
The 100 Most Common Lithuanian Verbs

100 Most common Lithuanian verbs list

– Basic & Useful verbs list –


Want to learn the Lithuanian language? Here’s a complete list of the most basic, common and useful verbs in Lithuanian with their translation in English. Ideal to help you boost your Lithuanian vocabulary!

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to accept sutikti
to add pridėti
to allow leisti
to answer atsakyti
to arrive atvykti
to ask paklausti
to be būti
to become tapti
to believe tikėti
to break sulaužyti
to bring atnešti
to buy pirkti
to call paskambinti
to change pasikeisti
to choose rinktis
to clean valyti
to close uždaryti
to come ateiti
to come back grįžti
to continue tęsti
to cook virti
to count skaičiuoti
to cry verkti
to cut kirpti
to decide nuspręsti
to do daryti
to drive vairuoti
to eat valgyti
to enter įeiti
to exist egzistuoti
to explain paaiškinti
to fall kristi
to fall asleep užmigti
to find rasti
to finish pabaigti
to fly skristi
to follow sekti
to forget pamiršti
to get off išlipti
to get out išeiti
to give duoti
to go eiti
to have turėti
to hear girdėti
to help padėti
to hold laikyti
to keep pasilikti
to know žinoti
to laugh juoktis
to learn išmokti
to leave palikti
to listen klausytis
to live gyventi
to look like atrodyti kaip
to look žiūrėti
to lose prarasti
to love mylėti
to make gaminti
to meet susitikti
to need reikėti
to open atidaryti
to pay mokėti
to play žaisti
to prepare pasiruošti
to prevent apsaugoti
to put padėti
to read skaityti
to recall prisiminti
to receive gauti
to recognize atpažinti
to refuse atsisakyti
to remember prisiminti
to repeat pakartoti
to rest ilsėtis
to return grįžti
to run bėgti
to say sakyti
to search ieškoti
to see matyti
to sell parduoti
to send išsiūsti
to shoot šaudyti
to show parodyti
to sing dainuoti
to sit down atsisėsti
to sleep miegoti
to start pradėti
to stay pasilikti
to stop sustoti
to succeed kad pavyktų
to switch off išjungti
to take paimti
to talk kalbėti
to taste paragauti
to think galvoti
to throw mesti
to touch paliesti
to try bandyti
to turn pasukti
to turn on įjungti
to understand suprasti
to use naudoti
to wait palaukti
to wake up atsibusti
to walk vaikščioti
to want norėti
to wash up nusiprausti
to wear devėti
to win laimėti
to work dirbti
to write rašyti

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