
Vietnamese for Beginners: How to Introduce Yourself in Vietnamese

Vietnamese for Beginners: How to Introduce Yourself in Vietnamese

Introducing yourself in Vietnamese is the first step to connecting with native speakers and immersing yourself in Vietnamese culture.  In this blog post, I’ll provide a comprehensive guide for beginners on how to introduce themselves in Vietnamese, complete with pronunciation tips and useful phrases.

Understanding Vietnamese Names:

Before diving into introductions, it’s important to understand Vietnamese names and naming conventions. Vietnamese names typically consist of three parts: the family name (họ), the middle name (tên đệm), and the given name (tên). For example, in the name “Nguyễn Văn A”, “Nguyễn” is the family name, “Văn” is the middle name, and “A” is the given name.

Basic Introductions:

  1. Xin chào! Tôi là [Your Name].
    English Pronunciation: Sin chow! Toy la [Your Name]. Translation: Hello! I am [Your Name].
  2. Rất vui được gặp bạn.
    English Pronunciation: Raht voo duhk gap ban. Translation: Nice to meet you.

Providing Additional Information:

  1. Tôi đến từ [Your Country].
    English Pronunciation: Toy den tuh [Your Country]. Translation: I am from [Your Country].
  2. Tôi sống ở [Your City].
    English Pronunciation: Toy sowng uh [Your City]. Translation: I live in [Your City].
  3. Tôi là sinh viên / nhân viên.
    English Pronunciation: Toy la sinh vee-en / nyahn vee-en. Translation: I am a student / employee.

Asking About Others:

  1. Anh/chị/em tên là gì?
    English Pronunciation: Ahn/chee/em ten la zee? Translation: What is your name? (used respectfully)
  2. Anh/chị/em đến từ đâu?
    English Pronunciation: Ahn/chee/em den tuh daow? Translation: Where are you from?

Expressing Gratitude:

  1. Cảm ơn bạn!
    English Pronunciation: Kahm uhn ban! Translation: Thank you!
  2. Rất vui được gặp bạn!
    English Pronunciation: Raht voo duhk gap ban! Translation: It’s nice to meet you!

Closing Remarks:

  1. Hẹn gặp lại!
    English Pronunciation: Hen gap lie! Translation: See you again!
  2. Chúc bạn một ngày tốt lành!
    English Pronunciation: Chook ban mot ngay toht lahn! Translation: Have a good day!

Tips for Pronunciation:

  • Pay attention to Vietnamese tones. Vietnamese is a tonal language, so changing the tone of a word can change its meaning.
  • Practice speaking slowly and clearly, focusing on correct pronunciation of each syllable.
  • Listen to native speakers and mimic their pronunciation to improve your own.


Introducing yourself in Vietnamese is a valuable skill that will help you connect with native speakers and navigate Vietnamese culture with confidence.

By mastering basic introduction phrases and understanding Vietnamese naming conventions, you’ll be well-equipped to introduce yourself effectively in various situations.

So, go ahead and practice these phrases, and get ready to make meaningful connections with Vietnamese speakers! 🇻🇳👋


Self Study Vietnamese: Can I learn Vietnamese by Myself?

Self-Study Vietnamese: Can I Learn Vietnamese by Myself?

Learning a new language can be both challenging and rewarding, and Vietnamese is no exception. As a Vietnamese teacher, I often encounter students who are eager to learn Vietnamese but unsure if they can do it on their own.

In this blog post, we’ll explore the possibilities and strategies for self-studying Vietnamese, empowering you to take control of your language learning journey.

Understanding the Challenges:

Before delving into self-study strategies, it’s important to understand the challenges you may encounter when learning Vietnamese on your own. Vietnamese is a tonal language with six distinct tones, which can be challenging for learners who are not familiar with tonal languages. Additionally, the Vietnamese writing system, based on the Latin alphabet with diacritics, may require some adjustment for learners accustomed to other writing systems. However, with dedication and the right approach, these challenges can be overcome.

Benefits of Self-Study:

While learning Vietnamese in a classroom setting can be beneficial, self-study offers several advantages:

  1. Flexibility: With self-study, you can learn at your own pace and schedule, allowing you to tailor your learning experience to fit your lifestyle.
  2. Autonomy: Self-study empowers you to take control of your learning journey, allowing you to focus on areas that are most relevant to your goals and interests.
  3. Resourcefulness: There are numerous resources available for self-study, including textbooks, online courses, language apps, and language exchange platforms, giving you access to a wealth of learning materials.
  4. Cost-Effectiveness: Self-study can be more cost-effective than traditional classroom-based learning, as you can often find free or low-cost resources online.

Strategies for Self-Study:

  1. Set Clear Goals: Before starting your self-study journey, define your goals and objectives. Are you learning Vietnamese for travel, work, or personal interest? Setting clear goals will help guide your learning process and keep you motivated.
  2. Immerse Yourself: Surround yourself with the Vietnamese language as much as possible. Listen to Vietnamese music, watch Vietnamese movies and TV shows, and try to incorporate Vietnamese into your daily life.
  3. Practice Speaking: Practice speaking Vietnamese as often as possible, even if you’re just talking to yourself. Focus on mastering Vietnamese tones and pronunciation, as they are crucial for effective communication.
  4. Utilize Learning Resources: Take advantage of the plethora of resources available for learning Vietnamese. Invest in a good textbook or online course, use language learning apps like Duolingo or Memrise, and participate in language exchange programs to practice with native speakers.
  5. Keep a Language Journal: Keep a journal to track your progress and jot down new vocabulary and phrases you encounter. Reviewing your language journal regularly will reinforce your learning and help you track your improvement over time.
  6. Stay Consistent: Consistency is key when it comes to language learning. Set aside dedicated time each day or week for studying Vietnamese, and stick to your schedule as much as possible.
  7. Seek Feedback: Don’t be afraid to seek feedback from native speakers or language teachers. Join online language communities or find a language exchange partner to practice with and receive constructive feedback on your speaking and writing skills.


In conclusion, while learning Vietnamese by yourself may pose some challenges, it is certainly possible with the right approach and mindset.

By setting clear goals, immersing yourself in the language, utilizing resources effectively, and staying consistent in your efforts, you can make significant progress in your Vietnamese language skills.

So, if you’re wondering whether you can learn Vietnamese by yourself, the answer is a resounding yes – with determination, dedication, and perseverance, you can achieve your language learning goals. Happy learning! 📚🇻🇳


Vietnamese language basics: Food and Drinks

Exploring Vietnamese Language Basics: Food and Drinks

As a Vietnamese language teacher, I understand the importance of mastering vocabulary related to food and drinks. Not only does it enhance your ability to navigate local cuisine, but it also allows you to connect with Vietnamese culture on a deeper level.

In this lesson, we’ll delve into some essential Vietnamese words and phrases related to food and drinks, complete with English pronunciations for easy learning.

Vietnamese Food Vocabulary:

  1. Phở (fuh): This iconic Vietnamese noodle soup is a must-try for any visitor.
  2. Bánh mì (bun mee): A Vietnamese sandwich typically filled with meats, pickled vegetables, and herbs.
  3. Bún chả (boon cha): Grilled pork served over rice noodles with herbs and dipping sauce.
  4. Cơm gà (kohm ga): Chicken rice, a simple yet delicious dish of rice served with poached or roasted chicken.
  5. Bánh xèo (bun say-oh): Crispy Vietnamese pancakes filled with shrimp, pork, and bean sprouts.

Vietnamese Drink Vocabulary:

  1. Trà (ch-rah): Tea, a popular beverage enjoyed throughout Vietnam.
  2. Cà phê (kah fay): Coffee, a staple of Vietnamese culture often enjoyed with condensed milk over ice.
  3. Nước mía (nook mee-ah): Sugarcane juice, a refreshing and sweet drink commonly sold by street vendors.
  4. Bia (bee-ah): Beer, with popular local brands including Saigon, Hanoi, and Bia Hơi (fresh beer).
  5. Nước đá (nook dah): Iced water, a common drink served alongside meals.

Useful Phrases for Ordering Food and Drinks:

  1. Xin chào, tôi muốn đặt món. (Sin chow, toy moon dat mon): Hello, I would like to order.
  2. Cho tôi một phở bò và một trà đá, xin cám ơn. (Chow toy mot fuh bah va mot ch-rah dah, sin kahm uhn): I’ll have a beef phở and an iced tea, please.
  3. Có cà phê sữa không? (Koh kah fay soo-ah kohng): Do you have Vietnamese coffee with condensed milk?
  4. Tôi thích một ly nước mía, xin cám ơn. (Toy tik mot lee nook mee-ah, sin kahm uhn): I’d like a glass of sugarcane juice, please.
  5. Mang ra cho tôi một bánh mì gà, xin cám ơn. (Mahng ra chow toy mot bun mee ga, sin kahm uhn): Bring me a chicken bánh mì, please.


Learning basic Vietnamese words and phrases related to food and drinks is essential for anyone looking to immerse themselves in Vietnamese culture.

Whether you’re ordering from a street vendor or exploring local eateries, mastering these vocabulary items will enhance your experience and allow you to connect more deeply with Vietnamese cuisine.

So, go ahead and practice these phrases, and get ready to savor the flavors of Vietnam! 🍜☕🇻🇳


Southern Vietnamese for Beginners (Free PDF)

Introduction to Southern Vietnamese for Beginners

Lesson Overview: Welcome to your introductory lesson on Southern Vietnamese! 🇻🇳

In this lesson, you’ll learn the basics of Southern Vietnamese pronunciation, common phrases, and essential vocabulary.

By the end of this lesson, you’ll be equipped with the foundational knowledge to start conversing in Southern Vietnamese with confidence.

Let’s get started! 🎉

(Click here to download this lesson as a PDF)

Section 1: Pronunciation

1.1 Vietnamese Tones

Southern Vietnamese, like other dialects of Vietnamese, is a tonal language. 🎶 There are six tones in Southern Vietnamese, each denoted by diacritics. Let’s explore them:

  1. Mid-level tone (ngang): Denoted by a flat tone mark (¯). Example: ma (ghost)
  2. Rising tone (hỏi): Denoted by a rising accent mark (´). Example: (cheek)
  3. Dipping tone (ngã): Denoted by a falling-rising accent mark (`). Example: (but)
  4. Falling tone (sắc): Denoted by a falling accent mark (`). Example: mạ (rice seedling)
  5. Low-level tone (huyền): Denoted by a low tone mark (`). Example: mả (tomb)
  6. Falling-rising tone (nặng): Denoted by a dot underneath the vowel (˜). Example: (horse)

1.2 Pronunciation Guide

Let’s practice the pronunciation of some common Southern Vietnamese sounds:

  • C: Pronounced like “g” in “go”. Example: (eggplant)
  • Gi: Pronounced like “j” in “jam”. Example: giỏi (good)
  • R: Pronounced with a slight flap of the tongue against the upper palate. Example: rơi (fall)
  • D: Pronounced like “y” in “yes”. Example: đi (go)

Section 2: Common Phrases

2.1 Greetings and Introductions

  • Xin chào: Hello
  • Chào bạn: Hi (informal)
  • Tên của bạn là gì?: What’s your name?
  • Tôi tên là…: My name is…

2.2 Polite Expressions

  • Xin lỗi: Sorry
  • Cảm ơn: Thank you
  • Xin vui lòng: Please
  • Không sao đâu: No problem

2.3 Basic Conversation

  • Bạn khỏe không?: How are you?
  • Tôi khỏe, cảm ơn: I’m fine, thank you
  • Bạn đến từ đâu?: Where are you from?
  • Tôi đến từ…: I’m from…

Section 3: Essential Vocabulary

3.1 Numbers

  • Một: One
  • Hai: Two
  • Ba: Three
  • Bốn: Four
  • Năm: Five

3.2 Colors

  • Đỏ: Red
  • Xanh: Blue
  • Vàng: Yellow
  • Trắng: White
  • Đen: Black

3.3 Family Members

  • Mẹ: Mother
  • Cha: Father
  • Anh: Older brother
  • Em: Younger sibling
  • : Aunt

Section 4: Cultural Insights

Southern Vietnamese culture is rich and diverse, influenced by centuries of history and traditions. 🏞️ Key cultural practices include:

  • Respect for Elders: Addressing elders with appropriate honorifics, such as “ông” (grandfather) and “bà” (grandmother).
  • Festivals: Celebrating traditional festivals like Tết Nguyên Đán (Lunar New Year) with family gatherings and special meals.
  • Cuisine: Enjoying delicious Southern Vietnamese dishes such as bánh xèo (sizzling pancakes) and cà phê sữa đá (Vietnamese iced coffee).


Congratulations! 🎊 You’ve completed your first lesson in Southern Vietnamese for Beginners.

By mastering the pronunciation, common phrases, and essential vocabulary covered in this lesson, you’re well on your way to becoming proficient in Southern Vietnamese.

Keep practicing and immersing yourself in the language to continue your language learning journey.

Chúc bạn may mắn! (Good luck!) 🌟🇻🇳


How to say ‘Thank you’ in Vietnamese

How to Say ‘Thank You’ in Vietnamese: A Comprehensive Guide

Expressing Gratitude in Vietnamese Culture

In Vietnamese culture, expressing gratitude is an essential aspect of social interaction.

Whether you’re receiving a favor, a gift, or simply acknowledging someone’s kindness, knowing how to say “thank you” in Vietnamese can go a long way in building relationships and showing appreciation.

Common Ways to Say ‘Thank You’ in Vietnamese

1. Cảm ơn: This is the most common way to say “thank you” in Vietnamese. It can be used in various situations, both formal and informal.
🔊 Pronunciation: [kahm uhn]

2. Xin cảm ơn: This phrase is a polite and formal way to express gratitude.
🔊 Pronunciation: [seen kahm uhn]

3. Rất cảm ơn: Adding “rất” (very) before “cảm ơn” emphasizes your gratitude even more.
🔊 Pronunciation: [ruht kahm uhn]

Other Ways to Show Appreciation

1. Cảm ơn bạn: “Bạn” means “you” in Vietnamese, so adding it after “cảm ơn” specifies who you’re thanking.
🔊 Pronunciation: [kahm uhn buhn]

2. Cảm ơn nhiều: This phrase means “thank you very much” and is used to express deep appreciation.
🔊 Pronunciation: [kahm uhn nyoo]

3. Xin chân thành cảm ơn: For more formal occasions, such as expressing gratitude in a speech or letter, this phrase conveys sincere thanks.
🔊 Pronunciation: [seen chahn tahnh kahm uhn]

Gratitude in Different Situations

1. Receiving a Gift: When someone gives you a gift, you can say, “Cảm ơn nhiều” ([kahm uhn nyoo]), meaning “Thank you very much.”

2. After a Meal: After enjoying a delicious meal prepared by someone, express your thanks by saying, “Xin cảm ơn rất nhiều” ([seen kahm uhn ruht nyoo]).

3. Help from a Stranger: If a stranger helps you with directions or any other assistance, a simple “Cảm ơn” ([kahm uhn]) will suffice.


Mastering the art of saying “thank you” in Vietnamese is not only polite but also shows respect and appreciation for the people around you.

Whether it’s in everyday interactions or special occasions, using these phrases will help you navigate social situations with ease and grace.

So, cảm ơn ([kahm uhn]) for taking the time to learn how to express gratitude in Vietnamese! 🙏🇻🇳


The Most Common Adjectives in Vietnamese

100 Most common Vietnamese adjectives list

– Basic & Useful adjectives list –


Want to learn the Vietnamese language? Here’s a complete list of the most basic, common and useful adjectives in Vietnamese with their translation in English. Ideal to help you boost your Vietnamese vocabulary!

Do you spot any errors or want to add an adjective to the list? Don’t hesitate to leave a comment to improve the site!

a lot nhiều
accurate chính xác
bad xấu
beautiful xinh đẹp
big to lớn
boring nhàm chán
brave Dũng cảm
broken bị hỏng
clumsy hậu đậu
cold lạnh
colorful Đầy màu sắc
comfortable Thoải mái
complicated phức tap
crazy khùng
curious Tò mò
cute dễ thương
dangerous sự nguy hiểm
dark tối
dead chết
deep sâu
delicious ngon
different khác nhau
dirty bẩn thỉu
disgusting kinh tởm
dry khô
easy dễ
edible ăn được
effective hiệu quả
elegant tao nhã
empty trống rỗng
excellent Xuất sắc
excited bị kích thích
exciting kích thích
famous nổi tiếng
far xa
fast Nhanh
first Đầu tiên
forbidden cấm
friendly thân thiện
full đầy
fun vui vẻ
funny vui
good tốt
great Tuyệt
heavy nặng
high cao
honest thật thà
huge to lớn
immediate ngay tức khắc
important quan trọng
impossible Không thể nào
incredible đáng kinh ngạc
innocent vô tội
intelligent thông minh
interesting thú vị
international Quốc tế
jealous ghen tuông
lazy lười biếng
legal hợp pháp
long Dài
many nhiều
mysterious huyền bí
narrow chật hẹp
necessary cần thiết
new Mới
nice đẹp
noisy ồn ào
official chính thức
open mở
ordinary bình thường
passionate say đắm
patient bệnh nhân
perfect hoàn hảo
polluted ô nhiễm
poor nghèo
popular nổi tiếng
possible khả thi
powerful mạnh mẽ
precious quí
quiet im lặng
rare quý hiếm
rich giàu có
romantic lãng mạn
rotten thối rữa
sad buồn
scary đáng sợ
set bộ
short ngắn
shy nhát
sick bị ốm
silent im lặng
similar tương tự
simple giản dị
slow chậm
small nhỏ bé
solid chất rắn
special đặc biệt
strange lạ lùng
strong mạnh
stubborn bướng bỉnh
sympathetic thông cảm
tedious tẻ nhạt
thick đặc
thin gầy
tiny nhỏ bé
tired mệt mỏi
traditional cổ truyền
unique độc nhất
warm ấm áp
weak Yếu
weird kỳ dị
wet bị ướt
worst tồi tệ nhất
young trẻ tuổi

➡️ More Vietnamese vocabulary lists:


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most used Vietnamese adjectives
list of useful Vietnamese adjectives
list of most important Vietnamese adjectives
common Vietnamese adjectives
most common adjectives in Vietnamese
most used adjectives in Vietnamese
basic adjectives in Vietnamese
most important adjectives in Vietnamese
important adjectives in Vietnamese
Vietnamese important adjectives
Vietnamese most important adjectives
100 most common adjectives in Vietnamese
100 most used Vietnamese adjectives
Commonly Used Vietnamese adjectives
Most Widely Used Vietnamese adjectives
Must-Know Vietnamese adjectives for Beginners


Basic Vietnamese Vocabulary: Family and friends

Vietnamese Vocabulary: Family and friends

– Useful words you should know –


Want to learn the Vietnamese language? Here’s a complete list of the most basic, common and useful words in Vietnamese with their translation in English, on the topic of family and friends. Ideal to help you boost your Vietnamese vocabulary!

Do you spot any errors or want to add a word to the list? Don’t hesitate to leave a comment to improve the site!

the great-grandfather ông cố
the great grandmother bà cố
the grandfather ông
the grandmother bà ngoại
the grandson cháu trai
the granddaughter cháu gái
the grandchildren cháu chắt
the father người cha
the mother người mẹ
the parents bố mẹ
the child đứa trẻ
the children Trẻ con
the son con trai
the daughter Con gái
a baby em bé
a teenager một thiếu niên
the adults người lớn
the brother anh em
the sister chị
half-brother anh em cùng cha khác mẹ
half-sister chị cùng cha khác mẹ
a twin sinh đôi
the uncle chú
the aunt
the cousin anh em họ
the cousin anh em họ
the nephew cháu trai
the niece cháu gái
a friend một người bạn
the boyfriend bạn trai
the girlfriend bạn gái
the fiancé vị hôn phu
the groom chú rể
the husband người chồng
the wife người vợ
the parents-in-law bố mẹ chồng
father-in-law bố chồng hoặc bố vợ
the mother-in-law mẹ chồng
the brother-in-law anh rể
the sister-in-law chị dâu
the son-in-law con rể
the daughter-in-law con dâu
a family member một thành viên trong gia đình
adopted con nuôi
only son con trai duy nhất

➡️ More Vietnamese vocabulary lists:


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Vietnamese Vocabulary for Beginners: The city and public places

Vietnamese Vocabulary: The city and public places

– Useful words you should know –


Want to learn the Vietnamese language? Here’s a complete list of the most basic, common and useful words in Vietnamese with their translation in English, on the topic of the city and public places. Ideal to help you boost your Vietnamese vocabulary!

Do you spot any errors or want to add a word to the list? Don’t hesitate to leave a comment to improve the site!

a city một thành phố
the suburbs vùng ngoại ô
the capital thủ đô
the crowd đám đông
the police cảnh sát
the pollution sự ô nhiễm
the firemen lính cứu hỏa
the toilets nhà vệ sinh
clean lau dọn
dirty bẩn thỉu
safe an toàn
quiet im lặng
an apartment một căn hộ
a bus stop trạm xe buýt
a bar một quán bar
a post office một bưu điện
a shopping center trung tâm mua sắm
a city center một trung tâm thành phố
a castle một tòa lâu đài
a cemetery một nghĩa trang
a cinema một rạp chiếu phim
a police station một đồn cảnh sát
a dentist một nha sĩ
an atm máy atm
a traffic jam kẹt xe
a garage nhà để xe
a skyscraper tòa nhà chọc trời
a hospital bệnh viện
a hotel khách sạn
a building tòa nhà
an apartment một căn hộ
a store một cửa hàng
a market chợ
a doctor một bác sĩ
a subway một tàu điện ngầm
a monument một tượng đài
a museum bảo tàng
a park một công viên
a parking lot một bãi đậu xe
a bridge một cây cầu
a neighborhood một khu phố
a restaurant một nhà hàng
a stadium một sân vận động
a supermarket một siêu thị
a theater một nhà hát
a sidewalk vỉa hè
a village một ngôi làng
a neighbor hàng xóm
a zoo một sở thú
a bank một ngân hàng
a library thư viện
a cathedral một nhà thờ
a school một trường
a church một ngôi nhà thờ
a queue một hàng đợi
a fountain đài phun nước
a train station một ga tàu
a bus station một trạm xe buýt
a bookstore một hiệu sách
a mosque một nhà thờ hồi giáo
a pharmacy một hiệu thuốc
a swimming pool một bể bơi
a bicycle path một con đường xe đạp
a pedestrian street phố đi bộ
a street một con đường
a main street một đường phố chính
an alley một con hẻm
an avenue một đại lộ
a highway một đại lộ
a gas station một trạm xăng
a statue một bức tượng
a synagogue một giáo đường
a university trường đại học
a factory nhà máy
a garbage can một thùng rác
a prison nhà từ

➡️ More Vietnamese vocabulary lists:


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Vietnamese Vocabulary (PDF): The human body, head and face

Vietnamese Vocabulary: The human body, head and face

– Useful words you should know –


Want to learn the Vietnamese language? Here’s a complete list of the most basic, common and useful words in Vietnamese with their translation in English, on the topic of the human body, head and face. Ideal to help you boost your Vietnamese vocabulary!

Do you spot any errors or want to add a word to the list? Don’t hesitate to leave a comment to improve the site!

the head cái đầu
the face khuôn mặt
the mouth cái miệng
the throat cổ họng
the cheek
the tongue lưỡi
the lips đôi môi
the jaw hàm
the neck cổ
the forehead trán
the chin cằm
the nose mũi
the hair tóc
the eyes đôi mắt
a tooth một chiếc răng
the hair tóc
an ear một tai
a mustache một bộ ria mép
a beard một bộ râu
the skin làn da
the shoulder vai
the forearm cẳng tay
the wrist cổ tay
an arm một cánh tay
the arms cánh tay
the elbow khuỷu tay
a hand một bàn tay
a thumb một ngón tay cái
the fingers các ngón tay
the belly bụng
the chest ngực
the back mặt sau
the breasts ngực
the buttocks mông
the foot bàn chân
the heel gót chân
the knee đầu gối
the leg chân
the thigh đùi
a toe một ngón chân
the stomach dạ dày
the brain bộ não
the lungs phổi
the skeleton bộ xương
a bone xương
the skull hộp sọ
a muscle một cơ bắp

➡️ More Vietnamese vocabulary lists:


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Useful Vietnamese Words – Contrary Words

Learn Vietnamese Vocabulary: Contrary words

– Useful words you should know –


Want to learn the Vietnamese language? Here’s a complete list of the most basic, common and useful words in Vietnamese with their translation in English, on the topic of contrary words. Ideal to help you boost your Vietnamese vocabulary!

Do you spot any errors or want to add a word to the list? Don’t hesitate to leave a comment to improve the site!

young trẻ tuổi
empty trống rỗng
full đầy
vertical theo chiều dọc
horizontal nằm ngang
useful hữu ích
useless vô ích
a city một thành phố
a village một ngôi làng
a question một câu hỏi
an answer một câu trả lời
sad buồn
happy vui mừng
all tất cả các
nothing không có gì
a teacher một giáo viên
a student một học sinh
early sớm
late muộn
open mở
closed đóng cửa
first đầu tiên
last cuối cùng
secure chắc chắn
dangerous sự nguy hiểm
near ở gần
far xa
sugar đường
salt muối
dry khô
wet bị ướt
often thường
rarely ít khi
always luôn luôn
never không bao giờ
same tương tự
different khác nhau
dirty bẩn thỉu
clean lau dọn
the evening buổi tối
the morning buổi sáng
small nhỏ bé
large lớn
rich giàu có
poor nghèo
the ceiling trần nhà
the floor tầng
animal động vật
human nhân loại
guilty tội lỗi
innocent vô tội
here nơi đây
there ở đó
hunger nạn đói
the thirst cơn khát
the sun mặt trời
the moon mặt trăng
the sister chị
the brother anh em
slow chậm
fast nhanh
before trước
after sau
heavy nặng
light nhẹ
new mới
easy dễ
difficult khó khăn
start bắt đầu
finish kết thúc
friend người bạn
enemy kẻ thù
yesterday hôm qua
tomorrow ngày mai
cold lạnh
hot nóng
right bên phải
left bên trái
a woman một ngươi phụ nư
a man một người đàn ông
inside nội bộ
outside ngoài
strong mạnh
weak yếu
soft mềm
hard cứng
a lot nhiều
a little một chút
up lên
down xuống
exactly một cách chính xác
probably có thể
married cưới nhau
single độc thân
noisy ồn ào
quiet im lặng
complicated phức tap
simple giản dị
now bây giờ
later sau
long dài
short ngắn
interesting thú vị
boring nhàm chán
normal thông thường
strange lạ lùng
outside ngoài
inside nội bộ
the entrance lối vào
the exit lối thoát
white trắng
black màu đen
expensive đắt tiền
cheap rẻ
to walk đi bộ
to run chạy
to attach đính kèm
to detach tách ra
to go up đi lên
to go down đi xuống
to increase tăng
to decrease làm giảm xuống
to stop dừng lại
to continue tiếp tục
to take off cất cánh
to land hạ cánh
to put on để đưa vào
to remove để loại bỏ
to move forward để di chuyển về phía trước
to move back di chuyển trở lại
to forget quên
to remember nhớ
to show để hiển thị
to hide trốn
to save để tiết kiệm
to spend chi tiêu
to build để xây dựng
to destroy hủy diệt
to arrive đến
to leave rời đi
to enter nhập
to go out đi ra
to laugh cười
to cry khóc
to sell bán
to buy mua
to break để phá vỡ
to repair sửa chữa
to lend cho mượn
to borrow mượn
to earn để kiếm
to lose để mất
to slow down chậm lại
to speed up để tăng tốc độ
to search tìm kiếm
to find để tìm
to pull để kéo
to push đẩy
to take lấy
to give cho
to wake up thức dậy
to fall asleep ngủ thiếp đi
to hold giữ
to let go để cho đi
to turn on bật
to turn off để tắt
to sell bán
to buy mua
to send để gửi
to receive nhận

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