arabic vocabulary

Learn Arabic Vocabulary: Colors and shapes

Arabic Vocabulary List: Colors and shapes

– Useful words you should know –


Want to learn the Arabic language? Here’s a complete list of the most basic, common and useful words in Arabic with their translation in English on the topic of colors and shapes. Ideal to help you boost your Arabic vocabulary!

Do you spot any errors or want to add a word to the list? Don’t hesitate to leave a comment to improve the site!

THE COLORS الألوان al-alwan
a color لون lone
white أبيض abid
black أسود aswad
gray رمادي ramadi
yellow أصفر osfer
orange برتقالي pertkali
green أخضر akhdar
blue أزرق azraq
red أحمر ahmar
brown أسمر asmar
beige بيج peg
purple بنفسجي benfesji
mauve البنفسجي al-banfesji
pink وردي wardi
dark داكن dakin
golden ذهبي dhahabi
silver فضة fedda
THE SHAPES الأشكال al-ashkal
a pyramid هرم horom
a square مربع marba
a circle دائرة daira
a triangle مثلث muthalth
a rectangle مستطيل mustatil
a star نجم najem
a line خط khat
an arrow سهم sahm
a heart قلب qalab
a crescent هلال helal

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arabic vocabulary

Common and Useful Adjectives in Arabic

100 Most common Arabic adjectives list

– Basic & Useful adjectives list –


Want to learn the Arabic language? Here’s a complete list of the most basic, common and useful adjectives in Arabic with their translation in English. Ideal to help you boost your Arabic vocabulary!

Do you spot any errors or want to add an adjective to the list? Don’t hesitate to leave a comment to improve the site!

a lot كثيراً kthyraan
accurate دقيق daqiq
bad سيئ sayiy
beautiful جميلة jamila
big كبير kabir
boring ممل mumil
brave شجاع shujae
broken مكسور maksur
clumsy أخرق akhraq
cold البرد albard
colorful زاهى الألوان zahaa al’alwan
comfortable مريح murih
complicated معقد mueaqad
crazy مجنون majnun
curious فضولي fuduli
cute جذاب jadhaab
dangerous خطير khatir
dark مظلم muzlim
dead في ذمة الله تعالى fi dhimat allah taealaa
deep عميق eamiq
delicious لذيذ ladhidh
different مختلف mukhtalif
dirty متسخ mutasakh
disgusting مقزز muqziz
dry جاف jaf
easy سهل sahl
edible صالح للأكل salih lil’ukl
effective فعال faeaal
elegant أنيق aniq
empty فارغة farigha
excellent ممتاز mumtaz
excited فرح farah
exciting مثير muthir
famous مشهور mashhur
far بعيد bueid
fast سريع sarie
first أول awal
forbidden ممنوع mamnue
friendly ودي wdi
full ممتلئ mumtali
fun مرح marah
funny مضحك mudhik
good جيد jyid
great رائعة rayiea
heavy ثقيل thaqil
high عالي eali
honest صادق sadiq
huge تسربت tasarabat
immediate فوري fawri
important مهم muhimun
impossible غير ممكن ghayr mumkin
incredible لا يصدق la yusadaq
innocent بريىء bariaa’
intelligent ذكي dhakiun
interesting مثير للإعجاب muthir lil’iiejab
international دولي dawli
jealous غيور ghiur
lazy كسول kasul
legal قانوني qanuniun
long طويل tawil
many عديدة eadida
mysterious غامض ghamid
narrow ضيق diq
necessary من الضروري min aldarurii
new الجديد aljadid
nice لطيف latif
noisy مزعج muzeij
official الرسمية alrasmia
old قديم qadim
open افتح aiftah
ordinary عادي eadi
passionate شغوف shaghuf
patient صبور sabur
perfect في احسن الاحوال fi ahsun alahwal
polluted ملوث mulawath
poor فقير faqir
popular جمع jame
possible المستطاع almustatae
powerful قوي qawiun
precious ثمين thamiyn
quiet هادئ hadi
rare نادر nadir
rich ثري thari
romantic رومانسي rumansiun
rotten فاسد fasid
sad حزين hazin
scary مخيف mukhif
set تعيين taeyin
short قصيرة qasira
shy خجول khajul
sick مرض mard
silent صامتة samita
similar مماثل mumathil
simple بسيط basit
slow بطيء bati’
small صغير saghir
solid صلب sulb
special خاص khasun
strange غريب gharib
strong قوي qawiun
stubborn عنيد eanid
sympathetic ودي wdi
tedious مضجر mudjir
thick سميك samik
thin نحيف nahif
tiny صغير الحجم saghir alhajm
tired مرهق marhaq
traditional التقليديين altaqlidiiyn
unique فريدة من نوعها faridat min naweiha
warm دافيء dafi’
weak ضعيف daeif
weird عجيب eajib
wet مبلل mubalal
worst أسوأ aswa
young صغيرة saghira

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most used Arabic adjectives
list of useful Arabic adjectives
list of most important Arabic adjectives
common Arabic adjectives
most common adjectives in Arabic
most used adjectives in Arabic
basic adjectives in Arabic
most important adjectives in Arabic
important adjectives in Arabic
Arabic important adjectives
Arabic most important adjectives
100 most common adjectives in Arabic
100 most used Arabic adjectives
Commonly Used Arabic adjectives
Most Widely Used Arabic adjectives
Must-Know Arabic adjectives for Beginners


Afrikaans Vocabulary List: Colors and shapes

Afrikaans Vocabulary: Colors and shapes

– Useful words you should know –


Want to learn the Afrikaans language? Here’s a complete list of the most basic, common and useful words in Afrikaans with their translation in English, on the topic of colors and shapes. Ideal to help you boost your Afrikaans vocabulary!

Do you spot any errors or want to add a word to the list? Don’t hesitate to leave a comment to improve the site!

a color n kleur
white wit
black swart
gray grys
yellow geel
orange oranje
green groen
blue blou
red rooi
brown bruin
beige beige
purple pers
mauve mauve
pink pienk
dark donker
golden goue
silver silwer
a pyramid n piramide
a square n vierkant
a circle n sirkel
a triangle n driehoek
a rectangle n reghoek
a star n ster
a line n lyn
an arrow n pyl
a heart n hart
a crescent n halfmaan

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Learn Afrikaans Vocabulary: The calendar (days, months, seasons)

Afrikaans Vocabulary: The calendar (days, months, seasons)

– Useful words you should know –


Want to learn the Afrikaans language? Here’s a complete list of the most basic, common and useful words in Afrikaans with their translation in English, on the topic of the calendar (days, months, seasons). Ideal to help you boost your Afrikaans vocabulary!

Do you spot any errors or want to add a word to the list? Don’t hesitate to leave a comment to improve the site!

Monday Maandag
Tuesday Dinsdag
Wednesday Woensdag
Thursday Donderdag
Friday Vrydag
Saturday Saterdag
Sunday Sondag
January Januarie
February Februarie
March Maart
April April
May Mei
June Junie
July Julie
August Augustus
September September
October Oktober
November November
December Desember
Spring Lente
Summer Somer
Autumn Herfs
Winter Winter
before voor
after na
soon gou
this month hierdie maand
this year hierdie jaar
this week hierdie week
from time to time van tyd tot tyd
already reeds
today vandag
tomorrow môre
yesterday gister
last night gisteraand
the day before yesterday die vorige dag
a long time ago lank gelede
a week ago n week gelede
never nooit
next year volgende jaar
next time volgende keer
next week volgende week
next month volgende maand
last year verlede jaar
last month verlede maand
last week verlede week
in the morning in die oggend
in the afternoon in die namiddag
in the evening in die aand
the day die dag
now nou
later later
immediately onmiddellik
sometimes soms
rarely selde
recently onlangs
frequently dikwels
often dikwels
very often baie dikwels
slowly stadig
quickly vinnig
late laat
early vroeë
always altyd
every day elke dag
right away nou dadelik
all the time die hele tyd
all day long die hele dag lank
a holiday n vakansie
a month n maand
a year n jaar
an hour n uur
a minute n minuut
a week n week

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Useful Afrikaans Vocabulary: Travel and tourism

Afrikaans Vocabulary: Travel and tourism

– Useful words you should know –


Want to learn the Afrikaans language? Here’s a complete list of the most basic, common and useful words in Afrikaans with their translation in English, on the topic of travel and tourism. Ideal to help you boost your Afrikaans vocabulary!

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travel reis
tourism toerisme
a hotel n hotel
on time betyds
late laat
the airport die lughawe
landing landing
take-off opstyg
the air conditioning die lugversorging
the distance die afstand
the customs die doeane
the border die grens
the train station die treinstasie
the bus station die busstasie
a ticket n kaartjie
the reception die onthaal
the reservation die bespreking
the road die pad
a highway n snelweg
the plane die vliegtuig
by plane met die vliegtuig
the bus die bus
the taxi die taxi
the train die trein
the car die motor
a helicopter n helikopter
the sign die teken
the parking lot die parkeerterrein
the passport die paspoort
the seat die sitplek
the toilet die toilet
the sunglasses die sonbril
a key n sleutel
a camera n kamera
one way ticket eenrigting kaartjie
a return ticket n retoerkaartjie
a ticket office n kaartjiekantoor
an accommodation n akkommodasie
a pillow n kussing
a blanket n kombers
a sleeping bag n slaapsak
a luggage n bagasie
a bag n sak
a backpack n rugsak
an information n inligting
a tourist n toeris
a vaccine n entstof
an insurance n versekering
a postcard n poskaart
an itinerary n reisplan
a destination n bestemming
a flashlight n flitslig
an electrical outlet n elektriese aansluiting
a tent n tent
a suitcase n tas
to visit om te besoek
to travel om te reis
to rent te huur
to leave om te gaan
to cancel om te kanselleer
to cancel a reservation om ‘n bespreking te kanselleer
to photograph om te fotografeer
the wind die wind
the snow die sneeu
the rain die reën
the storm die storm
the sun die son
the sea die see
a mountain n berg
a lake n meer
a national park n nasionale park
a country n land
a forest n bos
a cave n grot
an island n eiland
a beach n strand
the nature die natuur
the landscape die landskap
sun cream son room
a towel n handdoek

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Learn Afrikaans Vocabulary: Contrary words

Learn Afrikaans Vocabulary: Contrary words

– Useful words you should know –


Want to learn the Afrikaans language? Here’s a complete list of the most basic, common and useful words in Afrikaans with their translation in English, on the topic of contrary words. Ideal to help you boost your Afrikaans vocabulary!

Do you spot any errors or want to add a word to the list? Don’t hesitate to leave a comment to improve the site!

young jonk
old oud
empty leeg
full vol
vertical vertikaal
horizontal horisontaal
useful nuttig
useless nutteloos
a city n stad
a village n dorp
a question n vraag
an answer n antwoord
sad hartseer
happy gelukkig
all almal
nothing niks
a teacher n onderwyser
a student n student
early vroeg
late laat
open oopmaak
closed gesluit
first eers
last laaste
secure veilig
dangerous gevaarlik
near naby
far ver
sugar suiker
salt sout
dry droog
wet nat
often dikwels
rarely selde
always altyd
never nooit
same dieselfde
different anders
dirty vuil
clean skoon
the evening die aand
the morning die oggend
small klein
large groot
rich ryk
poor arm
the ceiling die plafon
the floor die vloer
animal dier
human mens
guilty skuldig
innocent onskuldig
here hier
there daar
hunger honger
the thirst die dors
the sun die son
the moon die maan
the sister die suster
the brother die broer
slow stadig
fast vinnig
before voor
after na
heavy swaar
light lig
old oud
new nuut
easy maklik
difficult moeilik
start begin
finish klaarmaak
friend vriend
enemy vyand
yesterday gister
tomorrow môre
cold koud
hot warm
right reg
left links
a woman n vrou
a man n man
inside binne
outside buite
strong sterk
weak swak
soft sag
hard hard
a lot baie
a little n bietjie
up op
down af
exactly presies
probably waarskynlik
married getroud
single enkellopend
noisy raserig
quiet stil
complicated ingewikkeld
simple eenvoudig
now nou
later later
long lank
short kort
interesting interessant
boring vervelig
normal normaal
strange vreemde
outside buite
inside binne
the entrance die ingang
the exit die uitgang
white wit
black swart
expensive duur
cheap goedkoop
to walk te loop
to run om te hardloop
to attach om aan te heg
to detach los te maak
to go up om op te gaan
to go down om onder te gaan
to increase om te verhoog
to decrease om te verminder
to stop te stop
to continue om voort te gaan
to take off opstyg
to land te land
to put on aan te trek
to remove te verwyder
to move forward om vorentoe te beweeg
to move back om terug te beweeg
to forget om te vergeet
to remember onthou
to show om te wys
to hide om weg te steek
to save om te spaar
to spend om te spandeer
to build om te bou
to destroy om te vernietig
to arrive om te arriveer
to leave om te verlaat
to enter in te gaan
to go out om uit te gaan
to laugh om te lag
to cry om te huil
to sell te verkoop
to buy te koop
to break om te breek
to repair herstel
to lend te leen
to borrow te leen
to earn te verdien
to lose om te verloor
to slow down om stadiger te gaan
to speed up te versnel
to search om te soek
to find te vind
to pull te trek
to push te druk
to take te neem
to give om te gee
to wake up wakker te word
to fall asleep om aan die slaap te raak
to hold te hou
to let go om te laat gaan
to turn on om aan te sit
to turn off om af te sit
to sell te verkoop
to buy te koop
to send te stuur
to receive te ontvang

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Learn Afrikaans Vocabulary: The human body, head and face

Afrikaans Vocabulary: The human body, head and face

– Useful words you should know –


Want to learn the Afrikaans language? Here’s a complete list of the most basic, common and useful words in Afrikaans with their translation in English, on the topic of the human body, head and face. Ideal to help you boost your Afrikaans vocabulary!

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the head die kop
the face die gesig
the mouth die mond
the throat die keel
the cheek die wang
the tongue die tong
the lips die lippe
the jaw die kakebeen
the neck die nek
the forehead die voorkop
the chin die ken
the nose die neus
the hair die hare
the eyes die oë
a tooth n tand
the hair die hare
an ear n oor
a mustache n snor
a beard n baard
the skin die vel
the shoulder die skouer
the forearm die voorarm
the wrist die pols
an arm n arm
the arms die arms
the elbow die elmboog
a hand n hand
a thumb n duim
the fingers die vingers
the belly die maag
the chest die bors
the back die rug
the breasts die borste
the buttocks die boude
the foot die voet
the heel die hakskeen
the knee die knie
the leg die been
the thigh die dy
a toe n toon
the stomach die maag
the brain die brein
the lungs die longe
the skeleton die skelet
a bone n been
the skull die skedel
a muscle n spier

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Learn Afrikaans Vocabulary: The city and public places

Afrikaans Vocabulary: The city and public places

– Useful words you should know –


Want to learn the Afrikaans language? Here’s a complete list of the most basic, common and useful words in Afrikaans with their translation in English, on the topic of the city and public places. Ideal to help you boost your Afrikaans vocabulary!

Do you spot any errors or want to add a word to the list? Don’t hesitate to leave a comment to improve the site!

a city n stad
the suburbs die voorstede
the capital die hoofstad
the crowd die skare
the police die polisie
the pollution die besoedeling
the firemen die brandweermanne
the toilets die toilette
clean skoon
dirty vuil
safe veilig
quiet stil
an apartment n woonstel
a bus stop n bushalte
a bar n kroeg
a post office n poskantoor
a shopping center n winkelsentrum
a city center n middestad
a castle n kasteel
a cemetery n begraafplaas
a cinema n bioskoop
a police station n polisiestasie
a dentist n tandarts
an atm n otm
a traffic jam n verkeersknoop
a garage n motorhuis
a skyscraper n wolkekrabber
a hospital n hospitaal
a hotel n hotel
a building n gebou
an apartment n woonstel
a store n winkel
a market n mark
a doctor n dokter
a subway n moltrein
a monument n monument
a museum n museum
a park n park
a parking lot n parkeerterrein
a bridge n brug
a neighborhood n woonbuurt
a restaurant n restaurant
a stadium n stadion
a supermarket n supermark
a theater n teater
a sidewalk n sypaadjie
a village n dorp
a neighbor n buurman
a zoo n dieretuin
a bank n bank
a library n biblioteek
a cathedral n katedraal
a school n skool
a church n kerk
a queue n tou
a fountain n fontein
a train station n treinstasie
a bus station n busstasie
a bookstore n boekwinkel
a mosque n moskee
a pharmacy n apteek
a swimming pool n swembad
a bicycle path n fietspad
a pedestrian street n voetgangerstraat
a street n straat
a main street n hoofstraat
an alley n stegie
an avenue n laan
a highway n snelweg
a gas station n vulstasie
a statue n standbeeld
a synagogue n sinagoge
a university n universiteit
a factory n fabriek
a garbage can n vullisblik
a prison n tronk

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Learn Afrikaans Vocabulary: Family and friends

Afrikaans Vocabulary: Family and friends

– Useful words you should know –


Want to learn the Afrikaans language? Here’s a complete list of the most basic, common and useful words in Afrikaans with their translation in English, on the topic of family and friends. Ideal to help you boost your Afrikaans vocabulary!

Do you spot any errors or want to add a word to the list? Don’t hesitate to leave a comment to improve the site!

the great-grandfather die oupagrootjie
the great grandmother die oumagrootjie
the grandfather die oupa
the grandmother die ouma
the grandson die kleinseun
the granddaughter die kleindogter
the grandchildren die kleinkinders
the father die vader
the mother die ma
the parents die ouers
the child die kind
the children die kinders
the son die seun
the daughter die dogter
a baby n baba
a teenager n tiener
the adults die volwassenes
the brother die broer
the sister die suster
half-brother halfbroer
half-sister halfsuster
a twin n tweeling
the uncle die oom
the aunt die tannie
the cousin die neef
the cousin die neef
the nephew die neef
the niece die niggie
a friend ’n vriend
the boyfriend die kêrel
the girlfriend die vriendin
the fiancé die verloofde
the groom die bruidegom
the husband die man
the wife die vrou
the parents-in-law die skoonouers
father-in-law skoonpa
the mother-in-law die skoonma
the brother-in-law die swaer
the sister-in-law die skoonsuster
the son-in-law die skoonseun
the daughter-in-law die skoondogter
a family member n familielid
adopted aangeneem
only son enigste seun

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The most useful adjectives in Afrikaans

100 Most common Afrikaans adjectives list

– Basic & Useful adjectives list –


Want to learn the Afrikaans language? Here’s a complete list of the most basic, common and useful adjectives in Afrikaans with their translation in English. Ideal to help you boost your Afrikaans vocabulary!

Do you spot any errors or want to add an adjective to the list? Don’t hesitate to leave a comment to improve the site!

a lot baie
accurate akkuraat
bad sleg
beautiful pragtige
big groot
boring vervelig
brave dapper
broken stukkend
clumsy lomp
cold koud
colorful kleurvol
comfortable gemaklik
complicated ingewikkeld
crazy gek
curious nuuskierig
cute oulik
dangerous gevaarlik
dark donker
dead dood
deep diep
delicious heerlik
different anders
dirty vuil
disgusting walglik
dry droog
easy maklik
edible eetbaar
effective effektief
elegant elegant
empty leeg
excellent uitstekend
excited opgewonde
exciting opwindende
famous beroemde
far ver
fast vinnig
first eers
forbidden verbode
friendly vriendelik
full vol
fun pret
funny snaaks
good goed
great puik
heavy swaar
high hoog
honest eerlik
huge groot
immediate onmiddellik
important belangrik
impossible onmoontlik
incredible ongelooflik
innocent onskuldig
intelligent intelligent
interesting interessant
international internasionaal
jealous jaloers
lazy lui
legal wettig
long lank
many baie
mysterious geheimsinnig
narrow smal
necessary nodig
new nuut
nice lekker
noisy raserig
official amptelik
old oud
open oopmaak
ordinary gewone
passionate passievol
patient pasiënt
perfect perfek
polluted besoedel
poor arm
popular gewild
possible moontlik
powerful kragtig
precious kosbaar
quiet stil
rare skaars
rich ryk
romantic romanties
rotten vrot
sad hartseer
scary skrikwekkend
set stel
short kort
shy skaam
sick siek
silent stil
similar soortgelyk
simple eenvoudig
slow stadig
small klein
solid soliede
special spesiaal
strange vreemde
strong sterk
stubborn koppig
sympathetic simpatiek
tedious vervelig
thick dik
thin dun
tiny klein
tired moeg
traditional tradisioneel
unique uniek
warm warm
weak swak
weird vreemd
wet nat
worst ergste
young jonk

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most used Afrikaans adjectives
list of useful Afrikaans adjectives
list of most important Afrikaans adjectives
common Afrikaans adjectives
most common adjectives in Afrikaans
most used adjectives in Afrikaans
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most important adjectives in Afrikaans
important adjectives in Afrikaans
Afrikaans important adjectives
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100 most used Afrikaans adjectives
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