polish vocabulary

Polish Vocabulary for Beginners: The city and public places

Polish Vocabulary: The city and public places

– Useful words you should know –


Want to learn the Polish language? Here’s a complete list of the most basic, common and useful words in Polish with their translation in English, on the topic of the city and public places. Ideal to help you boost your Polish vocabulary!

Do you spot any errors or want to add a word to the list? Don’t hesitate to leave a comment to improve the site!

a city miasto
the suburbs przedmieścia
the capital stolica
the crowd tłum
the police policja
the pollution zanieczyszczenie
the firemen strażacy
the toilets toalety
clean czysty
dirty brudny
safe bezpieczny
quiet spokojny
an apartment mieszkanie
a bus stop przystanek autobusowy
a bar bar
a post office urząd pocztowy
a shopping center centrum handlowe
a city center centrum miasta
a castle zamek
a cemetery cmentarz
a cinema kino
a police station komisariat policji
a dentist dentysta
an atm bankomat
a traffic jam korek
a garage garaż
a skyscraper wieżowiec
a hospital szpital
a hotel hotel
a building budynek
an apartment mieszkanie
a store sklep
a market rynek
a doctor lekarz
a subway metrem
a monument pomnik
a museum muzeum
a park park
a parking lot parking
a bridge most
a neighborhood sąsiedztwo
a restaurant restauracja
a stadium stadion
a supermarket supermarket
a theater teatr
a sidewalk chodnik
a village wieś
a neighbor sąsiad
a zoo zoo
a bank bank
a library biblioteka
a cathedral katedra
a school szkoła
a church kościół
a queue kolejka
a fountain fontanna
a train station dworzec kolejowy
a bus station dworzec autobusowy
a bookstore księgarnia
a mosque meczet
a pharmacy apteka
a swimming pool basen
a bicycle path ścieżka rowerowa
a pedestrian street deptak
a street ulica
a main street główna ulica
an alley alejka
an avenue aleja
a highway autostrada
a gas station stacja benzynowa
a statue posąg
a synagogue synagoga
a university uniwersytet
a factory fabryka
a garbage can kosz na śmieci
a prison więzienie

➡️ More Polish vocabulary lists:


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