Arabic Vocabulary List: The city and public places
– Useful words you should know –
Want to learn the Arabic language? Here’s a complete list of the most basic, common and useful words in Arabic with their translation in English on the topic of the city and public places. Ideal to help you boost your Arabic vocabulary!
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a city | مدينة | madina |
the suburbs | الضواحي | aldawahi |
the capital | العاصمة | aleasima |
the crowd | الحشد | alhashd |
the police | الشرطة | alshurta |
the pollution | التلوث | altalawuth |
the firemen | رجال الاطفاء | rijal alaitifa’ |
the toilets | المراحيض | almarahid |
clean | ينظف | yunazaf |
dirty | متسخ | mutasakh |
safe | آمنة | amna |
quiet | هادئ | hadi |
an apartment | شقة | shaqa |
a bus stop | موقف الباص | mawqif albas |
a bar | بار | bar |
a post office | مكتب بريد | maktab barid |
a shopping center | مركز تسوق | markaz tasawq |
a city center | مركز المدينة | markaz almadina |
a castle | قلعة | qalea |
a cemetery | مقبرة | maqbara |
a cinema | سينما | sinima |
a police station | قسم الشرطة | qism alshurta |
a dentist | طبيب أسنان | tabib ‘asnan |
an atm | أجهزة الصراف الآلي | ajhizat alsaraaf alali |
a traffic jam | ازدحام مروري | aizdiham mururiun |
a garage | مرآب لتصليح السيارات | murab litaslih alsayaarat |
a skyscraper | ناطحة سحاب | natihat sahab |
a hospital | مستشفى | mustashfaa |
a hotel | فندق | funduq |
a building | مبنى | mabnaa |
an apartment | شقة | shaqa |
a store | متجر | matjar |
a market | سوق | suq |
a doctor | طبيب | tabib |
a subway | مترو الانفاق | mitru alainfaq |
a monument | نصب تذكاري | nusb tadhkari |
a museum | متحف | muthaf |
a park | حديقة | hadiqa |
a parking lot | موقف للسيارات | mawqif lilsayaarat |
a bridge | جسر | jisr |
a neighborhood | حي | hy |
a restaurant | مطعم | mateam |
a stadium | استاد | aistad |
a supermarket | سوبر ماركت | subar markit |
a theater | مسرح | masrah |
a sidewalk | رصيف | rasif |
a village | قرية | qarya |
a neighbor | جار | jar |
a zoo | حديقة حيوان | hadiqat hayawan |
a bank | بنك | bank |
a library | مكتبة | maktaba |
a cathedral | كاتدرائية | katidrayiya |
a school | مدرسة | madrasa |
a church | كنيسة | kanisa |
a queue | طابور | tabur |
a fountain | نافورة | nafura |
a train station | محطة قطار | mahatat qitar |
a bus station | محطة حافلات | mahatat hafilat |
a bookstore | محل لبيع الكتب | mahalun libaye alkutub |
a mosque | مسجد | masjid |
a pharmacy | صيدلية | saydalia |
a swimming pool | حوض سباحة | hawd sibaha |
a bicycle path | مسار دراجات | masar daraajat |
a pedestrian street | شارع للمشاة | sharie lilmushaa |
a street | شارع | sharie |
a main street | شارع رئيسي | sharie rayiysiun |
an alley | زقاق | ziqaq |
an avenue | طريق | tariq |
a highway | طريق سريع | tariq sarie |
a gas station | محطة وقود | mahatat waqud |
a statue | تمثال | timthal |
a synagogue | كنيس | kanis |
a university | جامعة | jamiea |
a factory | مصنع | masnae |
a garbage can | سلة المهملات | salat almuhmalat |
a prison | سجن | sujin |
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- Useful adjectives
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- Travel and tourism
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- Colors and shapes
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