
Norwegian Vocabulary for Beginners: The city and public places

Norwegian Vocabulary: The city and public places

– Useful words you should know –


Want to learn the Norwegian language? Here’s a complete list of the most basic, common and useful words in Norwegian with their translation in English, on the topic of the city and public places. Ideal to help you boost your Norwegian vocabulary!

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a city en by
the suburbs forstedene
the capital hovedstaden
the crowd folkemengden
the police politiet
the pollution forurensningen
the firemen brannmennene
the toilets toalettene
clean ren
dirty skitten
safe sikker
quiet stille
an apartment en leilighet
a bus stop en bussholdeplass
a bar en bar
a post office et post kontor
a shopping center et kjøpesenter
a city center et bysentrum
a castle et slott
a cemetery en kirkegård
a cinema en kino
a police station en politistasjon
a dentist en tannlege
an atm en minibank
a traffic jam en trafikkork
a garage en garasje
a skyscraper en skyskraper
a hospital et sykehus
a hotel et hotell
a building en bygning
an apartment en leilighet
a store en butikk
a market et marked
a doctor en lege
a subway en t-bane
a monument et monument
a museum et museum
a park en park
a parking lot en parkeringsplass
a bridge en bro
a neighborhood et nabolag
a restaurant en restaurant
a stadium et stadion
a supermarket et supermarked
a theater et teater
a sidewalk et fortau
a village en landsby
a neighbor en nabo
a zoo en dyrehage
a bank en bank
a library et bibliotek
a cathedral en katedral
a school en skole
a church en kirke
a queue en kø
a fountain en fontene
a train station en togstasjon
a bus station en busstasjon
a bookstore en bokhandel
a mosque en moske
a pharmacy et apotek
a swimming pool et svømmebasseng
a bicycle path en sykkelvei
a pedestrian street en gågate
a street en gate
a main street en hovedgate
an alley en bakgate
an avenue en allé
a highway en motorvei
a gas station en bensinstasjon
a statue en statue
a synagogue en synagoge
a university et universitet
a factory en fabrikk
a garbage can en søppeldunk
a prison et fengsel

➡️ More Norwegian vocabulary lists:


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