
Slovenian Vocabulary List • Colors and shapes

Slovenian Vocabulary: Colors and shapes

– Useful words you should know –


Want to learn the Slovenian language? Here’s a complete list of the most basic, common and useful words in Slovenian with their translation in English, on the topic of colors and shapes. Ideal to help you boost your Slovenian vocabulary!

Do you spot any errors or want to add a word to the list? Don’t hesitate to leave a comment to improve the site!

a color barva
white bel
black črn
gray siv
yellow rumen
orange oranžen
green zelen
blue moder
red rdeč
brown rjav
beige bež
purple vijolično
mauve slezenasto
pink roza
dark temen
golden zlat
silver srebro
a pyramid piramide
a square kvadrat
a circle krog
a triangle trikotnik
a rectangle pravokotnik
a star zvezda
a line vrstica
an arrow puščica
a heart srce
a crescent polmeec

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Slovak Vocabulary List • Colors and shapes

Slovak Vocabulary: Colors and shapes

– Useful words you should know –


Want to learn the Slovak language? Here’s a complete list of the most basic, common and useful words in Slovak with their translation in English, on the topic of colors and shapes. Ideal to help you boost your Slovak vocabulary!

Do you spot any errors or want to add a word to the list? Don’t hesitate to leave a comment to improve the site!

a color farbu
white biely
black čierny
gray sivý
yellow žltý
orange oranžový
green zelený
blue modrý
red červený
brown hnedý
beige béžový
purple purpurový
mauve mauve
pink ružový
dark tmavý
golden zlatý
silver striebro
a pyramid pyramída
a square námestie
a circle kruh
a triangle trojuholník
a rectangle obdĺžnik
a star hviezda
a line riadok
an arrow šípka
a heart srdce
a crescent polmesiac

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Essential Slovak Vocabulary: The calendar (days, months, seasons)

Slovak Vocabulary: The calendar (days, months, seasons)

– Useful words you should know –


Want to learn the Slovak language? Here’s a complete list of the most basic, common and useful words in Slovak with their translation in English, on the topic of the calendar (days, months, seasons). Ideal to help you boost your Slovak vocabulary!

Do you spot any errors or want to add a word to the list? Don’t hesitate to leave a comment to improve the site!

Monday Pondelok
Tuesday Utorok
Wednesday Streda
Thursday Štvrtok
Friday Piatok
Saturday Sobota
Sunday Nedeľa
January Január
February Február
March Marec
April Apríl
May Máj
June Jún
July Júl
August August
September September
October Október
November November
December December
Spring Jar
Summer Leto
Autumn Jeseň
Winter Zima
before pred
after po
soon čoskoro
this month tento mesiac
this year tento rok
this week tento týždeň
from time to time z času na čas
today dnes
tomorrow zajtra
yesterday včera
last night minulú noc
the day before yesterday predvčerom
a long time ago už dávno
a week ago pred týždňom
never nikdy
next year budúci rok
next time nabudúce
next week budúci týždeň
next month budúci mesiac
last year minulý rok
last month minulý mesiac
last week minulý týždeň
in the morning ráno
in the afternoon popoludní
in the evening večer
the day deň
now teraz
later neskôr
immediately okamžite
sometimes niekedy
rarely zriedka
recently nedávno
frequently často
often často
very often veľmi často
slowly pomaly
quickly rýchlo
late neskoro
early skorý
always vždy
every day každý deň
right away hneď
all the time celý čas
all day long celý deň
a holiday dovolenka
a month mesiac
a year ročne
an hour hodinu
a minute minútu
a week týždenne

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Learn Slovak Vocabulary • Travel and tourism

Slovak Vocabulary: Travel and tourism

– Useful words you should know –


Want to learn the Slovak language? Here’s a complete list of the most basic, common and useful words in Slovak with their translation in English, on the topic of travel and tourism. Ideal to help you boost your Slovak vocabulary!

Do you spot any errors or want to add a word to the list? Don’t hesitate to leave a comment to improve the site!

travel cestovanie
tourism turistika
a hotel hotel
on time načas
late neskoro
the airport na letisku
landing pristátie
take-off vzlet
the air conditioning klimatizácia
the distance vzdialenosť
the customs colná správa
the border hranica
the train station vlaková stanica
the bus station autobusová stanica
a ticket lístok
the reception recepcia
the reservation rezervácia
the road cesta
a highway diaľnica
the plane rovina
by plane lietadlom
the bus autobus
the taxi taxi
the train vlak
the car auto
a helicopter vrtuľník
the sign znamenie
the parking lot parkovisko
the passport cestovný pas
the seat sedadlo
the toilet toaleta
the sunglasses slnečné okuliare
a key kľúč
a camera fotoaparát
one way ticket jednosmerný lístok
a return ticket spiatočný lístok
a ticket office pokladňa
an accommodation ubytovanie
a pillow vankúš
a blanket prikrývka
a sleeping bag spacák
a luggage batožina
a bag taška
a backpack batoh
an information informácie
a tourist turista
a vaccine očkovacia látka
an insurance poistenie
a postcard pohľadnica
an itinerary itinerár
a destination miesto určenia
a flashlight baterka
an electrical outlet elektrická zásuvka
a tent stan
a suitcase kufor
to visit na návštevu
to travel cestovať
to rent na prenájom
to leave odísť
to cancel zrušiť
to cancel a reservation zrušenie rezervácie
to photograph fotografovať
the wind vietor
the snow sneh
the rain dážď
the storm búrka
the sun slnko
the sea more
a mountain hora
a lake jazero
a national park národný park
a country krajina
a forest les
a cave jaskyňa
an island ostrov
a beach pláž
the nature príroda
the landscape krajina
sun cream opaľovací krém
a towel uterák

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Useful Slovak Words – Contrary Words

Learn Slovak Vocabulary: Contrary words

– Useful words you should know –


Want to learn the Slovak language? Here’s a complete list of the most basic, common and useful words in Slovak with their translation in English, on the topic of contrary words. Ideal to help you boost your Slovak vocabulary!

Do you spot any errors or want to add a word to the list? Don’t hesitate to leave a comment to improve the site!

young mladý
old starý
empty prázdny
full plný
vertical vertikálne
horizontal horizontálne
useful užitočné
useless zbytočné
a city mesto
a village dedina
a question otázka
an answer odpoveď
sad smutný
happy šťasný
all všetky
nothing nič
a teacher učiteľ
a student študentka
early skoro
late neskoro
open otvorené
closed zatvorené
first najprv
last posledný
secure zabezpečiť
dangerous nebezpečné
near blízko
far ďaleko
sugar cukor
salt soľ
dry suché
wet mokré
often často
rarely zriedka
always vždy
never nikdy
same rovnaký
different rôzne
dirty špinavý
clean čisté
the evening večer
the morning ráno
small malý
large veľký
rich bohatý
poor chudobný
the ceiling strop
the floor podlaha
animal zviera
human človek
guilty vinný
innocent nevinný
here tu
there tam
hunger hlad
the thirst smäd
the sun slnko
the moon mesiac
the sister sestra
the brother brat
slow pomaly
fast rýchlo
before predtým
after po
heavy ťažký
light svetlo
old starý
new nový
easy ľahké
difficult ťažké
start začať
finish skončiť
friend priateľ
enemy nepriateľa
yesterday včera
tomorrow zajtra
cold chladný
hot horúce
right správny
left vľavo
a woman žena
a man muž
inside vnútri
outside vonku
strong silný
weak slabý
soft mäkké
hard ťažké
a lot veľa
a little málo
up hore
down dole
exactly presne tak
probably pravdepodobne
married ženatý
single slobodný
noisy hlučný
quiet ticho
complicated komplikované
simple jednoduché
now teraz
later neskôr
long dlhý
short krátky
interesting zaujímavé
boring nudný
normal normálne
strange zvláštne
outside vonku
inside vnútri
the entrance vstup
the exit východ
white biely
black čierna
expensive drahé
cheap lacno
to walk chodiť
to run bežať
to attach priložiť
to detach oddeliť sa
to go up ísť hore
to go down ísť dole
to increase zvýšiť
to decrease znížiť
to stop prestať
to continue pokračovať
to take off vzlietnuť
to land pristáť
to put on dať na
to remove odobrať
to move forward pohnúť sa dopredu
to move back presunúť späť
to forget zabudnúť
to remember zapamätať si
to show ukázať
to hide skryť sa
to save zachrániť
to spend stráviť
to build postaviť
to destroy zničiť
to arrive prísť
to leave odísť
to enter vstúpiť
to go out ísť von
to laugh smiať sa
to cry plakať
to sell na predaj
to buy kúpiť
to break zlomiť
to repair opraviť
to lend požičať
to borrow požičať si
to earn zarobiť
to lose prehrať
to slow down spomaliť
to speed up urýchliť
to search hľadať
to find nájsť
to pull ťahať
to push tlačiť
to take zobrat
to give dať
to wake up vstať
to fall asleep zaspať
to hold držať
to let go nechať ísť
to turn on zapnúť
to turn off vypnúť
to sell na predaj
to buy kúpiť
to send poslať
to receive obdržať

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Slovak Vocabulary (PDF): The human body, head and face

Slovak Vocabulary: The human body, head and face

– Useful words you should know –


Want to learn the Slovak language? Here’s a complete list of the most basic, common and useful words in Slovak with their translation in English, on the topic of the human body, head and face. Ideal to help you boost your Slovak vocabulary!

Do you spot any errors or want to add a word to the list? Don’t hesitate to leave a comment to improve the site!

the head hlava
the face tvár
the mouth ústa
the throat hrdlo
the cheek líca
the tongue jazyk
the lips pery
the jaw čeľusť
the neck krk
the forehead čelo
the chin brada
the nose nos
the hair vlasy
the eyes oči
a tooth zub
the hair vlasy
an ear ucho
a mustache fúzy
a beard brada
the skin koža
the shoulder rameno
the forearm predlaktie
the wrist zápästie
an arm rameno
the arms zbrane
the elbow lakeť
a hand ruku
a thumb palec
the fingers prsty
the belly brucho
the chest hrudník
the back zadná strana
the breasts prsia
the buttocks zadok
the foot noha
the heel päta
the knee koleno
the leg noha
the thigh stehno
a toe prst na nohe
the stomach žalúdok
the brain mozog
the lungs pľúca
the skeleton kostra
a bone kosť
the skull lebka
a muscle sval

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Slovak Vocabulary for Beginners: The city and public places

Slovak Vocabulary: The city and public places

– Useful words you should know –


Want to learn the Slovak language? Here’s a complete list of the most basic, common and useful words in Slovak with their translation in English, on the topic of the city and public places. Ideal to help you boost your Slovak vocabulary!

Do you spot any errors or want to add a word to the list? Don’t hesitate to leave a comment to improve the site!

a city mesto
the suburbs predmestia
the capital hlavné mesto
the crowd dav
the police polícia
the pollution znečistenie
the firemen hasiči
the toilets toalety
clean čistý
dirty špinavý
safe bezpečný
quiet pokojný
an apartment apartmán
a bus stop autobusová zastávka
a bar bar
a post office pošta
a shopping center nákupné centrum
a city center centrum mesta,
a castle hrad
a cemetery cintorín
a cinema kino
a police station policajná stanica
a dentist zubár
an atm bankomat
a traffic jam dopravná zápcha
a garage garáž
a skyscraper mrakodrap
a hospital nemocnica
a hotel hotel
a building budova
an apartment apartmán
a store predajňa
a market trh
a doctor lekár
a subway metro
a monument pamätník
a museum múzeum
a park park
a parking lot parkovisko
a bridge most
a neighborhood okolie
a restaurant reštaurácia
a stadium štadión
a supermarket supermarket
a theater divadlo
a sidewalk chodník
a village dedina
a neighbor sused
a zoo zoologická záhrada
a bank banka
a library knižnica
a cathedral katedrála
a school škola
a church kostol
a queue fronta
a fountain fontána
a train station vlaková stanica
a bus station autobusová stanica
a bookstore kníhkupectvo
a mosque mešita
a pharmacy lekáreň
a swimming pool plavecký bazén
a bicycle path cyklotrasa
a pedestrian street pešia ulica
a street ulica
a main street hlavná ulica
an alley ulička
an avenue avenue
a highway diaľnica
a gas station čerpacia stanica
a statue socha
a synagogue synagóga
a university univerzita
a factory továreň
a garbage can odpadkový kôš
a prison väzenie

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Basic Slovak Vocabulary: Family and friends

Slovak Vocabulary: Family and friends

– Useful words you should know –


Want to learn the Slovak language? Here’s a complete list of the most basic, common and useful words in Slovak with their translation in English, on the topic of family and friends. Ideal to help you boost your Slovak vocabulary!

Do you spot any errors or want to add a word to the list? Don’t hesitate to leave a comment to improve the site!

the great-grandfather pradedo
the great grandmother prababička
the grandfather starý otec
the grandmother babička
the grandson vnuk
the granddaughter vnučka
the grandchildren vnúčatá
the father otec
the mother matka
the parents rodičia
the child dieťa
the children deti
the son syn
the daughter dcéra
a baby bábätko
a teenager tínedžer
the adults dospelí
the brother brat
the sister sestra
half-brother nevlastný brat
half-sister nevlastná sestra
a twin dvojča
the uncle strýko
the aunt teta
the cousin bratranec
the nephew synovec
the niece neter
a friend priateľ
the boyfriend priateľ
the girlfriend priateľka
the fiancé snúbenec
the groom ženích
the husband manžel
the wife manželka
the parents-in-law svokrovci
father-in-law svokor
the mother-in-law svokra
the brother-in-law švagor
the sister-in-law švagriná
the son-in-law zať
the daughter-in-law nevesta
a family member člen rodiny
adopted prijaté
only son jediný syn

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The Most Common Adjectives in Slovak

100 Most common Slovak adjectives list

– Basic & Useful adjectives list –


Want to learn the Slovak language? Here’s a complete list of the most basic, common and useful adjectives in Slovak with their translation in English. Ideal to help you boost your Slovak vocabulary!

Do you spot any errors or want to add an adjective to the list? Don’t hesitate to leave a comment to improve the site!

a lot veľa
accurate presný
bad zlý
beautiful krásny
big veľký
boring nudný
brave statočný
broken zlomený
clumsy nemotorný
cold chladný
colorful farbistý
comfortable pohodlný
complicated komplikovaný
crazy bláznivý
curious zvedavý
cute milý
dangerous nebezpečný
dark tmavý
dead mŕtvy
deep hlboký
delicious chutný
different odlišný
dirty špinavý
disgusting odporný
dry suchý
easy ľahký
edible jedlý
effective účinný
elegant elegantný
empty prázdny
excellent vynikajúci
excited vzrušený
exciting vzrušujúci
famous slávny
far ďaleký
fast rýchly
first prvý
forbidden zakázaný
friendly priateľský
full plný
fun zábava
funny smiešny
good dobrý
great veľký
heavy ťažký
high vysoký
honest poctivý
huge obrovský
immediate okamžitý
important dôležitý
impossible nemožný
incredible neuveriteľný
innocent nevinný
intelligent inteligentný
interesting zaujímavý
international medzinárodný
jealous žiarlivý
lazy lenivý
legal legálny
long dlhý
many mnoho
mysterious záhadný
narrow úzky
necessary nutný
new nový
nice pekný
noisy hlučný
official funkcionár
old starý
open otvorený
ordinary obyčajný
passionate vášnivý
patient trpezlivý
perfect dokonalý
polluted Znečistené
poor chudobný
popular populárny
possible možný
powerful mocný
precious drahý
quiet pokojný
rare zriedkavý
rich bohatý
romantic romantický
rotten zhnitý
sad smutný
scary desivý
set množina
short krátky
shy nesmelý
sick chorý
silent tichý
similar podobný
simple jednoduchý
slow pomalý
small malý
solid pevný
special špeciálny
strange zvláštny
strong silný
stubborn tvrdohlavý
sympathetic súcitný
tedious nudný
thick tlstý
thin tenký
tiny maličký
tired unavený
traditional tradičný
unique jedinečný
warm teplý
weak slabý
weird čudný
wet mokrý
worst najhorší
young mladý

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most used Slovak adjectives
list of useful Slovak adjectives
list of most important Slovak adjectives
common Slovak adjectives
most common adjectives in Slovak
most used adjectives in Slovak
basic adjectives in Slovak
most important adjectives in Slovak
important adjectives in Slovak
Slovak important adjectives
Slovak most important adjectives
100 most common adjectives in Slovak
100 most used Slovak adjectives
Commonly Used Slovak adjectives
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Must-Know Slovak adjectives for Beginners


Serbian Vocabulary List • Colors and shapes

Serbian Vocabulary: Colors and shapes

– Useful words you should know –


Want to learn the Serbian language? Here’s a complete list of the most basic, common and useful words in Serbian with their translation in English, on the topic of colors and shapes. Ideal to help you boost your Serbian vocabulary!

Do you spot any errors or want to add a word to the list? Don’t hesitate to leave a comment to improve the site!

a color boju
white beo
black crna
gray grej
yellow žuta
orange narandžasta
green zelena
blue plava
red crvena
brown braon
beige beћ
purple ljubiиasti
mauve mauve
pink roze
dark mraиno
golden zlatni
silver srebro
a pyramid piramida
a square kvadrat
a circle krug
a triangle trougao
a rectangle pravougaonik
a star zvezda
a line linija
an arrow strelica
a heart srce
a crescent polumesec

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