
Useful Romanian Words – Contrary Words

Learn Romanian Vocabulary: Contrary words

– Useful words you should know –


Want to learn the Romanian language? Here’s a complete list of the most basic, common and useful words in Romanian with their translation in English, on the topic of contrary words. Ideal to help you boost your Romanian vocabulary!

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young tineri
old vechi
empty gol
full deplin
vertical vertical
horizontal orizontală
useful util
useless inutil
a city un oras
a village un sat
a question o intrebare
an answer un raspuns
sad trist
happy fericit
all toate
nothing nimic
a teacher un profesor
a student un student
early din timp
late târziu
open deschis
closed închis
first primul
last ultimul
secure sigur
dangerous periculos
near aproape
far departe
sugar zahăr
salt sare
dry uscat
wet umed
often de multe ori
rarely rareori
always mereu
never nu
same la fel
different diferit
dirty murdar
clean curat
the evening seara
the morning dimineata
small mic
large mare
rich bogat
poor sărac
the ceiling tavanul
the floor podeaua
animal animal
human uman
guilty vinovat
innocent nevinovat
here aici
there acolo
hunger foame
the thirst setea
the sun soarele
the moon luna
the sister sora
the brother fratele
slow încet
fast rapid
before inainte de
after după
heavy greu
light ușoară
old vechi
new nou
easy uşor
difficult dificil
start start
finish finalizarea
friend prieten
enemy dusman
yesterday ieri
tomorrow mâine
cold rece
hot fierbinte
right dreapta
left stânga
a woman o femeie
a man un barbat
inside interior
outside in afara
strong puternic
weak slab
soft moale
hard greu
a lot mult
a little puțin
up sus
down jos
exactly exact
probably probabil
married căsătorit
single singur
noisy zgomotos
quiet liniște
complicated complicat
simple simplu
now acum
later mai tarziu
long lung
short mic de statura
interesting interesant
boring plictisitor
normal normal
strange ciudat
outside in afara
inside interior
the entrance intrarea
the exit ieșirea
white alb
black negru
expensive scump
cheap ieftin
to walk a merge
to run a alerga
to attach a atasa
to detach a detaşa
to go up pentru a merge sus
to go down pentru a merge în jos
to increase a creste
to decrease a reduce
to stop a opri
to continue a continua
to take off a decola
to land a ateriza
to put on a pune pe
to remove a sterge
to move forward a merge înainte
to move back să se întoarcă
to forget a uita
to remember a ține minte
to show a arăta
to hide a se ascunde
to save a salva
to spend a cheltui
to build a construi
to destroy a distuge
to arrive a ajunge
to leave a pleca
to enter a intra
to go out a iesi afara
to laugh a rade
to cry să plângă
to sell a vinde
to buy a cumpara
to break a sparge
to repair a repara
to lend a imprumuta
to borrow a împrumuta
to earn a câștiga
to lose a pierde
to slow down a incetini
to speed up a mari viteza
to search a căuta
to find a găsi
to pull a trage
to push a împinge
to take a lua
to give a da
to wake up a se trezi
to fall asleep a adormi
to hold a tine
to let go de a da drumul
to turn on pentru a porni
to turn off a opri
to sell a vinde
to buy a cumpara
to send a trimite
to receive a primi

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