
Basic Swedish words for beginners

Basic Swedish words for beginners

– Essential words to know –


Learn the essentials of Swedish easily with this vocabulary list that contains all the most basic words used in Swedish, with their english translations. If you’re a beginner, it will come in handy to review or learn Swedish by yourself before traveling, or if you want to enrich and improve your Swedish vocabulary to better express yourself in writing and speaking!

Do you spot any errors or want to add a vocabulary word to the list? Don’t hesitate to leave a comment to improve the site!

Please Är du snäll
Thank you! Tack!
Sorry!  Förlåt! 
What? Vad?
Who? Vem?
When? När?
Why? Varför?
Which? Vilken?
How? Hur?
Where ? Var?
How much ? Hur mycket?
Yes Ja
No  Nej 
Maybe Kanske
Of course Självklart
something någonting
nothing ingenting
somebody någon
nobody ingen
before före
after efter
far fjärran
near nära
here Här
there där
today I dag
tomoorow Tomoorow
now nu
man man
woman kvinna
friend vän
more mer
less mindre
always alltid
later senare
never aldrig
same samma
different olik
small liten
large stor
difficult svår
easy lätt
hot het
cold kall
yesterday Igår
after efter
beautiful Vacker
broken bruten
free gratis
a pharmacy ett apotek
money pengar
a bag en väska
a lighter en tändare
a cigarette en cigarett
a bottle en flaska
soap tvål
clean ren
dirty smutsig
a trash can en papperskorg
a trash bag en soppåse
the silence tystnaden
a tool ett verktyg
pregnant havande
sick sjuk
a baby en bebis
a little bit Lite grann
a doctor en läkare
a dentist en tandläkare
a medicine ett läkemedel
a book en bok
a story en berättelse
a phone en telefon
a computer en dator
a car en bil
a plane ett plan
the name namnet
the adress adressen
the age åldern
the nationality medborgarskapet
a choice ett val
an answer ett svar
the key nyckeln
the light ljuset
the television tv:n
the bed sängen
the house huset
the shower duschen
the window fönstret
the door dörren
the table tabellen
tired trött
water Vatten
open öppna
closed stängd
clothes kläder
coffee kaffe
tea te
lunch lunch
dinner middag
a fruit en frukt
a vegetable en grönsak
a beverage en dryck
a child ett barn
rain regn
the entrance ingången
the exit utgången
music musik
a smile ett leende
the world världen
the sky himlen
a river en flod
the sea havet
the mountain Berget
the lake sjön
the island ön
the beach stranden

➡️ More Swedish vocabulary lists:


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Basic Swahili words for beginners

Basic Swahili words for beginners

– Essential words to know –


Learn the essentials of Swahili easily with this vocabulary list that contains all the most basic words used in Swahili, with their english translations. If you’re a beginner, it will come in handy to review or learn Swahili by yourself before traveling, or if you want to enrich and improve your Swahili vocabulary to better express yourself in writing and speaking!

Do you spot any errors or want to add a vocabulary word to the list? Don’t hesitate to leave a comment to improve the site!

Please Tafadhali
Thank you! Asante!
Sorry!  Samahani! 
What? Kile?
Who? Ambao?
When? Wakati?
Why? Sababu?
Which? Ambayo?
How? Jinsi?
Where ? Ambapo?
How much ? Kiasi gani?
Yes Ndiyo
No  La 
Maybe Labda
Of course Bila shaka
something Kitu
nothing Kitu
somebody Mtu
nobody Hakuna
before Kabla
after Baada
far Mbali
near Karibu
here Hapa
there Huko
today Leo
tomoorow kesho
now Sasa
man Mtu
woman Mwanamke
friend Rafiki
more Zaidi
less Chini
always Daima
later Baadaye
never Kamwe
same Sawa
different Tofauti
small Ndogo
large Kubwa
difficult Vigumu
easy Rahisi
hot Moto
cold Baridi
yesterday Jana
after Baada
beautiful Nzuri
broken Kuvunjwa
free Bure
a pharmacy duka la dawa
money Fedha
a bag mfuko
a lighter nyepesi
a cigarette sigara
a bottle chupa
soap Sabuni
clean Safi
dirty Chafu
a trash can kopo la takataka
a trash bag mfuko wa takataka
the silence Ukimya
a tool chombo
pregnant Wajawazito
sick Wagonjwa
a baby mtoto
a little bit Kidogo tu
a doctor daktari
a dentist daktari wa meno
a medicine dawa
a book kitabu
a story hadithi
a phone simu
a computer kompyuta
a car gari
a plane ndege
the name jina
the adress Adress
the age umri
the nationality Utaifa
a choice uchaguzi
an answer Jibu
the key Ufunguo
the light Nuru
the television Televisheni
the bed kitanda
the house Nyumba
the shower Kuoga
the window dirisha
the door Mlango
the table Jedwali
tired Uchovu
water Maji
open Fungua
closed Imefungwa
clothes Nguo
coffee Kahawa
tea Chai
lunch chakula cha mchana
dinner chakula cha jioni
a fruit tunda
a vegetable mboga
a beverage kinywaji
a child mtoto
rain Mvua
the entrance mlango wa kuingilia
the exit Kutoka
music Muziki
a smile tabasamu
the world Ulimwengu
the sky Anga
a river mto
the sea Bahari
the mountain Mlima
the lake ziwa
the island Kisiwa
the beach Pwani

➡️ More Swahili vocabulary lists:


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Basic Slovenian words for beginners

Basic Slovenian words for beginners

– Essential words to know –


Learn the essentials of Slovenian easily with this vocabulary list that contains all the most basic words used in Slovenian, with their english translations. If you’re a beginner, it will come in handy to review or learn Slovenian by yourself before traveling, or if you want to enrich and improve your Slovenian vocabulary to better express yourself in writing and speaking!

Do you spot any errors or want to add a vocabulary word to the list? Don’t hesitate to leave a comment to improve the site!

Please Prosim
Thank you! Hvala!
Sorry!  Oprosti! 
What? Kaj?
Who? Kdo?
When? Ko?
Why? Zakaj?
Which? Ki?
How? Kako?
Where ? Kje?
How much ? Koliko?
Yes Da
No  Ne 
Maybe Morda
Of course Seveda
something nekaj
nothing nič
somebody nekdo
nobody nihče
before pred
after po
far daleč
near bližnji
here tukaj
there tam
today Danes
tomoorow tomoorow
now zdaj
man moški
woman ženska
friend prijatelj
more več
less manj
always zmeraj
later Kasneje
never nikoli
same isti
different različen
small majhen
large velik
difficult težek
easy lahek
hot vroč
cold hladen
yesterday Včeraj
after po
beautiful čudovito
broken zlomljen
free brezplačno
a pharmacy farmacevtska
money denar
a bag vrečka
a lighter vžigalnik
a cigarette cigareta
a bottle steklenica
soap milo
clean čist
dirty umazan
a trash can posoda za smeti
a trash bag vreča za smeti
the silence molk
a tool orodje
pregnant noseči
sick bolan
a baby dojenček
a little bit samo malo
a doctor zdravnika
a dentist zobozdravnik
a medicine zdravilom
a book knjiga
a story zgodba
a phone telefon
a computer računalnik
a car avto
a plane letalo
the name ime
the adress pritoževanje
the age starost
the nationality državljanstvo
a choice izbira
an answer odgovor
the key ključa
the light svetlobe
the television televizorja
the bed postelja
the house hiša
the shower prha
the window okno
the door vrata
the table preglednico
tired utrujen
water Voda
open odprt
closed zaprt
clothes obleka
coffee kava
tea čaj
lunch kosilo
dinner večerja
a fruit sadje
a vegetable zelenjava
a beverage pijača
a child otrok
rain dež
the entrance vhoda
the exit izhoda
music glasba
a smile nasmešek
the world svet
the sky nebo
a river reka
the sea morje
the mountain gora
the lake jezero
the island otok
the beach plaža

➡️ More Slovenian vocabulary lists:


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Basic Slovak words for beginners

Basic Slovak words for beginners

– Essential words to know –


Learn the essentials of Slovak easily with this vocabulary list that contains all the most basic words used in Slovak, with their english translations. If you’re a beginner, it will come in handy to review or learn Slovak by yourself before traveling, or if you want to enrich and improve your Slovak vocabulary to better express yourself in writing and speaking!

Do you spot any errors or want to add a vocabulary word to the list? Don’t hesitate to leave a comment to improve the site!

Please Prosím
Thank you! Ďakujeme!
Sorry!  Prepáč! 
What? Čo?
Who? Kto?
When? Keď, kedy?
Why? Prečo?
Which? Ktorý?
How? Ako?
Where ? Kde?
How much ? Koľko?
Yes Áno
No  Nie 
Maybe Možno
Of course Samozrejme
something niečo
nothing nič
somebody niekto
nobody nikto
before pred
after po
far ďaleký
near blízky
here tu
there tam
today Dnes
tomoorow Tomoorow
now teraz
man muž
woman žena
friend priateľ
more viacej
less menej
always vždy
later neskôr
never nikdy
same rovnaký
different odlišný
small malý
large veľký
difficult obtiažny
easy ľahký
hot horúci
cold chladný
yesterday Včera
after po
beautiful krásny
broken zlomený
free slobodný
a pharmacy lekáreň
money peniaze
a bag taška
a lighter zapaľovač
a cigarette cigareta
a bottle fľaša
soap mydlo
clean čistý
dirty špinavý
a trash can odpadkový kôš
a trash bag vrece na odpadky
the silence ticho
a tool nástroj
pregnant tehotná
sick chorý
a baby bábätko
a little bit trochu
a doctor lekár
a dentist zubár
a medicine a liek
a book knihu
a story príbeh
a phone telefón
a computer počítač
a car auto
a plane rovina
the name názov
the adress adresa
the age Vek
the nationality štátna príslušnosť,
a choice Voľba
an answer Odpoveď
the key kľúč
the light svetlo
the television televízia
the bed posteľ
the house Dom
the shower sprchovací kút
the window okno
the door dvere
the table tabuľka
tired unavený
water Voda
open otvorený
closed zatvorený
clothes oblečenie
coffee káva
tea čaj
lunch obed
dinner večera
a fruit ovocie
a vegetable zelenina
a beverage nápoj
a child dieťa
rain dážď
the entrance vchod
the exit Východ
music hudba
a smile úsmev
the world svet
the sky obloha
a river rieka
the sea more
the mountain hora
the lake jazero
the island Ostrov
the beach pláž

➡️ More Slovak vocabulary lists:


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Basic Serbian words for beginners

Basic Serbian words for beginners

– Essential words to know –


Learn the essentials of Serbian easily with this vocabulary list that contains all the most basic words used in Serbian, with their english translations. If you’re a beginner, it will come in handy to review or learn Serbian by yourself before traveling, or if you want to enrich and improve your Serbian vocabulary to better express yourself in writing and speaking!

Do you spot any errors or want to add a vocabulary word to the list? Don’t hesitate to leave a comment to improve the site!

Please Molim vas
Thank you! Hvala!
Sorry!  Izvinite! 
What? Šta?
Who? Ko?
When? Kada?
Why? Zaљto?
Which? Koji?
How? Kako?
Where ? Gde?
How much ? Koliko?
Yes Da
No  Ne 
Maybe Moћda
Of course Naravno
something Neљto
nothing Niљta
somebody Neko
nobody Niko
before Pre
after Posle
far Daleko
near Blizu
here Ovde
there tamo
today Danas
tomoorow tomoorow
now Sada
man Иovek
woman žena
friend Prijatelj
more Viљe
less Manje
always Uvek
later Kasnije
never Nikad
same Isto
different Različite
small Mali
large Velike
difficult Teљko
easy lak
hot Toplo
cold prehlada
yesterday Juče
after Posle
beautiful Prelepa
broken Slomljena
free Slobodan
a pharmacy apoteka
money Novac
a bag kesica
a lighter upaljač
a cigarette cigaretu
a bottle flašu
soap Sapun
clean Иist
dirty Prljavi
a trash can kanta za smeće
a trash bag kesa za smeće
the silence tišina
a tool alatka
pregnant Trudna
sick Bolestan
a baby beba
a little bit Pomalo
a doctor doktor
a dentist zubar
a medicine lek
a book knjiga
a story priča
a phone telefon
a computer računar
a car auto
a plane avion
the name ime
the adress adresa
the age doba
the nationality nacionalnost
a choice izbor
an answer odgovor
the key Ključ
the light svetlost
the television televizor
the bed krevet
the house kuća
the shower tuš
the window prozor
the door Vrata
the table tabela
tired Umorna
water Voda
open Otvorite
closed Zatvoren
clothes Odeжu
coffee kafa
tea čaj
lunch Ruиak
dinner večera
a fruit voće
a vegetable povrće
a beverage napitak
a child dete
rain kiša
the entrance ulaz
the exit izlaz
music muzika
a smile osmeh
the world svet
the sky nebo
a river reka
the sea more
the mountain planina
the lake jezero
the island ostrvo
the beach plaža

➡️ More Serbian vocabulary lists:


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russian vocabulary

Basic Russian words for beginners

Basic Russian words for beginners

– Essential words to know –


Learn the essentials of Russian easily with this vocabulary list that contains all the most basic words used in Russian, with their english translations. If you’re a beginner, it will come in handy to review or learn Russian by yourself before traveling, or if you want to enrich and improve your Russian vocabulary to better express yourself in writing and speaking!

Do you spot any errors or want to add a vocabulary word to the list? Don’t hesitate to leave a comment to improve the site!

Please Пожалуйста pojaluista
Thank you! Спасибо! spasibo!
Sorry!  Извините!  izvinite! 
What? Что? chto?
Who? Кто? kto?
When? Когда? kogda?
Why? Почему? pochemu?
Which? Который? kotory?
How? Как? kak?
Where ? Где? gde?
How much ? Сколько? skolko?
Yes Да da
No  Нет  net 
Maybe Может быть moget byt
Of course Конечно konieczno
something нечто nechto
nothing ничто nichto
somebody кто-то kto-to
nobody никто nicto
before перед pered
after после posle
far далеко daleko
near близкий blizky
here здесь zdes
there там tam
today Сегодня segodnya
tomoorow томоорова tomoorova
now сейчас seichas
man мужчина muzhchina
woman женщина zhenshchina
friend друг drug
more больше bolsze
less менее menee
always всегда vsegda
later позже pozje
never никогда nikogda
same одинаковый odinakovy
different различный razlichny
small маленький malenkiy
large большой bolshoy
difficult трудный trudny
easy лёгкий lyogkiy
hot горячий goryachiy
cold холодный kholodny
yesterday Вчера vchera
after после posle
beautiful красивый krasivyy
broken разбитый razbity
free свободный svobodny
a pharmacy аптека aptheca
money деньги dengi
a bag сумка sumka
a lighter зажигалка zazigalka
a cigarette сигарета sigaretta
a bottle бутылка butylka
soap мыло mylo
clean чистый chistyi
dirty грязный gryazny
a trash can мусорное ведро musornoye vedro
a trash bag мешок для мусора meshock dla musora
the silence тишина tishina
a tool инструмент instrument
pregnant беременная beremennaya
sick больной bolnoy
a baby младенец mladenec
a little bit Немножко nemnozko
a doctor врач vrach
a dentist стоматолог stomatologue
a medicine лекарство lekarstvo
a book книга kniga
a story рассказ rasskaz
a phone телефон telephone
a computer компьютер computer
a car автомобиль avtomobil
a plane самолет samolet
the name имя imya
the adress адрес adres
the age возраст vozrast
the nationality гражданство grazhdanstvo
a choice выбор vybor
an answer ответ otvet
the key Ключ klucz
the light свет svet
the television телевизор television
the bed кровать krovat
the house дом dome
the shower душ dush
the window окно okno
the door Дверь dver
the table таблица tablita
tired усталый ustaly
water Вода voda
open открытый otkrity
closed закрытый zakryty
clothes одежда odezhda
coffee кофе coffee
tea чай chai
lunch обед aubed
dinner обед aubed
a fruit фрукт fruct
a vegetable овощ ovoshch
a beverage напиток napitok
a child ребенок rebenok
rain дождь dozhd
the entrance вход vkhod
the exit выход vykhod
music музыка muzak
a smile улыбка ulybka
the world мира mira
the sky небо nebo
a river река recca
the sea море more
the mountain гора gora
the lake озеро ozero
the island остров ostrov
the beach пляж plyazh

➡️ More Russian vocabulary lists:


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Basic Romanian words for beginners

Basic Romanian words for beginners

– Essential words to know –


Learn the essentials of Romanian easily with this vocabulary list that contains all the most basic words used in Romanian, with their english translations. If you’re a beginner, it will come in handy to review or learn Romanian by yourself before traveling, or if you want to enrich and improve your Romanian vocabulary to better express yourself in writing and speaking!

Do you spot any errors or want to add a vocabulary word to the list? Don’t hesitate to leave a comment to improve the site!

Please Vă rog
Thank you! Vă mulțumesc!
Sorry!  Îmi pare rău! 
What? Ce?
Who? Cine?
When? Când?
Why? De ce?
Which? Care?
How? Cum?
Where ? Unde?
How much ? Cât costă?
Yes Da
No  Nu 
Maybe Poate
Of course Desigur
something ceva
nothing nimic
somebody cineva
nobody nimeni
before înainte
after după
far departe
near aproape
here aici
there acolo
today Azi
tomoorow tomoorow
now acum
man bărbat
woman femeie
friend prieten
more mai mult
less mai puțin
always întotdeauna
later Mai târziu
never niciodată
same același
different diferit
small mic
large mare
difficult dificil
easy ușor
hot fierbinte
cold rece
yesterday Ieri
after după
beautiful frumos
broken spart
free libera
a pharmacy o farmacie
money bani
a bag o pungă
a lighter o brichetă
a cigarette o țigară
a bottle o sticlă
soap săpun
clean curat
dirty murdar
a trash can un coș de gunoi
a trash bag o pungă de gunoi
the silence tăcerea
a tool un instrument
pregnant gravidă
sick bolnav
a baby un copil
a little bit puţin
a doctor un medic
a dentist un dentist
a medicine un medicament
a book o carte
a story o poveste
a phone un telefon
a computer un computer
a car o mașină
a plane un avion
the name numele
the adress adresa
the age vârsta
the nationality cetățenia
a choice o alegere
an answer un răspuns
the key cheia
the light lumina
the television televiziunea
the bed patul
the house casa
the shower dușul
the window fereastra
the door ușa
the table tabelul
tired obosit
water Apă
open deschide
closed închis
clothes haine
coffee cafea
tea ceai
lunch prânz
dinner cină
a fruit un fruct
a vegetable o legumă
a beverage o băutură
a child un copil
rain ploaie
the entrance intrarea
the exit ieșirea
music muzică
a smile un zâmbet
the world lumea
the sky cerul
a river un râu
the sea marea
the mountain muntele
the lake lacul
the island insula
the beach plaja

➡️ More Romanian vocabulary lists:


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polish vocabulary

Basic Polish words for beginners

Basic Polish words for beginners

– Essential words to know –


Learn the essentials of Polish easily with this vocabulary list that contains all the most basic words used in Polish, with their english translations. If you’re a beginner, it will come in handy to review or learn Polish by yourself before traveling, or if you want to enrich and improve your Polish vocabulary to better express yourself in writing and speaking!

Do you spot any errors or want to add a vocabulary word to the list? Don’t hesitate to leave a comment to improve the site!

Please Proszę
Thank you! Dziękuję!
Sorry!  Przepraszam! 
What? Co?
Who? Kto?
When? Kiedy?
Why? Dlaczego?
Which? Który?
How? Jak?
Where ? Gdzie?
How much ? Ile?
Yes Tak
No  Nie 
Maybe Może
Of course Oczywiście
something coś
nothing nic
somebody ktoś
nobody nikt
before przed
after po
far daleki
near blisko
here tu
there tam
today Dzisiaj
tomoorow Tomoorow
now teraz
man mężczyzna
woman kobieta
friend przyjaciel
more więcej
less mniej
always zawsze
later później
never nigdy
same taki sam
different różny
small mały
large duży
difficult trudny
easy łatwy
hot gorący
cold zimny
yesterday Wczoraj
after po
beautiful piękny
broken Złamane
free wolny
a pharmacy apteka
money pieniądze
a bag torbę
a lighter zapalniczka
a cigarette papieros
a bottle butelka
soap mydło
clean czysty
dirty brudny
a trash can kosz na śmieci
a trash bag worek na śmieci
the silence Cisza
a tool narzędzie
pregnant ciężarna
sick chory
a baby dziecko
a little bit Trochę
a doctor lekarz
a dentist dentysta
a medicine lek
a book książka
a story Opowiadanie
a phone telefon
a computer komputer
a car samochód osobowy
a plane samolot
the name nazwa
the adress adres
the age wiek
the nationality narodowość
a choice wybór
an answer odpowiedź
the key Klucz
the light Światło
the television Telewizja
the bed łóżko
the house dom
the shower prysznic
the window okno
the door drzwi
the table Stół
tired zmęczony
water Woda
open otwierać
closed zamknięty
clothes ubranie
coffee kawa
tea herbata
lunch obiad
dinner obiad
a fruit owoc
a vegetable warzywo
a beverage napój
a child dziecko
rain deszcz
the entrance Wejście
the exit wyjście
music muzyka
a smile uśmiech
the world Świat
the sky niebo
a river rzeka
the sea Morze
the mountain Góra
the lake Jezioro
the island Wyspa
the beach plaża

➡️ More Polish vocabulary lists:


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Basic Persian words for beginners

Basic Persian words for beginners

– Essential words to know –


Learn the essentials of Persian easily with this vocabulary list that contains all the most basic words used in Persian, with their english translations. If you’re a beginner, it will come in handy to review or learn Persian by yourself before traveling, or if you want to enrich and improve your Persian vocabulary to better express yourself in writing and speaking!

Do you spot any errors or want to add a vocabulary word to the list? Don’t hesitate to leave a comment to improve the site!

Please لطفاً lutfa
Thank you! سپاسگزارم! sepacegzarm!
Sorry!  متاسفم!  metasfem! 
What? چه چیز? cheh cheese?
Who? چه کسی? cheh kassi?
When? وقتی? waqti?
Why? چرا? charaa?
Which? که? kah?
How? چگونه? chegone?
Where ? آن? ann?
How much ? چقدر? chaqdar?
Yes بله belleh
No  نه  nah 
Maybe شاید shayad
Of course البته albatah
something چیزی chisey
nothing هیچ چیز heech cheese
somebody کسی kassi
nobody کسی kassi
before قبل qabal
after پس pas
far دور dor
near نزدیکی nazdiki
here اینجا inja
there اونجا oonja
today امروز amroz
tomoorow توموو tomowo
now حال حاضر hal hazar
man مرد mard
woman زن zan
friend دوست doost
more بیشتر bishtar
less کمتر kamtar
always همیشه hamesha
later بعد baad
never هرگز hargaz
same همان haman
different مختلف mukhtalif
small کوچک koochak
large بزرگ buzrag
difficult دشوار dushwar
easy آسان asan
hot داغ dagh
cold سرد sard
yesterday دیروز diruz
after پس pas
beautiful خوشگل khoshgal
broken شکسته shakasteh
free رایگان rayegan
a pharmacy یک داروخانه yak darukhana
money پول pole
a bag يه کيسه ye keyse
a lighter یک سبک تر yak sabak there
a cigarette یک سیگار yak sigar
a bottle يه بطري ye batri
soap صابون sabon
clean تمیز tamiz
dirty کثیف katheef
a trash can سطل زباله satal zabala
a trash bag یک کیسه زباله yak kisee zabala
the silence سکوت sokout
a tool یک ابزار yak abzar
pregnant باردار bardar
sick بیمار bimar
a baby یک نوزاد yak nozad
a little bit یک ذره yak zarah
a doctor یک دکتر yak doctor
a dentist یک دندانپزشک yak dundanpazshak
a medicine یک دارو yak daro
a book یک کتاب yak kitab
a story یک داستان yak dastan
a phone یک تلفن yak telephone
a computer یک کامپیوتر yak computer
a car یک ماشین yak machine
a plane یک هواپیما yak huapima
the name نام nam
the adress adress adress
the age سن san
the nationality ملیت milliat
a choice یک انتخاب yak intakhab
an answer یک پاسخ yak pasakh
the key کلید kalid
the light نور noor
the television تلویزیون talwezion
the bed تخت takht
the house خانه khaneh
the shower دوش dosh
the window پنجره panjra
the door در der
the table جدول jadol
tired خسته khasta
water آب ab
open باز baaz
closed بسته basteh
clothes لباس labbas
coffee قهوه qahwa
tea چای chay
lunch ناهار nahar
dinner شام sham
a fruit یک میوه yak mewe
a vegetable یک سبزی yak sabzi
a beverage یک نوشیدنی yak noshidani
a child یک کودک yak koodak
rain باران baran
the entrance ورودی warodi
the exit خروج kharooj
music موسیقی music
a smile یک لبخند yak labkhand
the world جهان jahan
the sky آسمان asman
a river یک رودخانه yak rudkhaneh
the sea دریا darya
the mountain کوه kooh
the lake دریاچه daryacheh
the island جزیره jazira
the beach ساحل sahil

➡️ More Persian vocabulary lists:


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Basic Norwegian words for beginners

Basic Norwegian words for beginners

– Essential words to know –


Learn the essentials of Norwegian easily with this vocabulary list that contains all the most basic words used in Norwegian, with their english translations. If you’re a beginner, it will come in handy to review or learn Norwegian by yourself before traveling, or if you want to enrich and improve your Norwegian vocabulary to better express yourself in writing and speaking!

Do you spot any errors or want to add a vocabulary word to the list? Don’t hesitate to leave a comment to improve the site!

Please Vær så snill
Thank you! Takk skal du ha!
Sorry!  Unnskyld!
What? Hva?
Who? WHO?
When? Når?
Why? Hvorfor?
Which? Hvilken?
How? Hvordan?
Where ? Hvor ?
How much ? Hvor mye ?
Yes Ja
No  Nei
Maybe Kan være
Of course Selvfølgelig
something noe
nothing ingenting
somebody noen
nobody ingen
before før
after etter
far langt
near nær
here her
there der
today i dag
tomoorow i morgen
man Mann
woman kvinne
friend venn
more mer
less mindre
always bestandig
later seinere
never aldri
same samme
different forskjellig
small liten
large stor
difficult vanskelig
easy lett
hot varmt
cold kald
yesterday i går
after etter
beautiful vakker
broken gått i stykker
free gratis
a pharmacy et apotek
money penger
a bag en pose
a lighter en lighter
a cigarette en sigarett
a bottle en flaske
soap såpe
clean ren
dirty skitten
a trash can en søppelbøtte
a trash bag en søppelpose
the silence stillheten
a tool et verktøy
pregnant gravid
sick syk
a baby en baby
a little bit en liten bit
a doctor en lege
a dentist en tannlege
a medicine en medisin
a book ei bok
a story en historie
a phone en telefon
a computer en datamaskin
a car en bil
a plane et fly
the name navnet
the adress adressen
the age alderen
the nationality nasjonaliteten
a choice et valg
an answer et svar
the key nøkkelen
the light lyset
the television TV
the bed sengen
the house huset
the shower dusjen
the window vinduet
the door døren
the table Bordet
tired trett
water vann
open åpen
closed lukket
clothes klær
coffee kaffe
tea te
lunch lunsj
dinner middag
a fruit en frukt
a vegetable en grønnsak
a beverage en drikke
a child et barn
rain regn
the entrance inngangen
the exit utgangen
music musikk
a smile Et smil
the world verden
the sky himmelen
a river en elv
the sea sjøen
the mountain fjellet
the lake innsjøen
the island Øyen
the beach stranda

➡️ More Norwegian vocabulary lists:


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