Portuguese Vocabulary List : Family members in Portuguese
– Essential Words for Beginners –
Here’s a complete Portuguese vocabulary list about the Family members. Increase your Portuguese vocabulary fast and efficiently with this useful Portuguese words list!
the great-grandfather | o bisavô |
great grandmother | a bisavó |
grandfather / grandpa | o avô/ o avô |
grandmother / grandma | avó/avó |
the Grand son | o neto |
the girl | a neta |
grandchildren | os netos |
father / dad | pai/ pai |
mother / mother | mãe/ mãe |
the parents | os pais |
the child | a criança |
children | as crianças |
the son | o filho |
the girl | a rapariga |
the baby | o bebé |
the teenager | o adolescente |
the adults | os adultos |
brother | o irmão |
sister | a irmã |
the half-brother | o meio-irmão |
the half-sister | a meia-irmã |
the twin | o gémeo |
the uncle | o tio |
the aunt | a tia |
the cousin | o primo |
cousin | a prima |
the nephew | o sobrinho |
the niece | a sobrinha |
the friend | o namorado |
girlfriend | a namorada |
the fiancé / fiancée | o noivo/noiva |
the groom | o noivo |
husband / husband | o marido/ marido |
the wife | a mulher/ esposa |
the in-laws | os sogros |
step-father | o padrasto |
the mother-in-law | a madrasta |
the brother-in-law | o cunhado |
step sister | a cunhada |
son-in-law / stepson | o genro/ enteado |
the beautiful girl | a rapariga bonita |
the Godfather | o padrinho |
the godmother | a madrinha |
the godchild | o afilhado |
the goddaughter | a afilhada |
the family member | o membro da família |
brother and sister | irmão e irmã |
adopted | ad optado |
only child | filho único |