Ukrainian Vocabulary: Family and friends
– Useful words you should know –
Want to learn the Ukrainian language? Here’s a complete list of the most basic, common and useful words in Ukrainian with their translation in English, on the topic of family and friends. Ideal to help you boost your Ukrainian vocabulary!
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the great-grandfather | прадід | pradid |
the great grandmother | прабабуся | prababusya |
the grandfather | дід | did |
the grandmother | бабуся | babusya |
the grandson | онук | onuk |
the granddaughter | внучка | vnuchka |
the grandchildren | онуки | onuky |
the father | тато | tato |
the mother | мати | maty |
the parents | батьки | batʹky |
the child | дитина | dytyna |
the children | діти | dity |
the son | син | syn |
the daughter | дочка | dochka |
a baby | немовля | nemovlya |
a teenager | підліток | pidlitok |
the adults | дорослі | dorosli |
the brother | брат | brat |
the sister | сестра | sestra |
half-brother | зведений брат | zvedenyy brat |
half-sister | зведена сестра | zvedena sestra |
a twin | близнюк | blyznyuk |
the uncle | дядько | dyadʹko |
the aunt | тітка | titka |
the cousin | двоюрідний брат | dvoyuridnyy brat |
the nephew | племінник | pleminnyk |
the niece | племінниця | pleminnytsya |
a friend | друг | druh |
the boyfriend | хлопець | khlopetsʹ |
the girlfriend | подруга | podruha |
the fiancé | наречений | narechenyy |
the groom | наречений | narechenyy |
the husband | чоловік | cholovik |
the wife | дружина | druzhyna |
the parents-in-law | свекрухи | svekrukhy |
father-in-law | свекор | svekor |
the mother-in-law | свекруха | svekrukha |
the brother-in-law | шурин | shuryn |
the sister-in-law | невістка | nevistka |
the son-in-law | зять | zyatʹ |
the daughter-in-law | невістка | nevistka |
a family member | член сім’ї | chlen sim’yi |
adopted | усиновлений | usynovlenyy |
only son | єдиний син | yedynyy syn |
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- 100 most common Ukrainian verbs
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- Useful adjectives
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- Contrary words
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- Colors and shapes
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