Slovak Vocabulary: Travel and tourism
– Useful words you should know –
Want to learn the Slovak language? Here’s a complete list of the most basic, common and useful words in Slovak with their translation in English, on the topic of travel and tourism. Ideal to help you boost your Slovak vocabulary!
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travel | cestovanie |
tourism | turistika |
a hotel | hotel |
on time | načas |
late | neskoro |
the airport | na letisku |
landing | pristátie |
take-off | vzlet |
the air conditioning | klimatizácia |
the distance | vzdialenosť |
the customs | colná správa |
the border | hranica |
the train station | vlaková stanica |
the bus station | autobusová stanica |
a ticket | lístok |
the reception | recepcia |
the reservation | rezervácia |
the road | cesta |
a highway | diaľnica |
the plane | rovina |
by plane | lietadlom |
the bus | autobus |
the taxi | taxi |
the train | vlak |
the car | auto |
a helicopter | vrtuľník |
the sign | znamenie |
the parking lot | parkovisko |
the passport | cestovný pas |
the seat | sedadlo |
the toilet | toaleta |
the sunglasses | slnečné okuliare |
a key | kľúč |
a camera | fotoaparát |
one way ticket | jednosmerný lístok |
a return ticket | spiatočný lístok |
a ticket office | pokladňa |
an accommodation | ubytovanie |
a pillow | vankúš |
a blanket | prikrývka |
a sleeping bag | spacák |
a luggage | batožina |
a bag | taška |
a backpack | batoh |
an information | informácie |
a tourist | turista |
a vaccine | očkovacia látka |
an insurance | poistenie |
a postcard | pohľadnica |
an itinerary | itinerár |
a destination | miesto určenia |
a flashlight | baterka |
an electrical outlet | elektrická zásuvka |
a tent | stan |
a suitcase | kufor |
to visit | na návštevu |
to travel | cestovať |
to rent | na prenájom |
to leave | odísť |
to cancel | zrušiť |
to cancel a reservation | zrušenie rezervácie |
to photograph | fotografovať |
the wind | vietor |
the snow | sneh |
the rain | dážď |
the storm | búrka |
the sun | slnko |
the sea | more |
a mountain | hora |
a lake | jazero |
a national park | národný park |
a country | krajina |
a forest | les |
a cave | jaskyňa |
an island | ostrov |
a beach | pláž |
the nature | príroda |
the landscape | krajina |
sun cream | opaľovací krém |
a towel | uterák |
➡️ More Slovak vocabulary lists:
- Greetings
- Basic words to learn
- 100 most common Slovak verbs
- Useful adverbs
- Useful adjectives
- Family and friends
- The city and public places
- The human body, head and face
- Contrary words
- The calendar (days, months, seasons)
- Colors and shapes
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