
Basic Bulgarian words for beginners

Basic Bulgarian words for beginners

– Essential words to know –


Learn the essentials of Bulgarian easily with this vocabulary list that contains all the most basic words used in Bulgarian, with their english translations. If you’re a beginner, it will come in handy to review or learn Bulgarian by yourself before traveling, or if you want to enrich and improve your Bulgarian vocabulary to better express yourself in writing and speaking!

Do you spot any errors or want to add a vocabulary word to the list? Don’t hesitate to leave a comment to improve the site!

Please Molya te
Thank you! Blagodarya ti!
Sorry!  Sŭzhalyavam!
What? Kakvo?
Who? SZO?
When? Koga?
Why? Zashto?
Which? Koĭto?
How? kak?
Where ? Kŭdeto ?
How much ? Kolko ?
Yes da
No  Ne
Maybe Mozhe bi
Of course Razbira se
something neshto
nothing Nishto
somebody nyakoĭ
nobody Nikoĭ
before predi
after sled
far dalech
near blizo do
here tuk
there tam
today dnes
tomoorow utre
now sega
man chovek
woman zhena
friend priyatel
more Poveche ▼
less po-malko
always vinagi
later po kŭsno
never nikoga
same edin i sŭsht
different razlichno
small malŭk
large golyam
difficult truden
easy lesno
hot goresht
cold stud
yesterday vchera
after sled
beautiful krasiv
broken schupen
free Bezplatno
a pharmacy apteka
money pari
a bag chanta
a lighter zapalka
a cigarette tsigara
a bottle butilka
soap sapun
clean chista
dirty mrŭsen
a trash can kofa za bokluk
a trash bag torba za bokluk
the silence tishinata
a tool instrument
pregnant bremenna
sick bolen
a baby bebe
a little bit malko
a doctor lekar
a dentist zŭbolekar
a medicine lekarstvo
a book kniga
a story edna istoriya
a phone telefon
a computer kompyutŭr
a car kola
a plane samolet
the name imeto
the adress adresa
the age vŭzrastta
the nationality natsionalnostta
a choice izbor
an answer otgovor
the key klyuchŭt
the light svetlinata
the television televiziyata
the bed legloto
the house kŭshtata
the shower dushŭt
the window prozoretsa
the door vratata
the table masata
tired umoren
water voda
open otvoren
closed zatvoren
clothes drekhi
coffee kafe
tea chaĭ
lunch obyad
dinner vecherya
a fruit plod
a vegetable zelenchuk
a beverage napitka
a child dete
rain dŭzhd
the entrance Vkhodŭt
the exit izkhoda
music muzika
a smile usmivka
the world Svetŭt
the sky nebeto
a river reka
the sea moreto
the mountain planinata
the lake ezeroto
the island Ostrovŭt
the beach Plazhŭt

➡️ More Bulgarian vocabulary lists:


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Basic Armenian words for beginners

Basic Armenian words for beginners

– Essential words to know –


Learn the essentials of Armenian easily with this vocabulary list that contains all the most basic words used in Armenian, with their english translations. If you’re a beginner, it will come in handy to review or learn Armenian by yourself before traveling, or if you want to enrich and improve your Armenian vocabulary to better express yourself in writing and speaking!

Do you spot any errors or want to add a vocabulary word to the list? Don’t hesitate to leave a comment to improve the site!

Please Khndrum yem
Thank you! Shnorhakalut’yun!
Sorry!  Neroghut’yun!
What? Inch’?
Who? AHK?
When? Yerb?
Why? Inch’vo՞w.
Which? VO՞ry.
How? Inch’pe՞s:
Where ? Vortegh ?
How much ? Inch’k’an ?
Yes Ayo՛
No  Voch’
Maybe Miguts’e
Of course Iharke
something inch’ – vor ban
nothing voch’inch’
somebody inch’-vor mekin
nobody voch’ vok’
before nakhk’an
after heto
far herru
near mot
here aystegh
there ayntegh
today aysor
tomoorow vaghy
now hima
man mard
woman kin
friend ynker
more avelin
less aveli k’ich’
always misht
later aveli ush
never yerbek’
same nuyny
different tarber
small p’vok’r
large mets
difficult dzhvar
easy hesht
hot tak’
cold ts’urt
yesterday yerek
after heto
beautiful geghets’ik
broken kotrvats
free anvchar
a pharmacy deghatun
money p’vogh
a bag mi payusak
a lighter krakayrich’
a cigarette mi sigaret
a bottle shish
soap ocharr
clean mak’ur
dirty keghtot
a trash can aghbaman
a trash bag aghbi toprak
the silence lrrut’yuny
a tool gortsik’
pregnant hghi
sick hivand
a baby yerekha
a little bit mi k’ich’
a doctor mi bzhishk
a dentist atamnabuyzh
a medicine mi deghamijots’
a book Girk’
a story mi patmut’yun
a phone herrakhos
a computer hamakargich’
a car mek’ena
a plane Ink’nat’irr
the name anuny
the adress hasts’en
the age tarik’y
the nationality azgut’yuny
a choice yntrut’yun
an answer pataskhan
the key banalin
the light luysy
the television herrustatesut’yuny
the bed mahchakal
the house tuny
the shower ts’nts’ughy
the window patuhany
the door durry
the table seghany
tired hognats
water jur
open bats’el
closed p’akvats
clothes hagust
coffee surch
tea t’ey
lunch lanch’
dinner ynt’rik’
a fruit mi mirg
a vegetable banjareghen
a beverage ympelik’
a child mi yerekha
rain andzrev
the entrance mutk’y
the exit yelk’y
music yerazhshtut’yun
a smile zhpit
the world ashkharhy
the sky yerkink’y
a river get
the sea tsovy
the mountain sary
the lake lichy
the island kghzin
the beach loghap’

➡️ More Armenian vocabulary lists:


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arabic vocabulary

Basic Arabic words for beginners

Basic Arabic words for beginners

– Essential words to know –


Learn the essentials of Arabic easily with this vocabulary list that contains all the most basic words used in Arabic, with their english translations. If you’re a beginner, it will come in handy to review or learn Arabic by yourself before traveling, or if you want to enrich and improve your Arabic vocabulary to better express yourself in writing and speaking!

Do you spot any errors or want to add a vocabulary word to the list? Don’t hesitate to leave a comment to improve the site!

Please لو سمحت law samaht
Thank you! شكرًا لك! shkran lika!
Sorry!  آسف! asfu!
What? ماذا؟ madha?
Who? من؟ min?
When? متى؟ mataa؟
Why? لماذا ا؟ limadha a?
Which? أيّ؟ ay?
How? كيف؟ kayf?
Where ? أين ؟ ayn ?
How much ? كم الثمن ؟ kam althaman ?
Yes نعم naeam
No  رقم raqm
Maybe يمكن yumkin
Of course بالطبع bialtabe
something شيئا ما shayyan ma
nothing ولا شيء wala shay’
somebody شخص ما shakhs ma
nobody لا أحد la ‘ahad
before قبل qabl
after بعد، بعدما baeda, baedama
far بعيد bueid
near قرب qurb
here هنا huna
there هناك hunak
today اليوم alyawm
tomoorow غدا ghadan
now حاليا haliana
man رجل rajul
woman النساء alnisa’
friend صديق sadiq
more أكثر akthar
less أقل aqalu
always دائماً daymaan
later في وقت لاحق fi waqt lahiq
never أبداً abdaan
same نفس nafs
different مختلف mukhtalif
small صغير saghir
large كبير kabir
difficult صعبة saeba
easy سهل sahl
hot الحار alharu
cold البرد albard
yesterday في الامس fi alamis
after بعد، بعدما baeda, baedama
beautiful جميلة jamila
broken مكسور maksur
free مجانا majaanan
a pharmacy صيدلية saydalia
money مال mal
a bag حقيبة haqiba
a lighter كشاف ضوئي kashaf dawyiy
a cigarette سيجارة sijara
a bottle قارورة qarura
soap صابون sabun
clean ينظف yunazaf
dirty متسخ mutasakh
a trash can سلة نفايات salat nufayat
a trash bag كيس قمامة kys qumama
the silence الصمت alsamt
a tool أداة ada
pregnant حامل hamil
sick مرض mard
a baby رضيع radie
a little bit قليلا qalilan
a doctor طبيب tabib
a dentist طبيب أسنان tabib ‘asnan
a medicine دواء dawa’
a book كتاب kitab
a story قصة qisa
a phone هاتف hatif
a computer كمبيوتر kumbuyutar
a car سيارة sayaara
a plane طائرة tayira
the name الاسم aliasm
the adress العنوان aleunwan
the age العمر aleumr
the nationality جنسية jinsia
a choice خيار khiar
an answer إجابة iijaba
the key المفتاح almiftah
the light الضوء aldaw’
the television التلفاز altilfaz
the bed السرير alsarir
the house المنزل almanzil
the shower الاستحمام aliastihmam
the window النافذة alnaafidha
the door الباب albab
the table الطاولة altaawila
tired مرهق marhaq
water ماء ma’
open افتح aiftah
closed مغلق mughlaq
clothes ملابس malabis
coffee قهوة qahwa
tea شاي shay
lunch غداء ghada’
dinner وجبة عشاء wajbat easha’
a fruit فاكهة fakiha
a vegetable خضراوات khadrawat
a beverage مشروب mashrub
a child طفل tifl
rain مطر matar
the entrance المدخل almadkhal
the exit المخرج almakhraj
music موسيقى musiqaa
a smile ابتسامة aibtisama
the world العالم alealam
the sky السماء alsama’
a river نهر nahr
the sea البحر albahr
the mountain الجبل aljabal
the lake البحيرة albuhayra
the island الجزيرة aljazira
the beach الشاطئ alshaati

➡️ More Arabic vocabulary lists:


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Basic Afrikaans words for beginners

Basic Afrikaans words for beginners

– Essential words to know –


Learn the essentials of Afrikaans easily with this vocabulary list that contains all the most basic words used in Afrikaans, with their english translations. If you’re a beginner, it will come in handy to review or learn Afrikaans by yourself before traveling, or if you want to enrich and improve your Afrikaans vocabulary to better express yourself in writing and speaking!

Do you spot any errors or want to add a vocabulary word to the list? Don’t hesitate to leave a comment to improve the site!

Please Asseblief
Thank you! Dankie!
Sorry!  Jammer!
What? Wat?
Who? WHO?
When? Wanneer?
Why? Hoekom?
Which? Watter?
How? Hoe?
Where ? Waar ?
How much ? Hoeveel ?
Yes Ja
No  Geen
Maybe Kan wees
Of course Natuurlik
something iets
nothing niks
somebody iemand
nobody niemand nie
before voor
after na
far ver
near naby
here hier
there daar
today vandag
tomoorow môre
now nou
man man
woman vrou
friend vriend
more meer
less minder
always altyd
later later
never nooit
same dieselfde
different anders
small klein
large groot
difficult moeilik
easy maklik
hot warm
cold koud
yesterday gister
after na
beautiful pragtige
broken stukkend
free vry
a pharmacy n apteek
money geld
a bag n sak
a lighter n aansteker
a cigarette n sigaret
a bottle n bottel
soap seep
clean skoon
dirty vuil
a trash can n asblik
a trash bag n vullissak
the silence die stilte
a tool n hulpmiddel
pregnant swanger
sick siek
a baby n baba
a little bit n bietjie
a doctor n dokter
a dentist n tandarts
a medicine n medisyne
a book n boek
a story n storie
a phone n foon
a computer n rekenaar
a car n motor
a plane n vliegtuig
the name die naam
the adress die adres
the age die ouderdom
the nationality die nasionaliteit
a choice n keuse
an answer n antwoord
the key die sleutel
the light die lig
the television die televisie
the bed die bed
the house die huis
the shower die stort
the window die venster
the door die deur
the table die tafel
tired moeg
water water
open oopmaak
closed gesluit
clothes klere
coffee koffie
tea tee
lunch middagete
dinner aandete
a fruit n vrug
a vegetable n groente
a beverage n drankie
a child n kind
rain reën
the entrance die ingang
the exit die uitgang
music musiek
a smile n glimlag
the world die wereld
the sky die lug
a river n rivier
the sea die see
the mountain die berg
the lake Die meer
the island die eiland
the beach die strand

➡️ More Afrikaans vocabulary lists:


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Learn Basic Slovenian | Greetings and Introductions

Slovenian Greetings and Introductions

– Essential words and phrases to know –


Learn the essentials of Slovenian easily with this vocabulary list that contains all the most basic words and phrases used in Slovenian for greetings and Introductions, with their english translations. If you’re a beginner, it will come in handy to review or learn Slovenian by yourself before traveling, or if you want to enrich and improve your Slovenian vocabulary to better express yourself in writing and speaking!

Do you spot any errors or want to add a vocabulary word to the list? Don’t hesitate to leave a comment to improve the site!

Hello zdravo
Good morning! Dobro jutro!
Good afternoon! Dober večer!
Hi zdravo
Good evening Dober večer
Good night Lahko noč
Sleep well Lepo spi
How are you? kako si
I’m fine, thank you. Dobro sem, hvala.
How about you? Kaj pa ti?
Nice to meet you. Lepo te je bilo srečati.
Nice to meet you too. Tudi tebe je lepo spoznati.
Likewise Prav tako
It’s good to see you. Lepo te je videti.
Nice to see you again. Lepo te je spet videti.
Pleased to meet you. Vesel sem, da sem te spoznal.
How nice to see you! Kako lepo te je videti!
What’s up? Kaj se dogaja?
What brings you here? Kaj vas je pripeljalo sem?
When you’re leaving
Goodbye Adijo
I hope we’ll meet again. Upam, da se še srečamo.
I’ve got to go. Moram iti.
It was good meeting you. Lepo te je bilo spoznati.
It was great seeing you again. Lepo te je bilo spet videti.
It was great to catch up! Bilo je super nadoknaditi!
See you again sometime. Se vidimo spet kdaj.
See you in the morning Se vidiva zjutraj
See you later Se vidimo kasneje
See you soon Se vidiva kmalu
See you tomorrow Se vidiva jutri
See you tonight Se vidimo zvečer
Sleep well Lepo spi
Take care. pazi nase
Other greetings
Bless you Na zdravje
Cheers! Na zdravje!
Farewell slovo
Good luck! Vso srečo!
Talk to you soon Kmalu se spet slišiva
Welcome dobrodošli
Well done! Dobro opravljeno!

➡️ More Slovenian vocabulary lists:


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Learn Basic Vietnamese | Greetings and Introductions

Vietnamese Greetings and Introductions

– Essential words and phrases to know –


Learn the essentials of Vietnamese easily with this vocabulary list that contains all the most basic words and phrases used in Vietnamese for greetings and Introductions, with their english translations. If you’re a beginner, it will come in handy to review or learn Vietnamese by yourself before traveling, or if you want to enrich and improve your Vietnamese vocabulary to better express yourself in writing and speaking!

Do you spot any errors or want to add a vocabulary word to the list? Don’t hesitate to leave a comment to improve the site!

Hello Xin chào
Good morning! Buổi sáng tốt lành!
Good afternoon! Chào buổi chiều!
Hi Xin chào
Good evening Chào buổi tối
Good night Chúc ngủ ngon
Sleep well Ngủ ngon
How are you? Bạn khỏe không?
I’m fine, thank you. Tôi khỏe, cám ơn.
How about you? Còn bạn thì sao?
Nice to meet you. Rất vui được gặp bạn.
Nice to meet you too. Cũng hân hạnh được gặp bạn.
Likewise Tương tự như vậy
It’s good to see you. Thật tốt khi được gặp bạn.
Nice to see you again. Rất vui được gặp lại bạn.
Pleased to meet you. Hân hạnh được gặp bạn.
How nice to see you! Rất vui được gặp bạn!
What’s up? Có chuyện gì vậy?
What brings you here? Điều gì mang bạn đến đây?
When you’re leaving
Goodbye Tạm biệt
I hope we’ll meet again. Hy vọng chúng ta sẽ gặp lại nhau.
I’ve got to go. Tôi phải đi.
It was good meeting you. Thật tốt khi gặp bạn.
It was great seeing you again. Thật tuyệt khi gặp lại bạn.
It was great to catch up! Thật tuyệt khi bắt kịp!
See you again sometime. Thỉnh thoảng gặp lại.
See you in the morning Hẹn gặp lại vào buổi sáng
See you later Hẹn gặp lại
See you soon hẹn sớm gặp lại
See you tomorrow Hẹn gặp bạn vào ngày mai
See you tonight Hẹn gặp lại tối nay
Sleep well Ngủ ngon
Take care. Bảo trọng.
Other greetings
Bless you ban phước cho bạn
Cheers! Chúc mừng!
Farewell Từ biệt
Good luck! Chúc may mắn!
Talk to you soon Nói chuyện với bạn sớm
Welcome Chào mừng
Well done! Làm tốt!

➡️ More Vietnamese vocabulary lists:


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Learn Basic Ukrainian | Greetings and Introductions

Ukrainian Greetings and Introductions

– Essential words and phrases to know –


Learn the essentials of Ukrainian easily with this vocabulary list that contains all the most basic words and phrases used in Ukrainian for greetings and Introductions, with their english translations. If you’re a beginner, it will come in handy to review or learn Ukrainian by yourself before traveling, or if you want to enrich and improve your Ukrainian vocabulary to better express yourself in writing and speaking!

Do you spot any errors or want to add a vocabulary word to the list? Don’t hesitate to leave a comment to improve the site!

Hello Привіт Pryvit
Good morning! Доброго ранку! Dobroho ranku!
Good afternoon! Доброго дня! Dobroho dnya!
Hi Привіт Pryvit
Good evening Добрий вечір Dobryy vechir
Good night Надобраніч Nadobranich
Sleep well Спи добре Spy dobre
How are you? Як ти? Yak ty?
I’m fine, thank you. Я в порядку, дякую. YA v poryadku, dyakuyu.
How about you? Як щодо тебе? Yak shchodo tebe?
Nice to meet you. Приємно познайомитись. Pryyemno poznayomytysʹ.
Nice to meet you too. Я теж рада познайомитись. YA tezh rada poznayomytysʹ.
Likewise Так само Tak samo
It’s good to see you. Приємно вас бачити. Pryyemno vas bachyty.
Nice to see you again. Приємно бачити вас знову. Pryyemno bachyty vas znovu.
Pleased to meet you. Радий знайомству. Radyy znayomstvu.
How nice to see you! Як приємно вас бачити! Yak pryyemno vas bachyty!
What’s up? Як справи? Yak spravy?
What brings you here? Що привело вас сюди? Shcho pryvelo vas syudy?
When you’re leaving
Goodbye до побачення do pobachennya
I hope we’ll meet again. Сподіваюся, ми ще зустрінемося. Spodivayusya, my shche zustrinemosya.
I’ve got to go. Я мушу йти. YA mushu yty.
It was good meeting you. Було приємно познайомитися. Bulo pryyemno poznayomytysya.
It was great seeing you again. Було приємно знову побачити вас. Bulo pryyemno znovu pobachyty vas.
It was great to catch up! Було чудово надолужити! Bulo chudovo nadoluzhyty!
See you again sometime. Побачимось знову. Pobachymosʹ znovu.
See you in the morning Побачимось зранку Pobachymosʹ zranku
See you later Побачимося пізніше Pobachymosya piznishe
See you soon До зустрічі Do zustrichi
See you tomorrow Побачимось завтра Pobachymosʹ zavtra
See you tonight Побачимось ввечері Pobachymosʹ vvecheri
Sleep well Спи добре Spy dobre
Take care. Піклуватися. Pikluvatysya.
Other greetings
Bless you Будь здоровий Budʹ zdorovyy
Cheers! здоров’я! zdorov’ya!
Farewell Прощання Proshchannya
Good luck! Удачі! Udachi!
Talk to you soon Поговоримо з вами пізніше Pohovorymo z vamy piznishe
Welcome Ласкаво просимо Laskavo prosymo
Well done! молодець! molodetsʹ!

➡️ More Ukrainian vocabulary lists:


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Learn Basic Turkish | Greetings and Introductions

Turkish Greetings and Introductions

– Essential words and phrases to know –


Learn the essentials of Turkish easily with this vocabulary list that contains all the most basic words and phrases used in Turkish for greetings and Introductions, with their english translations. If you’re a beginner, it will come in handy to review or learn Turkish by yourself before traveling, or if you want to enrich and improve your Turkish vocabulary to better express yourself in writing and speaking!

Do you spot any errors or want to add a vocabulary word to the list? Don’t hesitate to leave a comment to improve the site!

Hello Merhaba
Good morning! Günaydın!
Good afternoon! Tünaydın!
Hi Merhaba
Good evening İyi akşamlar
Good night İyi geceler
Sleep well İyi uykular
How are you? Nasılsınız?
I’m fine, thank you. Ben iyiyim teşekkür ederim.
How about you? Peki ya sen?
Nice to meet you. Tanıştığıma memnun oldum.
Nice to meet you too. Ben de çok memnun oldum.
Likewise Aynı şekilde
It’s good to see you. Seni görmek güzel.
Nice to see you again. Seni tekrar görmek güzel.
Pleased to meet you. Tanıştığımıza memnun oldum.
How nice to see you! Seni görmek ne güzel!
What’s up? Naber?
What brings you here? Seni buraya ne getirdi?
When you’re leaving
Goodbye Güle güle
I hope we’ll meet again. Umarım tekrar görüşürüz.
I’ve got to go. Gitmeliyim.
It was good meeting you. Seninle tanışmak güzeldi.
It was great seeing you again. Seni tekrar görmek harikaydı.
It was great to catch up! Yakalamak harikaydı!
See you again sometime. Bir ara tekrar görüşürüz.
See you in the morning Sabah görüşürüz
See you later Sonra görüşürüz
See you soon Yakında görüşürüz
See you tomorrow Yarın görüşürüz
See you tonight Bu akşam görüşürüz
Sleep well İyi uykular
Take care. Dikkatli ol.
Other greetings
Bless you Çok yaşa
Cheers! Şerefe!
Farewell Veda
Good luck! İyi şanlar!
Talk to you soon yakında görüşürüz
Welcome Hoş geldin
Well done! Aferin!

➡️ More Turkish vocabulary lists:


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Learn Basic Thai | Greetings and Introductions

Thai Greetings and Introductions

– Essential words and phrases to know –


Learn the essentials of Thai easily with this vocabulary list that contains all the most basic words and phrases used in Thai for greetings and Introductions, with their english translations. If you’re a beginner, it will come in handy to review or learn Thai by yourself before traveling, or if you want to enrich and improve your Thai vocabulary to better express yourself in writing and speaking!

Do you spot any errors or want to add a vocabulary word to the list? Don’t hesitate to leave a comment to improve the site!

Hello สวัสดี S̄wạs̄dī
Good morning! สวัสดีตอนเช้า! s̄wạs̄dī txn chêā!
Good afternoon! สวัสดีตอนบ่าย! S̄wạs̄dī txn b̀āy!
Hi สวัสดี S̄wạs̄dī
Good evening สวัสดีตอนเย็น s̄wạs̄dī txn yĕn
Good night ราตรีสวัสดิ์ rātrī s̄wạs̄di̒
Sleep well ฝันดี f̄ạn dī
How are you? คุณเป็นอย่างไรบ้าง khuṇ pĕn xỳāngrị b̂āng
I’m fine, thank you. ฉันสบายดีขอบคุณ. c̄hạn s̄bāy dī k̄hxbkhuṇ.
How about you? แล้วคุณล่ะ Læ̂w khuṇ l̀a
Nice to meet you. ยินดีที่ได้รู้จัก. yindī thī̀ dị̂ rū̂cạk.
Nice to meet you too. ยินดีที่ได้พบคุณเช่นกัน. Yindī thī̀ dị̂ phb khuṇ chèn kạn.
Likewise เช่นเดียวกัน Chèn deīywkạn
It’s good to see you. ดีใจที่ได้พบคุณ dīcı thī̀ dị̂ phb khuṇ
Nice to see you again. ยินดีที่ได้พบคุณอีกครั้ง. yindī thī̀ dị̂ phb khuṇ xīk khrậng.
Pleased to meet you. ยินดีที่ได้รู้จัก Yindī thī̀ dị̂ rū̂cạk
How nice to see you! ช่างดีเหลือเกินที่ได้พบคุณ! ch̀āng dī h̄elụ̄xkein thī̀ dị̂ phb khuṇ!
What’s up? ว่าไง? Ẁā ngị?
What brings you here? อะไรทำให้คุณมาที่นี่? Xarị thảh̄ı̂ khuṇ mā thī̀ nī̀?
When you’re leaving
Goodbye ลาก่อน lā k̀xn
I hope we’ll meet again. ฉันหวังว่าเราจะได้พบกันอีก c̄hạn h̄wạng ẁā reā ca dị̂ phb kạn xīk
I’ve got to go. ฉันต้องไปแล้ว. c̄hạn t̂xng pị læ̂w.
It was good meeting you. เป็นการดีที่ได้พบคุณ Pĕnkār dī thī̀ dị̂ phb khuṇ
It was great seeing you again. มันดีมากที่ได้พบคุณอีกครั้ง mạndī māk thī̀ dị̂ phb khuṇ xīk khrậng
It was great to catch up! มันดีมากที่ตามทัน! mạndī māk thī̀ tām thạn!
See you again sometime. เจอกันใหม่คราวหน้า Cex kạn h̄ım̀ khrāw h̄n̂ā
See you in the morning เจอกันตอนเช้า cex kạn txn chêā
See you later แล้วพบกันใหม่ læ̂w phb kạn h̄ım̀
See you soon พบกันเร็ว ๆ นี้ phb kạn rĕw «nī̂
See you tomorrow เจอกันพรุ่งนี้ cex kạn phrùngnī̂
See you tonight เจอกันคืนนี้ cex kạn khụ̄n nī̂
Sleep well ฝันดี f̄ạn dī
Take care. ดูแล. dūlæ.
Other greetings
Bless you อวยพรคุณ xwyphr khuṇ
Cheers! ไชโย! chịyo!
Farewell ลา
Good luck! ขอให้โชคดี! k̄hx h̄ı̂ chokh dī!
Talk to you soon คุยกันใหม่ Khuy kạn h̄ım̀
Welcome ยินดีต้อนรับ yindī t̂xnrạb
Well done! ทำได้ดี! thảdị̂ dī!

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Learn Basic Swahili | Greetings and Introductions

Swahili Greetings and Introductions

– Essential words and phrases to know –


Learn the essentials of Swahili easily with this vocabulary list that contains all the most basic words and phrases used in Swahili for greetings and Introductions, with their english translations. If you’re a beginner, it will come in handy to review or learn Swahili by yourself before traveling, or if you want to enrich and improve your Swahili vocabulary to better express yourself in writing and speaking!

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Hello Habari
Good morning! Habari za asubuhi!
Good afternoon! Habari za mchana!
Hi Habari
Good evening Habari za jioni
Good night Usiku mwema
Sleep well Lala vizuri
How are you? Habari yako?
I’m fine, thank you. Sijambo, asante.
How about you? Je wewe?
Nice to meet you. Nimefurahi kukutana nawe.
Nice to meet you too. Nimefurahi kukutana nawe pia.
Likewise Vivyo hivyo
It’s good to see you. Ni vizuri kukuona.
Nice to see you again. Nimefurahi kukuona tena.
Pleased to meet you. Nimefurahi kukutana nawe.
How nice to see you! Jinsi nzuri kukuona!
What’s up? Vipi?
What brings you here? Nini kinakuleta hapa?
When you’re leaving
Goodbye Kwaheri
I hope we’ll meet again. Natumai tutakutana tena.
I’ve got to go. sina budi kwenda.
It was good meeting you. Ilikuwa nzuri kukutana nawe.
It was great seeing you again. Ilikuwa nzuri kukuona tena.
It was great to catch up! Ilikuwa nzuri kupata!
See you again sometime. Tuonane tena wakati fulani.
See you in the morning Tuonane asubuhi
See you later Tutaonana baadaye
See you soon Nitakuona hivi karibuni
See you tomorrow Tuonane kesho
See you tonight Tuonane usiku wa leo
Sleep well Lala vizuri
Take care. Kuwa mwangalifu.
Other greetings
Bless you Ubarikiwe
Cheers! Hongera!
Farewell Kwaheri
Good luck! Bahati njema!
Talk to you soon Zungumza nawe hivi karibuni
Welcome Karibu
Well done! Umefanya vizuri!

➡️ More Swahili vocabulary lists:


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