
Latvian Vocabulary for Beginners: The city and public places

Latvian Vocabulary: The city and public places

– Useful words you should know –


Want to learn the Latvian language? Here’s a complete list of the most basic, common and useful words in Latvian with their translation in English, on the topic of the city and public places. Ideal to help you boost your Latvian vocabulary!

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a city pilsēta
the suburbs piepilsēta
the capital galvaspilsēta
the crowd pūlis
the police policija
the pollution piesārņojumu
the firemen ugunsdzēsēji
the toilets tualetes
clean tīrs
dirty netīrs
safe droši
quiet kluss
an apartment dzīvoklis
a bus stop autobusa pietura
a bar bārs
a post office pasta nodaļa
a shopping center iepirkšanās centrs
a city center pilsētas centrs
a castle pils
a cemetery kapsēta
a cinema kinoteātris
a police station policijas iecirknis
a dentist zobārsts
an atm bankomāts
a traffic jam satiksmes sastrēgums
a garage garāža
a skyscraper debesskrāpis
a hospital slimnīca
a hotel viesnīca
a building celtne
an apartment dzīvoklis
a store veikals
a market tirgus
a doctor ārsts
a subway metro
a monument piemineklis
a museum muzejs
a park parks
a parking lot autostāvvieta
a bridge tilts
a neighborhood apkārtne
a restaurant restorāns
a stadium stadions
a supermarket lielveikals
a theater teātris
a sidewalk ietve
a village ciemats
a neighbor kaimiņš
a zoo zoodārzs
a bank banka
a library bibliotēka
a cathedral katedrāle
a school skola
a church baznīca
a queue rinda
a fountain strūklaka
a train station dzelzceļa stacija
a bus station autoosta
a bookstore grāmatnīca
a mosque mošeja
a pharmacy aptieka
a swimming pool peldbaseins
a bicycle path veloceliņš
a pedestrian street gājēju iela
a street iela
a main street galvenā iela
an alley aleja
an avenue avēnija
a highway lielceļš
a gas station degvielas uzpildes stacija
a statue statuja
a synagogue sinagoga
a university universitāte
a factory rūpnīca
a garbage can atkritumu tvertne
a prison cietums

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