Basic Arabic words for beginners
– Essential words to know –
Learn the essentials of Arabic easily with this vocabulary list that contains all the most basic words used in Arabic, with their english translations. If you’re a beginner, it will come in handy to review or learn Arabic by yourself before traveling, or if you want to enrich and improve your Arabic vocabulary to better express yourself in writing and speaking!
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Please | لو سمحت | law samaht |
Thank you! | شكرًا لك! | shkran lika! |
Sorry! | آسف! | asfu! |
What? | ماذا؟ | madha? |
Who? | من؟ | min? |
When? | متى؟ | mataa؟ |
Why? | لماذا ا؟ | limadha a? |
Which? | أيّ؟ | ay? |
How? | كيف؟ | kayf? |
Where ? | أين ؟ | ayn ? |
How much ? | كم الثمن ؟ | kam althaman ? |
Yes | نعم | naeam |
No | رقم | raqm |
Maybe | يمكن | yumkin |
Of course | بالطبع | bialtabe |
something | شيئا ما | shayyan ma |
nothing | ولا شيء | wala shay’ |
somebody | شخص ما | shakhs ma |
nobody | لا أحد | la ‘ahad |
before | قبل | qabl |
after | بعد، بعدما | baeda, baedama |
far | بعيد | bueid |
near | قرب | qurb |
here | هنا | huna |
there | هناك | hunak |
today | اليوم | alyawm |
tomoorow | غدا | ghadan |
now | حاليا | haliana |
man | رجل | rajul |
woman | النساء | alnisa’ |
friend | صديق | sadiq |
more | أكثر | akthar |
less | أقل | aqalu |
always | دائماً | daymaan |
later | في وقت لاحق | fi waqt lahiq |
never | أبداً | abdaan |
same | نفس | nafs |
different | مختلف | mukhtalif |
small | صغير | saghir |
large | كبير | kabir |
difficult | صعبة | saeba |
easy | سهل | sahl |
hot | الحار | alharu |
cold | البرد | albard |
yesterday | في الامس | fi alamis |
after | بعد، بعدما | baeda, baedama |
beautiful | جميلة | jamila |
broken | مكسور | maksur |
free | مجانا | majaanan |
a pharmacy | صيدلية | saydalia |
money | مال | mal |
a bag | حقيبة | haqiba |
a lighter | كشاف ضوئي | kashaf dawyiy |
a cigarette | سيجارة | sijara |
a bottle | قارورة | qarura |
soap | صابون | sabun |
clean | ينظف | yunazaf |
dirty | متسخ | mutasakh |
a trash can | سلة نفايات | salat nufayat |
a trash bag | كيس قمامة | kys qumama |
the silence | الصمت | alsamt |
a tool | أداة | ada |
pregnant | حامل | hamil |
sick | مرض | mard |
a baby | رضيع | radie |
a little bit | قليلا | qalilan |
a doctor | طبيب | tabib |
a dentist | طبيب أسنان | tabib ‘asnan |
a medicine | دواء | dawa’ |
a book | كتاب | kitab |
a story | قصة | qisa |
a phone | هاتف | hatif |
a computer | كمبيوتر | kumbuyutar |
a car | سيارة | sayaara |
a plane | طائرة | tayira |
the name | الاسم | aliasm |
the adress | العنوان | aleunwan |
the age | العمر | aleumr |
the nationality | جنسية | jinsia |
a choice | خيار | khiar |
an answer | إجابة | iijaba |
the key | المفتاح | almiftah |
the light | الضوء | aldaw’ |
the television | التلفاز | altilfaz |
the bed | السرير | alsarir |
the house | المنزل | almanzil |
the shower | الاستحمام | aliastihmam |
the window | النافذة | alnaafidha |
the door | الباب | albab |
the table | الطاولة | altaawila |
tired | مرهق | marhaq |
water | ماء | ma’ |
open | افتح | aiftah |
closed | مغلق | mughlaq |
clothes | ملابس | malabis |
coffee | قهوة | qahwa |
tea | شاي | shay |
lunch | غداء | ghada’ |
dinner | وجبة عشاء | wajbat easha’ |
a fruit | فاكهة | fakiha |
a vegetable | خضراوات | khadrawat |
a beverage | مشروب | mashrub |
a child | طفل | tifl |
rain | مطر | matar |
the entrance | المدخل | almadkhal |
the exit | المخرج | almakhraj |
music | موسيقى | musiqaa |
a smile | ابتسامة | aibtisama |
the world | العالم | alealam |
the sky | السماء | alsama’ |
a river | نهر | nahr |
the sea | البحر | albahr |
the mountain | الجبل | aljabal |
the lake | البحيرة | albuhayra |
the island | الجزيرة | aljazira |
the beach | الشاطئ | alshaati |
➡️ More Arabic vocabulary lists:
- Greetings
- 100 most common Arabic verbs
- Useful adverbs
- Useful adjectives
- Family and friends
- The city and public places
- The human body, head and face
- Contrary words
- Travel and tourism
- The calendar (days, months, seasons)
- Colors and shapes
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