italian vocabulary

Italian verbs list : Kitchen & Cooking

Italian vocabulary words for beginners : Useful Kitchen verbs / cooking verbs

🇮🇹 Complete Italian vocabulary list 🇮🇹

Here’s a complete Italian verbs list about cooking. Increase your Italian vocabulary fast and efficiently with this useful verbs list!




to add aggiungere
to add salt, pepper, spices (to season) condire (sale, pepe, spezie)
to aromatize, to flavor aromatizzare
to bake cuocere in forno, gratinare
to barbecue cuocere al fuoco di legno
to beat, to whisk (eggs) battere, frustare (le uova)
to blanch far sbiancare le verdure
to boil bollire/ far bollire
to boil eggs fare le uova alla coque
to boil, to scald bollente
to braise brasare
to bread, to coat with breadcrumbs paner
to bring to a simmer fare fremere
to brown onions far scurire le cipolle
to brown/ to fry lightly far rosolare/ rosolare/ dorare/ saltare/ stufare
to brush spennellare
to butter imburrare
to carve (meat) Tagliare la carne di manzo
to chisel ciseler
to chop, to mince tritare (carne), sminuzzare
to clean up pulire
to coat rivestire, rivestire con acqua
to collect prelevare
to colour colorare
to complete completare
to continue to proseguire
to cook cucinare, cucinare, cucinare, cucinare
to cool down raffreddare
to correct rettificare
to count contare
to cover coprire, coprire la parte
to crumble sbriciolare
to crush frantumare, schiacciare, frantumare
to cut tagliare
to cut into thin slices, to slice thinly, to chop tagliare
to debit addebitare
to debone disossare
to decorate decorare
to deglaze spostarsi
to desalinate dessaler
to detail specificare
to dice, to cube tagliare in cubetti
to dilute diluire, diluire, smaltire, diluire
to dip, to soak ammollo
to discard mettere da parte
to disgorge sgusciare
to dispose disporre
to dissolve sciogliere
to distribute, to divide ripartire
to do the dishes, to do the washing-up lavare i piatti da casa
to drain scolare
to drain pasta scolare la pasta con acqua
to drizzle with oil innaffiare con olio
to dry asciugare
to dry out essiccatore
to dry up pulire le stoviglie
to empty svuotare
to emulsify emulsionare
to expand estendere
to fill in completare
to filter filtrare
to flambé far bruciare
to flatten appiattire
to flavour with sauce abbellire con una salsa
to flip tornare
to flour fariner
to frost gelare
to fry soffriggere in olio, friggere, stufare
to garnish guarnire
to gather riunire
to get out uscire
to get rid of sbarazzarsi
to grab cogliere
to grate, to shred grattâper
to grease a baking tin with butter imburrare uno stampo
to grill tostatura, tostatura della griglia
to grill fish friggere il pesce fresco
to grind macinare, macinare, rompere, schiacciare
to gut (a fish, a chicken) svuotare (un pesce, un pollo)
to halve tagliare in due
to hand over rimettere
to heat riscaldare
to incorporate incorporare
to infuse infuser
to keep warm tenere al caldo
to knead masticare
to knead accumulare
to lay the table mettere il riparo
to loosen rilassarsi
to lower the temperature diminuire il fuoco
to macerate macerare
to mash schiacciare, ridurre in purea
to melt sciogliere/ sciogliere il liquido
to mix mescolare
to mix/ to stir mescolare
to mop up, to wipe (off) asciugare un liquido per
to oil oliare
to open aprire
to pass passare
to paste attaccare
to peel sbucciare/ sbucciare la buccia
to pepper pepe
to perfume profumare
to pinch pizzicare
to pit snocciolare
to place collocare
to place in the oven infornare
to plunge immergersi
to poach eggs far bollire le uova
to poach fish carne di pesce in camicia
to pose porre
to pour versare
to powder polvere
to preheat the oven preriscaldare il forno
to prepare preparare
to prepare the meal preparare il pasto
to prepare, to make confezionare
to present presentare
to press spremere
to protect proteggere
to prune potare
to put mettere
to raise affrontare
to reduce ridurre
to refresh rinfrescare
to reheat, to warm up riscaldare
to remove rimuovere
to remove rimuovere
to remove stems decidere
to reserve prenotare
to rest riposare
to restart ricominciare
to restore ripristinare
to return tornare
to rinse sciacquare
to roast far arrostire
to roast arrostire/ tostare il forno
to roast meat fare ruttare la carne
to roll rotolare
to rub strofinare
to salt saler
to scale squarciare
to scoop out evitare
to scrape racler
to sear afferrare a fuoco vivo
to season condire
to seed scrivere
to separate separare
to serve servire
to set a plate fare
to shake smuovere
to shape modellare
to share condividere
to shell sgusciare
to shred snellire
to sieve setacciare
to simmer bollire, cuocere a fuoco lento/ fremere
to skim schiumare
to slice tagliare (a fette)/ tagliare/ affettare
to smooth lisciare
to soften allentare
to sort ordinare
to spill (a dish) rovesciare (un piatto)
to spin strizzare
to split spaccare
to sponge spugna
to spread distribuire
to sprinkle cospargere, cospargere, cospargere
to steam stufare
to stew fare mijoter
to sting pungere
to stir mescolare, mescolare, mescolare
to stir-fry vegetables far saltare le verdure al pelo
to store immagazzinare
to strain scolare
to stuff farcire, farcire, farcire
to take prendere
to taste assaggio
to thicken addensare
to thin a sauce distendere un po’ di salsa
to thin out the leaves stripller
to throw, to discard buttare
to tidy ranger
to tie nodo
to tie up legare
to tighten stringere
to tilt ripiegare
to toast far tostare il pane
to trim sbarbo
to turn girare
to turn down the heat abbassare il fuoco
to turn up the heat accendere il fuoco
to unmould ottenere
to unravel sfiilocher
to unshell Sganciare
to upholster rivestire
to warm tiedire
to wash lavare
to water annaffiare
to weigh pesare
to whip frustare
to whip (up) the eggwhites sbattere gli albumi con la neve
to wipe (to clean with a sponge) pulire, asciugare, asciugare, pulire
to wrap up avvolgere
