
Learn Slovak Vocabulary • Travel and tourism

Slovak Vocabulary: Travel and tourism

– Useful words you should know –


Want to learn the Slovak language? Here’s a complete list of the most basic, common and useful words in Slovak with their translation in English, on the topic of travel and tourism. Ideal to help you boost your Slovak vocabulary!

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travel cestovanie
tourism turistika
a hotel hotel
on time načas
late neskoro
the airport na letisku
landing pristátie
take-off vzlet
the air conditioning klimatizácia
the distance vzdialenosť
the customs colná správa
the border hranica
the train station vlaková stanica
the bus station autobusová stanica
a ticket lístok
the reception recepcia
the reservation rezervácia
the road cesta
a highway diaľnica
the plane rovina
by plane lietadlom
the bus autobus
the taxi taxi
the train vlak
the car auto
a helicopter vrtuľník
the sign znamenie
the parking lot parkovisko
the passport cestovný pas
the seat sedadlo
the toilet toaleta
the sunglasses slnečné okuliare
a key kľúč
a camera fotoaparát
one way ticket jednosmerný lístok
a return ticket spiatočný lístok
a ticket office pokladňa
an accommodation ubytovanie
a pillow vankúš
a blanket prikrývka
a sleeping bag spacák
a luggage batožina
a bag taška
a backpack batoh
an information informácie
a tourist turista
a vaccine očkovacia látka
an insurance poistenie
a postcard pohľadnica
an itinerary itinerár
a destination miesto určenia
a flashlight baterka
an electrical outlet elektrická zásuvka
a tent stan
a suitcase kufor
to visit na návštevu
to travel cestovať
to rent na prenájom
to leave odísť
to cancel zrušiť
to cancel a reservation zrušenie rezervácie
to photograph fotografovať
the wind vietor
the snow sneh
the rain dážď
the storm búrka
the sun slnko
the sea more
a mountain hora
a lake jazero
a national park národný park
a country krajina
a forest les
a cave jaskyňa
an island ostrov
a beach pláž
the nature príroda
the landscape krajina
sun cream opaľovací krém
a towel uterák

➡️ More Slovak vocabulary lists:


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