontal | orizontală |
useful | util |
useless | inutil |
a city | un oras |
a village | un sat |
a question | o intrebare |
an answer | un raspuns |
sad | trist |
happy | fericit |
all | toate |
nothing | nimic |
a teacher | un profesor |
a student | un student |
early | din timp |
late | târziu |
open | deschis |
closed | închis |
first | primul |
last | ultimul |
secure | sigur |
dangerous | periculos |
near | aproape |
far | departe |
sugar | zahăr |
salt | sare |
dry | uscat |
wet | umed |
often | de multe ori |
rarely | rareori |
always | mereu |
never | nu |
same | la fel |
different | diferit |
dirty | murdar |
clean | curat |
the evening | seara |
the morning | dimineata |
small | mic |
large | mare |
rich | bogat |
poor | sărac |
the ceiling | tavanul |
the floor | podeaua |
animal | animal |
human | uman |
guilty | vinovat |
innocent | nevinovat |
here | aici |
there | acolo |
hunger | foame |
the thirst | setea |
the sun | soarele |
the moon | luna |
the sister | sora |
the brother | fratele |
slow | încet |
fast | rapid |
before | inainte de |
after | după |
heavy | greu |
light | ușoară |
old | vechi |
new | nou |
easy | uşor |
difficult | dificil |
start | start |
finish | finalizarea |
friend | prieten |
enemy | dusman |
yesterday | ieri |
tomorrow | mâine |
cold | rece |
hot | fierbinte |
right | dreapta |
left | stânga |
a woman | o femeie |
a man | un barbat |
inside | interior |
outside | in afara |
strong | puternic |
weak | slab |
soft | moale |
hard | greu |
a lot | mult |
a little | puțin |
up | sus |
down | jos |
exactly | exact |
probably | probabil |
married | căsătorit |
single | singur |
noisy | zgomotos |
quiet | liniște |
complicated | complicat |
simple | simplu |
now | acum |
later | mai tarziu |
long | lung |
short | mic de statura |
interesting | interesant |
boring | plictisitor |
normal | normal |
strange | ciudat |
outside | in afara |
inside | interior |
the entrance | intrarea |
the exit | ieșirea |
white | alb |
black | negru |
expensive | scump |
cheap | ieftin |
to walk | a merge |
to run | a alerga |
to attach | a atasa |
to detach | a detaşa |
to go up | pentru a merge sus |
to go down | pentru a merge în jos |
to increase | a creste |
to decrease | a reduce |
to stop | a opri |
to continue | a continua |
to take off | a decola |
to land | a ateriza |
to put on | a pune pe |
to remove | a sterge |
to move forward | a merge înainte |
to move back | să se întoarcă |
to forget | a uita |
to remember | a ține minte |
to show | a arăta |
to hide | a se ascunde |
to save | a salva |
to spend | a cheltui |
to build | a construi |
to destroy | a distuge |
to arrive | a ajunge |
to leave | a pleca |
to enter | a intra |
to go out | a iesi afara |
to laugh | a rade |
to cry | să plângă |
to sell | a vinde |
to buy | a cumpara |
to break | a sparge |
to repair | a repara |
to lend | a imprumuta |
to borrow | a împrumuta |
to earn | a câștiga |
to lose | a pierde |
to slow down | a incetini |
to speed up | a mari viteza |
to search | a căuta |
to find | a găsi |
to pull | a trage |
to push | a împinge |
to take | a lua |
to give | a da |
to wake up | a se trezi |
to fall asleep | a adormi |
to hold | a tine |
to let go | de a da drumul |
to turn on | pentru a porni |
to turn off | a opri |
to sell | a vinde |
to buy | a cumpara |
to send | a trimite |
to receive | a primi |
➡️ More Romanian vocabulary lists:
- Greetings
- Basic words to learn
- 100 most common Romanian verbs
- Useful adverbs
- Useful adjectives
- Family and friends
- The city and public places
- The human body, head and face
- Travel and tourism
- The calendar (days, months, seasons)
- Colors and shapes
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