russian vocabulary

Useful Russian Words – Contrary Words

Learn Russian Vocabulary: Contrary words

– Useful words you should know –


Want to learn the Russian language? Here’s a complete list of the most basic, common and useful words in Russian with their translation in English, on the topic of contrary words. Ideal to help you boost your Russian vocabulary!

Do you spot any errors or want to add a word to the list? Don’t hesitate to leave a comment to improve the site!

young молодой molodoy
old старый staryy
empty пустой pustoy
full полный polnyy
vertical вертикальный vertikal’nyy
horizontal горизонтальный gorizontal’nyy
useful полезный poleznyy
useless бесполезный bespoleznyy
a city город gorod
a village деревня derevnya
a question вопрос vopros
an answer ответ otvet
sad грустный grustnyy
happy счастливый schastlivyy
all все vse
nothing ничего такого nichego takogo
a teacher учитель uchitel’
a student студент student
early рано rano
late поздно pozdno
open открытым otkrytym
closed закрыто zakryto
first первый pervyy
last последний posledniy
secure безопасный bezopasnyy
dangerous опасный opasnyy
near около okolo
far далеко daleko
sugar сахар sakhar
salt соль sol’
dry сухой sukhoy
wet мокрый mokryy
often довольно часто dovol’no chasto
rarely редко redko
always всегда vsegda
never никогда nikogda
same такой же takoy zhe
different другой drugoy
dirty грязный gryaznyy
clean чистый chistyy
the evening вечер vecher
the morning утро utro
small маленький malen’kiy
large большой bol’shoy
rich богатый bogatyy
poor бедный bednyy
the ceiling потолок potolok
the floor этаж etazh
animal животное zhivotnoye
human человек chelovek
guilty виновный vinovnyy
innocent невиновный nevinovnyy
here здесь zdes’
there там tam
hunger голод golod
the thirst жажда zhazhda
the sun солнце solntse
the moon луна luna
the sister сестра sestra
the brother брат brat
slow медленный medlennyy
fast быстро bystro
before до do
after после posle
heavy тяжелый tyazhelyy
light легкий legkiy
old старый staryy
new новый novyy
easy легкий legkiy
difficult сложно slozhno
start начало nachalo
finish финиш finish
friend друг drug
enemy враг vrag
yesterday вчерашний день vcherashniy den’
tomorrow завтра zavtra
cold холодно kholodno
hot горячий goryachiy
right правильно pravil’no
left оставил ostavil
a woman женщина zhenshchina
a man человек chelovek
inside внутри vnutri
outside вне vne
strong сильный sil’nyy
weak слабый slabyy
soft мягкий myagkiy
hard жесткий zhestkiy
a lot много mnogo
a little немного nemnogo
up вверх vverkh
down вниз vniz
exactly в яблочко v yablochko
probably вероятно veroyatno
married женатый zhenatyy
single не замужем ne zamuzhem
noisy шумный shumnyy
quiet тихо tikho
complicated сложный slozhnyy
simple просто prosto
now в настоящее время v nastoyashcheye vremya
later потом potom
long длинная dlinnaya
short короткая korotkaya
interesting интересно interesno
boring скучный skuchnyy
normal обычный obychnyy
strange странный strannyy
outside вне vne
inside внутри vnutri
the entrance вход vkhod
the exit выход vykhod
white белый belyy
black черный chernyy
expensive дорогой dorogoy
cheap дешевый deshevyy
to walk гулять gulyat’
to run бежать bezhat’
to attach прикреплять prikreplyat’
to detach отделить otdelit’
to go up подняться podnyat’sya
to go down спуститься spustit’sya
to increase увеличивать uvelichivat’
to decrease чтобы уменьшить chtoby umen’shit’
to stop прекратить prekratit’
to continue продолжить prodolzhit’
to take off взлететь vzletet’
to land приземляться prizemlyat’sya
to put on надеть nadet’
to remove удалять udalyat’
to move forward двигаться вперед dvigat’sya vpered
to move back двигаться назад dvigat’sya nazad
to forget забывать zabyvat’
to remember помнить pomnit’
to show показывать pokazyvat’
to hide прятаться pryatat’sya
to save сохранить sokhranit’
to spend тратить tratit’
to build строить stroit’
to destroy разрушать razrushat’
to arrive прибыть pribyt’
to leave покинуть pokinut’
to enter войти voyti
to go out выйти vyyti
to laugh смеяться smeyat’sya
to cry плакать plakat’
to sell продавать prodavat’
to buy покупать pokupat’
to break сломать slomat’
to repair ремонтировать remontirovat’
to lend давать взаймы davat’ vzaymy
to borrow одолжить odolzhit’
to earn зарабатывать zarabatyvat’
to lose терять teryat’
to slow down замедлить zamedlit’
to speed up ускорить uskorit’
to search искать iskat’
to find найти nayti
to pull тянуть tyanut’
to push толкать tolkat’
to take брать brat’
to give давать davat’
to wake up проснуться prosnut’sya
to fall asleep заснуть zasnut’
to hold держать derzhat’
to let go отпустить otpustit’
to turn on включить vklyuchit’
to turn off выключить vyklyuchit’
to sell продавать prodavat’
to buy покупать pokupat’
to send отправлять otpravlyat’
to receive получать poluchat’

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russian vocabulary

Russian Vocabulary (PDF): The human body, head and face

Russian Vocabulary: The human body, head and face

– Useful words you should know –


Want to learn the Russian language? Here’s a complete list of the most basic, common and useful words in Russian with their translation in English, on the topic of the human body, head and face. Ideal to help you boost your Russian vocabulary!

Do you spot any errors or want to add a word to the list? Don’t hesitate to leave a comment to improve the site!

the head руководитель rukovoditel
the face лицо litso
the mouth рот roth
the throat горло gorlo
the cheek щека shcheka
the tongue язык yazyk
the lips губы guba
the jaw челюсть chelyust
the neck шея sheya
the forehead лоб lob
the chin подбородок podborodok
the nose нос noss
the hair волосы volos
the eyes глаза glaza
a tooth зуб zub
the hair волосы volos
an ear ухо ukho
a mustache усы usy
a beard борода boroda
the skin кожа kozha
the shoulder плечо pleco
the forearm предплечье predplecie
the wrist запястье zapiastye
an arm рука ruka
the arms герб gerb
the elbow локоть lokot
a hand рука ruka
a thumb большой палец bolshoy palets
the fingers пальцы poltsy
the belly живот zhivot
the chest грудь grud
the back задняя крышка zadnyaya kryshka
the breasts грудь grud
the buttocks ягодицы yagoditsy
the foot стопа stopa
the heel пятка piatka
the knee колено coleno
the leg нога noga
the thigh бедро bedro
a toe палец ноги palets nogui
the stomach желудок zheludok
the brain мозг mozg
the lungs легкие legkie
the skeleton скелет skelet
a bone кость kost
the skull череп cherep
a muscle мышца mystsa

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russian vocabulary

Russian Vocabulary for Beginners: The city and public places

Russian Vocabulary: The city and public places

– Useful words you should know –


Want to learn the Russian language? Here’s a complete list of the most basic, common and useful words in Russian with their translation in English, on the topic of the city and public places. Ideal to help you boost your Russian vocabulary!

Do you spot any errors or want to add a word to the list? Don’t hesitate to leave a comment to improve the site!

a city город gorod
the suburbs пригороды prigorody
the capital столицы stolitsy
the crowd толпа tolpa
the police полиция politsia
the pollution загрязнение окружающей среды zagryazneniye okruzhayushchey sredy
the firemen пожарные pozharnye
the toilets туалеты tualette
clean чистый chistyi
dirty грязный gryazny
safe безопасный bezopasny
quiet тихий tichy
an apartment квартира kvartira
a bus stop автобусная остановка avtobusnaya ostanovka
a bar бар bar
a post office почтовое отделение pochtovoye otdelenie
a shopping center торговый центр torgovy tsentr
a city center центр города tsentr goroda
a castle замок zamok
a cemetery кладбище kladbishche
a cinema кинотеатр cynotheatre
a police station полицейский участок politseysky uchastok
a dentist стоматолог stomatologue
an atm банкомат bankomat
a traffic jam пробка probka
a garage гараж garazh
a skyscraper небоскреб neboscrebe
a hospital больница bolnitsa
a hotel отель otel
a building здание zdanie
an apartment квартира kvartira
a store магазин magazine
a market рынок rynok
a doctor врач vrach
a subway метро metro
a monument памятник pamyatnik
a museum музей museu
a park парк park
a parking lot автостоянка avtostoyanka
a bridge мост most
a neighborhood район ryon
a restaurant ресторан restaurant
a stadium стадион stadion
a supermarket супермаркет supermarket
a theater театр theatre
a sidewalk тротуар trotoire
a village деревня derevnya
a neighbor сосед sosed
a zoo зоопарк zoopark
a bank банк bank
a library библиотека bibliotheca
a cathedral собор sobor
a school школа school
a church церковь tserkov
a queue очередь ochered
a fountain фонтан fontan
a train station железнодорожная станция zheleznodorozhnaya stantsiya
a bus station автовокзал avtovokzal
a bookstore книжный магазин knizhny magazine
a mosque мечеть mechet
a pharmacy аптека aptheca
a swimming pool бассейн bassein
a bicycle path велосипедная дорожка velosipednaya dorozhka
a pedestrian street пешеходная улица peshekhodnaya ulitsa
a street улица ulitsa
a main street главная улица glavnaya ulitsa
an alley аллея alley
an avenue проспект prospect
a highway шоссе chaussey
a gas station автозаправочная станция avtozapravochnaya stantsiya
a statue статуя statuya
a synagogue синагога synagogue
a university университет university
a factory фабрика fabrica
a garbage can мусорное ведро musornoye vedro
a prison тюрьма tyurma

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russian vocabulary

Basic Russian Vocabulary: Family and friends

Russian Vocabulary: Family and friends

– Useful words you should know –


Want to learn the Russian language? Here’s a complete list of the most basic, common and useful words in Russian with their translation in English, on the topic of family and friends. Ideal to help you boost your Russian vocabulary!

Do you spot any errors or want to add a word to the list? Don’t hesitate to leave a comment to improve the site!

the great-grandfather прадед praded
the great grandmother прабабушка prababushka
the grandfather дедушка dedushka
the grandmother бабушка babushka
the grandson внук vnuk
the granddaughter внучка vnuchka
the grandchildren внуки vnuki
the father отец otetz
the mother мать mat
the parents родителей roditelei
the child ребенок rebenok
the children дети deti
the son сын syn
the daughter дочь doch
a baby младенец mladenec
a teenager подросток podrostok
the adults взрослые vzroslye
the brother брат bratt
the sister сестра sestra
half-brother сводный брат svodny bratt
half-sister сводная сестра svodnaya sestra
a twin близнец bliznets
the uncle дядя dyadya
the aunt тетя tetya
the cousin двоюродный брат dvoyurodny bratt
the nephew племянник plemyannik
the niece племянница plemyannitsa
a friend друг drug
the boyfriend бойфренд beufrend
the girlfriend подруга podruga
the fiancé жених zhenikh
the groom жених zhenikh
the husband муж mouge
the wife жены zhena
the parents-in-law родители мужа roditeli muzha
father-in-law тесть test
the mother-in-law свекровь svekrov
the brother-in-law шурин shurin
the sister-in-law невестка nevestka
the son-in-law зять zyat
the daughter-in-law невестка nevestka
a family member член семьи chlen semyi
adopted принятый prinyatyy
only son единственный сын yedinstvenny syn

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russian vocabulary

The Most Common Adjectives in Russian

100 Most common Russian adjectives list

– Basic & Useful adjectives list –


Want to learn the Russian language? Here’s a complete list of the most basic, common and useful adjectives in Russian with their translation in English. Ideal to help you boost your Russian vocabulary!

Do you spot any errors or want to add an adjective to the list? Don’t hesitate to leave a comment to improve the site!

a lot Много mnogo
accurate точный tochny
bad плохой plochoi
beautiful красивый krasivyy
big большой bolshoy
boring скучный skuchny
brave храбрый chrabry
broken разбитый razbity
clumsy неуклюжий neukluzhiy
cold холодный kholodny
colorful колоритный colorite
comfortable удобный udobny
complicated сложный slozhnyy
crazy сумасшедший sumasshedshiy
curious любопытный lubopitny
cute милый mily
dangerous опасный opasny
dark темный temny
dead мёртвый mertvy
deep глубокий gluboky
delicious вкусный vkusny
different различный razlichny
dirty грязный gryazny
disgusting противный protivny
dry сухой suchoy
easy лёгкий lyogkiy
edible съедобный saedobny
effective эффективный effective
elegant элегантный elegantic
empty пустой pustoy
excellent Отлично otlichno
excited возбужденный vozbuzhdenny
exciting возбуждающий vozbuzhdayushchi
famous знаменитый znamenity
far далеко daleko
fast быстрый bystry
first первый pervy
forbidden запретный zapretny
friendly дружеский druzheski
full полный polny
fun веселье veselje
funny забавный zabavny
good хороший khoroshiy
great Прекрасно prekrasno
heavy тяжелый tyazhely
high высокий vysoky
honest честный chestny
huge огромный ogromny
immediate немедленный nemedlenny
important важный vazhny
impossible невозможный nevozmozhny
incredible невероятный neveroyatny
innocent невинный nevinny
intelligent умный umnyy
interesting интересный interest
international международный mezhdunarodny
jealous ревнивый revnivy
lazy ленивый lenivy
legal законный zakonny
long длинный dlinny
many много mnogo
mysterious таинственный tainstvenny
narrow узкий uzky
necessary необходимый neobkhodimy
new Новые функции novye functions
nice хороший khoroshiy
noisy шумный shumny
official официальный ofitsialny
old старый staryy
open открытый otkrity
ordinary обычный obychnyi
passionate страстный strastny
patient терпеливый terpelives
perfect совершенный sovershenny
polluted Загрязненных zagryaznennykh
poor бедный bedny
popular популярный populary
possible возможный vozmozhny
powerful сильный silnyi
precious драгоценный dragotsennyy
quiet тихий tichy
rare редкий redki
rich богатый bogatyy
romantic романтичный romantic
rotten гнилой gniloy
sad грустный grustny
scary жуткий zhutki
set набор nabor
short короткий korotki
shy стеснительный stesnitelny
sick больной bolnoy
silent молчаливый molchalivy
similar похожий pokhozhyi
simple простой prostoy
slow медленный medlenny
small маленький malenkiy
solid сплошной splosnoj
special специальный spetsialny
strange странный strangers
strong сильный silnyi
stubborn упрямый upryamyy
sympathetic сочувственный sochuvstvenny
tedious скучный skuchny
thick толстый tolsty
thin тонкий tonkiy
tiny крошечный kroshechny
tired усталый ustaly
traditional традиционный traditional
unique уникальный unicalis
warm теплый teply
weak слабый slaby
weird странный strangers
wet мокрый mokry
worst наихудший naikhudshiy
young молодой molodoy

➡️ More Russian vocabulary lists:


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most used Russian adjectives
list of useful Russian adjectives
list of most important Russian adjectives
common Russian adjectives
most common adjectives in Russian
most used adjectives in Russian
basic adjectives in Russian
most important adjectives in Russian
important adjectives in Russian
Russian important adjectives
Russian most important adjectives
100 most common adjectives in Russian
100 most used Russian adjectives
Commonly Used Russian adjectives
Most Widely Used Russian adjectives
Must-Know Russian adjectives for Beginners


The Most Common Adjectives in Romanian

100 Most common Romanian adjectives list

– Basic & Useful adjectives list –


Want to learn the Romanian language? Here’s a complete list of the most basic, common and useful adjectives in Romanian with their translation in English. Ideal to help you boost your Romanian vocabulary!

Do you spot any errors or want to add an adjective to the list? Don’t hesitate to leave a comment to improve the site!

a lot mult
accurate precis
bad rău
beautiful frumos
big mare
boring plictisitor
brave curajos
broken spart
clumsy neîndemânatic
cold rece
colorful Colorat
comfortable confortabil
complicated complicat
crazy nebun
curious curios
cute drăguţ
dangerous periculos
dark întunecat
dead mort
deep adânc
delicious delicios
different diferit
dirty murdar
disgusting dezgustător
dry uscat
easy ușor
edible comestibil
effective eficace
elegant elegant
empty gol
excellent excelent
excited entuziasmat
exciting Interesant
famous celebru
far departe
fast repede
first prim
forbidden interzis
friendly amical
full plin
fun distracție
funny distractiv
good bun
great minunat
heavy greu
high înalt
honest cinstit
huge imens
immediate imediat
important important
impossible imposibil
incredible incredibil
innocent nevinovat
intelligent inteligent
interesting interesant
international internațional
jealous gelos
lazy leneș
legal legal
long lung
many mulți
mysterious misterios
narrow îngust
necessary necesar
new nou
nice drăguţ
noisy zgomotos
official oficial
old vechi
open deschide
ordinary ordinar
passionate pasionat
patient pacient
perfect perfect
polluted Poluate
poor sărac
popular popular
possible posibil
powerful puternic
precious prețios
quiet liniștit
rare rar
rich bogat
romantic romantic
rotten putred
sad trist
scary înfricoșător
set apus
short scurt
shy timid
sick bolnav
silent tăcut
similar asemănător
simple simplu
slow încet
small mic
solid solid
special special
strange ciudat
strong puternic
stubborn încăpățânat
sympathetic Simpatic
tedious plictisitor
thick gros
thin subțire
tiny minuscul
tired obosit
traditional tradițional
unique unic
warm cald
weak slab
weird ciudat
wet ud
worst Cel mai rău
young tânăr

➡️ More Romanian vocabulary lists:


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most used Romanian adjectives
list of useful Romanian adjectives
list of most important Romanian adjectives
common Romanian adjectives
most common adjectives in Romanian
most used adjectives in Romanian
basic adjectives in Romanian
most important adjectives in Romanian
important adjectives in Romanian
Romanian important adjectives
Romanian most important adjectives
100 most common adjectives in Romanian
100 most used Romanian adjectives
Commonly Used Romanian adjectives
Most Widely Used Romanian adjectives
Must-Know Romanian adjectives for Beginners


Basic Romanian Vocabulary: Family and friends

Romanian Vocabulary: Family and friends

– Useful words you should know –


Want to learn the Romanian language? Here’s a complete list of the most basic, common and useful words in Romanian with their translation in English, on the topic of family and friends. Ideal to help you boost your Romanian vocabulary!

Do you spot any errors or want to add a word to the list? Don’t hesitate to leave a comment to improve the site!

the great-grandfather străbunicul
the great grandmother străbunica
the grandfather bunicul
the grandmother bunica
the grandson nepotul
the granddaughter nepoata
the grandchildren nepoții
the father tatăl
the mother mama
the parents parintii
the child copilul
the children copiii
the son fiul
the daughter fiica
a baby un copil
a teenager un adolescent
the adults adulții
the brother fratele
the sister sora
half-brother fratele vitreg
half-sister soră vitregă
a twin un geamăn
the uncle unchiul
the aunt mătușa
the cousin vărul
the nephew nepotul
the niece nepoata
a friend un prieten
the boyfriend iubitul
the girlfriend prietena
the fiancé logodnicul
the groom mirele
the husband soțul
the wife soția
the parents-in-law socrii
father-in-law socru
the mother-in-law soacra
the brother-in-law cumnatul
the sister-in-law cumnata
the son-in-law ginerele
the daughter-in-law nora
a family member un membru al familiei
adopted adoptat
only son numai fiule

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Romanian Vocabulary for Beginners: The city and public places

Romanian Vocabulary: The city and public places

– Useful words you should know –


Want to learn the Romanian language? Here’s a complete list of the most basic, common and useful words in Romanian with their translation in English, on the topic of the city and public places. Ideal to help you boost your Romanian vocabulary!

Do you spot any errors or want to add a word to the list? Don’t hesitate to leave a comment to improve the site!

a city un oraș
the suburbs suburbiile
the capital capitala
the crowd mulțimea
the police poliția
the pollution poluarea
the firemen pompierii
the toilets toaletele
clean curat
dirty murdar
safe seif
quiet liniștit
an apartment un apartament
a bus stop o stație de autobuz
a bar o bară
a post office un oficiu poștal
a shopping center un centru comercial
a city center un centru al orașului
a castle un castel
a cemetery un cimitir
a cinema un cinematograf
a police station o secție de poliție
a dentist un dentist
an atm un bancomat
a traffic jam un ambuteiaj
a garage un garaj
a skyscraper un zgârie-nori
a hospital un spital
a hotel un hotel
a building o clădire
an apartment un apartament
a store un magazin
a market o piață
a doctor un medic
a subway un metrou
a monument un monument
a museum un muzeu
a park un parc
a parking lot o parcare
a bridge un pod
a neighborhood un cartier
a restaurant un restaurant
a stadium un stadion
a supermarket un supermarket
a theater un teatru
a sidewalk un trotuar
a village un sat
a neighbor un vecin
a zoo o grădină zoologică
a bank o bancă
a library o bibliotecă
a cathedral o catedrală
a school o școală
a church o biserică
a queue o coadă
a fountain o fântână
a train station o gară
a bus station o stație de autobuz
a bookstore o librărie
a mosque o moschee
a pharmacy o farmacie
a swimming pool o piscină
a bicycle path o pistă de biciclete
a pedestrian street o stradă pietonală
a street o stradă
a main street o stradă principală
an alley o alee
an avenue o cale
a highway o autostradă
a gas station o benzinărie
a statue o statuie
a synagogue o sinagogă
a university o universitate
a factory o fabrică
a garbage can o cutie de gunoi
a prison o închisoare

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Romanian Vocabulary (PDF): The human body, head and face

Romanian Vocabulary: The human body, head and face

– Useful words you should know –


Want to learn the Romanian language? Here’s a complete list of the most basic, common and useful words in Romanian with their translation in English, on the topic of the human body, head and face. Ideal to help you boost your Romanian vocabulary!

Do you spot any errors or want to add a word to the list? Don’t hesitate to leave a comment to improve the site!

the head capul
the face fata
the mouth gura
the throat gâtul
the cheek obrazul
the tongue limba
the lips buzele
the jaw maxilarul
the neck gâtul
the forehead fruntea
the chin bărbia
the nose nasul
the hair parul
the eyes ochii
a tooth un dinte
the hair parul
an ear o ureche
a mustache o mustață
a beard o barbă
the skin pielea
the shoulder umărul
the forearm antebrațul
the wrist încheietura mâinii
an arm un braț
the arms brațele
the elbow cotul
a hand o mână
a thumb un deget mare
the fingers degetele
the belly burta
the chest pieptul
the back spatele
the breasts sanii
the buttocks fesele
the foot piciorul
the heel călcâiul
the knee genunchiul
the leg piciorul
the thigh coapsa
a toe un deget de la picior
the stomach stomacul
the brain creierul
the lungs plămânii
the skeleton scheletul
a bone un os
the skull craniul
a muscle un mușchi

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Useful Romanian Words – Contrary Words

Learn Romanian Vocabulary: Contrary words

– Useful words you should know –


Want to learn the Romanian language? Here’s a complete list of the most basic, common and useful words in Romanian with their translation in English, on the topic of contrary words. Ideal to help you boost your Romanian vocabulary!

Do you spot any errors or want to add a word to the list? Don’t hesitate to leave a comment to improve the site!

young tineri
old vechi
empty gol
full deplin
vertical vertical
horizontal orizontală
useful util
useless inutil
a city un oras
a village un sat
a question o intrebare
an answer un raspuns
sad trist
happy fericit
all toate
nothing nimic
a teacher un profesor
a student un student
early din timp
late târziu
open deschis
closed închis
first primul
last ultimul
secure sigur
dangerous periculos
near aproape
far departe
sugar zahăr
salt sare
dry uscat
wet umed
often de multe ori
rarely rareori
always mereu
never nu
same la fel
different diferit
dirty murdar
clean curat
the evening seara
the morning dimineata
small mic
large mare
rich bogat
poor sărac
the ceiling tavanul
the floor podeaua
animal animal
human uman
guilty vinovat
innocent nevinovat
here aici
there acolo
hunger foame
the thirst setea
the sun soarele
the moon luna
the sister sora
the brother fratele
slow încet
fast rapid
before inainte de
after după
heavy greu
light ușoară
old vechi
new nou
easy uşor
difficult dificil
start start
finish finalizarea
friend prieten
enemy dusman
yesterday ieri
tomorrow mâine
cold rece
hot fierbinte
right dreapta
left stânga
a woman o femeie
a man un barbat
inside interior
outside in afara
strong puternic
weak slab
soft moale
hard greu
a lot mult
a little puțin
up sus
down jos
exactly exact
probably probabil
married căsătorit
single singur
noisy zgomotos
quiet liniște
complicated complicat
simple simplu
now acum
later mai tarziu
long lung
short mic de statura
interesting interesant
boring plictisitor
normal normal
strange ciudat
outside in afara
inside interior
the entrance intrarea
the exit ieșirea
white alb
black negru
expensive scump
cheap ieftin
to walk a merge
to run a alerga
to attach a atasa
to detach a detaşa
to go up pentru a merge sus
to go down pentru a merge în jos
to increase a creste
to decrease a reduce
to stop a opri
to continue a continua
to take off a decola
to land a ateriza
to put on a pune pe
to remove a sterge
to move forward a merge înainte
to move back să se întoarcă
to forget a uita
to remember a ține minte
to show a arăta
to hide a se ascunde
to save a salva
to spend a cheltui
to build a construi
to destroy a distuge
to arrive a ajunge
to leave a pleca
to enter a intra
to go out a iesi afara
to laugh a rade
to cry să plângă
to sell a vinde
to buy a cumpara
to break a sparge
to repair a repara
to lend a imprumuta
to borrow a împrumuta
to earn a câștiga
to lose a pierde
to slow down a incetini
to speed up a mari viteza
to search a căuta
to find a găsi
to pull a trage
to push a împinge
to take a lua
to give a da
to wake up a se trezi
to fall asleep a adormi
to hold a tine
to let go de a da drumul
to turn on pentru a porni
to turn off a opri
to sell a vinde
to buy a cumpara
to send a trimite
to receive a primi

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