
Serbian Vocabulary for Beginners: The city and public places

Serbian Vocabulary: The city and public places

– Useful words you should know –


Want to learn the Serbian language? Here’s a complete list of the most basic, common and useful words in Serbian with their translation in English, on the topic of the city and public places. Ideal to help you boost your Serbian vocabulary!

Do you spot any errors or want to add a word to the list? Don’t hesitate to leave a comment to improve the site!

a city grad
the suburbs predgrađe
the capital prestonica
the crowd gužva
the police policija
the pollution zagađenje
the firemen vatrogasci
the toilets toaleti
clean иist
dirty prljavi
safe sigurno
quiet tiho
an apartment stan
a bus stop autobuska stanica
a bar kafana
a post office pošta
a shopping center tržni centar
a city center centar grada
a castle zamak
a cemetery groblje
a cinema bioskop
a police station policijska stanica
a dentist zubar
an atm bankomat
a traffic jam gužva u saobraćaju
a garage garaža
a skyscraper soliter
a hospital bolnica
a hotel hotel
a building zgrada
an apartment stan
a store prodavnica
a market pijaca
a doctor doktor
a subway podzemna železnica
a monument spomenik
a museum muzej
a park park
a parking lot parking
a bridge most
a neighborhood komšiluk
a restaurant restoran
a stadium stadion
a supermarket supermarket
a theater pozorište
a sidewalk trotoar
a village selo
a neighbor komšija
a zoo zoološki vrt
a bank banka
a library biblioteka
a cathedral katedrala
a school škola
a church crkva
a queue red
a fountain fontana
a train station železnička stanica
a bus station autobuska stanica
a bookstore knjižara
a mosque džamija
a pharmacy apoteka
a swimming pool bazen
a bicycle path biciklistička staza
a pedestrian street pešačka ulica
a street ulicu
a main street glavna ulica
an alley uličica
an avenue avenija
a highway autoput
a gas station benzinska pumpa
a statue statua
a synagogue sinagoga
a university univerzitet
a factory fabrika
a garbage can kanta za đubre
a prison zatvor

➡️ More Serbian vocabulary lists:


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