
The Most Common Adjectives in Icelandic

100 Most common Icelandic adjectives list

– Basic & Useful adjectives list –


Want to learn the Icelandic language? Here’s a complete list of the most basic, common and useful adjectives in Icelandic with their translation in English. Ideal to help you boost your Icelandic vocabulary!

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a lot hellingur
accurate nákvæm
bad slæmt
beautiful falleg
big stór
boring leiðinlegur
brave hugrakkur
broken brotið
clumsy klaufalegt
cold kalt
colorful litrík
comfortable þægilegt
complicated flókið
crazy brjálaður
curious forvitinn
cute sætt
dangerous hættulegt
dark Myrkur
dead dauður
deep djúpt
delicious ljúffengur
different öðruvísi
dirty skítugur
disgusting ógeðslegt
dry þurrt
easy auðvelt
edible ætur
effective áhrifarík
elegant glæsilegur
empty tómt
excellent Æðislegt
excited spenntur
exciting spennandi
famous frægur
far langt
fast hratt
first fyrst
forbidden bannað
friendly vinalegur
full fullur
fun gaman
funny fyndið
good góður
great frábært
heavy þungur
high hár
honest heiðarlegur
huge risastór
immediate strax
important mikilvægt
impossible ómögulegt
incredible ótrúlegt
innocent saklaus
intelligent greindur
interesting áhugavert
international alþjóðleg
jealous öfundsjúkur
lazy latur
legal löglegt
long Langt
many margir
mysterious dularfullur
narrow þröngt
necessary nauðsynlegar
new nýr
nice fínt
noisy hávær
official embættismaður
old gamall
open opið
ordinary venjulegt
passionate ástríðufullur
patient þolinmóður
perfect fullkominn
polluted mengað
poor fátækur
popular vinsælt
possible mögulegt
powerful öflugur
precious dýrmætur
quiet rólegur
rare sjaldgæft
rich ríkur
romantic rómantísk
rotten rotið
sad dapur
scary skelfilegt
set sett
short stutt
shy feimin
sick veikur
silent hljóður
similar svipað
simple einfalt
slow hægur
small lítill
solid solid
special sérstakt
strange undarlegt
strong sterkur
stubborn þrjóskur
sympathetic samúðarfullur
tedious leiðinlegt
thick þykkt
thin þunnt
tiny pínulítið
tired þreyttur
traditional hefðbundin
unique einstakt
warm hlýtt
weak veikburða
weird skrítið
wet blautur
worst verst
young ungur

➡️ More Icelandic vocabulary lists:


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