Arabic Vocabulary List: Contrary words
– Useful words you should know –
Want to learn the Arabic language? Here’s a complete list of the most basic, common and useful words in Arabic with their translation in English on the topic of contrary words. Ideal to help you boost your Arabic vocabulary!
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young | صغيرة | saghira |
old | قديم | qadim |
empty | فارغة | farigha |
full | ممتلئ | mumtali |
vertical | عمودي | eamudi |
horizontal | عرضي | eirdi |
useful | مفيد | mufid |
useless | عديم الفائدة | eadim alfayida |
a city | مدينة | madina |
a village | قرية | qarya |
a question | سؤال | sual |
an answer | إجابة | iijaba |
sad | حزين | hazin |
happy | سعيدة | saeida |
all | الكل | alkuli |
nothing | ولا شيء | wala shay’ |
a teacher | معلم | muealim |
a student | طالب | talib |
early | مبكر | mubakir |
late | متأخر | muta’akhir |
open | افتح | aiftah |
closed | مغلق | mughlaq |
first | أول | awal |
last | الاخير | alakhir |
secure | يؤمن | yumin |
dangerous | خطير | khatir |
near | قرب | qurb |
far | بعيد | bueid |
sugar | السكر | alsukar |
salt | ملح | milh |
dry | جاف | jaf |
wet | مبلل | mubalal |
often | غالباً | ghalbaan |
rarely | نادرا | nadiran |
always | دائماً | daymaan |
never | أبداً | abdaan |
same | نفس | nafs |
different | مختلف | mukhtalif |
dirty | متسخ | mutasakh |
clean | ينظف | yunazaf |
the evening | المساء | almasa’ |
the morning | الصباح | alsabah |
small | صغير | saghir |
large | كبير | kabir |
rich | ثري | thari |
poor | فقير | faqir |
the ceiling | السقف | alsaqf |
the floor | الارضية | alaridia |
animal | حيوان | hayawan |
human | بشري | bashri |
guilty | مذنب | mudhnib |
innocent | بريىء | bariaa’ |
here | هنا | huna |
there | هناك | hunak |
hunger | جوع | jue |
the thirst | العطش | aleatash |
the sun | الشمس | alshams |
the moon | القمر | alqamar |
the sister | الأخت | al’ukht |
the brother | الأخ | al’akh |
slow | بطيء | bati’ |
fast | سريع | sarie |
before | قبل | qabl |
after | بعد، بعدما | baeda, baedama |
heavy | ثقيل | thaqil |
light | خفيفة | khafifa |
old | قديم | qadim |
new | الجديد | aljadid |
easy | سهل | sahl |
difficult | صعبة | saeba |
start | بداية | bidayatan |
finish | إنهاء | iinha’ |
friend | صديق | sadiq |
enemy | العدو | aleaduu |
yesterday | في الامس | fi alamis |
tomorrow | الغد | alghad |
cold | البرد | albard |
hot | الحار | alharu |
right | حقا | haqana |
left | اليسار | alyasar |
a woman | امراة | amaraa |
a man | رجل | rajul |
inside | داخل | dakhil |
outside | الخارج | alkharij |
strong | قوي | qawiun |
weak | ضعيف | daeif |
soft | لين | lyn |
hard | الصعب | alsaeb |
a lot | كثيراً | kthyraan |
a little | القليل | alqalil |
up | فوق | fawq |
down | أسفل | asfal |
exactly | بالضبط | bialdabt |
probably | المحتمل | almuhtamal |
married | متزوج \ متزوجة | mutazawij \ mutazawija |
single | غير مرتبطة | ghayr murtabita |
noisy | مزعج | muzeij |
quiet | هادئ | hadi |
complicated | معقد | mueaqad |
simple | بسيط | basit |
now | حاليا | haliana |
later | في وقت لاحق | fi waqt lahiq |
long | طويل | tawil |
short | قصيرة | qasira |
interesting | مثير للإعجاب | muthir lil’iiejab |
boring | ممل | mumil |
normal | عادي | eadi |
strange | غريب | gharib |
outside | الخارج | alkharij |
inside | داخل | dakhil |
the entrance | المدخل | almadkhal |
the exit | المخرج | almakhraj |
white | أبيض | abyad |
black | أسود | aswad |
expensive | مكلفة | mukalifa |
cheap | رخيص | rakhis |
to walk | يمشي | yamshi |
to run | يهرب | yahrub |
to attach | لإرفاق | li’iirfaq |
to detach | ليفصل | liafsil |
to go up | لترتفع | litartafie |
to go down | النزول | alnuzul |
to increase | لارتفاع | liartifae |
to decrease | لتنقيص او لتقليل | litanqis aw litaqlil |
to stop | للتوقف | liltawaquf |
to continue | لاستكمال | liastikmal |
to take off | للاقلاع | lilaqilae |
to land | الى الارض | alaa alarid |
to put on | لتضع | litadae |
to remove | لازالة | lazala |
to move forward | تحرك إلى الامام | taharak ‘iilaa alamam |
to move back | للعودة | lileawda |
to forget | لتنسى | litansaa |
to remember | للتذكر | liltadhakur |
to show | ليعرض | liaerid |
to hide | لإخفاء | li’iikhfa’ |
to save | للحفظ | lilhifz |
to spend | ليصرف | liasrif |
to build | لبناء | libina’ |
to destroy | لتدمير | litadmir |
to arrive | لكي تصل | likay tasil |
to leave | يغادر | yughadir |
to enter | للدخول | lildukhul |
to go out | للخروج | lilkhuruj |
to laugh | لتضحك | litadhak |
to cry | يبكي | yabki |
to sell | للبيع | lilbaye |
to buy | للشراء | lilshira’ |
to break | خرق | kharq |
to repair | يصلح | yuslih |
to lend | يقرض | yuqrad |
to borrow | يستلف | yastalif |
to earn | لكسب | likasb |
to lose | لتخسر | litakhsar |
to slow down | ليهدأ السرعة | liahda alsurea |
to speed up | لتسريع | litasrie |
to search | للبحث | lilbahth |
to find | لايجاد | layjad |
to pull | لسحب | lisahub |
to push | يدفع | yadfae |
to take | يأخذ | yakhudh |
to give | لكي أعطي | likay ‘ueti |
to wake up | للإستيقاظ | lil’iistiqaz |
to fall asleep | لتغفو | litaghfu |
to hold | ليمسك | liumsik |
to let go | يطلق سراح | yutlaq sarah |
to turn on | لتشغيل | litashghil |
to turn off | لإيقاف التشغيل | li’iiqaf altashghil |
to sell | للبيع | lilbaye |
to buy | للشراء | lilshira’ |
to send | لترسل | litursil |
to receive | لاستقبال | liaistiqbal |
➡️ More Arabic vocabulary lists:
- Greetings
- Basic words to learn
- 100 most common Arabic verbs
- Useful adverbs
- Useful adjectives
- Family and friends
- The city and public places
- The human body, head and face
- Travel and tourism
- The calendar (days, months, seasons)
- Colors and shapes
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