
The Most Common and Useful Romanian Adverbs

100 Most common Romanian adverbs list

– Basic & Useful adverbs list –


Want to learn the Romanian language? Here’s a complete list of the most basic, common and useful adverbs in Romanian with their translation in English. Ideal to help you boost your Romanian vocabulary!

Do you spot any errors or want to add an adverb to the list? Don’t hesitate to leave a comment to improve the site!

about despre
absolutely absolut
accidentally accidental
actively activ
after după
almost aproape
also și
always întotdeauna
anytime oricând
anywhere oriunde
apparently aparent
approximately aproximativ
around împrejurul
automatically automat
barely abia
blindness orbire
briefly scurt
calmly calm
carefully atent
cautiously prudent
certainly desigur
clearly clar
comfortably confortabil
commonly frecvent
completely complet
constantly mereu
correctly corect
courageously curaj
curiously curios
currently actualmente
deliberately deliberat
delicately delicat
desperately disperare
easily cu ușurință
elsewhere în altă parte
enormously enorm
enough suficient
everywhere pretutindeni
exactly tocmai
exceptionally extrem
extremely extrem
finally în cele din urmă
formerly odinioară
fortunately din fericire
frankly sincer
freely liber
hard tare
here aici
honestly sincer
immediately îndată
inside înăuntru
lately in ultima vreme
long lung
loudly tare
more mai mult
mysteriously misterios
naturally firește
needlessly inutil
never niciodată
normally normal
now acum
nowhere nicăieri
obviously evident
often adesea
only numai
otherwise altminteri
outside afară
patiently răbdare
perfectly perfect
perhaps poate
personally personal
probably probabil
quickly repede
quietly linişte
randomly aleator
rarely rar
really chiar
repeatedly repetat
right away imediat
separately separat
seriously serios
significantly semnificativ
silently tăcere
simply numai
slightly puțin
slowly încet
sometimes uneori
somewhere undeva
soon curând
standing permanent
still încă
strangely ciudat
strictly strict
strongly puternic
stupidly stupid
suddenly deodată
surprisingly surprinzător
then apoi
there acolo
together împreună
unfortunately din păcate
upside down cu susul în jos
usually de obicei
very foarte
well bine
wrongly greşit

➡️ More Romanian vocabulary lists:


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