
Lithuanian Vocabulary List • Colors and shapes

Lithuanian Vocabulary: Colors and shapes

– Useful words you should know –


Want to learn the Lithuanian language? Here’s a complete list of the most basic, common and useful words in Lithuanian with their translation in English, on the topic of colors and shapes. Ideal to help you boost your Lithuanian vocabulary!

Do you spot any errors or want to add a word to the list? Don’t hesitate to leave a comment to improve the site!

a color spalva
white baltas
black juodas
gray pilka
yellow geltona
orange oranžinė
green žalias
blue mėlyna
red raudona
brown rudas
beige smėlio spalvos
purple violetinė
mauve rausvai violetinė
pink rožinis
dark tamsus
golden auksinis
silver sidabras
a pyramid piramidė
a square kvadratas
a circle apskritimas
a triangle trikampis
a rectangle stačiakampis
a star žvaigždė
a line linija
an arrow strėlė
a heart širdis
a crescent pusmėnulį

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Essential Lithuanian Vocabulary: The calendar (days, months, seasons)

Lithuanian Vocabulary: The calendar (days, months, seasons)

– Useful words you should know –


Want to learn the Lithuanian language? Here’s a complete list of the most basic, common and useful words in Lithuanian with their translation in English, on the topic of the calendar (days, months, seasons). Ideal to help you boost your Lithuanian vocabulary!

Do you spot any errors or want to add a word to the list? Don’t hesitate to leave a comment to improve the site!

Monday Pirmadienis
Tuesday antradienis
Wednesday trečiadienį
Thursday ketvirtadienis
Friday penktadienis
Saturday šeštadienis
Sunday sekmadienis
January sausio mėn
February vasario mėn
March Kovas
April Balandis
May Gegužė
June birželis
July liepos mėn
August Rugpjūtis
September rugsėjis
October Spalio mėn
November lapkritis
December gruodį
Spring Pavasaris
Summer Vasara
Autumn Ruduo
Winter Žiema
before prieš
after po to
soon greitai
this month šį mėnesį
this year šiais metais
this week šią savaitę
from time to time laikas nuo laiko
already jau
today šiandien
tomorrow rytoj
yesterday vakar
last night praeita naktis
the day before yesterday užvakar
a long time ago prieš daug laiko
a week ago prieš savaitę
never niekada
next year kitais metais
next time kitą kartą
next week kitą savaitę
next month kitą mėnesį
last year praeitais metais
last month praeitą mėnesį
last week praeitą savaitę
in the morning ryte
in the afternoon po pietų
in the evening vakare
the day diena
now dabar
later vėliau
immediately nedelsiant
sometimes kartais
rarely retai
recently neseniai
frequently dažnai
often dažnai
very often labai dažnai
slowly lėtai
quickly greitai
late vėlai
early anksti
always visada
every day kiekvieną dieną
right away tuoj pat
all the time visą laiką
all day long visą dieną
a holiday atostogos
a month mėnesį
a year metai
an hour valanda
a minute minutė
a week savaitė

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Learn Lithuanian Vocabulary • Travel and tourism

Lithuanian Vocabulary: Travel and tourism

– Useful words you should know –


Want to learn the Lithuanian language? Here’s a complete list of the most basic, common and useful words in Lithuanian with their translation in English, on the topic of travel and tourism. Ideal to help you boost your Lithuanian vocabulary!

Do you spot any errors or want to add a word to the list? Don’t hesitate to leave a comment to improve the site!

travel kelionė
tourism turizmas
a hotel viešbutis
on time laiku
late vėlai
the airport oro uostas
landing nusileidimas
take-off kilimas
the air conditioning oro kondicionierius
the distance atstumas
the customs muitinės
the border siena
the train station traukinių stotis
the bus station autobusų stotis
a ticket bilietas
the reception registratūra
the reservation rezervacija
the road kelias
a highway greitkelis
the plane lėktuvas
by plane lėktuvu
the bus autobusas
the taxi taksi
the train traukinys
the car mašina
a helicopter malūnsparnis
the sign ženklas
the parking lot automobilių stovėjimo aikštelė
the passport pasą
the seat sėdynė
the toilet tualetas
the sunglasses akinius nuo saulės
a key raktas
a camera fotoaparatas
one way ticket bilietas į vieną pusę
a return ticket atgalinis bilietas
a ticket office bilietų kasa
an accommodation nakvynė
a pillow pagalvė
a blanket antklodė
a sleeping bag miegmaišis
a luggage bagažas
a bag krepšys
a backpack kuprinė
an information informaciją
a tourist turistas
a vaccine vakcina
an insurance draudimas
a postcard atvirukas
an itinerary maršrutą
a destination paskirties vieta
a flashlight žibintuvėlis
an electrical outlet elektros lizdą
a tent palapinė
a suitcase lagaminas
to visit aplankyti
to travel keliauti
to rent nuomotis
to leave palikti
to cancel atšaukti
to cancel a reservation atšaukti rezervaciją
to photograph fotografuoti
the wind vejas
the snow sniegas
the rain lietus
the storm audra
the sun saulė
the sea jūra
a mountain kalnas
a lake ežeras
a national park nacionalinis parkas
a country šalis
a forest miškas
a cave urvas
an island sala
a beach papludimys
the nature gamta
the landscape kraštovaizdis
sun cream kremas nuo saulės
a towel rankšluostis

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Useful Lithuanian Words – Contrary Words

Learn Lithuanian Vocabulary: Contrary words

– Useful words you should know –


Want to learn the Lithuanian language? Here’s a complete list of the most basic, common and useful words in Lithuanian with their translation in English, on the topic of contrary words. Ideal to help you boost your Lithuanian vocabulary!

Do you spot any errors or want to add a word to the list? Don’t hesitate to leave a comment to improve the site!

young jaunas
old senas
empty tuščia
full pilnas
vertical vertikaliai
horizontal horizontaliai
useful naudinga
useless nenaudingas
a city miestas
a village kaimas
a question klausimas
an answer atsakymas
sad liūdnas
happy laimingas
all visi
nothing nieko
a teacher mokytojas
a student studentas
early anksti
late vėlai
open atviras
closed uždaryta
first pirmas
last paskutinis
secure saugus
dangerous pavojingas
near šalia
far toli
sugar cukraus
salt druskos
dry sausas
wet šlapias
often dažnai
rarely retai
always visada
never niekada
same tas pats
different skirtinga
dirty purvinas
clean švarus
the evening vakaras
the morning rytas
small mažas
large didelis
rich turtingas
poor vargšas
the ceiling lubos
the floor grindys
animal gyvūnas
human žmogus
guilty kaltas
innocent nekaltas
here čia
there ten
hunger alkis
the thirst troškulys
the sun saulė
the moon mėnulis
the sister sesuo
the brother brolis
slow lėtas
fast greitas
before prieš
after po to
heavy sunkus
light šviesos
old senas
new naujas
easy lengva
difficult sunku
start pradėti
finish baigti
friend draugas
enemy priešas
yesterday vakar
tomorrow rytoj
cold šalta
hot karšta
right teisingai
left paliko
a woman moteris
a man vyras
inside viduje
outside lauke
strong stiprus
weak silpnas
soft minkštas
hard sunku
a lot daug
a little truputį
up aukštyn
down žemyn
exactly tiksliai
probably tikriausiai
married vedęs
single viengungis
noisy triukšminga
quiet tylus
complicated sudėtingas
simple paprastas
now dabar
later vėliau
long ilgai
short trumpas
interesting įdomus
boring nuobodu
normal normalus
strange keista
outside lauke
inside viduje
the entrance įėjimas
the exit išėjimas
white baltas
black juodas
expensive brangus
cheap pigu
to walk vaikščioti
to run bėgti
to attach pridėti
to detach atsiskirti
to go up pakilti
to go down leistis žemyn
to increase padidinti
to decrease sumažinti
to stop sustoti
to continue tęsti
to take off nuimti
to land nusileisti
to put on padėti ant
to remove pašalinti
to move forward judėti į priekį
to move back judėti atgal
to forget pamiršti
to remember prisiminti
to show parodyti
to hide paslėpti
to save išsaugoti
to spend isleisti
to build statyti
to destroy sunaikinti
to arrive atvykti
to leave palikti
to enter įeiti
to go out išeiti
to laugh juoktis
to cry verkti
to sell parduoti
to buy pirkti
to break sulaužyti
to repair sutaisyti
to lend skolinti
to borrow pasiskolinti
to earn uždirbti
to lose prarasti
to slow down sulėtinti
to speed up pagreitinti
to search ieškoti
to find rasti
to pull traukti
to push stumti
to take paimti
to give duoti
to wake up atsibusti
to fall asleep užmigti
to hold laikyti
to let go paleisti
to turn on įjungti
to turn off išjungti
to sell parduoti
to buy pirkti
to send išsiūsti
to receive gauti

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Lithuanian Vocabulary (PDF): The human body, head and face

Lithuanian Vocabulary: The human body, head and face

– Useful words you should know –


Want to learn the Lithuanian language? Here’s a complete list of the most basic, common and useful words in Lithuanian with their translation in English, on the topic of the human body, head and face. Ideal to help you boost your Lithuanian vocabulary!

Do you spot any errors or want to add a word to the list? Don’t hesitate to leave a comment to improve the site!

the head vadovas
the face veidas
the mouth burna
the throat gerklę
the cheek skruostas
the tongue liežuvis
the lips lūpas
the jaw žandikaulis
the neck kaklas
the forehead kakta
the chin smakras
the nose nosis
the hair plaukai
the eyes akys
a tooth dantis
the hair plaukai
an ear ausis
a mustache ūsus
a beard barzda
the skin oda
the shoulder petys
the forearm dilbis
the wrist riešą
an arm ranka
the arms rankas
the elbow alkūnė
a hand ranka
a thumb nykštį
the fingers pirštai
the belly pilvas
the chest krūtinė
the back nugara
the breasts krūtys
the buttocks sėdmenis
the foot pėda
the heel kulnas
the knee kelio
the leg koja
the thigh šlaunis
a toe pirštas
the stomach skrandis
the brain smegenys
the lungs plaučius
the skeleton skeletas
a bone kaulas
the skull kaukolė
a muscle raumuo

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Lithuanian Vocabulary for Beginners: The city and public places

Lithuanian Vocabulary: The city and public places

– Useful words you should know –


Want to learn the Lithuanian language? Here’s a complete list of the most basic, common and useful words in Lithuanian with their translation in English, on the topic of the city and public places. Ideal to help you boost your Lithuanian vocabulary!

Do you spot any errors or want to add a word to the list? Don’t hesitate to leave a comment to improve the site!

a city miestas
the suburbs priemiesčiai
the capital kapitalas
the crowd minia
the police policija
the pollution tarša
the firemen ugniagesiai
the toilets tualetai
clean švarus
dirty purvinas
safe saugus
quiet tylus
an apartment butas
a bus stop autobusų stotelė
a bar baras
a post office paštas
a shopping center prekybos centras
a city center miesto centras
a castle pilis
a cemetery kapines
a cinema kino teatras
a police station policijos nuovada
a dentist dantistas
an atm bankomatas
a traffic jam kamštis
a garage garažas
a skyscraper dangoraižis
a hospital ligoninė
a hotel viešbutis
a building pastatas
an apartment butas
a store parduotuvė
a market turgus
a doctor gydytojas
a subway metro
a monument paminklas
a museum muziejus
a park parkas
a parking lot automobilių stovėjimo aikštelė
a bridge tiltas
a neighborhood kaimynystė
a restaurant restoranas
a stadium stadionas
a supermarket prekybos centras
a theater teatras
a sidewalk šaligatvis
a village kaimas
a neighbor kaimynas
a zoo zoologijos sodas
a bank bankas
a library biblioteka
a cathedral katedra
a school mokykla
a church bažnyčia
a queue eilė
a fountain fontanas
a train station traukinių stotis
a bus station autobusų stotis
a bookstore knygynas
a mosque mečetė
a pharmacy vaistinė
a swimming pool baseinas
a bicycle path dviračių takas
a pedestrian street pėsčiųjų gatvė
a street gatvė
a main street pagrindinė gatvė
an alley alėja
an avenue aveniu
a highway greitkelis
a gas station degalinė
a statue statula
a synagogue sinagoga
a university universitetas
a factory gamykla
a garbage can šiukšliadėžė
a prison kalėjimas

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Basic Lithuanian Vocabulary: Family and friends

Lithuanian Vocabulary: Family and friends

– Useful words you should know –


Want to learn the Lithuanian language? Here’s a complete list of the most basic, common and useful words in Lithuanian with their translation in English, on the topic of family and friends. Ideal to help you boost your Lithuanian vocabulary!

Do you spot any errors or want to add a word to the list? Don’t hesitate to leave a comment to improve the site!

the great-grandfather prosenelis
the great grandmother didžioji močiutė
the grandfather senelis
the grandmother močiutė
the grandson anūkas
the granddaughter anūkė
the grandchildren anūkai
the father tėvas
the mother motina
the parents tėvai
the child vaikas
the children vaikai
the son sūnus
the daughter dukra
a baby kūdikis
a teenager paauglys
the adults suaugusieji
the brother brolis
the sister sesuo
half-brother įbrolis
half-sister įseserė
a twin dvynys
the uncle dėdė
the aunt teta
the cousin pusbrolis
the nephew sūnėnas
the niece dukterėčia
a friend draugas
the boyfriend vaikinas
the girlfriend draugė
the fiancé sužadėtinis
the groom jaunikis
the husband vyras
the wife žmona
the parents-in-law uošviai
father-in-law uošvis
the mother-in-law uošvė
the brother-in-law svainis
the sister-in-law svainė
the son-in-law žentas
the daughter-in-law uošvė
a family member šeimos narys
adopted priimtas
only son vienintelis sūnus

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The Most Common Adjectives in Lithuanian

100 Most common Lithuanian adjectives list

– Basic & Useful adjectives list –


Want to learn the Lithuanian language? Here’s a complete list of the most basic, common and useful adjectives in Lithuanian with their translation in English. Ideal to help you boost your Lithuanian vocabulary!

Do you spot any errors or want to add an adjective to the list? Don’t hesitate to leave a comment to improve the site!

a lot daug
accurate tikslūs
bad blogai
beautiful graži
big didelis
boring nuobodu
brave drąsus
broken sulaužytas
clumsy gremėzdiškas
cold šalta
colorful spalvinga
comfortable patogus
complicated sudėtingas
crazy pamišusi
curious smalsu
cute mielas
dangerous pavojingas
dark tamsus
dead miręs
deep giliai
delicious skanus
different skirtinga
dirty purvinas
disgusting šlykštus
dry sausas
easy lengva
edible valgomas
effective efektyvus
elegant elegantiškas
empty tuščia
excellent puikiai
excited susijaudinęs
exciting jaudinantis
famous garsus
far toli
fast greitas
first pirmas
forbidden draudžiama
friendly draugiškas
full pilnas
fun linksma
funny juokinga
good gerai
great puiku
heavy sunkus
high aukštas
honest nuoširdus
huge didelis
immediate nedelsiant
important svarbu
impossible neįmanomas
incredible neįtikėtinas
innocent nekaltas
intelligent protingas
interesting įdomus
international tarptautinis
jealous pavydus
lazy tinginys
legal legalus
long ilgai
many daug
mysterious mįslingas
narrow siauras
necessary būtina
new naujas
nice malonu
noisy triukšminga
official pareigūnas
old senas
open atviras
ordinary įprastas
passionate aistringas
patient kantrus
perfect puikus
polluted užterštos
poor vargšas
popular populiarus
possible galima
powerful galingas
precious brangus
quiet tylus
rare retas
rich turtingas
romantic romantiškas
rotten supuvęs
sad liūdnas
scary baugus
set rinkinys
short trumpas
shy drovus
sick serga
silent tyli
similar panašus
simple paprastas
slow lėtas
small mažas
solid kietas
special ypatingas
strange keista
strong stiprus
stubborn užsispyręs
sympathetic užjaučiantis
tedious nuobodus
thick storas
thin plonas
tiny mažas
tired pavargęs
traditional tradicinis
unique unikalus
warm šiltas
weak silpnas
weird keista
wet šlapias
worst blogiausias
young jaunas

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most used Lithuanian adjectives
list of useful Lithuanian adjectives
list of most important Lithuanian adjectives
common Lithuanian adjectives
most common adjectives in Lithuanian
most used adjectives in Lithuanian
basic adjectives in Lithuanian
most important adjectives in Lithuanian
important adjectives in Lithuanian
Lithuanian important adjectives
Lithuanian most important adjectives
100 most common adjectives in Lithuanian
100 most used Lithuanian adjectives
Commonly Used Lithuanian adjectives
Most Widely Used Lithuanian adjectives
Must-Know Lithuanian adjectives for Beginners


The Most Common and Useful Lithuanian Adverbs

100 Most common Lithuanian adverbs list

– Basic & Useful adverbs list –


Want to learn the Lithuanian language? Here’s a complete list of the most basic, common and useful adverbs in Lithuanian with their translation in English. Ideal to help you boost your Lithuanian vocabulary!

Do you spot any errors or want to add an adverb to the list? Don’t hesitate to leave a comment to improve the site!

about apie
absolutely absoliučiai
accidentally netyčia
actively aktyviai
after po to
almost beveik
also taip pat
always visada
anytime bet kada
anywhere bet kur
apparently matyt
approximately maždaug
around aplinkui
automatically automatiškai
barely vos
blindness aklumas
briefly trumpai
calmly ramiai
carefully atsargiai
cautiously atsargiai
certainly tikrai
clearly aiškiai
comfortably patogiai
commonly dažniausiai
completely visiškai
constantly nuolat
correctly teisingai
courageously drąsiai
curiously smalsiai
currently šiuo metu
deliberately tyčia
delicately subtiliai
desperately beviltiškai
easily lengvai
elsewhere kitur
enormously nepaprastai
enough pakankamai
everywhere visur
exactly tiksliai
exceptionally išskirtinai
extremely nepaprastai
finally pagaliau
formerly anksčiau
fortunately laimei
frankly atvirai kalbant
freely laisvai
hard sunku
here čia
honestly sąžiningai
immediately nedelsiant
inside viduje
lately pastaruoju metu
long ilgai
loudly garsiai
more daugiau
mysteriously paslaptingai
naturally natūraliai
needlessly be reikalo
never niekada
normally normaliai
now dabar
nowhere niekur
obviously aišku
often dažnai
only tik
otherwise kitaip
outside lauke
patiently kantriai
perfectly tobulai
perhaps galbūt
personally asmeniškai
probably tikriausiai
quickly greitai
quietly tyliai
randomly atsitiktinai
rarely retai
really tikrai
repeatedly pakartotinai
right away tuoj pat
separately atskirai
seriously rimtai
significantly gerokai
silently tyliai
simply tiesiog
slightly lengvai
slowly lėtai
sometimes kartais
somewhere kažkur
soon greitai
standing stovint
still vis dar
strangely keistai
strictly griežtai
strongly stipriai
stupidly kvailai
suddenly staiga
surprisingly stebėtinai
then tada
there ten
together kartu
unfortunately deja
upside down aukštyn kojomis
usually paprastai
very labai
well gerai
wrongly neteisingai

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most used Lithuanian adverbs
list of useful Lithuanian adverbs
list of most important Lithuanian adverbs
common Lithuanian adverbs
most common adverbs in Lithuanian
most used adverbs in Lithuanian
basic adverbs in Lithuanian
most important adverbs in Lithuanian
important adverbs in Lithuanian
Lithuanian important adverbs
Lithuanian most important adverbs
100 most common adverbs in Lithuanian
100 most used Lithuanian adverbs
Commonly Used Lithuanian adverbs
Most Widely Used Lithuanian adverbs
Must-Know Lithuanian adverbs for Beginners


The 100 Most Common Lithuanian Verbs

100 Most common Lithuanian verbs list

– Basic & Useful verbs list –


Want to learn the Lithuanian language? Here’s a complete list of the most basic, common and useful verbs in Lithuanian with their translation in English. Ideal to help you boost your Lithuanian vocabulary!

Do you spot any errors or want to add a verb to the list? Don’t hesitate to leave a comment to improve the site!

to accept sutikti
to add pridėti
to allow leisti
to answer atsakyti
to arrive atvykti
to ask paklausti
to be būti
to become tapti
to believe tikėti
to break sulaužyti
to bring atnešti
to buy pirkti
to call paskambinti
to change pasikeisti
to choose rinktis
to clean valyti
to close uždaryti
to come ateiti
to come back grįžti
to continue tęsti
to cook virti
to count skaičiuoti
to cry verkti
to cut kirpti
to decide nuspręsti
to do daryti
to drive vairuoti
to eat valgyti
to enter įeiti
to exist egzistuoti
to explain paaiškinti
to fall kristi
to fall asleep užmigti
to find rasti
to finish pabaigti
to fly skristi
to follow sekti
to forget pamiršti
to get off išlipti
to get out išeiti
to give duoti
to go eiti
to have turėti
to hear girdėti
to help padėti
to hold laikyti
to keep pasilikti
to know žinoti
to laugh juoktis
to learn išmokti
to leave palikti
to listen klausytis
to live gyventi
to look like atrodyti kaip
to look žiūrėti
to lose prarasti
to love mylėti
to make gaminti
to meet susitikti
to need reikėti
to open atidaryti
to pay mokėti
to play žaisti
to prepare pasiruošti
to prevent apsaugoti
to put padėti
to read skaityti
to recall prisiminti
to receive gauti
to recognize atpažinti
to refuse atsisakyti
to remember prisiminti
to repeat pakartoti
to rest ilsėtis
to return grįžti
to run bėgti
to say sakyti
to search ieškoti
to see matyti
to sell parduoti
to send išsiūsti
to shoot šaudyti
to show parodyti
to sing dainuoti
to sit down atsisėsti
to sleep miegoti
to start pradėti
to stay pasilikti
to stop sustoti
to succeed kad pavyktų
to switch off išjungti
to take paimti
to talk kalbėti
to taste paragauti
to think galvoti
to throw mesti
to touch paliesti
to try bandyti
to turn pasukti
to turn on įjungti
to understand suprasti
to use naudoti
to wait palaukti
to wake up atsibusti
to walk vaikščioti
to want norėti
to wash up nusiprausti
to wear devėti
to win laimėti
to work dirbti
to write rašyti

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