indonesian vocabulary

Learn Indonesian Vocabulary • Travel and tourism

Indonesian Vocabulary: Travel and tourism

– Useful words you should know –


Want to learn the Indonesian language? Here’s a complete list of the most basic, common and useful words in Indonesian with their translation in English, on the topic of travel and tourism. Ideal to help you boost your Indonesian vocabulary!

Do you spot any errors or want to add a word to the list? Don’t hesitate to leave a comment to improve the site!

travel bepergian
tourism pariwisata
a hotel sebuah hotel
on time tepat waktu
late terlambat
the airport bandara
landing pendaratan
take-off lepas landas
the air conditioning ac
the distance jarak
the customs bea cukai
the border pinggiran
the train station stasiun kereta
the bus station stasiun bis
a ticket sebuah tiket
the reception resepsi
the reservation reservasi
the road jalan
a highway sebuah jalan raya
the plane pesawat
by plane dengan pesawat
the bus bus
the taxi taksi
the train kereta
the car mobil
a helicopter sebuah helikopter
the sign tanda
the parking lot tempat parkir
the passport paspor
the seat tempat duduk
the toilet toilet
the sunglasses kacamata
a key kunci
a camera sebuah kamera
one way ticket tiket sekali jalan
a return ticket tiket pulang
a ticket office kantor tiket
an accommodation akomodasi
a pillow sebuah bantal
a blanket selimut
a sleeping bag sebuah kantung tidur
a luggage sebuah bagasi
a bag tas
a backpack ransel
an information sebuah informasi
a tourist turis
a vaccine vaksin
an insurance asuransi
a postcard sebuah kartu pos
an itinerary rencana perjalanan
a destination sebuah tujuan
a flashlight senter
an electrical outlet stopkontak listrik
a tent sebuah tenda
a suitcase sebuah koper
to visit untuk mengunjungi
to travel bepergian
to rent di sewakan
to leave untuk pergi
to cancel untuk membatalkan
to cancel a reservation untuk membatalkan reservasi
to photograph untuk memotret
the wind angin
the snow salju
the rain hujan
the storm badai
the sun matahari
the sea laut
a mountain sebuah gunung
a lake danau
a national park sebuah taman nasional
a country negara
a forest sebuah hutan
a cave sebuah gua
an island sebuah pulau
a beach sebuah pantai
the nature alam
the landscape pemandangan
sun cream krim matahari
a towel handuk

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indonesian vocabulary

Useful Indonesian Words – Contrary Words

Learn Indonesian Vocabulary: Contrary words

– Useful words you should know –


Want to learn the Indonesian language? Here’s a complete list of the most basic, common and useful words in Indonesian with their translation in English, on the topic of contrary words. Ideal to help you boost your Indonesian vocabulary!

Do you spot any errors or want to add a word to the list? Don’t hesitate to leave a comment to improve the site!

young muda
old tua
empty kosong
full penuh
vertical vertikal
horizontal horisontal
useful berguna
useless tidak berguna
a city sebuah kota
a village sebuah desa
a question pertanyaan
an answer sebuah jawaban
sad sedih
happy senang
all semua
nothing tidak ada
a teacher guru
a student mahasiswa
early lebih awal
late terlambat
open membuka
closed tertutup
first pertama
last terakhir
secure aman
dangerous berbahaya
near di dekat
far jauh
sugar gula
salt garam
dry kering
wet basah
often sering
rarely jarang
always selalu
never tidak pernah
same sama
different berbeda
dirty kotor
clean membersihkan
the evening malam
the morning pagi
small kecil
large besar
rich kaya
poor miskin
the ceiling langit-langit
the floor lantai
animal satwa
human manusia
guilty bersalah
innocent polos
here di sini
there di sana
hunger kelaparan
the thirst kehausan
the sun matahari
the moon bulan
the sister saudara perempuan
the brother saudara
slow lambat
fast cepat
before sebelum
after setelah
heavy berat
light lampu
old tua
new baru
easy mudah
difficult sulit
start mulailah
finish menyelesaikan
friend teman
enemy musuh
yesterday kemarin
tomorrow besok
cold dingin
hot panas
right baik
left kiri
a woman seorang wanita
a man seorang pria
inside dalam
outside di luar
strong kuat
weak lemah
soft lembut
hard keras
a lot banyak
a little sedikit
up ke atas
down turun
exactly tepat
probably mungkin
married telah menikah
single lajang
noisy berisik
quiet diam
complicated rumit
simple sederhana
now sekarang
later nanti
long panjang
short pendek
interesting menarik
boring membosankan
normal normal
strange aneh
outside di luar
inside dalam
the entrance pintu masuk
the exit keluar
white putih
black hitam
expensive mahal
cheap murah
to walk berjalan
to run untuk berlari
to attach untuk melampirkan
to detach untuk melepaskan
to go up naik
to go down ke bawah
to increase meningkatkan
to decrease untuk mengurangi
to stop untuk berhenti
to continue untuk melanjutkan
to take off untuk lepas landas
to land mendarat
to put on untuk memakai
to remove untuk menghapus
to move forward untuk bergerak maju
to move back untuk mundur
to forget untuk dilupakan
to remember untuk mengingat
to show memperlihatkan
to hide untuk bersembunyi
to save untuk menyimpan
to spend menghabiskan
to build untuk membangun
to destroy untuk menghancurkan
to arrive untuk tiba
to leave untuk pergi
to enter memasuki
to go out untuk pergi keluar
to laugh tertawa
to cry menangis
to sell untuk menjual
to buy untuk membeli
to break untuk istirahat
to repair untuk memperbaiki
to lend untuk meminjamkan
to borrow meminjam
to earn untuk mendapatkan
to lose kalah
to slow down untuk memperlambat
to speed up untuk mempercepat
to search untuk mencari
to find mencari
to pull untuk menarik
to push untuk mendorong
to take untuk mengambil
to give memberi
to wake up bangun
to fall asleep tertidur
to hold untuk menahan
to let go untuk melepaskan
to turn on untuk menyalakan
to turn off mematikan
to sell untuk menjual
to buy untuk membeli
to send mengirim
to receive menerima

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indonesian vocabulary

Indonesian Vocabulary (PDF): The human body, head and face

Indonesian Vocabulary: The human body, head and face

– Useful words you should know –


Want to learn the Indonesian language? Here’s a complete list of the most basic, common and useful words in Indonesian with their translation in English, on the topic of the human body, head and face. Ideal to help you boost your Indonesian vocabulary!

Do you spot any errors or want to add a word to the list? Don’t hesitate to leave a comment to improve the site!

the head kepala
the face muka
the mouth mulut
the throat tenggorokan
the cheek pipi
the tongue lidah
the lips bibir
the jaw rahang
the neck leher
the forehead dahi
the chin dagu
the nose hidung
the hair rambut
the eyes mata
a tooth gigi
the hair rambut
an ear telinga
a mustache sebuah kumis
a beard jenggot
the skin kulit
the shoulder bahu
the forearm lengan bawah
the wrist pergelangan tangan
an arm sebuah lengan
the arms lengan
the elbow siku
a hand sebuah tangan
a thumb jempol
the fingers jari jemari
the belly perut
the chest dada
the back belakang
the breasts payudara
the buttocks pantat
the foot kaki
the heel tumit
the knee lutut
the leg kaki
the thigh paha
a toe jari kaki
the stomach perut
the brain otak
the lungs paru-paru
the skeleton kerangka
a bone sebuah tulang
the skull tengkorak
a muscle otot

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indonesian vocabulary

Indonesian Vocabulary for Beginners: The city and public places

Indonesian Vocabulary: The city and public places

– Useful words you should know –


Want to learn the Indonesian language? Here’s a complete list of the most basic, common and useful words in Indonesian with their translation in English, on the topic of the city and public places. Ideal to help you boost your Indonesian vocabulary!

Do you spot any errors or want to add a word to the list? Don’t hesitate to leave a comment to improve the site!

a city sebuah kota
the suburbs daerah pinggiran kota
the capital ibukota
the crowd kerumunan
the police polisi
the pollution polusi
the firemen petugas pemadam kebakaran
the toilets toilet
clean membersihkan
dirty kotor
safe aman
quiet diam
an apartment sebuah apartemen
a bus stop halte bus
a bar sebuah bar
a post office kantor pos
a shopping center sebuah pusat perbelanjaan
a city center sebuah pusat kota
a castle sebuah kastil
a cemetery sebuah kuburan
a cinema sebuah bioskop
a police station kantor polisi
a dentist seorang dokter gigi
an atm atm
a traffic jam macet
a garage sebuah garasi
a skyscraper gedung pencakar langit
a hospital rumah sakit
a hotel sebuah hotel
a building sebuah bangunan
an apartment sebuah apartemen
a store sebuah toko
a market sebuah pasar
a doctor dokter
a subway kereta bawah tanah
a monument sebuah monumen
a museum sebuah museum
a park sebuah taman
a parking lot tempat parkir
a bridge sebuah jembatan
a neighborhood sebuah lingkungan
a restaurant sebuah restoran
a stadium stadion
a supermarket supermarket
a theater sebuah teater
a sidewalk sebuah trotoar
a village sebuah desa
a neighbor tetangga
a zoo sebuah kebun binatang
a bank sebuah bank
a library perpustakaan
a cathedral katedral
a school sekolah
a church sebuah gereja
a queue antrian
a fountain sebuah air mancur
a train station stasiun kereta
a bus station stasiun bis
a bookstore toko buku
a mosque sebuah masjid
a pharmacy apotek
a swimming pool kolam renang
a bicycle path jalur sepeda
a pedestrian street jalan pejalan kaki
a street sebuah jalan
a main street sebuah jalan utama
an alley sebuah gang
an avenue sebuah jalan
a highway sebuah jalan raya
a gas station sebuah pompa bensin
a statue sebuah patung
a synagogue sebuah sinagoga
a university sebuah universitas
a factory sebuah pabrik
a garbage can tempat sampah
a prison penjara

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indonesian vocabulary

Basic Indonesian Vocabulary: Family and friends

Indonesian Vocabulary: Family and friends

– Useful words you should know –


Want to learn the Indonesian language? Here’s a complete list of the most basic, common and useful words in Indonesian with their translation in English, on the topic of family and friends. Ideal to help you boost your Indonesian vocabulary!

Do you spot any errors or want to add a word to the list? Don’t hesitate to leave a comment to improve the site!

the great-grandfather kakek buyut
the great grandmother nenek buyut
the grandfather sang kakek
the grandmother sang nenek
the grandson cucu
the granddaughter cucu perempuan
the grandchildren cucu-cucu
the father sang ayah
the mother sang ibu
the parents orang tua
the child anak
the children anak-anak
the son anak laki-laki
the daughter anak perempuan
a baby seorang bayi
a teenager seorang remaja
the adults orang dewasa
the brother saudara laki-laki
the sister saudara perempuan
half-brother saudara tiri
half-sister saudara tiri
a twin kembaran
the uncle sang paman
the aunt bibi
the cousin sepupu
the nephew keponakan
the niece keponakan perempuan
a friend seorang teman
the boyfriend pacarnya
the girlfriend pacar
the fiancé tunangan
the groom pengantin pria
the husband sang suami
the wife sang istri
the parents-in-law mertua
father-in-law bapak mertua
the mother-in-law ibu mertua
the brother-in-law kakak ipar
the sister-in-law kakak ipar
the son-in-law menantu laki-laki
the daughter-in-law menantu perempuan
a family member anggota keluarga
adopted diadopsi
only son putra tunggal

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Icelandic Vocabulary (PDF): The human body, head and face

Icelandic Vocabulary: The human body, head and face

– Useful words you should know –


Want to learn the Icelandic language? Here’s a complete list of the most basic, common and useful words in Icelandic with their translation in English, on the topic of the human body, head and face. Ideal to help you boost your Icelandic vocabulary!

Do you spot any errors or want to add a word to the list? Don’t hesitate to leave a comment to improve the site!

the head höfuðið
the face andlitið
the mouth munnurinn
the throat hálsinn
the cheek kinnina
the tongue tunguna
the lips varirnar
the jaw kjálkann
the neck hálsinn
the forehead ennið
the chin hökuna
the nose nefið
the hair hárið
the eyes augun
a tooth tönn
the hair hárið
an ear eyra
a mustache yfirvaraskegg
a beard skegg
the skin húðin
the shoulder öxlina
the forearm framhandleggurinn
the wrist úlnliðnum
an arm handlegg
the arms handleggina
the elbow olnbogann
a hand hönd
a thumb þumalfingur
the fingers fingrunum
the belly kviðinn
the chest brjóstið
the back bakið
the breasts brjóstin
the buttocks rassinn
the foot fótinn
the heel hælinn
the knee hnéð
the leg fótinn
the thigh lærið
a toe
the stomach magann
the brain heilinn
the lungs lungun
the skeleton beinagrindina
a bone bein
the skull höfuðkúpan
a muscle vöðvi

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Useful Icelandic Words – Contrary Words

Learn Icelandic Vocabulary: Contrary words

– Useful words you should know –


Want to learn the Icelandic language? Here’s a complete list of the most basic, common and useful words in Icelandic with their translation in English, on the topic of contrary words. Ideal to help you boost your Icelandic vocabulary!

Do you spot any errors or want to add a word to the list? Don’t hesitate to leave a comment to improve the site!

young ungur
old gamall
empty tómt
full fullur
vertical lóðrétt
horizontal lárétt
useful nothæft
useless gagnslaus
a city borg
a village þorp
a question spurning
an answer svar
sad dapur
happy ánægður
all allt
nothing ekkert
a teacher kennari
a student nemandi
early snemma
late seint
open opið
closed lokað
first fyrst
last síðast
secure öruggur
dangerous hættulegt
near nálægt
far langt
sugar sykur
salt salt
dry þurrt
wet blautur
often oft
rarely sjaldan
always alltaf
never aldrei
same sama
different öðruvísi
dirty skítugur
clean hreint
the evening kvöldið
the morning morguninn
small lítill
large stór
rich ríkur
poor fátækur
the ceiling loftið
the floor gólfið
animal dýr
human manna
guilty sekur
innocent saklaus
here hér
there þar
hunger hungur
the thirst þorstann
the sun sólin
the moon tunglið
the sister systirin
the brother bróðirinn
slow hægur
fast hratt
before áður
after eftir
heavy þungur
light ljós
old gamall
new nýr
easy auðvelt
difficult erfitt
start byrja
finish klára
friend vinur
enemy óvinur
yesterday í gær
tomorrow á morgun
cold kalt
hot heitt
right rétt
left vinstri
a woman kona
a man maður
inside inni
outside úti
strong sterkur
weak veikburða
soft mjúkur
hard erfitt
a lot hellingur
a little smá
up upp
down niður
exactly einmitt
probably líklega
married giftur
single einhleypur
noisy hávær
quiet rólegur
complicated flókið
simple einfalt
now núna
later síðar
long langt
short stutt
interesting áhugavert
boring leiðinlegur
normal eðlilegt
strange undarlegt
outside úti
inside inni
the entrance innganginn
the exit útgangurinn
white hvítur
black svartur
expensive dýrt
cheap ódýr
to walk að ganga
to run að hlaupa
to attach að festa
to detach að aftengja
to go up að fara upp
to go down að fara niður
to increase að auka
to decrease að minnka
to stop að hætta
to continue að halda áfram
to take off að taka á loft
to land að lenda
to put on að fara í
to remove að fjarlægja
to move forward að halda áfram
to move back að flytja til baka
to forget að gleyma
to remember að muna
to show til að sýna
to hide að fela
to save til að spara
to spend að eyða
to build að byggja
to destroy að eyðileggja
to arrive að koma
to leave að fara
to enter að koma inn
to go out að fara út
to laugh að hlæja
to cry að gráta
to sell að selja
to buy að kaupa
to break að brjóta
to repair að laga
to lend að lána
to borrow að lána
to earn að vinna sér inn
to lose að missa
to slow down að hægja á sér
to speed up að flýta fyrir
to search að leita
to find að finna
to pull að toga
to push að ýta
to take að taka
to give að gefa
to wake up að vakna
to fall asleep að sofna
to hold að halda
to let go að sleppa
to turn on að kveikja á
to turn off að slökkva á
to sell að selja
to buy að kaupa
to send til að senda
to receive til að taka á móti

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Learn Icelandic Vocabulary • Travel and tourism

Icelandic Vocabulary: Travel and tourism

– Useful words you should know –


Want to learn the Icelandic language? Here’s a complete list of the most basic, common and useful words in Icelandic with their translation in English, on the topic of travel and tourism. Ideal to help you boost your Icelandic vocabulary!

Do you spot any errors or want to add a word to the list? Don’t hesitate to leave a comment to improve the site!

travel ferðast
tourism ferðaþjónustu
a hotel hóteli
on time tímanlega
late seint
the airport flugvöllurinn
landing lendingu
take-off flugtak
the air conditioning loftkælinguna
the distance fjarlægðin
the customs tollurinn
the border landamærin
the train station lestarstöðin
the bus station strætóstöðin
a ticket miði
the reception móttökuna
the reservation fyrirvaranum
the road vegurinn
a highway hraðbraut
the plane flugvélin
by plane með flugvél
the bus strætóinn
the taxi leigubílnum
the train lestin
the car bíllinn
a helicopter þyrlu
the sign merkið
the parking lot bílastæðinu
the passport vegabréfið
the seat sætið
the toilet klósettið
the sunglasses sólgleraugun
a key lykill
a camera myndavél
one way ticket miða aðra leið
a return ticket miða fram og til baka
a ticket office miðasölu
an accommodation gistingu
a pillow kodda
a blanket teppi
a sleeping bag svefnpoka
a luggage farangur
a bag poki
a backpack bakpoka
an information upplýsingar
a tourist ferðamaður
a vaccine bóluefni
an insurance trygging
a postcard póstkort
an itinerary ferðaáætlun
a destination áfangastað
a flashlight vasaljós
an electrical outlet rafmagnsinnstungu
a tent tjald
a suitcase ferðatösku
to visit að heimsækja
to travel að ferðast
to rent að leigja
to leave að fara
to cancel að hætta við
to cancel a reservation að hætta við pöntun
to photograph að mynda
the wind vindurinn
the snow snjórinn
the rain rigningin
the storm stormurinn
the sun sólin
the sea hafið
a mountain fjall
a lake vatn
a national park þjóðgarður
a country landi
a forest skógi
a cave helli
an island eyja
a beach strönd
the nature náttúran
the landscape landslagið
sun cream sólarvörn
a towel handklæði

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Essential Icelandic Vocabulary: The calendar (days, months, seasons)

Icelandic Vocabulary: The calendar (days, months, seasons)

– Useful words you should know –


Want to learn the Icelandic language? Here’s a complete list of the most basic, common and useful words in Icelandic with their translation in English, on the topic of the calendar (days, months, seasons). Ideal to help you boost your Icelandic vocabulary!

Do you spot any errors or want to add a word to the list? Don’t hesitate to leave a comment to improve the site!

Monday Mánudagur
Tuesday þriðjudag
Wednesday miðvikudag
Thursday fimmtudag
Friday föstudag
Saturday laugardag
Sunday sunnudag
January janúar
February febrúar
March mars
April apríl
May maí
June júní
July júlí
August ágúst
September september
October október
November nóvember
December desember
Spring Vor
Summer Sumar
Autumn Haust
Winter Vetur
before áður
after eftir
soon bráðum
this month í þessum mánuði
this year þetta ár
this week í þessari viku
from time to time af og til
already nú þegar
today í dag
tomorrow á morgun
yesterday í gær
last night gærkvöld
the day before yesterday í fyrradag
a long time ago fyrir löngu síðan
a week ago fyrir viku síðan
never aldrei
next year á næsta ári
next time næst
next week næsta vika
next month næsta mánuði
last year síðasta ár
last month í síðasta mánuði
last week síðustu viku
in the morning á morgnana
in the afternoon seinni partinn
in the evening á kvöldin
the day dagurinn
now núna
later síðar
immediately strax
sometimes stundum
rarely sjaldan
recently nýlega
frequently oft
often oft
very often mjög oft
slowly hægt og rólega
quickly fljótt
late seint
early snemma
always alltaf
every day daglega
right away undir eins
all the time allan tímann
all day long allan daginn
a holiday hátíðardagur
a month mánuður
a year ár
an hour klukkutíma
a minute mínúta
a week vika

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Icelandic Vocabulary List • Colors and shapes

Icelandic Vocabulary: Colors and shapes

– Useful words you should know –


Want to learn the Icelandic language? Here’s a complete list of the most basic, common and useful words in Icelandic with their translation in English, on the topic of colors and shapes. Ideal to help you boost your Icelandic vocabulary!

Do you spot any errors or want to add a word to the list? Don’t hesitate to leave a comment to improve the site!

a color lit
white hvítur
black svartur
gray grár
yellow gulur
orange appelsínugult
green grænn
blue blár
red rauður
brown brúnt
beige drapplitaður
purple fjólublár
mauve fjólublár
pink bleikur
dark myrkur
golden gullna
silver silfur
a pyramid pýramída
a square ferningur
a circle hring
a triangle þríhyrningur
a rectangle rétthyrningur
a star stjarna
a line línu
an arrow ör
a heart hjarta
a crescent hálfmáni

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