
Useful Burmese Vocabulary – Contrary Words

Learn Burmese Vocabulary: Contrary words

– Useful words you should know –


Want to learn the Burmese language? Hereโ€™s a complete list of the most basic, common and useful words in Burmese with their translation in English, on the topic of contrary words. Ideal to help you boost your Burmese vocabulary!

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young luungaal
old aahaungg
empty balar
full aapyany
vertical daunglite
horizontal aalyarrlite
useful aasonewain sai .
useless aasonemakya
a city myahoettaitmyahoet
a village rwartaitrwar
a question mayyhkwanntaithku
an answer a hpway t jhahku
sad wamnaeehcarar
happy pyawtaal .
all aarrlone
nothing bharmha
a teacher sarartaityout
a student kyaunggsarr tait u
early hcawhcaw
late noutkya
open hpw ng sai .
closed patesaim
first pahtam
last noutsone
secure lonehkyuan sai .
dangerous aantararalshi sai .
near aanee
far aawayy
sugar sakyarr
salt sarr ngaan
dry hkyawwatswae
wet hco hcwatsaw
often makyaarhkan
rarely mashisalout
always aamyaelltam
never bhaaltotmha
same aatuutuuparpell .
different matuubhuu .
dirty nyait paat sai .
clean sanshinn
the evening nyanayhkainn
the morning nannaathkainn
small sayy ngaal sai .
large kyeemarrsaw
rich kyawalwasaw
poor sainnrell
the ceiling myetnharkyaat
the floor kyampyin
animal tirahcsaran
human luusarr
guilty aapyitshi sai .
innocent aapyitmashi .
here demhar
there homhar
hunger sarlaungmhu
the thirst rayngaat
the sun nay
the moon lasai
the sister nyem
the brother aaitko
slow nhaayynhaayy
fast myan sai .
before me
after pyeenout
heavy layylan
light aalainn
old aahaungg
new aasait
easy lwalpartaal .
difficult hkaattaal .
start hcatain par .
finish pyeeaaung
friend suungaalhkyinn
enemy raansuu
yesterday manaek
tomorrow manaathpyan
cold aayy
hot puu taal .
right mhaantaal
left well
a woman meinmataityout
a man luutaityout
inside aatwinpine
outside aapyinmhar
strong hkinemar taal .
weak aarr naeetaal .
soft pyaww pyaungg
hard hkaattaal .
a lot aamyarrkyee
a little aanaeengaal
up taat
down sainn
exactly aatiaakya
probably hpyitninepartaal .
married aainhtaungsai
single taithkutaee
noisy suunyansaw
quiet tatesate
complicated shotehtway sai .
simple roeshinnsaw
now yahku
later noutpine
long shi
short toto
interesting hcatewainhcarrhcarar
boring pyinnhcarar
normal ponemhaan
strange htuusaann sai .
outside aapyinmhar
inside aatwinpine
the entrance wainpout
the exit htwatpout
white aahpyauu
black aanaatraung
expensive jhayy kyeetaal .
cheap hcyaayypaw taal .
to walk lamshoutraan
to run pyayraan
to attach puutwalraan
to detach hkwalhtoteraan
to go up taathphoet
to go down sainnraan
to increase toemyahainthphoet
to decrease shothkyaraan
to stop rautraan
to continue saatraan
to take off yuuraan
to land sainnsaatraan
to put on tainraan
to remove hpaalsharrraan
to move forward shaeshoetshwaeraan
to move back pyanshwaeraan
to forget maeraan
to remember mhaatmihphoet
to show pyasaraan
to hide hponekwalraan
to save kaaltainraan
to spend sonehcwalraan
to build taisoutraan
to destroy hpyetseeraan
to arrive routshiraan
to leave htwathkwarraan
to enter wainraan
to go out aapyinhtwat
to laugh raalhphoet
to cry ngoraan
to sell raunggraan
to buy waalraan
to break hkyoeraan
to repair pyupyinraan
to lend hkyaayyraan
to borrow hkyaayyraan
to earn wainngway raraan
to lose soneshoneraan
to slow down nhaayykwayraan
to speed up aashein myaha ng raan
to search sharhpwayraan
to find sharraan
to pull swalraan
to push twannraan
to take yuuraan
to give payyraan
to wake up noehtaraan
to fall asleep aiutpyawhphoet
to hold kineraan
to let go lwhaat litepar .
to turn on hpw inthphoet
to turn off pateraan
to sell raunggraan
to buy waalraan
to send payyphoetraan
to receive laathkanraan

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