
Basic Slovenian words for beginners

Basic Slovenian words for beginners

– Essential words to know –


Learn the essentials of Slovenian easily with this vocabulary list that contains all the most basic words used in Slovenian, with their english translations. If you’re a beginner, it will come in handy to review or learn Slovenian by yourself before traveling, or if you want to enrich and improve your Slovenian vocabulary to better express yourself in writing and speaking!

Do you spot any errors or want to add a vocabulary word to the list? Don’t hesitate to leave a comment to improve the site!

Please Prosim
Thank you! Hvala!
Sorry!  Oprosti! 
What? Kaj?
Who? Kdo?
When? Ko?
Why? Zakaj?
Which? Ki?
How? Kako?
Where ? Kje?
How much ? Koliko?
Yes Da
No  Ne 
Maybe Morda
Of course Seveda
something nekaj
nothing nič
somebody nekdo
nobody nihče
before pred
after po
far daleč
near bližnji
here tukaj
there tam
today Danes
tomoorow tomoorow
now zdaj
man moški
woman ženska
friend prijatelj
more več
less manj
always zmeraj
later Kasneje
never nikoli
same isti
different različen
small majhen
large velik
difficult težek
easy lahek
hot vroč
cold hladen
yesterday Včeraj
after po
beautiful čudovito
broken zlomljen
free brezplačno
a pharmacy farmacevtska
money denar
a bag vrečka
a lighter vžigalnik
a cigarette cigareta
a bottle steklenica
soap milo
clean čist
dirty umazan
a trash can posoda za smeti
a trash bag vreča za smeti
the silence molk
a tool orodje
pregnant noseči
sick bolan
a baby dojenček
a little bit samo malo
a doctor zdravnika
a dentist zobozdravnik
a medicine zdravilom
a book knjiga
a story zgodba
a phone telefon
a computer računalnik
a car avto
a plane letalo
the name ime
the adress pritoževanje
the age starost
the nationality državljanstvo
a choice izbira
an answer odgovor
the key ključa
the light svetlobe
the television televizorja
the bed postelja
the house hiša
the shower prha
the window okno
the door vrata
the table preglednico
tired utrujen
water Voda
open odprt
closed zaprt
clothes obleka
coffee kava
tea čaj
lunch kosilo
dinner večerja
a fruit sadje
a vegetable zelenjava
a beverage pijača
a child otrok
rain dež
the entrance vhoda
the exit izhoda
music glasba
a smile nasmešek
the world svet
the sky nebo
a river reka
the sea morje
the mountain gora
the lake jezero
the island otok
the beach plaža

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