
Learn Icelandic Vocabulary • Travel and tourism

Icelandic Vocabulary: Travel and tourism

– Useful words you should know –


Want to learn the Icelandic language? Here’s a complete list of the most basic, common and useful words in Icelandic with their translation in English, on the topic of travel and tourism. Ideal to help you boost your Icelandic vocabulary!

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travel ferðast
tourism ferðaþjónustu
a hotel hóteli
on time tímanlega
late seint
the airport flugvöllurinn
landing lendingu
take-off flugtak
the air conditioning loftkælinguna
the distance fjarlægðin
the customs tollurinn
the border landamærin
the train station lestarstöðin
the bus station strætóstöðin
a ticket miði
the reception móttökuna
the reservation fyrirvaranum
the road vegurinn
a highway hraðbraut
the plane flugvélin
by plane með flugvél
the bus strætóinn
the taxi leigubílnum
the train lestin
the car bíllinn
a helicopter þyrlu
the sign merkið
the parking lot bílastæðinu
the passport vegabréfið
the seat sætið
the toilet klósettið
the sunglasses sólgleraugun
a key lykill
a camera myndavél
one way ticket miða aðra leið
a return ticket miða fram og til baka
a ticket office miðasölu
an accommodation gistingu
a pillow kodda
a blanket teppi
a sleeping bag svefnpoka
a luggage farangur
a bag poki
a backpack bakpoka
an information upplýsingar
a tourist ferðamaður
a vaccine bóluefni
an insurance trygging
a postcard póstkort
an itinerary ferðaáætlun
a destination áfangastað
a flashlight vasaljós
an electrical outlet rafmagnsinnstungu
a tent tjald
a suitcase ferðatösku
to visit að heimsækja
to travel að ferðast
to rent að leigja
to leave að fara
to cancel að hætta við
to cancel a reservation að hætta við pöntun
to photograph að mynda
the wind vindurinn
the snow snjórinn
the rain rigningin
the storm stormurinn
the sun sólin
the sea hafið
a mountain fjall
a lake vatn
a national park þjóðgarður
a country landi
a forest skógi
a cave helli
an island eyja
a beach strönd
the nature náttúran
the landscape landslagið
sun cream sólarvörn
a towel handklæði

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