
Learn Korean Vocabulary • Travel and tourism

Korean Vocabulary: Travel and tourism

– Useful words you should know –


Want to learn the Korean language? Here’s a complete list of the most basic, common and useful words in Korean with their translation in English, on the topic of travel and tourism. Ideal to help you boost your Korean vocabulary!

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travel 여행하다 yeohaenghada
tourism 관광 여행 gwangwang yeohaeng
a hotel 호텔 hotel
on time 정시에 jeongsie
late 늦은 neuj-eun
the airport 공항 gonghang
landing 착륙 chaglyug
take-off 이륙하다 ilyughada
the air conditioning 에어컨 eeokeon
the distance 거리 geoli
the customs 관습들 gwanseubdeul
the border 국경 guggyeong
the train station 기차역 gichayeog
the bus station 버스 정류장 beoseu jeonglyujang
a ticket 티켓 tikes
the reception 리셉션 lisebsyeon
the reservation 예약 yeyag
the road 도로 dolo
a highway 고속도로 gosogdolo
the plane 비행기 bihaeng-gi
by plane 비행기로 bihaeng-gilo
the bus 버스 beoseu
the taxi 택시 taegsi
the train 기차 gicha
the car 자동차 jadongcha
a helicopter 헬리콥터 hellikobteo
the sign 그 신호 geu sinho
the parking lot 주차장 juchajang
the passport 여권 yeogwon
the seat 자리 jali
the toilet 화장실 hwajangsil
the sunglasses 선글라스 seongeullaseu
a key 열쇠 yeolsoe
a camera 카메라 kamela
one way ticket 편도 티켓 pyeondo tikes
a return ticket 왕복표 wangbogpyo
a ticket office 매표소 maepyoso
an accommodation 숙소 sugso
a pillow 베개 begae
a blanket 담요 dam-yo
a sleeping bag 침낭 chimnang
a luggage 수하물 suhamul
a bag 가방 gabang
a backpack 책가방 chaeggabang
an information 정보 jeongbo
a tourist 관광객 gwangwang-gaeg
a vaccine 백신 baegsin
an insurance 보험 boheom
a postcard 엽서 yeobseo
an itinerary 여정 yeojeong
a destination 목적지 mogjeogji
a flashlight 손전등 sonjeondeung
an electrical outlet 전기 콘센트 jeongi konsenteu
a tent 텐트 tenteu
a suitcase 여행 가방 yeohaeng gabang
to visit 방문하다 bangmunhada
to travel 여행하다 yeohaenghada
to rent 렌트하다 lenteuhada
to leave 떠나다 tteonada
to cancel 취소하다 chwisohada
to cancel a reservation 예약을 취소하다 yeyag-eul chwisohada
to photograph 사진을 찍다 sajin-eul jjigda
the wind 바람 balam
the snow nun
the rain bi
the storm 폭풍 pogpung
the sun 태양 taeyang
the sea 바다 bada
a mountain san
a lake 호수 hosu
a national park 국립공원 guglibgong-won
a country 국가 gugga
a forest sup
a cave 동굴 dong-gul
an island seom
a beach 해변 haebyeon
the nature 자연 jayeon
the landscape 풍경 pung-gyeong
sun cream 선크림 seonkeulim
a towel 수건 sugeon

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