
Swahili Vocabulary for Beginners: The city and public places

Swahili Vocabulary: The city and public places

– Useful words you should know –


Want to learn the Swahili language? Here’s a complete list of the most basic, common and useful words in Swahili with their translation in English, on the topic of the city and public places. Ideal to help you boost your Swahili vocabulary!

Do you spot any errors or want to add a word to the list? Don’t hesitate to leave a comment to improve the site!

a city mji
the suburbs vitongoji
the capital mji mkuu
the crowd umati wa watu
the police polisi
the pollution uchafuzi wa mazingira
the firemen wazima moto
the toilets vyoo
clean safi
dirty chafu
safe salama
quiet utulivu
an apartment ghorofa
a bus stop stendi ya mabasi
a bar baa
a post office ofisi ya posta
a shopping center kituo cha ununuzi
a city center katikati ya jiji
a castle ngome
a cemetery makaburi
a cinema sinema
a police station kituo cha polisi
a dentist daktari wa meno
an atm atm
a traffic jam msongamano wa magari
a garage karakana
a skyscraper skyscraper
a hospital hospitali
a hotel hoteli
a building jengo
an apartment ghorofa
a store duka
a market soko
a doctor daktari
a subway barabara ndogo
a monument mnara
a museum makumbusho
a park hifadhi
a parking lot maegesho ya magari
a bridge daraja
a neighborhood kitongoji
a restaurant mgahawa
a stadium uwanja
a supermarket duka kubwa
a theater ukumbi wa michezo
a sidewalk njia ya pembeni
a village kijiji
a neighbor jirani
a zoo hifadhi ya wanyama
a bank benki
a library maktaba
a cathedral kanisa kuu
a school shule
a church kanisa
a queue foleni
a fountain chemchemi
a train station kituo cha treni
a bus station kituo cha mabasi
a bookstore duka la vitabu
a mosque msikiti
a pharmacy duka la dawa
a swimming pool bwawa la kuogelea
a bicycle path njia ya baiskeli
a pedestrian street mtaa wa watembea kwa miguu
a street mtaa
a main street barabara kuu
an alley kichochoro
an avenue njia
a highway barabara kuu
a gas station kituo cha gesi
a statue sanamu
a synagogue sinagogi
a university chuo kikuu
a factory kiwanda
a garbage can takataka zinaweza
a prison gereza

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Basic Swahili Vocabulary: Family and friends

Swahili Vocabulary: Family and friends

– Useful words you should know –


Want to learn the Swahili language? Here’s a complete list of the most basic, common and useful words in Swahili with their translation in English, on the topic of family and friends. Ideal to help you boost your Swahili vocabulary!

Do you spot any errors or want to add a word to the list? Don’t hesitate to leave a comment to improve the site!

the great-grandfather babu mkubwa
the great grandmother bibi mkubwa
the grandfather babu
the grandmother bibi
the grandson mjukuu
the granddaughter mjukuu
the grandchildren wajukuu
the father baba
the mother mama
the parents wazazi
the child mtoto
the children watoto
the son mwana
the daughter binti
a baby mtoto
a teenager kijana
the adults watu wazima
the brother ndugu
the sister dada
half-brother ndugu wa kambo
half-sister dada wa kambo
a twin pacha
the uncle mjomba
the aunt shangazi
the cousin binamu
the nephew mpwa
the niece mpwa
a friend rafiki
the boyfriend mpenzi
the girlfriend mpenzi
the fiancé mchumba
the groom bwana harusi
the husband mume
the wife mke
the parents-in-law wakwe
father-in-law baba mkwe
the mother-in-law mama mkwe
the brother-in-law shemeji
the sister-in-law shemeji
the son-in-law mkwe
the daughter-in-law mkwe
a family member mwanafamilia
adopted antog
only son mwana pekee

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The Most Common Adjectives in Swahili

100 Most common Swahili adjectives list

– Basic & Useful adjectives list –


Want to learn the Swahili language? Here’s a complete list of the most basic, common and useful adjectives in Swahili with their translation in English. Ideal to help you boost your Swahili vocabulary!

Do you spot any errors or want to add an adjective to the list? Don’t hesitate to leave a comment to improve the site!

a lot Nyingi
accurate Sahihi
bad Mbaya
beautiful Nzuri
big Kubwa
boring Boring
brave Jasiri
broken Kuvunjwa
clumsy Clumsy
cold Baridi
colorful Colorful
comfortable Starehe
complicated Ngumu
crazy Mambo
curious Curious
cute Cute
dangerous Hatari
dark Giza
dead Wafu
deep Kina
delicious Ladha
different Tofauti
dirty Chafu
disgusting Kuchukiza
dry Kavu
easy Rahisi
edible chakula
effective Ufanisi
elegant Kifahari
empty Tupu
excellent Bora
excited Msisimko
exciting Kusisimua
famous Maarufu
far Mbali
fast Haraka
first Kwanza
forbidden Haramu
friendly Kirafiki
full Kamili
fun Furaha
funny Funny
good Nzuri
great Kubwa
heavy Nzito
high Juu
honest Waaminifu
huge Kubwa
immediate Haraka
important Muhimu
impossible Haiwezekani
incredible Ajabu
innocent Innocent
intelligent Akili
interesting Kuvutia
international Kimataifa
jealous Wivu
lazy Wavivu
legal Kisheria
long Muda mrefu
many Wengi
mysterious Ajabu
narrow Nyembamba
necessary Muhimu
new Mpya
nice Nzuri
noisy Kelele
official Rasmi
old Zamani
open Fungua
ordinary Kawaida
passionate Passionate
patient Mgonjwa
perfect Kamili
polluted uchafuzi wa mazingira
poor Maskini
popular Maarufu
possible Inawezekana
powerful Nguvu
precious Thamani
quiet Utulivu
rare Nadra
rich Tajiri
romantic Kimapenzi
rotten kuoza
sad Huzuni
scary Inatisha
set Seti
short Fupi
shy aibu
sick Wagonjwa
silent Kimya
similar Sawa
simple Rahisi
slow Polepole
small Ndogo
solid Imara
special Maalum
strange Ajabu
strong Nguvu
stubborn Mkaidi
sympathetic Huruma
tedious Uchochezi
thick Nene
thin Nyembamba
tiny Vidogo
tired Uchovu
traditional Jadi
unique Kipekee
warm Joto
weak Dhaifu
weird Weird
wet Mvua
worst mbaya zaidi
young Vijana

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most used Swahili adjectives
list of useful Swahili adjectives
list of most important Swahili adjectives
common Swahili adjectives
most common adjectives in Swahili
most used adjectives in Swahili
basic adjectives in Swahili
most important adjectives in Swahili
important adjectives in Swahili
Swahili important adjectives
Swahili most important adjectives
100 most common adjectives in Swahili
100 most used Swahili adjectives
Commonly Used Swahili adjectives
Most Widely Used Swahili adjectives
Must-Know Swahili adjectives for Beginners


The Most Common Adjectives in Slovenian

100 Most common Slovenian adjectives list

– Basic & Useful adjectives list –


Want to learn the Slovenian language? Here’s a complete list of the most basic, common and useful adjectives in Slovenian with their translation in English. Ideal to help you boost your Slovenian vocabulary!

Do you spot any errors or want to add an adjective to the list? Don’t hesitate to leave a comment to improve the site!

a lot veliko
accurate natančen
bad slabo
beautiful čudovito
big velik
boring dolgočasen
brave pogumen
broken zlomljen
clumsy neroden
cold hladen
colorful Barvita
comfortable Udobno
complicated zapleten
crazy noro
curious radoveden
cute srčkano
dangerous nevaren
dark temen
dead mrtev
deep globok
delicious slasten
different različen
dirty umazan
disgusting Nagnusno
dry suh
easy lahek
edible užiten
effective Učinkovito
elegant Elegantno
empty izprazniti
excellent odličen
excited Navdušena
exciting Razburljivo
famous slaven
far daleč
fast hitro
first prvi
forbidden prepovedan
friendly prijateljski
full poln
fun zabava
funny zabavno
good dobro
great krasno
heavy težek
high visok
honest pošten
huge ogromen
immediate takojšnji
important pomemben
impossible nemogoč
incredible Neverjetno
innocent nedolžen
intelligent inteligenten
interesting zanimiv
international mednaroden
jealous ljubosumen
lazy len
legal pravniški
long dolg
many mnogo
mysterious skrivnosten
narrow ozek
necessary potrebno
new nov
nice lepo
noisy hrupen
official Uradni
old star
open odprt
ordinary navaden
passionate strasten
patient potrpežljiv
perfect popoln
polluted Onesnažena
poor reven
popular priljubljen
possible možen
powerful močan
precious Plemenite
quiet tih
rare redek
rich bogat
romantic romantičen
rotten gnil
sad žalostno
scary strašen
set nastaviti
short kratek
shy Sramežljiv
sick bolan
silent Tiho
similar podoben
simple preprost
slow počasen
small majhen
solid trden
special poseben
strange čuden
strong Močno
stubborn trmast
sympathetic Simpatičnega
tedious Dolgočasno
thick debel
thin tanek
tiny droben
tired utrujen
traditional tradicionalen
unique edinstven
warm topel
weak slab
weird Čudno
wet moker
worst Najslabši
young mlad

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most used Slovenian adjectives
list of useful Slovenian adjectives
list of most important Slovenian adjectives
common Slovenian adjectives
most common adjectives in Slovenian
most used adjectives in Slovenian
basic adjectives in Slovenian
most important adjectives in Slovenian
important adjectives in Slovenian
Slovenian important adjectives
Slovenian most important adjectives
100 most common adjectives in Slovenian
100 most used Slovenian adjectives
Commonly Used Slovenian adjectives
Most Widely Used Slovenian adjectives
Must-Know Slovenian adjectives for Beginners


Basic Slovenian Vocabulary: Family and friends

Slovenian Vocabulary: Family and friends

– Useful words you should know –


Want to learn the Slovenian language? Here’s a complete list of the most basic, common and useful words in Slovenian with their translation in English, on the topic of family and friends. Ideal to help you boost your Slovenian vocabulary!

Do you spot any errors or want to add a word to the list? Don’t hesitate to leave a comment to improve the site!

the great-grandfather praded
the great grandmother pra babica
the grandfather dedek
the grandmother babica
the grandson vnuk
the granddaughter vnukinja
the grandchildren vnuki
the father oče
the mother mati
the parents starši
the child otroku
the children otroci
the son sin
the daughter hči
a baby dojenček
a teenager najstnik
the adults odraslih
the brother brat
the sister sestra
half-brother polbrat
half-sister polsestra
a twin dvojček
the uncle stric
the aunt teta
the cousin bratranec
the nephew nečak
the niece nečakinja
a friend prijatelj
the boyfriend fant
the girlfriend dekle
the fiancé zaročenca
the groom ženin
the husband mož
the wife žena
the parents-in-law tašča
father-in-law tast
the mother-in-law tašča
the brother-in-law svak
the sister-in-law svakinja
the son-in-law zet
the daughter-in-law snaha
a family member družinski član
adopted Sprejeti
only son edini sin

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Slovenian Vocabulary for Beginners: The city and public places

Slovenian Vocabulary: The city and public places

– Useful words you should know –


Want to learn the Slovenian language? Here’s a complete list of the most basic, common and useful words in Slovenian with their translation in English, on the topic of the city and public places. Ideal to help you boost your Slovenian vocabulary!

Do you spot any errors or want to add a word to the list? Don’t hesitate to leave a comment to improve the site!

a city mesto
the suburbs predmestja
the capital kapital
the crowd množica
the police policijo
the pollution onesnaževanje
the firemen gasilci
the toilets stranišča
clean čist
dirty umazan
safe varen
quiet tih
an apartment apartma
a bus stop avtobusna postaja
a bar bar
a post office poštni urad
a shopping center nakupovalno središče
a city center središče mesta
a castle grad
a cemetery pokopališče
a cinema kino
a police station policijska postaja
a dentist zobozdravnik
an atm na atomu
a traffic jam zastoj v prometu
a garage garaža
a skyscraper nebotič
a hospital bolnišnica
a hotel hotel s 3 zvezdicami
a building stavba
an apartment apartma
a store trgovina
a market trg
a doctor zdravnika
a subway podzemna
a monument spomenik
a museum muzej
a park park
a parking lot parkirišče
a bridge most
a neighborhood soseska
a restaurant restavracija
a stadium stadion
a supermarket supermarket
a theater gledališče
a sidewalk pločnik
a village vas
a neighbor soseda
a zoo živalski vrt
a bank banka
a library knjižnica
a cathedral katedrala
a school šola
a church cerkev
a queue čakalna čakalna
a fountain fontana
a train station železniška postaja
a bus station avtobusna postaja
a bookstore knjigarna
a mosque mošeja
a pharmacy farmacevtska
a swimming pool bazen
a bicycle path kolesarska pot
a pedestrian street ulica za pešce
a street ulica
a main street glavna ulica
an alley ulico
an avenue avenija
a highway avtocesta
a gas station bencinska črpalka
a statue kipi
a synagogue sinagoga
a university univerza
a factory tovarna
a garbage can smeti lahko
a prison zapor

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Slovenian Vocabulary (PDF): The human body, head and face

Slovenian Vocabulary: The human body, head and face

– Useful words you should know –


Want to learn the Slovenian language? Here’s a complete list of the most basic, common and useful words in Slovenian with their translation in English, on the topic of the human body, head and face. Ideal to help you boost your Slovenian vocabulary!

Do you spot any errors or want to add a word to the list? Don’t hesitate to leave a comment to improve the site!

the head glavo
the face obraza
the mouth usta
the throat grlo
the cheek lice
the tongue jezik
the lips ustnice
the jaw čeljust
the neck vratu
the forehead čelo
the chin brada
the nose nosu
the hair lasje
the eyes oči
a tooth zob
the hair lasje
an ear uho
a mustache brki
a beard brada
the skin kožo
the shoulder ramena
the forearm podlahti
the wrist zapestje
an arm roko
the arms rokah
the elbow komolec
a hand roko
a thumb palec
the fingers prsti
the belly trebuh
the chest prsnega koša
the back zadaj
the breasts prsa
the buttocks zadihane
the foot stopalo
the heel peta
the knee koleno
the leg nogo
the thigh stegno
a toe toe
the stomach želodec
the brain možgane
the lungs pljuča
the skeleton okostje
a bone kost
the skull lobanja
a muscle mišice

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Useful Slovenian Words – Contrary Words

Learn Slovenian Vocabulary: Contrary words

– Useful words you should know –


Want to learn the Slovenian language? Here’s a complete list of the most basic, common and useful words in Slovenian with their translation in English, on the topic of contrary words. Ideal to help you boost your Slovenian vocabulary!

Do you spot any errors or want to add a word to the list? Don’t hesitate to leave a comment to improve the site!

young mlada
old star
empty prazno
full poln
vertical navpično
horizontal vodoravno
useful uporaben
useless neuporaben
a city mesto
a village vas
a question vprašanje
an answer odgovor
sad žalosten
happy srečen
all vse
nothing nič
a teacher učitelj
a student študent
early zgodaj
late pozen
open odprto
closed zaprto
first prvi
last zadnji
secure varno
dangerous nevarno
near blizu
far daleč
sugar sladkor
salt sol
dry suho
wet mokra
often pogosto
rarely redko
always nenehno
never nikoli
same enako
different drugačen
dirty umazan
clean čisto
the evening večer
the morning jutro
small majhna
large velik
rich bogata
poor ubogi
the ceiling strop
the floor tla
animal žival
human človek
guilty kriv
innocent nedolžen
here tukaj
there tam
hunger lakota
the thirst žeja
the sun sonce
the moon luna
the sister sestra
the brother brat
slow počasi
fast hitro
before prej
after po
heavy težka
light svetloba
old star
new novo
easy enostavno
difficult težko
start začetek
finish končati
friend prijatelj
enemy sovražnik
yesterday včeraj
tomorrow jutri
cold hladno
hot vroče
right prav
left levo
a woman ženska
a man moški
inside znotraj
outside zunaj
strong močan
weak šibka
soft mehko
hard težko
a lot veliko
a little malo
up gor
down navzdol
exactly točno
probably verjetno
married poročena
single samski
noisy hrupno
quiet tih
complicated zapleteno
simple preprosto
now zdaj
later pozneje
long dolga
short kratek
interesting zanimivo
boring dolgočasno
normal normalno
strange čudno
outside zunaj
inside znotraj
the entrance vhod
the exit izhod
white bela
black črna
expensive drago
cheap poceni
to walk hoditi
to run teči
to attach priložiti
to detach odklopiti
to go up iti gor
to go down iti dol
to increase povečati
to decrease zmanjšati
to stop ustaviti
to continue nadaljevati
to take off vzleteti
to land pristati
to put on nadeti
to remove odstraniti
to move forward premakniti naprej
to move back premakniti se nazaj
to forget pozabiti
to remember spomniti se
to show pokazati
to hide skriti
to save shraniti
to spend zapraviti
to build zgraditi
to destroy uničiti
to arrive prispeti
to leave oditi
to enter vstopiti
to go out iti ven
to laugh smejati se
to cry jokati
to sell prodati
to buy kupiti
to break zlomiti
to repair popraviti
to lend posojati
to borrow posoditi
to earn zaslužiti
to lose izgubiti
to slow down upočasniti
to speed up pospešiti
to search iskanje
to find najti
to pull vleči
to push potisniti
to take vzeti
to give dati
to wake up zbuditi se
to fall asleep zaspati
to hold držati
to let go izpustiti
to turn on prižgati
to turn off ugasniti
to sell prodati
to buy kupiti
to send poslati
to receive prejeti

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Learn Slovenian Vocabulary • Travel and tourism

Slovenian Vocabulary: Travel and tourism

– Useful words you should know –


Want to learn the Slovenian language? Here’s a complete list of the most basic, common and useful words in Slovenian with their translation in English, on the topic of travel and tourism. Ideal to help you boost your Slovenian vocabulary!

Do you spot any errors or want to add a word to the list? Don’t hesitate to leave a comment to improve the site!

travel potovanje
tourism turizem
a hotel hotel s 3 zvezdicami
on time pravočasno
late pozno
the airport letališče
landing pristajanje
take-off odjava
the air conditioning klimatsko napravo
the distance razdalja
the customs carinskih
the border mejne
the train station železniška postaja
the bus station avtobusna postaja
a ticket vstopnica
the reception sprejem
the reservation pridržek
the road cesti
a highway avtocesta
the plane letalo
by plane z letalom
the bus avtobus
the taxi taksi
the train vlaka
the car avto
a helicopter helikopter
the sign znaka
the parking lot parkirišče
the passport potni list
the seat sedež
the toilet stranišče
the sunglasses sončna očala
a key ključ
a camera fotoaparat
one way ticket enossmno vozovnico
a return ticket povratna vozovnica
a ticket office pisarna za vstopnice
an accommodation nastanitev
a pillow vzglavnik
a blanket odeja
a sleeping bag spalna vreča
a luggage prtljaga
a bag vrečka
a backpack nahrbtnik
an information informacije
a tourist turistični
a vaccine cepiva
an insurance zavarovanja
a postcard razglednica
an itinerary itinerar
a destination namembni kraj
a flashlight svetilka
an electrical outlet električno vtičnico
a tent šotor
a suitcase kovček
to visit za obisk
to travel za potovanje
to rent najem
to leave zapustiti
to cancel preklic
to cancel a reservation preklic rezervacije
to photograph za fotografiranje
the wind veter
the snow sneg
the rain dež
the storm nevihta
the sun sonce
the sea morje
a mountain gora
a lake jezero
a national park nacionalni park
a country država
a forest gozd
a cave votlino
an island otok
a beach plaža
the nature naravo
the landscape pokrajina
sun cream krema za sončenje
a towel brisača

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Essential Slovenian Vocabulary: The calendar (days, months, seasons)

Slovenian Vocabulary: The calendar (days, months, seasons)

– Useful words you should know –


Want to learn the Slovenian language? Here’s a complete list of the most basic, common and useful words in Slovenian with their translation in English, on the topic of the calendar (days, months, seasons). Ideal to help you boost your Slovenian vocabulary!

Do you spot any errors or want to add a word to the list? Don’t hesitate to leave a comment to improve the site!

Monday Ponedeljek
Tuesday Torek
Wednesday Sreda
Thursday Četrtek
Friday Petek
Saturday Sobota
Sunday Nedelja
January Januar
February Februar
March Marec
April April
May Maj
June Junij
July Julij
August Avgust
September September
October Oktober
November November
December December
Spring Pomlad
Summer Poletje
Autumn Jesen
Winter Zima
before pred
after po
soon kmalu
this month ta mesec
this year letos
this week ta teden
from time to time od časa do časa
already že
today danes
tomorrow jutri
yesterday včeraj
last night sinoči
the day before yesterday predvcerajšnjim
a long time ago že dolgo nazaj
a week ago pred tednom dni
never nikoli
next year naslednje leto
next time naslednjič
next week prihodnji teden
next month naslednji mesec
last year lansko leto
last month prejšnji mesec
last week prejšnji teden
in the morning zjutraj
in the afternoon v popoldanskih urah
in the evening zvečer
the day dan
now zdaj
later kasneje
immediately takoj
sometimes včasih
rarely redko
recently nedavno
frequently pogosto
often pogosto
very often zelo pogosto
slowly počasi
quickly hitro
late pozno
early zgodaj
always zmeraj
every day vsak dan
right away takoj
all the time vseskozi
all day long ves dan
a holiday počitnice
a month mesec
a year leto
an hour uro
a minute minuto
a week teden dni

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