spanish vocabulary

Spanish vocabulary PDF list Crime criminality

Spanish Vocabulary List : Crime and criminality

– Essential Words for Beginners –

Want to learn the Spanish language? Here’s a complete Spanish vocabulary list about crime and criminality. Increase your Spanish vocabulary fast and efficiently with this useful words list!




a bank fraud un fraude bancario
a blackmailer un chantajista
a bomb una bomba
a breach of trust un abuso de confianza
a bribe un soborno
a burglar un ladrón
a conspiracy un complot
a crime un crimen, un delito
a crime against humanity un crimen contra la humanidad
a criminal un criminal
a culprit un culpable
a drug dealer un traficante de drogas
a drug trade un tráfico de drogas, el narcotráfico
a false testimony un falso testimonio, perjurio
a femicide un feminicidio
a flagrant offence un delito flagrante, una ofensa obvia
a flight un robo
a fraud un fraude
a fugitive un fugitivo
a gangster un gángster
a genocide un genocidio
a gun una pistola
a hacker un hacker
a hijacking (of aircraft) un secuestro (de aeronaves)
a homicide un homicidio
a kidnapper un secuestrador
a kidnapping un secuestro
a killer un asesino
a knife un cuchillo
a manslaughter un homicidio involuntario
a murder un asesinato
a murderer un asesino
a narco-trafficker un narcotraficante
a negligence negligencia
a pedophile un pedófilo
a perpetrator un delincuente, un criminal
a physical assault una agresión física
a pickpocket un carterista
a pirate un pirata
a poisoning un envenenamiento
a prison una prisión
a proof una prueba
a rape una violación
a rapist un violador
a repeat offender un multireincidente, un delincuente reincidente
a riot un motín
a robbery un robo
a scam una estafa
a serial killer un asesino en serie
a sexual assault una agresión sexual
a shoplifter un ladrón de tiendas
a smuggler un contrabandista
a spy un espía
a terrorist un terrorista
a thief un ladrón
a victim una víctima
a weapon un arma
a white wedding un falso matrimonio
abandoned, abused abandonado, maltratado
an accomplice un cómplice
an addict un adicto, un drogadicto
an alarm una alarma
an armed attack un ataque armado
an armed robbery un robo a mano armada
an armed thief un ladrón armado
an arson/arson incident un incendio provocado
an arsonist un pirómano
an assassination un asesinato
an assault una agresión, un asalto, un ataque
an attack un atentado
an attacker un atacante
an identity theft un robo de identidad
an infanticide un infanticidio
an insider trading un delito de información privilegiada
an intrusion una intrusión
an outlaw un forajido
armed armado
counterfeit currency dinero falsificado, dinero falso
cybercrime la ciberdelincuencia
cyberharassment el ciberacoso, el acoso cibernético
dangerous peligroso
family violence la violencia doméstica
handcuffs esposas
illegal ilegal
mistreatment/abuse los malos tratos/abusos
organized crime el crimen organizado
pedophilia la pedofilia
prostitution la prostitución
sexual harassment el acoso sexual
shoplifting el robo en tiendas
shoplifting un robo en una tienda, hurto
slavery la esclavitud
terrorism el terrorismo
the accused el acusado
the adultery el adulterio
the assailant el atacante, el agresor
the blackmail el chantaje
the conspiracy la conspiración
the corruption la corrupción
the counterfeit la falsificación
the death penalty la pena de muerte
the defamation la difamación
the delinquency la delincuencia
the discrimination la discriminación
the espionage el espionaje
the mafia la mafia
the shooter el tirador
the slander la calumnia
the smuggling el contrabando
the snatch and grab el robo a la fuga
the suspect el sospechoso
threatening amenazante
torture la tortura
treason traición
vandalism el vandalismo
violence against children la violencia contra los niños
abduct someone secuestrar a alguien
accuse acusar
assault asaltar, agredir
attack atacar
be released/released on bail ser puesto en libertad/liberado bajo fianza
beat golpear
blackmail chantajear
blackmail hacer chantaje
bring to justice llevar ante la justicia
burglary robar, asaltar
cheat estafar
conduct an investigation llevar a cabo una investigación, realizar una investigación
convict condenar
damage dañar
defend defender
defraud defraudar
drug someone droga a alguien
embezzle money malversar dinero, sustraer dinero
fly robar
force forzar
handcuff esposar
imprison encarcelar
investigate investigar
kidnap secuestrar
kill matar
load cargar
lock up encerrar, guardar
mistreat maltratar, abusar
murder asesinar
pay pagar, absolver
poison envenenar
prostitute prostituirse
prove probar
question interrogar, preguntar
question cuestionar
rape violar
release liberar
resist resistir
seal sellar, cerrar
search buscar
set fire to encender
shoot disparar
smuggle contrabandear
spy espiar
stab apuñalar
stop detener, arrestar
strangle estrangular
take hostage tomar como rehén
threaten amenazar


spanish vocabulary

Spanish vocabulary PDF list Astronomy, space universe

Spanish Vocabulary List : Astronomy, space and the universe 🚀

– Essential Words for Beginners –

Want to learn the Spanish  language? Here’s a complete Spanish vocabulary list about astronomy, space & the universe. Increase your Spanish vocabulary fast and efficiently with this useful words list!




an acceleration una aceleración
aerodynamics aerodinámica
beyond más allá
dangerous peligroso
of the dust polvo
of particles partículas
of rays rayos
of ultraviolet rays rayos ultravioleta
alien extraterrestre
zero gravity gravedad cero
hydrogen hidrógeno
engineer ingeniero
unstable inestable
intergalactic intergaláctica
interplanetary interplanetaria
interstellar interestelar
the ignition el encendido, la ignición
the altitude la altitud
the astronaut el astronauta
the astronomy la astronomía
the astrophysics la astrofísica
the atmosphere la atmósfera
the nitrogen el nitrógeno
the crew la tripulación
the equipment el equipo
the space el espacio
the exploration la exploración
the hemisphere el hemisferio
the impact el impacto
the unknown lo desconocido
the origin el origen
oxygen el oxígeno
the universe el universo
the heat el calor
the combustion la combustión
the comet el cometa
the communication la comunicación
the constellation la constelación
the density la densidad
the descent el descenso
the centrifugal force la fuerza centrífuga
the galaxy la galaxia
the gravity la gravedad
the light la luz
the moon la luna
the space shuttle el transbordador espacial
the navigation la navegación
the research la investigación
the space station la estación espacial
the stratosphere la estratosfera
the size el tamaño
the technology la tecnología
the temperature la temperatura
the earth la tierra
the speed of light la velocidad de la luz
the Milky Way la vía láctea
the big bang el big bang
the sky el cielo
the cosmos el cosmos
the sun el sol
the solar system el sistema solar
the transport el transporte
the flight el vuelo
the rings of saturn los anillos de saturno
the data los datos
the radiation las radiaciones
far lejos
magnetic magnética
march marte
mercury mercurio
neptune neptuno
jupiter júpiter
pluto plutón
saturn saturno
stellar estelar
uranus urano
venus venus
an asteroid un asteroide
an astronomer un astrónomo
a lunar lander un aterrizador lunar, un módulo de aterrizaje lunar
a crater un cráter
a sample una muestra
an alien alien un extraterrestre
an instrument un instrumento
a laboratory un laboratorio
a martian un marciano
a module un módulo
an engine un motor
an objective un objetivo
an unidentified flying object (UFO) un objeto volador no identificado (ovni)
an observatory un observatorio
a journey un viaje
a physicist un físico
a thruster un propulsor
a radar un radar
a cosmic ray un rayo cósmico
a satellite un satélite
a scientist un científico
a telescope un telescopio
a black hole un agujero negro
a spaceship una nave espacial
an analysis un análisis
a light year un año luz
an anomaly una anomalía
a northern lights una aurora boreal
a disaster una catástrofe, un desastre
an asteroid belt un cinturón de asteroides
a collision una colisión
a space suit un traje espacial
a comet un cometa
a discovery un descubrimiento
an eclipse un eclipse
a star una estrella
a shooting star una estrella fugaz
an expedition una expedición
an explosion una explosión
a rocket un cohete
a meteorite un meteorito
a mission una misión
a space shuttle un transbordador espacial
an orbit una órbita
a planet un planeta
a proof una prueba
a launch pad una plataforma de lanzamiento
a rotation una rotación
a probe una sonda
a trajectory una trayectoria
a transmission una transmisión
a turbulence una turbulencia


spanish vocabulary

Spanish vocabulary PDF list Trees, plants gardening

Spanish Vocabulary List : Trees, plants and gardening

– Essential Words for Beginners –

Here’s a complete Spanish vocabulary list about gardening. Increase your Spanish vocabulary fast and efficiently with this useful words list!




a banana tree un bananero, un árbol de plátano
a bark una corteza
a bay una bahía
a bean un frijol
a beech una haya
a beet una remolacha
a bell pepper un pimiento
a bench un banco
a birch un abedul
a bouquet of flowers un ramo de flores
a boxwood un boj
a branch una rama
a broccoli un brócoli
a brussels sprout un brote de bruselas
a bud un brote
a bush un arbusto
a buttercup una renuncia
a butterfly una mariposa
a cabbage un repollo
a campanula una campanule
a carnation un clavel
a carrot una zanahoria
a cauliflower una coliflor
a celery un apio
a cherry tree un cerezo
a chestnut tree un castaño
a chrysanthemum un crisantemo
a cucumber un pepino
a daffodil un narciso
a daisy una margarita
a dandelion un diente de león
a door una puerta
a drowning un nogal
a endive una endiva
a fence una valla
a fig tree una higuera
a fish un melocotón
a flower una flor
a flower bed un macizo de flores
a fruit tree un árbol frutal
a fungus un champiñón, un hongo
a greenhouse un invernadero
a harvest una cosecha
a hedge un seto
a hyacinth un jacinto
a hydrangea una hortensia
a lawn un césped
a lawn mower una cortadora de césped, un cortacésped
a leaf una hoja
a leek un puerro
a lemon tree un limonero
a lettuce una lechuga
a lily un lirio
a lime tree un tilleul
a maple un arce
a path un camino
a pear tree un peral
a peony una peonía
a pine un pino
a pipe una tubería
a plane tree un platane
a plant una planta
a pool una piscina
a poplar un álamo
a poppy una amapola
a potato una patata
a pumpkin una calabaza
a radish un rábano
a rod un tallo
a root una raíz
a rose una rosa
a salad una ensalada
a seed una semilla
a spring onion una cebolla de primavera
a sunflower un girasol
a thorn una espina
a thought un pensamiento
a tomato un tomate
a tool una herramienta
a tree un árbol
a tree un árbol de navidad
a tropical forest una selva tropical
a trunk (of tree) un tronco (de árbol)
a tulip un tulipán
a turnip un nabo
a vegetable garden un huerto, un jardín de verduras
a vineyard un viñedo
a wasp una avispa
a watering can una regadera
a weeping willow un sauce que llora
a wheelbarrow una carretilla
a wood un bosque
a worm un gusano
a zucchini un calabacín
an apple tree un manzano
an apricot tree un albaricoquero
an artichoke una alcachofa
an asparagus un espárrago
an eggplant una berenjena
an elm un olmo
an if un tejo
an oak un roble
an onion una cebolla
an orange tree un naranjo
an orchard un huerto
an orchid una orquídea
beans frijoles
chickpeas garbanzos
garlic ajo
grass hierba
green beans frijoles verdes
hawthorn espino
holly acebo
honeysuckle madreselva
ivy hiedra
leaves hojas
lenses lentejas
lilac lila
lily of the valley muguete, lirio del valle
maize maíz
mow the lawn cortar el césped
parsley perejil
peas des pois
picking flowers recoger las flores
plant plantar
spinach espinacas
the culture la cultura
the dew el rocío
the flower bed el parterre de flores
the foliage el follaje
the garden el jardín
the gardener el jardinero
the gardening la jardinería
the ground, the soil el suelo, la tierra
the harvest la cosecha
the rain la lluvia
the spring la primavera
the sun el sol
to garden cultivar un huerto, trabajar en el jardín, trabajar en el huerto
to grow crecer
to water the flowers regar las flores
to weed desmalezar, desbrozar
vegetables verduras
weeds malezas


spanish vocabulary

Spanish vocabulary PDF list Love and Marriage

Spanish Vocabulary List : Love and Marriage ❤

– Essential Words for Beginners –

Here’s a complete Spanish vocabulary list about love and wedding. Increase your Spanish vocabulary fast and efficiently with this useful words list!




a bouquet un ramo
a bow tie una pajarita
a bride una novia
a maid of honor una dama de honor
a caress una caricia
a compliment un cumplido
a couple una pareja
a court un tribunal
a declaration of love una declaración de amor
a friend un amigo
a gift un regalo
a girlfriend una novia
a glass of champagne una copa de champán
a groom un novio
a guest un invitado
a heart un corazón
a honeymoon trip un viaje de bodas, un viaje de luna de miel
an embrace un abrazo
a husband un marido
a kiss, a kiss un beso
a love letter una carta de amor
a love story una historia de amor
a marriage proposal una propuesta de matrimonio
a partner un socio
a ring un anillo
a speech un discurso
a costume un traje
a surprise una sorpresa
a tie una corbata
a tuxedo un esmoquin
a Valentine’s Day card un mapa de san valentín
a marriage un matrimonio
a wedding anniversary un aniversario de boda
a wedding cake un pastel de boda
a wedding ceremony una ceremonia de boda
a wedding dress un vestido de novia
an alliance una alianza
engagement un compromiso
an engagement ceremony una ceremonia de compromiso
an engagement ring un anillo de compromiso
the aperitif el aperitivo
ask her hand in marriage pedir su mano en matrimonio
attractive atractivo
be engaged comprometerse
beautiful, pretty hermoso, hermoso, hermoso
darling/ ma chérie querida/ mi querida / cariño
divorced divorciado
of flowers flores
the friendship la amistad
his wife su esposa
I’m in love with him/her estoy enamorado de él/ de ella
I love you te amo, te quiero
I love you too yo también te quiero
I miss you te echo de menos
I’m in love with you estoy enamorado de ti
love el amor
a love at first sight amor a primera vista
marry casarse
my wife mi esposa
pretty bonito
the passion la pasión
physical love el amor físico
platonic love el amor platónico
romantic romántica
single soltero
the boyfriend el novio
the bride la novia
the maid of honor la dama de honor
the fiancé el prometido
the first love el primer amor
the groom el novio
the costume of the groom el traje del novio
happiness la felicidad
the newlyweds los recién casados
the passion la pasión
the reception la recepción
the witness el testigo
on Valentine’s Day el día de san valentín
marry casarse
divorce divorciar
kiss besar
be in love estar enamorado
be engaged estar comprometido
make love hacer el amor
flirt coquetear
seduce seducir
sign firmar
go out with someone salir con alguien
fall in love enamorarse


portuguese vocabulary

Portuguese verbs list pdf movement action

Portuguese verbs list pdf movement action

🇵🇹 Complete Portuguese vocabulary list 🇵🇹

Want to learn the Portuguese language?  Here’s a complete list of the most common and useful verbs of movement and action in Portuguese with their translation in English. Ideal to help you boost your Portuguese vocabulary!




accompany acompanhar
accelerate acelerar
applaud aplaudir
approach aproximar-se
arrive acontecer
bite morder
blink your eyes piscar os olhos
blow soprar
break/break quebrar
breathe respirar
bring back/ report devolver
bring/ bring something trazer algo
build construir
catch apanhar
chew mastigar
choose escolher
climb escalar
close fechar
come vir
continue prosseguir
cook cozinhar
count contar
crawl rastejar
crossing (something) passar (alguma coisa)
cry chorar
dance dançar
discard afastar
dive mergulhar
dodge esquivar-se
dream sonhar
drink beber
drive conduzir
eat comer
enter entrar
escape escapar
escape fugir
expand/ spread out estender/ espalhar- se
fall cair
feel sentir
float flutuar
fold dobrar
follow (someone) seguir (alguém)
get off descer
get out sair
get up levantar-se
give dar
go ir
go to bed deitar-se
grow engordar
hang out arrastar
howl/scream gritar
increase aumentar
jump saltar
jump/ jump saltar
kick dar um pontapé
kiss beijar
kiss/ hug abraçar
kneel/ kneel down Ajoelhar-se
knock bater
laugh rir
launch lançar
leave sair
leave deixar
lick lamber
lie down deitar-se
lift levantar
listen escutar
lose weight perder peso
move (something) mover (alguma coisa)
move / se déplacer mover/ mover-se
move forward avançar
open abrir
park estacionar
pass passar
pick up apanhar
pour despejar (água )
push empurrar
reach/ join alcançar/ participar
read ler
repair (something) reparar (qualquer coisa)
repeat repetir
return (somewhere) / back retornar (em algum lugar)/ voltar
ride rolar
run correr
search/ search procurar
see ver
shake abanar
shoot puxar
shout gritar
shower/ take a shower tomar banho / tomar um duche
shrug shoulders encolher os ombros
sing cantar
sit down sentar-se
sleep dormir
slide escorregar
sniff cheirar
squatting agachar-se
steal roubar
stop deter
swallow engolir
sweat suar/ suar
swim nadar
take pegar
take/ take away levar
talk falar
teach ensinar
think pensar
throw/throw lançar
to go backward (in time) voltar atrás
touch tocar
turn girar
turn around virar-se
visit visitar
walk andar
walk away afastar-se
watch olhar para
wear/ take away levar (para casa)
whisper sussurrar
whistle assobiar
wink piscar um olho/ piscar o olho
work trabalhar
write escrever
yawn bocejar


german vocabulary

German verbs list pdf movement action

German verbs of movement & action

🇩🇪 Complete German vocabulary list 🇩🇪

Want to learn the German language?  Here’s a complete list of the most common and useful verbs of movement and action in German with their translation in English. Ideal to help you boost your German vocabulary!




accompany begleiten
accelerate beschleunigen
applaud applaudieren
approach sich nähern
arrive ankommen
back zurückweichen
bite beißen
blink blinzeln
blow blasen
break brechen
breathe atmen
bring (something) bringen, mitbringen
bring back something zurückbringen
build bauen
catch fangen
chew kauen
choose aussuchen
climb klettern/klettern
climb erklimmen
close zusperren
come kommen
continue fortsetzen
cook kochen
count sich verlassen
crawl kriechen
cross (something) Überschreiten, überqueren
cry betrauern
dance tanzen
discard spreizen
dive eintauchen
dodge ausweichen
dream träumen
drink trinken
drive führen
eat essen
enter eintreten
escape entkommen
escape ausbrechen
fall herabfallen
feel riechen
float flattern
fly fliegen
fold falten
follow (someone) folgen
get off absteigen
get out herauskommen
get up aufstehen
give geben
go gehen
go to bed sich hinlegen
grow vergrößern
hang out schleppen
howl/scream schreien
increase zunehmen
jump springen
jump/ jump springen
kick treten
kiss küssen
kiss/ hug/ hug umarmen
kneel/ kneel down knien
knock schlagen
laugh lachen
launch werfen
leave verlassen
leave abreisen
lick lecken
lie down sich hinlegen
lift heben
listen zuhören, hören
lose weight abnehmen
move bewegen
move (something) bewegen (etwas)
move forward vorankommen
open öffnen
park parken
pass verbringen
pick up einsammeln
pour (water or other liquid) gießen
push drängen
reach/ join erreichen/sich anschließen
read lesen
repair reparieren
repeat wiederholen
ride rollen
run rennen
search suchen/suchen
see sehen
shake schütteln
shoot ziehen
shout schreien
shower/ take a shower duschen
shrug zucken
sing singen
sit down sich hinsetzen
sleep schlafen
slide gleiten
sniff schnüffeln
spread out sich ausbreiten
squat sich ducken, Hocken
steal stehlen
stop stoppen
swallow Schlucken
sweat schwitzen
swim schwimmen
take mitnehmen
take nehmen
take away mitnehmen
talk sprechen
teach lehren
think denken
throw werfen
touch berühren
turn drehen
turn around sich umdrehen
visit besuchen
walk marschieren
walk away sich entfernen
watch zuschauen
wear tragen
whisper flüstern
whistle pfeifen
wink zwinkern
work arbeiten
write schreiben
yawn gähnen


spanish vocabulary

Spanish verbs list pdf movement action

Spanish movement and action verbs

– Complete vocabulary list –

Want to learn the Spanish language?  Here’s a complete list of the most common and useful verbs of movement and action in Spanish with their translation in English. Ideal to help you boost your Spanish vocabulary!




accompany acompañar
accelerate acelere
applaud aplaudir
approach acercarse
arrive llegar
bite morder
blink parpadear con los ojos
blow soplar
break romper
breathe respirar
bring back traer de vuelta
bring (something) traer
build construir
catch atrapar
chew masticar
choose elija
climb escalar/ escalar hasta arriba
close cerrar
come venir
continue continuar, proseguir
cook cocinar
count contar
crawl arrastrarse
crossing (something) cruzar (algo más)
cry llorar
dance bailar
discard descartar, separar
dive bucear
dodge esquivar
dream soñar
drink beber
drive conducir
eat comer
enter entrar
escape escapar
escape escaparse, evadirse
expand/ spread out extenderse/ extenderse por todo
fall caer
feel sentir, oler
float flotar
fold doblar
follow (someone) seguir (a alguien)
get off bajar
get out salir
get up levantarse, pararse
give dar
go ir
go to bed acostarse en la cama
grow engordar
hang out arrastrar
howl/scream gritar
increase aumentar
jump saltar
jump/ jump saltar
kick dar una patada, patear
kiss besar
hug dar un abrazo/ tomar en sus brazos
kneel/ kneel down ponerse de rodillas/ arrodillarse
knock golpear
laugh reír
launch tirar
leave salir / dejar
leave salir
lick lamer
lie down tumbarse
lift plantear, levantar
listen escuchar
lose weight bajar de peso, perder peso
move (something) mover
move forward avanzar
open abrir
park estacionarse, aparcar
pass pasar
pick up recoger
pour verter
push empujar
reach/ join llegar / alcanzar (atteindre un objectif, un but)
read leer
repair (something) reparar, arreglar
repeat repetir
return (somewhere) / back volver / regresar
ride rodar
run correr
search/ search buscar
see ver
shake sacudir, agitar
shoot sacar, tirar
shout gritar
shower/ take a shower ducharse / tomar una ducha
shrug shoulders encogerse de hombros
sing cantar
sit down sentarse
sleep dormir
slide deslizar
sniff olfatear, oler
squatting agacharse
steal robar
stop detiene
swallow tragar
sweat sudar
swim nadar
take tomar
take/ take away llevar/ tomar/ llevar a casa
talk hablar
teach enseñar
think pensar
throw/throw lanzar
to go backward (in time) retroceder
touch tocar
turn girar
turn around volver, girar
visit visitar
walk caminar, andar
walk away alejarse
watch mirar, ver, observar
wear/ take away llevar
whisper susurrar
whistle silbar
wink hacer un guiño, guiñar / parpadear
work trabajar
write escribir
yawn bostezar


italian vocabulary

Italian verbs list PDF movement and action

Italian verbs of movement and action

– Essential Words for Beginners –

Want to learn the Italian language?  Here’s a complete list of the most common and useful verbs of movement and action in Italian with their translation in English. Ideal to help you boost your Italian vocabulary!




to accompany accompagnare
to accelerate accelerare
to advance per avanzare
to applaud applaudire
to approach approcciare
to arrive arrivare
to back off arretrare
to bend piegare
to bite mordere
to blink battere le palpebre
to blow soffiare
to break rompere
to breathe respirare
to bring portare
to bring back portare indietro
to build costruire
to carry portare
to catch catturare
to chew masticare
to choose scegliere
to climb scalare
to close chiudere
to come venire
to cook cucinare
to count contare
to crawl gattonare
to crouch, to squat accovacciarsi, accovacciarsi
to cry piangere
to dance ballare
to dive immergersi
to dodge schivare
to drag trascinare
to dream sognare
to drink bere
to drive guidare
to eat mangiare
to enter per entrare
to escape scappare
to evade evadere
to fall cadere
to fix (something) riparare (qualcosa)
to float galleggiare
to fly volare
to follow (someone) da seguire (qualcuno)
to get fat ingrassare
to get over something per superare qualcosa
to give dare
to go andare
to go down andare giù
to go out, to exit uscire, uscire
to hit / to punch colpire / pugni
to hug abbracciare
to jump saltare
to kick calciare
to kiss baciare
to kneel inginocchiarsi
to laugh ridere
to leap saltare
to leave lasciare
to lick leccare
to lie down stendersi
to lift up sollevare
to listen ascoltare
to look for cercare
to lose weight per perdere peso
to move spostare
to move away andare via
to move back per tornare indietro
to move something per spostare qualcosa
to open aprire
to park parcheggiare
to pass passare
to pick up raccogliere
to point puntare
to pour versare
to pull tirare
to pursue perseguire
to push spingere
to raise sollevare
to reach raggiungere
to read leggere
to repeat ripetere
to return ritornare
to roll rotolare
to run correre
to scream urlare
to see vedere
to separate separare
to shake a scuotere
to shower fare la doccia
to shrug scrollare le spalle
to sing cantare
to sit down sedersi
to sleep dormire
to slide scorrere
to smell annusare
to sniff ad annusare
to spread out spargersi
to stand up alzarsi
to steal rubare
to stop fermare
to swallow ingoiare
to sweat sudare
to swim nuotare
to take prendere
to talk parlare
to teach insegnare
to think pensare
to throw gettare
to touch toccare
to turn girare
to turn around girare intorno
to visit visitare
to walk camminare
to watch guardare
to whisper sussurrare
to whistle fischiare
to wink ammiccare
to work lavorare
to write scrivere
to yawn sbadigliare
to yell urlare


spanish vocabulary

Most common Spanish verbs list (PDF)

Most common Spanish verbs list

– Complete vocabulary list –

Want to learn the Spanish language? Here’s a complete list of the most common and useful verbs in Spanish with their translation in English. Ideal to help you boost your Spanish vocabulary!




accept aceptar
buy comprar
help ayudar
love amar, gustar
add añadir
go ir
turn on encender
call llamar
bring traer
learn aprender
stop detener
arrive llegar
wait esperar
have tener
need necesitar
break romper
change cambiar
sing cantar
search buscar
choose elegir, seleccionar
start empezar
understand comprender
count contar
drive conducir
know conocer
continue continuar
cut cortar
run correr
believe creer
decide decidir
ask preguntar
get off bajar
become convertirse
duty deber
say decir
give dar
sleep dormir
listen escuchar
write escribir
prevent prevenir, impedir, evitar
hear oír, escuchar
enter entrar
send enviar
try intentar, tratar, probar
switch off apagar, extinguir
be ser / estar
exist existir
explain explicar
do hacer
cooking hacer la cocina, cocinar
close cerrar
finish, finish terminar, terminar
win ganar
keep mantener
taste probar
throw tirar
play desempeñarse
leave dejar
wash, clean lavar, limpiar, limpiar
read leer
eat comer
walk caminar
put poner
show mostrar
forget olvidar
open iniciar
talk hablar
leave partir
pay pagar
think pensar
lose perder
allow permitir
cry llorar
wear llevar
pose plantear
power poder
take tomar
prepare preparen
recall recordar
receive recibir
recognize reconocer
refuse negarse
look, see ver
meet conocer
make rendir
go home (at home) volver a casa, ir a casa
repeat repetir
answer responder
look like parecerse
stay permanecer
return volver
find encontrar
succeed tener éxito, lograr
come back volver
laugh reír
sit down sentarse
fall asleep dormirse
know saber
wash up lavarse
rest descansar
wake up despertar
to remember, to remember recordar
get out salir
follow seguir
hold mantener
shoot sacar
fall caer
touch tocar
turn girar
work trabajar
find encontrar
use utilizar
sell vender
come venir
live vivir
see ver
fly robar
want querer


portuguese vocabulary

Most common Portuguese verbs list pdf

Most common Portuguese verbs list pdf

🇵🇹 Complete Portuguese vocabulary list 🇵🇹

Want to learn the Portuguese language? Here’s a complete list of the most common and useful verbs in Portuguese with their translation in English. Ideal to help you boost your Portuguese vocabulary!




accept aceitar
add adicionar
allow permitir
answer responder
arrive acontecer
ask pedir
be ser
become tornar-se
believe acreditar
break partir
bring trazer
buy comprar
call chamar
change mudar
choose escolher
close fechar
come vir
come back voltar
continue continuar
cooking cozinhar
count contar
cry chorar
cut cortar
decide decidir
do fazer
drive conduzir
duty dever
eat comer
enter entrar
exist existir
explain explicar
fall cair
fall asleep adormecer
find encontrar
find encontrar
finish, finish terminar, terminar
follow seguir
forget esquecer
get off descer
get out sair
give dar
go ir
go home (at home) voltar (para casa)
have ter
hear ouvir
help ajudar
hold segurar
keep manter
know conhecer
know saber
laugh rir
learn aprender
leave deixar
leave partir
listen escutar
live viver
look like parecer
look, see ver, ver
lose perder
love amar
make tornar
meet conhecer
need precisar
open abrir
pay pagar
play desempenhar
pose colocar
power poder
prepare preparar
prevent impedir
put pôr
read ler
recall lembrar
receive receber
recognize reconhecer
refuse recusar
repeat repetir
rest descansar
return voltar
run correr
say dizer
search buscar
see ver
sell vender
send enviar
shoot puxar
show mostrar
sing cantar
sit down sentar-se
sleep dormir
start começar
stay permanecer
steal roubar
stop deter
succeed ter sucesso
switch off desligar
take pegar
talk falar
taste lanchar
think pensar
throw atirar
to remember, to remember recordar, recordar
touch tocar
try tentar
turn girar
turn on acender
understand compreender
use usar
wait esperar
wake up acordar
walk andar
want querer
wash up lavar-se
wash, clean lavar, limpar
wear incidir
win ganhar
work trabalhar
write escrever
