
Norwegian Vocabulary List • Colors and shapes

Norwegian Vocabulary: Colors and shapes

– Useful words you should know –


Want to learn the Norwegian language? Here’s a complete list of the most basic, common and useful words in Norwegian with their translation in English, on the topic of colors and shapes. Ideal to help you boost your Norwegian vocabulary!

Do you spot any errors or want to add a word to the list? Don’t hesitate to leave a comment to improve the site!

a color en farge
white hvit
black svart
gray grå
yellow gul
orange oransje
green grønn
blue blå
red rød
brown brun
beige beige
purple lilla
mauve lilla
pink rosa
dark mørk
golden gylden
silver sølv
a pyramid en pyramide
a square en firkant
a circle en sirkel
a triangle en trekant
a rectangle et rektangel
a star en stjerne
a line en linje
an arrow en pil
a heart et hjerte
a crescent en halvmåne

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Essential Norwegian Vocabulary: The calendar (days, months, seasons)

Norwegian Vocabulary: The calendar (days, months, seasons)

– Useful words you should know –


Want to learn the Norwegian language? Here’s a complete list of the most basic, common and useful words in Norwegian with their translation in English, on the topic of the calendar (days, months, seasons). Ideal to help you boost your Norwegian vocabulary!

Do you spot any errors or want to add a word to the list? Don’t hesitate to leave a comment to improve the site!

Monday mandag
Tuesday tirsdag
Wednesday onsdag
Thursday Torsdag
Friday fredag
Saturday lørdag
Sunday søndag
January januar
February februar
March mars
April april
May Kan
June juni
July juli
August august
September september
October oktober
November november
December desember
Spring Vår
Summer Sommer
Autumn Høst
Winter Vinter
before før
after etter
soon snart
this month denne måneden
this year i år
this week denne uka
from time to time fra tid til annen
already allerede
today i dag
tomorrow i morgen
yesterday i går
last night i går kveld
the day before yesterday forigårs
a long time ago for lenge siden
a week ago en uke siden
never aldri
next year neste år
next time neste gang
next week neste uke
next month neste måned
last year i fjor
last month forrige måned
last week forrige uke
in the morning om morgenen
in the afternoon på ettermiddagen
in the evening om kvelden
the day dagen
later seinere
immediately umiddelbart
sometimes noen ganger
rarely sjelden
recently nylig
frequently ofte
often ofte
very often veldig ofte
slowly sakte
quickly raskt
late sent
early tidlig
always bestandig
every day hver dag
right away med en gang
all the time hele tiden
all day long hele dagen
a holiday en ferie
a month en måned
a year et år
an hour en time
a minute ett minutt
a week en uke

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Learn Norwegian Vocabulary • Travel and tourism

Norwegian Vocabulary: Travel and tourism

– Useful words you should know –


Want to learn the Norwegian language? Here’s a complete list of the most basic, common and useful words in Norwegian with their translation in English, on the topic of travel and tourism. Ideal to help you boost your Norwegian vocabulary!

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travel reise
tourism turisme
a hotel et hotell
on time på tide
late sent
the airport flyplassen
landing landing
take-off ta av
the air conditioning klimaanlegget
the distance avstanden
the customs tollvesenet
the border grensen
the train station togstasjonen
the bus station busstasjonen
a ticket en billett
the reception resepsjonen
the reservation reservasjonen
the road veien
a highway en motorvei
the plane flyet
by plane med fly
the bus bussen
the taxi taxien
the train toget
the car bilen
a helicopter et helikopter
the sign skiltet
the parking lot parkeringsplassen
the passport passet
the seat setet
the toilet toalettet
the sunglasses solbrillene
a key en nøkkel
a camera et kamera
one way ticket enveisbillett
a return ticket en returbillett
a ticket office et billettkontor
an accommodation et overnattingssted
a pillow en pute
a blanket et teppe
a sleeping bag en sovepose
a luggage en bagasje
a bag en pose
a backpack en ryggsekk
an information en informasjon
a tourist en turist
a vaccine en vaksine
an insurance en forsikring
a postcard et postkort
an itinerary en reiserute
a destination en destinasjon
a flashlight en lommelykt
an electrical outlet en stikkontakt
a tent et telt
a suitcase en koffert
to visit å besøke
to travel å reise
to rent å leie
to leave å forlate
to cancel å avslutte
to cancel a reservation for å kansellere en reservasjon
to photograph å fotografere
the wind vinden
the snow snøen
the rain regnet
the storm stormen
the sun solen
the sea sjøen
a mountain et fjell
a lake en innsjø
a national park en nasjonalpark
a country et land
a forest en skog
a cave en hule
an island en øy
a beach en strand
the nature naturen
the landscape landskapet
sun cream solkrem
a towel et håndkle

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Useful Norwegian Words – Contrary Words

Learn Norwegian Vocabulary: Contrary words

– Useful words you should know –


Want to learn the Norwegian language? Here’s a complete list of the most basic, common and useful words in Norwegian with their translation in English, on the topic of contrary words. Ideal to help you boost your Norwegian vocabulary!

Do you spot any errors or want to add a word to the list? Don’t hesitate to leave a comment to improve the site!

young ung
old gammel
empty tømme
full full
vertical vertikal
horizontal horisontal
useful nyttig
useless ubrukelig
a city en by
a village en landsby
a question et spørsmål
an answer et svar
sad lei seg
happy lykkelig
all alle
nothing ingenting
a teacher en lærer
a student en student
early tidlig
late sent
open åpen
closed lukket
first først
last siste
secure sikre
dangerous farlig
near nær
far langt
sugar sukker
salt salt
dry tørke
wet våt
often ofte
rarely sjelden
always bestandig
never aldri
same samme
different forskjellig
dirty skitten
clean ren
the evening kvelden
the morning morgenen
small liten
large stor
rich rik
poor fattige
the ceiling taket
the floor gulvet
animal dyr
human menneskelig
guilty skyldig
innocent uskyldig
here her
there der
hunger sult
the thirst tørsten
the sun solen
the moon månen
the sister søsteren
the brother broren
slow langsom
fast rask
before før
after etter
heavy tung
light lys
old gammel
new ny
easy lett
difficult vanskelig
start start
finish bli ferdig
friend venn
enemy fiende
yesterday i går
tomorrow i morgen
cold kald
hot varmt
right ikke sant
left venstre
a woman en kvinne
a man en mann
inside innsiden
outside utenfor
strong sterk
weak svak
soft myk
hard hard
a lot mye
a little litt
up opp
down ned
exactly nøyaktig
probably sannsynligvis
married gift
single enkelt
noisy støyende
quiet stille
complicated komplisert
simple enkel
later seinere
long lang
short kort
interesting interessant
boring kjedelig
normal vanlig
strange rar
outside utenfor
inside innsiden
the entrance inngangen
the exit utgangen
white hvit
black svart
expensive dyrt
cheap billig
to walk å gå
to run å løpe
to attach å feste
to detach å løsne
to go up å gå opp
to go down å gå ned
to increase å øke
to decrease å redusere
to stop å stoppe
to continue å fortsette
to take off å ta av
to land å lande
to put on å sette på
to remove å fjerne
to move forward å bevege seg fremover
to move back å flytte tilbake
to forget å glemme
to remember å huske
to show å vise
to hide å gjemme
to save å redde
to spend å bruke
to build å bygge
to destroy å ødelegge
to arrive å ankomme
to leave å forlate
to enter å gå inn
to go out å gå ut
to laugh å le
to cry å gråte
to sell å selge
to buy å kjøpe
to break å ødelegge
to repair å reparere
to lend å låne
to borrow å låne
to earn å tjene
to lose å tape
to slow down å ta det rolig
to speed up å øke farten
to search å søke
to find å finne
to pull å trekke
to push å presse
to take å ta
to give å gi
to wake up å våkne opp
to fall asleep å sovne
to hold å holde
to let go å gi slipp på
to turn on å skru på
to turn off å skru av
to sell å selge
to buy å kjøpe
to send å sende
to receive å motta

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Norwegian Vocabulary (PDF): The human body, head and face

Norwegian Vocabulary: The human body, head and face

– Useful words you should know –


Want to learn the Norwegian language? Here’s a complete list of the most basic, common and useful words in Norwegian with their translation in English, on the topic of the human body, head and face. Ideal to help you boost your Norwegian vocabulary!

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the head hodet
the face ansiktet
the mouth munnen
the throat halsen
the cheek kinnet
the tongue tungen
the lips leppene
the jaw kjeven
the neck halsen
the forehead pannen
the chin haken
the nose nesen
the hair håret
the eyes øynene
a tooth en tann
the hair håret
an ear et øre
a mustache en bart
a beard et skjegg
the skin huden
the shoulder skulderen
the forearm underarmen
the wrist håndleddet
an arm en arm
the arms armene
the elbow albuen
a hand en hånd
a thumb en tommel
the fingers fingrene
the belly magen
the chest brystet
the back baksiden
the breasts brystene
the buttocks baken
the foot foten
the heel hælen
the knee kneet
the leg beinet
the thigh låret
a toe en tå
the stomach magen
the brain hjernen
the lungs lungene
the skeleton skjelettet
a bone et bein
the skull skallen
a muscle en muskel

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Norwegian Vocabulary for Beginners: The city and public places

Norwegian Vocabulary: The city and public places

– Useful words you should know –


Want to learn the Norwegian language? Here’s a complete list of the most basic, common and useful words in Norwegian with their translation in English, on the topic of the city and public places. Ideal to help you boost your Norwegian vocabulary!

Do you spot any errors or want to add a word to the list? Don’t hesitate to leave a comment to improve the site!

a city en by
the suburbs forstedene
the capital hovedstaden
the crowd folkemengden
the police politiet
the pollution forurensningen
the firemen brannmennene
the toilets toalettene
clean ren
dirty skitten
safe sikker
quiet stille
an apartment en leilighet
a bus stop en bussholdeplass
a bar en bar
a post office et post kontor
a shopping center et kjøpesenter
a city center et bysentrum
a castle et slott
a cemetery en kirkegård
a cinema en kino
a police station en politistasjon
a dentist en tannlege
an atm en minibank
a traffic jam en trafikkork
a garage en garasje
a skyscraper en skyskraper
a hospital et sykehus
a hotel et hotell
a building en bygning
an apartment en leilighet
a store en butikk
a market et marked
a doctor en lege
a subway en t-bane
a monument et monument
a museum et museum
a park en park
a parking lot en parkeringsplass
a bridge en bro
a neighborhood et nabolag
a restaurant en restaurant
a stadium et stadion
a supermarket et supermarked
a theater et teater
a sidewalk et fortau
a village en landsby
a neighbor en nabo
a zoo en dyrehage
a bank en bank
a library et bibliotek
a cathedral en katedral
a school en skole
a church en kirke
a queue en kø
a fountain en fontene
a train station en togstasjon
a bus station en busstasjon
a bookstore en bokhandel
a mosque en moske
a pharmacy et apotek
a swimming pool et svømmebasseng
a bicycle path en sykkelvei
a pedestrian street en gågate
a street en gate
a main street en hovedgate
an alley en bakgate
an avenue en allé
a highway en motorvei
a gas station en bensinstasjon
a statue en statue
a synagogue en synagoge
a university et universitet
a factory en fabrikk
a garbage can en søppeldunk
a prison et fengsel

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Basic Norwegian Vocabulary: Family and friends

Norwegian Vocabulary: Family and friends

– Useful words you should know –


Want to learn the Norwegian language? Here’s a complete list of the most basic, common and useful words in Norwegian with their translation in English, on the topic of family and friends. Ideal to help you boost your Norwegian vocabulary!

Do you spot any errors or want to add a word to the list? Don’t hesitate to leave a comment to improve the site!

the great-grandfather oldefaren
the great grandmother oldemor
the grandfather bestefaren
the grandmother bestemoren
the grandson barnebarnet
the granddaughter barnebarnet
the grandchildren barnebarna
the father faren
the mother moren
the parents foreldrene
the child barnet
the children barna
the son sønnen
the daughter datteren
a baby en baby
a teenager en tenåring
the adults de voksne
the brother broren
the sister søsteren
half-brother halvbror
half-sister halvsøster
a twin en tvilling
the uncle onkelen
the aunt tanten
the cousin fetteren
the nephew nevøen
the niece niesen
a friend en venn
the boyfriend kjæresten
the girlfriend kjæresten
the fiancé forloveden
the groom brudgommen
the husband mannen
the wife kona
the parents-in-law svigerforeldrene
father-in-law svigerfar
the mother-in-law svigermor
the brother-in-law svogeren
the sister-in-law svigerinnen
the son-in-law svigersønnen
the daughter-in-law svigerdatteren
a family member et familiemedlem
adopted vedtatt
only son eneste sønn

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The Most Common Adjectives in Norwegian

100 Most common Norwegian adjectives list

– Basic & Useful adjectives list –


Want to learn the Norwegian language? Here’s a complete list of the most basic, common and useful adjectives in Norwegian with their translation in English. Ideal to help you boost your Norwegian vocabulary!

Do you spot any errors or want to add an adjective to the list? Don’t hesitate to leave a comment to improve the site!

a lot mye
accurate korrekt
bad dårlig
beautiful vakker
big stor
boring kjedelig
brave modig
broken gått i stykker
clumsy klønete
cold kald
colorful fargerik
comfortable komfortabel
complicated komplisert
crazy gal
curious nysgjerrig
cute søt
dangerous farlig
dark mørk
dead død
deep dyp
delicious nydelig
different forskjellig
dirty skitten
disgusting motbydelig
dry tørke
easy lett
edible spiselig
effective effektive
elegant elegant
empty tømme
excellent utmerket
excited spent
exciting spennende
famous berømt
far langt
fast rask
first først
forbidden forbudt
friendly vennlig
full full
fun moro
funny morsom
good god
great flott
heavy tung
high høy
honest ærlig
huge enorm
immediate umiddelbar
important viktig
impossible umulig
incredible utrolig
innocent uskyldig
intelligent intelligent
interesting interessant
international internasjonal
jealous sjalu
lazy lat
legal lovlig
long lang
many mange
mysterious mystisk
narrow smal
necessary nødvendig
new ny
nice hyggelig
noisy støyende
official offisielt
old gammel
open åpen
ordinary vanlig
passionate lidenskapelig
patient tålmodig
perfect perfekt
polluted forurenset
poor fattige
popular populær
possible mulig
powerful kraftig
precious dyrebar
quiet stille
rare sjelden
rich rik
romantic romantisk
rotten råtten
sad lei seg
scary skummelt
set sett
short kort
shy sjenert
sick syk
silent stille
similar lignende
simple enkel
slow langsom
small liten
solid fast
special spesiell
strange rar
strong sterk
stubborn sta
sympathetic medfølende
tedious langtekkelig
thick tykk
thin tynn
tiny bittesmå
tired trett
traditional tradisjonell
unique unik
warm varm
weak svak
weird merkelig
wet våt
worst verst
young ung

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most used Norwegian adjectives
list of useful Norwegian adjectives
list of most important Norwegian adjectives
common Norwegian adjectives
most common adjectives in Norwegian
most used adjectives in Norwegian
basic adjectives in Norwegian
most important adjectives in Norwegian
important adjectives in Norwegian
Norwegian important adjectives
Norwegian most important adjectives
100 most common adjectives in Norwegian
100 most used Norwegian adjectives
Commonly Used Norwegian adjectives
Most Widely Used Norwegian adjectives
Must-Know Norwegian adjectives for Beginners


The Most Common and Useful Norwegian Adverbs

100 Most common Norwegian adverbs list

– Basic & Useful adverbs list –


Want to learn the Norwegian language? Here’s a complete list of the most basic, common and useful adverbs in Norwegian with their translation in English. Ideal to help you boost your Norwegian vocabulary!

Do you spot any errors or want to add an adverb to the list? Don’t hesitate to leave a comment to improve the site!

about om
absolutely absolutt
accidentally ved et uhell
actively aktivt
after etter
almost nesten
also også
always bestandig
anytime når som helst
anywhere hvor som helst
apparently tilsynelatende
approximately omtrent
around rundt
automatically automatisk
barely så vidt
blindness blindhet
briefly kort
calmly rolig
carefully forsiktig
cautiously forsiktig
certainly sikkert
clearly helt klart
comfortably komfortabelt
commonly vanlig
completely helt
constantly stadig
correctly riktig
courageously modig
curiously nysgjerrig
currently for tiden
deliberately bevisst
delicately delikat
desperately desperat
easily enkelt
elsewhere andre steder
enormously enormt
enough nok
everywhere overalt
exactly nøyaktig
exceptionally unntaksvis
extremely ekstremt
finally til slutt
formerly tidligere
fortunately heldigvis
frankly ærlig talt
freely fritt
hard hard
here her
honestly ærlig talt
immediately umiddelbart
inside innsiden
lately i det siste
long lang
loudly høyt
more mer
mysteriously mystisk
naturally naturlig
needlessly unødvendig
never aldri
normally normalt
nowhere ingen steder
obviously åpenbart
often ofte
only bare
otherwise ellers
outside utenfor
patiently tålmodig
perfectly perfekt
perhaps kanskje
personally personlig
probably sannsynligvis
quickly raskt
quietly stille
randomly tilfeldig
rarely sjelden
really egentlig
repeatedly gjentatte ganger
right away med en gang
separately hver for seg
seriously alvor
significantly betydelig
silently stille
simply ganske enkelt
slightly litt
slowly sakte
sometimes noen ganger
somewhere et sted
soon snart
standing stående
still fortsatt
strangely merkelig nok
strictly strengt tatt
strongly sterkt
stupidly dumt
suddenly plutselig
surprisingly overraskende
then deretter
there der
together sammen
unfortunately dessverre
upside down opp ned
usually vanligvis
very veldig
well vi vil
wrongly feil

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most used Norwegian adverbs
list of useful Norwegian adverbs
list of most important Norwegian adverbs
common Norwegian adverbs
most common adverbs in Norwegian
most used adverbs in Norwegian
basic adverbs in Norwegian
most important adverbs in Norwegian
important adverbs in Norwegian
Norwegian important adverbs
Norwegian most important adverbs
100 most common adverbs in Norwegian
100 most used Norwegian adverbs
Commonly Used Norwegian adverbs
Most Widely Used Norwegian adverbs
Must-Know Norwegian adverbs for Beginners


The 100 Most Common Norwegian Verbs

100 Most common Norwegian verbs list

– Basic & Useful verbs list –


Want to learn the Norwegian language? Here’s a complete list of the most basic, common and useful verbs in Norwegian with their translation in English. Ideal to help you boost your Norwegian vocabulary!

Do you spot any errors or want to add a verb to the list? Don’t hesitate to leave a comment to improve the site!

to accept godta
to add tilføye
to allow tillate
to answer svare
to arrive ankomme
to ask spørre
to be være
to become bli
to believe tro
to break pause
to bring bringe
to buy kjøpe
to call kalle
to change forandre
to choose velge
to clean ren
to close lukke
to come komme
to come back kom tilbake
to continue fortsette
to cook kokk
to count greve
to cry gråte
to cut klippe
to decide bestemme
to do gjøre
to drive kjøretur
to eat spise
to enter komme inn
to exist eksistere
to explain forklare
to fall høst
to fall asleep sovner
to find finne
to finish avslutte
to fly fly
to follow følge
to forget glemme
to get off gå av
to get out kom deg ut
to give gi
to go
to have ha
to hear høre
to help hjelp
to hold holde
to keep beholde
to know vite
to laugh le
to learn lære
to leave permisjon
to listen lytte
to live leve
to look like ligne
to look se
to lose miste
to love kjærlighet
to make gjøre
to meet møte
to need behøve
to open åpen
to pay betale
to play skuespill
to prepare tilberede
to prevent forebygge
to put putte
to read lese
to recall tilbakekalle
to receive motta
to recognize anerkjenne
to refuse avslå
to remember huske
to repeat gjenta
to rest hvile
to return retur
to run løpe
to say si
to search søke
to see se
to sell selge
to send sende
to shoot skyte
to show vise
to sing synge
to sit down sitt ned
to sleep sove
to start start
to stay opphold
to stop stopp
to succeed lykkes
to switch off slått på
to take ta
to talk snakke
to taste smak
to think tenke
to throw kaste
to touch Berøring
to try forsøke
to turn omdreining
to turn on skru på
to understand forstå
to use bruk
to wait vent
to wake up våkne
to walk spasertur
to want ønske
to wash up Vask opp
to wear slitasje
to win vinne
to work arbeid
to write skrive

➡️ More Norwegian vocabulary lists:


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most used Norwegian verbs
list of useful Norwegian verbs
list of most important Norwegian verbs
common Norwegian verbs
most common verbs in Norwegian
most used verbs in Norwegian
basic verbs in Norwegian
most important verbs in Norwegian
important verbs in Norwegian
Norwegian important verbs
Norwegian most important verbs
100 most common verbs in Norwegian
100 most used Norwegian verbs
Commonly Used Norwegian Verbs
Most Widely Used Norwegian Verbs
Must-Know Norwegian Verbs for Beginners