
Learn Romanian Vocabulary • Travel and tourism

Romanian Vocabulary: Travel and tourism

– Useful words you should know –


Want to learn the Romanian language? Here’s a complete list of the most basic, common and useful words in Romanian with their translation in English, on the topic of travel and tourism. Ideal to help you boost your Romanian vocabulary!

Do you spot any errors or want to add a word to the list? Don’t hesitate to leave a comment to improve the site!

travel călătorie
tourism turism
a hotel un hotel
on time punctual
late târziu
the airport aeroportul
landing aterizare
take-off decolare
the air conditioning aerul conditionat
the distance distanța
the customs vama
the border frontiera
the train station gara
the bus station stația de autobuz
a ticket un bilet
the reception recepția
the reservation rezervarea
the road drumul
a highway o autostradă
the plane avionul
by plane cu avionul
the bus autobuzul
the taxi taxiul
the train trenul
the car masina
a helicopter un elicopter
the sign semnul
the parking lot parcarea
the passport pașaportul
the seat scaunul
the toilet toaleta
the sunglasses ochelarii de soare
a key o cheie
a camera o cameră foto
one way ticket bilet dus
a return ticket un bilet dus-întors
a ticket office o casă de bilete
an accommodation o cazare
a pillow o pernă
a blanket o pătură
a sleeping bag un sac de dormit
a luggage un bagaj
a bag o pungă
a backpack un rucsac
an information o informație
a tourist un turist
a vaccine un vaccin
an insurance o asigurare
a postcard o carte poștală
an itinerary un itinerariu
a destination o destinație
a flashlight o lanternă
an electrical outlet o priză electrică
a tent un cort
a suitcase o valiză
to visit pentru a vizita
to travel pentru a călători
to rent de inchiriat
to leave a pleca
to cancel pentru a anula
to cancel a reservation pentru a anula o rezervare
to photograph pentru a fotografia
the wind vântul
the snow zăpada
the rain ploaia
the storm furtuna
the sun soarele
the sea marea
a mountain un munte
a lake un lac
a national park un parc național
a country o țară
a forest o pădure
a cave o peșteră
an island o insulă
a beach o plajă
the nature natura
the landscape peisajul
sun cream crema de soare
a towel un prosop

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Essential Romanian Vocabulary: The calendar (days, months, seasons)

Romanian Vocabulary: The calendar (days, months, seasons)

– Useful words you should know –


Want to learn the Romanian language? Here’s a complete list of the most basic, common and useful words in Romanian with their translation in English, on the topic of the calendar (days, months, seasons). Ideal to help you boost your Romanian vocabulary!

Do you spot any errors or want to add a word to the list? Don’t hesitate to leave a comment to improve the site!

Monday Luni
Tuesday Marți
Wednesday Miercuri
Thursday Joi
Friday Vineri
Saturday Sâmbătă
Sunday Duminică
January Ianuarie
February Februarie
March Martie
April Aprilie
May Mai
June Iunie
July Iulie
August August
September Septembrie
October Octombrie
November Noiembrie
December Decembrie
Spring Primăvară
Summer Vară
Autumn Toamnă
Winter Iarnă
before înainte
after după
soon curând
this month în această lună
this year în acest an
this week în această săptămână
from time to time din când în când
already deja
today azi
tomorrow mâine
yesterday ieri
last night aseară
the day before yesterday cu o zi înainte de ieri
a long time ago cu mult timp în urmă
a week ago o săptămână în urmă
never niciodată
next year anul viitor
next time data viitoare
next week săptămâna viitoare
next month luna viitoare
last year anul trecut
last month luna trecută
last week săptămâna trecută
in the morning dimineaţa
in the afternoon după-amiaza
in the evening seara
the day a doua zi
now acum
later mai târziu
immediately îndată
sometimes uneori
rarely rar
recently recent
frequently frecvent
often adesea
very often foarte des
slowly încet
quickly repede
late târziu
early devreme
always întotdeauna
every day în fiecare zi
right away imediat
all the time întotdeauna
all day long toată ziua
a holiday o vacanță
a month o lună
a year un an
an hour o oră
a minute un minut
a week o săptămână

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Romanian Vocabulary List • Colors and shapes

Romanian Vocabulary: Colors and shapes

– Useful words you should know –


Want to learn the Romanian language? Here’s a complete list of the most basic, common and useful words in Romanian with their translation in English, on the topic of colors and shapes. Ideal to help you boost your Romanian vocabulary!

Do you spot any errors or want to add a word to the list? Don’t hesitate to leave a comment to improve the site!

a color o culoare
white alb
black negru
gray gri
yellow galben
orange portocală
green verde
blue albastru
red roșu
brown brun
beige bej
purple purpuriu
mauve mov
pink roz
dark întunecat
golden aurit
silver argint
a pyramid o piramidă
a square un pătrat
a circle un cerc
a triangle un triunghi
a rectangle un dreptunghi
a star o stea
a line o linie
an arrow o săgeată
a heart o inimă
a crescent o semilună

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polish vocabulary

Polish Vocabulary List • Colors and shapes

Polish Vocabulary: Colors and shapes

– Useful words you should know –


Want to learn the Polish language? Here’s a complete list of the most basic, common and useful words in Polish with their translation in English, on the topic of colors and shapes. Ideal to help you boost your Polish vocabulary!

Do you spot any errors or want to add a word to the list? Don’t hesitate to leave a comment to improve the site!

a color o culoare
white alb
black negru
gray gri
yellow galben
orange portocală
green verde
blue albastru
red roșu
brown brun
beige bej
purple purpuriu
mauve mov
pink roz
dark întunecat
golden aurit
silver argint
a pyramid o piramidă
a square un pătrat
a circle un cerc
a triangle un triunghi
a rectangle un dreptunghi
a star o stea
a line o linie
an arrow o săgeată
a heart o inimă
a crescent o semilună

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Essential Polish Vocabulary: The calendar (days, months, seasons)

Polish Vocabulary: The calendar (days, months, seasons)

– Useful words you should know –


Want to learn the Polish language? Here’s a complete list of the most basic, common and useful words in Polish with their translation in English, on the topic of the calendar (days, months, seasons). Ideal to help you boost your Polish vocabulary!

Do you spot any errors or want to add a word to the list? Don’t hesitate to leave a comment to improve the site!

Monday Poniedziałek
Tuesday Wtorek
Wednesday Środa
Thursday Czwartek
Friday Piątek
Saturday Sobota
Sunday Niedziela
January Styczeń
February Luty
March Marzec
April Kwiecień
May Maj
June Czerwiec
July Lipiec
August Sierpień
September Wrzesień
October Październik
November Listopad
December Grudzień
Spring Wiosna
Summer Lato
Autumn Jesień
Winter Zima
before przed
after po
soon wkrótce
this month w tym miesiącu
this year tego roku
this week w tym tygodniu
from time to time od czasu do czasu
already już
today dzisiaj
tomorrow jutro
yesterday wczoraj
last night wczoraj wieczorem
the day before yesterday przedwczoraj
a long time ago dawno temu
a week ago tydzień temu
never nigdy
next year w przyszłym roku
next time następnym razem
next week w przyszłym tygodniu
next month w przyszłym miesiącu
last year w ub.r.
last month ostatni miesiąc
last week w zeszłym tygodniu
in the morning rano
in the afternoon po południu
in the evening wieczorem
the day dzień
now teraz
later później
immediately natychmiast
sometimes niekiedy
rarely rzadko
recently niedawno
frequently często
often często
very often bardzo często
slowly powoli
quickly szybko
late późny
early wczesny
always zawsze
every day codziennie
right away natychmiast
all the time cały czas
all day long przez cały dzień
a holiday wakacje
a month miesięcznie
a year rocznie
an hour godzinę
a minute minutę
a week tygodniowo

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polish vocabulary

Learn Polish Vocabulary • Travel and tourism

Polish Vocabulary: Travel and tourism

– Useful words you should know –


Want to learn the Polish language? Here’s a complete list of the most basic, common and useful words in Polish with their translation in English, on the topic of travel and tourism. Ideal to help you boost your Polish vocabulary!

Do you spot any errors or want to add a word to the list? Don’t hesitate to leave a comment to improve the site!

travel podróż
tourism turystyka
a hotel hotel
on time na czas
late późny
the airport lotnisko
landing lądowanie
take-off start
the air conditioning klimatyzacja
the distance odległość
the customs organy celne
the border granica
the train station dworzec kolejowy
the bus station dworzec autobusowy
a ticket bilet
the reception recepcja
the reservation rezerwacja
the road droga
a highway autostrada
the plane samolot
by plane samolotem
the bus autobus
the taxi taksówka
the train pociąg
the car samochód
a helicopter helikopter
the sign znak
the parking lot parking
the passport paszport
the seat siedzenie
the toilet toaleta
the sunglasses okulary przeciwsłoneczne
a key klucz
a camera aparat fotograficzny
one way ticket bilet w jedną stronę
a return ticket bilet powrotny
a ticket office kasa biletowa
an accommodation zakwaterowanie
a pillow poduszka
a blanket koc
a sleeping bag śpiwór
a luggage bagaż
a bag torbę
a backpack plecak
an information informacje
a tourist turysta
a vaccine szczepionka
an insurance ubezpieczenie
a postcard pocztówka
an itinerary plan podróży
a destination miejsce docelowe
a flashlight latarka
an electrical outlet gniazdko elektryczne
a tent namiot
a suitcase walizka
to visit do odwiedzenia
to travel podróżować
to rent do wynajęcia
to leave odejść
to cancel aby anulować
to cancel a reservation aby anulować rezerwację
to photograph do fotografowania
the wind wiatr
the snow śnieg
the rain deszcz
the storm burza
the sun słońce
the sea morze
a mountain góra
a lake jezioro
a national park park narodowy
a country kraj
a forest las
a cave jaskinia
an island wyspa
a beach plaża
the nature przyroda
the landscape krajobraz
sun cream krem do opalania
a towel ręcznik

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Useful Polish Words – Contrary Words

Learn Polish Vocabulary: Contrary words

– Useful words you should know –


Want to learn the Polish language? Here’s a complete list of the most basic, common and useful words in Polish with their translation in English, on the topic of contrary words. Ideal to help you boost your Polish vocabulary!

Do you spot any errors or want to add a word to the list? Don’t hesitate to leave a comment to improve the site!

young młody
old stary
empty pusty
full pełny
vertical pionowy
horizontal poziomy
useful użyteczne
useless bezużyteczny
a city miasto
a village wioska
a question pytanie
an answer odpowiedź
sad smutny
happy szczęśliwy
all wszystko
nothing nic
a teacher nauczyciel
a student uczeń
early wczesny
late późno
open otwarty
closed zamknięte
first pierwszy
last ostatni
secure bezpieczne
dangerous niebezpieczny
near blisko
far daleko
sugar cukier
salt sól
dry suchy
wet mokro
often często
rarely rzadko
always zawsze
never nigdy
same to samo
different różne
dirty brudny
clean czysty
the evening wieczór
the morning poranek
small mały
large wielki
rich bogaty
poor słaby
the ceiling sufit
the floor podłoga
animal zwierzę
human człowiek
guilty winny
innocent niewinny
here tutaj
there tam
hunger głód
the thirst pragnienie
the sun słońce
the moon księżyc
the sister siostra
the brother brat
slow wolny
fast szybki
before zanim
after po
heavy ciężki
light światło
old stary
new nowy
easy łatwo
difficult trudny
start początek
finish koniec
friend przyjaciel
enemy wróg
yesterday wczoraj
tomorrow jutro
cold przeziębienie
hot gorący
right prawo
left lewy
a woman kobieta
a man mężczyzna
inside w środku
outside poza
strong silny
weak słaby
soft miękki
hard ciężko
a lot dużo
a little trochę
up w górę
down na dół
exactly dokładnie
probably prawdopodobnie
married żonaty
single pojedynczy
noisy głośny
quiet cichy
complicated skomplikowany
simple prosty
now teraz
later później
long długie
short niski
interesting ciekawe
boring nudy
normal normalna
strange dziwny
outside poza
inside w środku
the entrance wejście
the exit wyjście
white biały
black czarny
expensive kosztowny
cheap tani
to walk iść
to run biegać
to attach dołączyć
to detach odłączyć
to go up iść do góry
to go down iść w dół
to increase zwiększyć
to decrease zmniejszyć
to stop zatrzymać
to continue kontynuować
to take off zdjąć
to land lądować
to put on zakładać
to remove usuwać
to move forward ruszać naprzód
to move back cofnąć się
to forget zapomnieć
to remember zapamiętać
to show pokazywać
to hide ukryć
to save zapisać
to spend wydać
to build budować
to destroy niszczyć
to arrive przybyć
to leave zostawiać
to enter wejść
to go out wyjść
to laugh śmiać się
to cry płakać
to sell na sprzedaż
to buy kupić
to break złamać
to repair naprawić
to lend pożyczyć
to borrow pożyczyć
to earn zarobić
to lose przegrać
to slow down zwolnić
to speed up przyspieszyć
to search szukać
to find znaleźć
to pull ciągnąć
to push popychać
to take brać
to give dawać
to wake up obudzić się
to fall asleep zasnąć
to hold trzymać
to let go odpuścić sobie
to turn on włączyć
to turn off wyłączyć
to sell na sprzedaż
to buy kupić
to send wysyłać
to receive otrzymać

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Polish Vocabulary (PDF): The human body, head and face

Polish Vocabulary: The human body, head and face

– Useful words you should know –


Want to learn the Polish language? Here’s a complete list of the most basic, common and useful words in Polish with their translation in English, on the topic of the human body, head and face. Ideal to help you boost your Polish vocabulary!

Do you spot any errors or want to add a word to the list? Don’t hesitate to leave a comment to improve the site!

the head głowa
the face twarz
the mouth usta
the throat gardło
the cheek policzek
the tongue język
the lips usta
the jaw szczęka
the neck szyja
the forehead czoło
the chin podbródek
the nose nos
the hair włosy
the eyes oczy
a tooth ząb
the hair włosy
an ear ucho
a mustache wąsy
a beard broda
the skin skóra
the shoulder ramię
the forearm przedramię
the wrist nadgarstek
an arm ramię
the arms ramiona
the elbow łokieć
a hand dłoń
a thumb kciuk
the fingers palce
the belly brzuch
the chest klatka piersiowa
the back tył
the breasts piersi
the buttocks pośladki
the foot stopa
the heel pięta
the knee kolano
the leg noga
the thigh udo
a toe palec u nogi
the stomach żołądek
the brain mózg
the lungs płuca
the skeleton szkielet
a bone kość
the skull czaszka
a muscle mięsień

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Polish Vocabulary for Beginners: The city and public places

Polish Vocabulary: The city and public places

– Useful words you should know –


Want to learn the Polish language? Here’s a complete list of the most basic, common and useful words in Polish with their translation in English, on the topic of the city and public places. Ideal to help you boost your Polish vocabulary!

Do you spot any errors or want to add a word to the list? Don’t hesitate to leave a comment to improve the site!

a city miasto
the suburbs przedmieścia
the capital stolica
the crowd tłum
the police policja
the pollution zanieczyszczenie
the firemen strażacy
the toilets toalety
clean czysty
dirty brudny
safe bezpieczny
quiet spokojny
an apartment mieszkanie
a bus stop przystanek autobusowy
a bar bar
a post office urząd pocztowy
a shopping center centrum handlowe
a city center centrum miasta
a castle zamek
a cemetery cmentarz
a cinema kino
a police station komisariat policji
a dentist dentysta
an atm bankomat
a traffic jam korek
a garage garaż
a skyscraper wieżowiec
a hospital szpital
a hotel hotel
a building budynek
an apartment mieszkanie
a store sklep
a market rynek
a doctor lekarz
a subway metrem
a monument pomnik
a museum muzeum
a park park
a parking lot parking
a bridge most
a neighborhood sąsiedztwo
a restaurant restauracja
a stadium stadion
a supermarket supermarket
a theater teatr
a sidewalk chodnik
a village wieś
a neighbor sąsiad
a zoo zoo
a bank bank
a library biblioteka
a cathedral katedra
a school szkoła
a church kościół
a queue kolejka
a fountain fontanna
a train station dworzec kolejowy
a bus station dworzec autobusowy
a bookstore księgarnia
a mosque meczet
a pharmacy apteka
a swimming pool basen
a bicycle path ścieżka rowerowa
a pedestrian street deptak
a street ulica
a main street główna ulica
an alley alejka
an avenue aleja
a highway autostrada
a gas station stacja benzynowa
a statue posąg
a synagogue synagoga
a university uniwersytet
a factory fabryka
a garbage can kosz na śmieci
a prison więzienie

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Basic Polish Vocabulary: Family and friends

Polish Vocabulary: Family and friends

– Useful words you should know –


Want to learn the Polish language? Here’s a complete list of the most basic, common and useful words in Polish with their translation in English, on the topic of family and friends. Ideal to help you boost your Polish vocabulary!

Do you spot any errors or want to add a word to the list? Don’t hesitate to leave a comment to improve the site!

the great-grandfather pradziadek
the great grandmother prababcia
the grandfather dziadek
the grandmother babcia
the grandson wnuk
the granddaughter wnuczka;
the grandchildren wnuki
the father ojciec
the mother matka
the parents rodzice
the child dziecko
the children dzieci
the son syn
the daughter córka
a baby dziecko
a teenager nastolatek
the adults dorośli
the brother brat
the sister siostra
half-brother przyrodni brat
half-sister przyrodnia siostra
a twin bliźniak
the uncle wujek
the aunt ciotka
the cousin kuzyn
the nephew siostrzeniec
the niece siostrzenica
a friend przyjaciel
the boyfriend chłopak
the girlfriend dziewczyna
the fiancé narzeczony
the groom pan młody
the husband mąż
the wife żona
the parents-in-law teściowie
father-in-law teść
the mother-in-law teściowa
the brother-in-law szwagier
the sister-in-law szwagierka
the son-in-law zięć
the daughter-in-law synowa
a family member członek rodziny
adopted adoptowany
only son jedyny syn

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