Learn Latvian Vocabulary: Contrary words
– Useful words you should know –
Want to learn the Latvian language? Here’s a complete list of the most basic, common and useful words in Latvian with their translation in English, on the topic of contrary words. Ideal to help you boost your Latvian vocabulary!
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young | jauns |
old | vecs |
empty | tukšs |
full | pilns |
vertical | vertikāli |
horizontal | horizontāli |
useful | noderīga |
useless | bezjēdzīgi |
a city | pilsēta |
a village | ciemats |
a question | jautājums |
an answer | atbilde |
sad | skumji |
happy | laimīgs |
all | visi |
nothing | nekas |
a teacher | skolotājs |
a student | students |
early | agri |
late | vēlu |
open | atvērts |
closed | slēgts |
first | vispirms |
last | pēdējais |
secure | drošs |
dangerous | bīstami |
near | tuvumā |
far | tālu |
sugar | cukurs |
salt | sāls |
dry | sauss |
wet | slapjš |
often | bieži |
rarely | reti |
always | vienmēr |
never | nekad |
same | tas pats |
different | savādāk |
dirty | netīrs |
clean | tīrs |
the evening | vakars |
the morning | rīts |
small | mazs |
large | liels |
rich | bagāts |
poor | nabadzīgs |
the ceiling | griesti |
the floor | grīda |
animal | dzīvnieks |
human | cilvēks |
guilty | vainīgs |
innocent | nevainīgs |
here | šeit |
there | tur |
hunger | izsalkums |
the thirst | slāpes |
the sun | saule |
the moon | mēness |
the sister | māsa |
the brother | brālis |
slow | lēns |
fast | ātri |
before | pirms tam |
after | pēc |
heavy | smags |
light | gaismas |
old | vecs |
new | jauns |
easy | viegli |
difficult | grūti |
start | sākt |
finish | pabeigt |
friend | draugs |
enemy | ienaidnieks |
yesterday | vakar |
tomorrow | rīt |
cold | auksts |
hot | karsts |
right | pa labi |
left | pa kreisi |
a woman | sieviete |
a man | vīrietis |
inside | iekšā |
outside | ārpusē |
strong | stiprs |
weak | vājš |
soft | mīksts |
hard | grūti |
a lot | daudz |
a little | mazliet |
up | uz augšu |
down | uz leju |
exactly | tieši tā |
probably | droši vien |
married | precējies |
single | viens |
noisy | skaļš |
quiet | kluss |
complicated | sarežģīti |
simple | vienkārši |
now | tagad |
later | vēlāk |
long | garš |
short | īss |
interesting | interesanti |
boring | garlaicīgi |
normal | normāli |
strange | dīvaini |
outside | ārpusē |
inside | iekšā |
the entrance | ieeja |
the exit | izeja |
white | balts |
black | melns |
expensive | dārgi |
cheap | lēts |
to walk | iet |
to run | skriet |
to attach | pievienot |
to detach | atdalīties |
to go up | lai dotos augšā |
to go down | iet uz leju |
to increase | palielināt |
to decrease | samazināt |
to stop | apstāties |
to continue | turpināt |
to take off | pacelties |
to land | nosēsties |
to put on | uzvilkt |
to remove | noņemt |
to move forward | virzīties uz priekšu |
to move back | lai pārvietotos atpakaļ |
to forget | aizmirst |
to remember | atcerēties |
to show | parādīt |
to hide | slēpties |
to save | saglabāt |
to spend | tērēt |
to build | uzbūvēt |
to destroy | iznīcināt |
to arrive | ierasties |
to leave | aiziet |
to enter | lai ievadītu |
to go out | iet ārā |
to laugh | smieties |
to cry | raudāt |
to sell | pārdot |
to buy | pirkt |
to break | salauzt |
to repair | salabot |
to lend | aizdot |
to borrow | aizņemties |
to earn | pelnīt |
to lose | zaudēt |
to slow down | lai palēninātu |
to speed up | lai paātrinātu |
to search | meklēt |
to find | atrast |
to pull | vilkt |
to push | virzīt |
to take | ņemt |
to give | dot |
to wake up | pamosties |
to fall asleep | aizmigt |
to hold | turēt |
to let go | lai palaistu vaļā |
to turn on | ieslēgt |
to turn off | izslēgt |
to sell | pārdot |
to buy | pirkt |
to send | sūtīt |
to receive | saņemt |
➡️ More Latvian vocabulary lists:
- Greetings
- Basic words to learn
- 100 most common Latvian verbs
- Useful adverbs
- Useful adjectives
- Family and friends
- The city and public places
- The human body, head and face
- Travel and tourism
- The calendar (days, months, seasons)
- Colors and shapes
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