italian vocabulary

Most common Italian verbs list pdf

Most common Italian verbs

– Essential Words for Beginners –

Want to learn the Italian language? Here’s a complete list of the most common and useful verbs in Italian with their translation in English. Ideal to help you boost your Italian vocabulary!




accept accettare
add aggiungere
allow consentire
answer rispondere
arrive accadere, arrivare
ask chiedere
be essere
become diventare
believe credere
break rompere
bring portare
buy acquistare
call chiamare
change cambiare
choose scegliere
close chiudere
come venire
come back tornare, ritornare
continue continuare
cooking cucinare
count contare
cry piangere
cut tagliare
decide decidere
do fare
drive guidare
duty dovere
eat mangiare
enter immettere
exist esistere
explain spiegare
fall cadere
fall asleep addormentarsi
find trovare
find trovare
finish, finish finire
fly volare
follow seguire
forget dimenticare
get off scendere
get out uscire
give dare
go andare
go home (at home) andare a casa (a casa)
have avere
hear sentire
help aiutare
hold tenere
keep mantenere
know sapere
know sapere
laugh ridere
learn imparare
leave lasciare
leave lasciare
listen ascoltare
live vivere
look like guardare
look, see guardare, vedere
lose perdere
love amare
make fare
meet incontrare
need avere bisogno, servire
open aprire
pay pagare
play giocare
pose chiedere
power potere
prepare preparare
prevent impedire, prevenire
put mettere
read leggere
recall ricordare
receive ricevere
recognize riconoscere
refuse rifiutare
repeat ripetere
rest riposare
return tornare, ritornare
run correre
say dire
search cercare
see vedere
sell vendere
send mandare
shoot sparare
show mostrare
sing cantare
sit down sedersi
sleep dormire
start iniziare
stay restare
steal rubare
stop fermare
succeed riuscire
switch off spegnere
take prendere
talk parlare
taste gustare, godersi
think pensare
throw gettare
to remember, to remember ricordate
touch toccare
try provare
turn girare
turn on accendere
understand capire, comprendere
use utilizzare
wait aspettare
wake up svegliarsi
walk camminare
want volere
wash up lavare
wash, clean lavare, pulire
wear indossare
win vincere
work lavorare
write scrivere


german vocabulary

100 Most common German verbs list PDF

100 Most common German verbs list

🇩🇪 Complete German vocabulary list 🇩🇪

Want to learn the German language? Here’s a complete list of the most common and useful verbs in German with their translation in English. Ideal to help you boost your German vocabulary!




accept akzeptieren
add hinzufügen
allow ermöglichen
answer antworten
arrive ankommen
ask (something to somebody) jn um etw bitten
be sein
become werden
believe glauben
break brechen
bring mitbringen
buy kaufen
call nennen
can (to have the possibility to…) können
change ändern
choose aussuchen
close zusperren
come kommen
come back zurück, zurückkommen
continue fortsetzen
cook kochen
count sich verlassen
cry weinen
cut abschalten
decide entscheiden
do machen
drive führen
to have to, must müssen
eat essen
enter eintreten
exist existieren
explain erklären
fall herabfallen
fall asleep einschlafen
find wiederfinden
find finden
finish beenden
fly fliegen
follow folgen
forget vergessen
get off absteigen
get out herauskommen
give geben
go gehen
go home nach Hause gehen
have haben
hear hören
help helfen
hold halten
keep hüten
know kennen
know wissen
laugh lachen
learn lernen
leave zurücklassen
leave weggehen
listen zuhören
live leben
look like (someone physically) jm/etw ähnlich sehen OR ähneln
look, see schauen, sehen
lose verlieren
love mögen
make zurückgeben
meet treffen
need brauchen
open öffnen
pay bezahlen
play spielen
pose aufsetzen
prepare vorbereiten
forbid (jm) etw verbieten
put legen
read lesen
recall zurückrufen
receive empfangen
recognize erkennen
refuse ablehnen
repeat wiederholen
rest ruhen
return umdrehen
run rennen
say sagen
search suchen
see sich ansehen
sell verkaufen
send schicken
shoot ziehen
show zeigen
sing singen
sit down sitzen
sleep schlafen
start anfangen
stay bleiben
steal stehlen
stop stoppen
succeed gelingen
switch off ausschalten
take nehmen
talk sprechen
taste kosten
think denken
throw werfen
remember (someone, something) sich an jn/etw erinnern, sich js/einer Sache entsinnen
touch berühren
try ausprobieren
turn drehen
turn on zünden
understand verstehen
use verwenden
wait erwarten
wake up aufwachen
walk marschieren
want wollen
wash up oneself sich waschen
wash, clean (something) waschen, reinigen
wear tragen
win gewinnen
work arbeiten
write schreiben


italian vocabulary

List of adverbs in Italian PDF

Common Italian adverbs list

– Essential Words for Beginners –

Want to learn the Italian language?  Here’s a complete list of the most common and useful adverbs in Italian with their translation in English. Ideal to help you boost your Italian vocabulary!




a lot molto
abnormally anormalmente
about circa
absolutely assolutamente
accidentally accidentalmente
after, afterwards dopo
again ancora
almost, nearly quasi
always sempre
anytime in qualsiasi momento
anywhere ovunque
apparently, seemingly a quanto pare
approximately approssimativamente
automatically automaticamente
blindly cecità
briefly brevemente
busily attivamente
calmly con calma
carefully con prudenza
certainly sicuramente
clearly chiaramente
closely attentamente
comfortably comodamente
completely completamente
constantly costantemente, senza sosta
correctly, properly correttamente
courageously, bravely coraggiosamente
curiously stranamente
currently attualmente
daintily delicatamente
deliberately deliberatamente
differently, otherwise altrimenti
easily facilmente
elsewhere altrove
enough abbastanza
eventually finalmente
everywhere, all over ovunque
exactly esattamente
exceptionally eccezionalmente
extremely estremamente
firstly in primo luogo
fluently corrente
foolishly stupidamente
for a long time lungo
fortunately per fortuna
frankly francamente
freely liberamente
from now on ormai
greatly notevolmente
heavily, strongly fortemente
hopelessly, desperately disperatamente
immediately subito
in the old days, in the past un tempo
lightly; slightly leggermente
loudly, noisily rumorosamente
more and more in misura sempre maggiore
mysteriously misteriosamente
naturally naturalmente
neatly propriamente
never mai
next, then poi
normally normalmente
now ora
nowhere da nessuna parte
obviously ovviamente
oddly stranamente
often spesso
on purpose intenzionalmente
only solo
patiently pazientemente
perfectly perfettamente
perhaps forse
probably probabilmente
quietly tranquillamente
randomly al caso
rapidly, swiftly, quickly rapidamente
rarely, seldom raramente
really, truly davvero
recently, lately ultimamente
repeatedly più volte
scarcely appena
separately separatamente
seriously seriamente
silently silenziosamente
simply semplicemente
slowly lentamente
softly, gently, quietly piano
sometimes A volte, di tanto in tanto, di tanto in tanto,
somewhere da qualche parte
soon presto
standing in piedi
straight away, immediately, instantly immediatamente
strictly strettamente
suddenly all’improvviso, improvvisamente, di colpo
surprisingly sorprendentemente
together insieme
too ; also ; as well anche
truthfully, honestly onestamente
unfortunately, sadly purtroppo
unnecessarily inutilmente
upside-down al contrario, a testa in giù
usually di solito
very molto
very much, enormously enormemente, moltissimo
well bene
with difficulty difficilmente
wrongly a torto


portuguese vocabulary

List of adverbs in Portuguese PDF

Common Portuguese adverbs list


Want to learn the Portuguese language?  Here’s a complete list of the most common and useful adverbs in Portuguese with their translation in English. Ideal to help you boost your Portuguese vocabulary!




abnormally anormalmente
about aproximadamente
absolutely absolutamente
accidentally acidentalmente
actively activamente
after depois
almost quase
also tão
always sempre
anytime a qualquer hora
anywhere em qualquer lugar
apparently aparentemente
approximately aproximadamente
automatically automaticamente
barely mal
blindness cegueira
briefly brevemente
calmly calmamente
carefully cuidadosamente
cautiously cautelosamente
certainly certamente
clearly claramente
comfortably confortavelmente
commonly comumente
completely completamente
constantly, endlessly constantemente, sem cessar
correctly corretamente
courageously corajosamente
curiously curiosamente
currently actualmente
deliberately deliberadamente
deliberately de propósito
delicately delicadamente
desperately desesperadamente
easily facilmente
elsewhere noutro lugar
enormously enormemente
enough suficiente
everywhere por todo o lado
exactly exactamente
exceptionally excepcionalmente
extremely extremamente
finally finalmente
first of all em primeiro lugar
formerly outrora
fortunately felizmente
frankly francamente
freely livremente
hard dificilmente
honestly honestamente
immediately imediatamente
lately ultimamente
long há muito tempo
loudly ruidosamente
more and more cada vez mais
much muito
mysteriously misteriosamente
naturally naturalmente
needlessly desnecessariamente
never nunca
normally normalmente
now doravante
now agora
nowhere em lado nenhum
obviously obviamente
often muitas vezes
only somente
otherwise de outra forma
patiently pacientemente
perfectly perfeitamente
perhaps talvez
probably provavelmente
quickly rapidamente
quietly calmamente
randomly ao acaso
rarely raramente
really realmente
repeatedly várias vezes
right away imediatamente
separately separadamente
seriously seriamente
significantly consideravelmente
silently silenciosamente
simply simplesmente
slightly ligeiramente
slowly devagar
slowly lentamente
sometimes, from time to time Às vezes, de vez em quando
somewhere algures
soon em breve
standing de pé
still ainda
strangely estranhamente
strictly estritamente
strongly fortemente
stupidly estupidamente
suddenly, abruptly subitamente, de repente
surprisingly surpreendentemente
then depois
together conjunto
unfortunately infelizmente
upside down ao contrário
usually normalmente
very muito
well bem
wrongly erradamente


spanish vocabulary

List of adverbs in Spanish PDF

Common Spanish adverbs list

– Complete vocabulary list –

Want to learn the Spanish language?  Here’s a complete list of the most common and useful adverbs in Spanish with their translation in English. Ideal to help you boost your Spanish vocabulary!




about aproximadamente, acerca de
absolutely absolutamente
accidentally accidentalmente
actively activamente
after después
almost casi
also también, además
always siempre
anytime en cualquier momento
anywhere en cualquier lugar
apparently aparentemente
approximately aproximadamente
around alrededor
automatically automáticamente
barely apenas
blindness ceguera
briefly brevemente
calmly tranquilamente, con calma
carefully cuidadosamente, de cerca
cautiously prudentemente, con cuidado
certainly ciertamente
clearly claramente
comfortably cómodamente
commonly comúnmente
completely completamente
constantly, endlessly constantemente, sin cesar
correctly correctamente
courageously valientemente
curiously curiosamente
currently actualmente
deliberately deliberadamente
delicately delicadamente
desperately desesperadamente
easily fácilmente
elsewhere otros
enormously enormemente
enough suficiente
everywhere en todas partes
exactly exactamente
exceptionally excepcionalmente
extremely extremadamente
finally finalmente
first of all en primer lugar, primero, primeramente
formerly antiguamente
fortunately afortunadamente
frankly francamente
freely libremente
hard difícilmente, con dificultad
here aquí
honestly honestamente
immediately inmediatamente
inside dentro
lately últimamente
long largo
loudly ruidosamente
more and more cada vez más
much mucho
mysteriously misteriosamente
naturally naturalmente
needlessly innecesariamente
never jamás, nunca
normally normalmente
now ahora, ya
nowhere en ninguna parte
obviously obviamente
often frecuentemente, a menudo
only sólo, solamente
otherwise de otra manera
outside fuera de
patiently pacientemente
perfectly perfectamente
perhaps quizás, tal vez
personally personalmente
probably probablemente
quickly rápidamente
quietly tranquilamente
randomly al azar, aleatorio
rarely raramente
really realmente, en serio
repeatedly en varias ocasiones
right away inmediatamente, ahora mismo
separately por separado
seriously seriamente
significantly considerablemente, grandemente
silently silenciosamente, en silencio
simply simplemente
slightly ligeramente
slowly suavemente, lentamente
sometimes, from time to time a veces, de vez en cuando
somewhere en algún lugar, algún lado
soon pronto
standing parado
still todavía, otra vez
strangely extrañamente
strictly estrictamente
strongly fuertemente
stupidly estúpidamente, tontamente
suddenly, abruptly de repente, de repente
surprisingly sorprendentemente
then entonces, luego, después
there allí
together juntos
unfortunately lamentablemente
upside down al revés
usually habitualmente
very muy
well bien
wrongly erróneamente


german vocabulary

List of adverbs in German PDF

List of adverbs in German PDF

🇩🇪 Complete German vocabulary list 🇩🇪

Want to learn the German language?  Here’s a complete list of the most common and useful adverbs in German with their translation in English. Ideal to help you boost your German vocabulary!




absolutely absolut
abnormally ungewöhnlich
about etwa
accidentally versehentlich
actively aktiv
after nach
almost fast
also ebenso
always immer
anytime jederzeit
anywhere irgendwo
apparently anscheinend
approximately annähernd
automatically automatisch
blindness Blindheit
briefly kurz
calmly ruhig
carefully aufmerksam
cautiously vorsichtig
certainly sicher
clearly eindeutig
comfortably bequem
commonly fließend
completely völlig
constantly ständig
correctly richtig
courageously mutig
curiously merkwürdigerweise
currently derzeit
deliberately absichtlich
deliberately extra
delicately behutsam
desperately verzweifelt
easily leicht
elsewhere woanders
enormously sehr
enough ziemlich
everywhere überall
exactly genau
exceptionally ausnahmsweise
extremely sehr
finally schließlich
first of all erstens
formerly früher
fortunately glücklicherweise
frankly offen
freely frei
hard schwer
honestly ehrlich
immediately sofort
lately zuletzt
long lange
loudly laut
more and more immer mehr
much viel
mysteriously mysteriöserweise
naturally natürlich
needlessly unnötig
never nie
normally normalerweise
now von nun an
now jetzt
nowhere nirgendwo
obviously natürlich
often oft
only nur
otherwise sonst
patiently geduldig
perfectly perfekt
perhaps vielleicht
probably wahrscheinlich
quickly schnell
quietly ruhig
randomly zufällig
rarely selten
really wirklich
right away sofort
separately getrennt
seriously ernsthaft
significantly beträchtlich
silently leise, ruhig
simply einfach
slightly leicht
slowly sanft
slowly langsam
sometimes manchmal
somewhere irgendwo
soon bald
standing stehend
still noch
strangely seltsamerweise
strictly streng
strongly stark
stupidly dummerweise
suddenly plötzlich
surprisingly überraschenderweise
then dann
together zusammen
unfortunately leider
usually normalerweise
very sehr
well gut


italian vocabulary

Most common Italian adjectives PDF (N to Z)

Most common Italian adjectives PDF (N to Z)

– Essential Words for Beginners –

Want to learn the Italian language? Here’s a complete list of the most useful adjectives in Italian with their translation in English. Ideal to help you develop your vocabulary!




narrow stretto
natural naturale
near vicino
near vicino
necessary necessario
negligible trascurabile
nervous nervoso
new nuovo
next prossimo
nice gentille
noisy rumoroso
nostalgic nostalgico
null nullo
obvious evidente
occupied occupato
official ufficiale
old vecchio
open aperto
optimist ottimista
ordinary ordinario
original originale
overcrowded sovrappopolato
own proprio
painful doloroso
passable passabile
passionate appassionato
patient paziente
perfect perfetto
persevering perseverante
pessimistic pessimista
phenomenal fenomenale
player giocatore
pleasant bello, piacevole
pleasant piacevole
political politica
polluted inquinato
poor povero
popular popolare
positive positivo
possible possibile
powerful potente
practice pratica
precise preciso
pretentious, pretentious pretenzioso, presuntuoso
private privato
prodigious prodigioso
prohibited proibito
public pubblico
punctual puntuale
rare rara
ravi felice
real, true vero
realistic realistico
recent recente
recycled riciclato
regular regolare
relevant pertinente
reliable affidabile
religious religiosi
remarkable notevole
remote lontano
responsible responsabile
rich ricco
ripe, mature maturo
romantic romantico
rotten marcio
sad triste
salted salato
satisfactory soddisfacente
satisfied soddisfatto
secret segreto
selfish egoista
serious, serious seria, grave
short breve
shy timido
sick malato
silent silenzioso
similar simile
simple semplice
sincere sincera
slow lento
small piccolo
smiling sorridente
sociable socievole
solid solido
solitaire solitario
spacious spazioso
special speciale
specific specifico
spicy piccante
splendid splendida
sporty, sporty sportivo
square quadrato o quadrata
stationary immobile
sticky viscoso
strange strano
strong forte
stubborn testardo
stupid bestia
stupid stupido
suitable adatto
super super
superb eccellente
superficial superficiale
superstitious superstizioso
surprised sorpreso
sweet, soft dolce
talented talentuoso
tanned abbronzato
temporary temporaneo
terrible terribile
thick spesso
thin sottile
tiny minuscolo, piccolo
tired stanco
tiresome faticoso
together insieme
tolerable tollerabile
tolerant tollerante
top superiore
total totale
toxic tossici
traditional tradizionale
triangular triangolare
troubling sconcertante, preoccupante
trusting fiducioso
typical tipico
unbearable insopportabile
unfair ingiusto
unfortunate infelice
unique unico
unknown sconosciuto
unlimited illimitato
unpleasant sgradevole
unpredictable imprevedibile
untenable insostenibile
user-friendly user-friendly
valuable prezioso
various vario
vast ampio, vasto
viscous viscoso
vulgar volgare
vulnerable vulnerabile
warm, friendly caldo, amichevole
wary diffidente
weird strano
welcoming accogliente
wet bagnato
wild selvaggio
wonderful meraviglioso
worker lavoratore
worldwide globale, mondiale
worn usato
worried preoccupato
worse peggio
wounded ferito
young giovane


portuguese vocabulary

Most common Portuguese adjectives PDF

Most common Portuguese adjectives PDF (M to Z)

🇵🇹 Complete Portuguese vocabulary list 🇵🇹

Want to learn the Portuguese language? Here’s a complete list of the most useful and common adjectives in Portuguese with their translation in English. Ideal to help you develop your vocabulary!




many numerosos
medium, average médio
mellow fofo
modern moderno
motivated motivado
moving comovente
mute mudo
mysterious misterioso
narrow estreito
natural natural
near próximo
near perto
necessary necessário
negligible negligenciável
nervous nervoso
new novo
next próximo
nice gentil
noisy barulhento
nostalgic nostálgico
null nulo
obvious óbvio
occupied ocupado
official oficial
old velho
open aberto
optimist otimista
ordinary vulgar
original original
overcrowded superpovoado
own próprio
painful penoso
passable passável
passionate apaixonado
patient paciente
perfect perfeito
persevering perseverante
pessimistic pessimista
phenomenal fenomenal
player jogador
pleasant agradável
pleasant agradável
political político
polluted poluído
poor pobre
popular popular
positive positivo
possible possível
powerful poderoso
practice prático
precise preciso
pretentious, pretentious pretensiosa
private privado
prodigious prodigioso
prohibited interdito
public público
punctual pontual
rare raro
ravi encantado
real, true verdade
realistic realista
recent recente
recycled reciclado
regular regular
relevant relevante
reliable fiável
religious religioso
remarkable notável
remote afastado
responsible responsável
rich rico
ripe, mature maduro
romantic romântico
rotten podre
sad triste
salted salgado
satisfactory satisfatório
satisfied satisfaz
secret segredo
selfish egoísta
serious, serious sério, sério
short curto
shy tímido
sick doente
silent silencioso
similar semelhante
simple simples
sincere sincero
slow lento
small pequeno
smiling sorridente
sociable sociável
solid sólido
solitaire solitário
spacious espaçoso
special especial
specific específico
spicy picante
splendid esplêndido
sporty, sporty desportivo
square quadrado
stationary imóvel
sticky pegajoso
strange estranho
strong forte
stubborn teimoso
stupid besta
stupid estúpido
suitable conveniente
super super
superb soberba
superficial superficial
superstitious supersticioso
surprised surpreendido
sweet, soft suave
talented talentoso
tanned bronzeado
temporary temporário
terrible terrível
thick grosso
thin magro
tiny minúscula
tired cansado
tiresome cansativo
together conjunto
tolerable tolerável
tolerant tolerante
top topo
total total
toxic tóxico
traditional tradicional
triangular triangular
troubling perturbador
trusting confiante
typical típico
unbearable insuportável
unfair injusto
unfortunate infeliz
unique único
unknown desconhecido
unlimited ilimitado
unpleasant desagradável
unpredictable imprevisível
untenable insustentável
user-friendly amigável
valuable valioso
various diversos
vast vasto
viscous viscoso
vulgar vulgar
vulnerable vulnerável
warm, friendly caloroso, amigável
wary desconfiado
weird estranho
welcoming acolhedor
wet molhado
wild selvagem
wonderful maravilhoso
worker trabalhador
worldwide mundial
worn usado
worried inquieto
worse pior
wounded ferido
young jovem


spanish vocabulary

Most common Spanish adjectives PDF (N to Z)

Most common Spanish adjectives (N to z)

– Complete vocabulary list –

Want to learn the Spanish language? Here’s a complete list of the most useful adjectives in Spanish with their translation in English. Ideal to help you develop your vocabulary!




natural natural
necessary necesario
negligible insignificante
nervous nervioso
many numeroso, muchos
nostalgic nostálgico
new nuevo
null nulo
occupied ocupado
official oficial
optimist optimista
ordinary ordinario
original original
open abierto
lazy perezoso
perfect perfecto
passable pasable
exciting emocionante
passionate apasionado
patient paciente
poor pobre
painful penosa
persevering perseverante
relevant pertinente
pessimistic pesimista
small pequeño
little poco
fearful, fearful asustado, cobarde
phenomenal fenomenal
worse peor
pleasant placentero
full pleno
political política
polluted contaminado
punctual puntual
popular popular
positive positivo
possible posible
rotten podrido
practice práctica
valuable precioso
precise precisos
first primera
near cerca
pretentious, pretentious pretenciosa, pretenciosa
private privado
next próximo
near cercano
prodigious prodigioso
deep profunda
own propia
cautious prudente
public público
powerful poderoso
fast rápida
rare raro
ravi encantado
realistic realista
recent reciente
recycled reciclado
regular regular
religious religiosos
remarkable notable
filled lleno
responsible responsable
rich rico
romantic romántica
dirty sucio
salted salado
satisfactory satisfactorio
satisfied satisfecho
wild salvaje
dry seco
secret secreto
attractive seductor
serious, serious serio
silent silencioso
similar similar
simple simple
sincere sincero
sociable sociable
solid sólido
solitaire solitario
dark oscura
smiling sonriente
spacious espacioso
special especial
specific específica
splendid espléndido
sporty, sporty deportivo, deportiva
stupid estúpido
super súper
superb magnífico, hermoso
superficial superficial
superstitious supersticiosos
additional adicional
bearable soportable
overcrowded superpoblado
surprised sorprendido
friendly simpática
talented talentoso
temporary temporal
terrible terrible
stubborn terco, testarudo
shy tímida
tolerable tolerable
tolerant tolerante
total total
toxic tóxico
traditional tradicional
worker trabajador
triangular triangular
sad triste
troubling inquietante, preocupante
typical típico
unique única
worn gastado
boaster fanfarrón
vast vasto
empty vacío
old viejo
viscous viscosos
living viviendo
bulky voluminoso
vrai_ verdadero, cierto, real, correcto
vulgar vulgar
vulnerable vulnerable


german vocabulary

Most common German adjectives PDF (N to Z)

Most common German adjectives PDF (N to Z)

🇩🇪 Complete German vocabulary list 🇩🇪

Want to learn the German language? Here’s a complete list of the most useful adjectives in German with their translation in English. Ideal to help you develop your vocabulary!




narrow eng
natural natürlich
near nahe
near nahe
necessary notwendig
negligible vernachlässigbar
nervous nervös
new neu
next nächster
nice nett
noisy laut
nostalgic nostalgisch
null ungültig
obvious offensichtlich
occupied beschäftigt
official offiziell
old alt
open offen
optimist optimistisch
ordinary gewöhnlich
original originell
overcrowded übervölkert
own sauber
painful mühsam
passable passabel
passionate leidenschaftlich
patient geduldig
perfect perfekt
persevering ausdauernd
pessimistic pessimistisch
phenomenal phänomenal
player verspielt
pleasant angenehm
pleasant ansprechend
political politisch
polluted verschmutzt
poor arm
popular populär
positive positiv
possible möglich
powerful mächtig
practice praktisch
precise präzise
pretentious anmaßend, eingebildet
private privat
prodigious erstaunlich
prohibited verboten
public öffentlich
punctual punktuell
rare selten
ravi überglücklich
realistic realistisch
recent frisch
recycled recycelt
regular regulär
relevant relevant
reliable zuverlässig
religious religiös
remarkable bemerkenswert
responsible verantwortlich
rich reich
romantic romantisch
rotten verfault
sad traurig
salted salzig
satisfactory befriedigend
satisfied zufrieden
scary beängstigend
secret geheim
selfish egoistisch
serious, serious ernst
short kurz
shy schüchtern
sick krank
silent lautlos
similar gleichartig
simple einfach
sincere aufrichtig
slow langsam
small klein
smart intelligent
smiling lächelnd
sociable gesellig
soft sanft
solid fest
solitaire einsam
spacious geräumig
special besonders
specific spezifisch
spicy würzig
splendid großartig
sporty, sporty sportlich
square quadratisch
sticky klebrig
still unbeweglich
strange merkwürdig
strong stark
stubborn stur
stupid dämlich
stupid dumm
suitable geeignet
super super
superb großartig
superficial oberflächlich
superstitious abergläubisch
surprised erstaunt
surprised überrascht
suspicious misstrauisch
talented talentiert
temporary vorübergehend
terrible furchtbar
thick dick
thin dünn
tiny winzig
tired müde
tiring ermüdend
together zusammen
tolerable erträglich
tolerant tolerant
total total
toxic giftig
traditional traditionell
triangular dreieckig
troubling beunruhigend
TRUE echt
typical typisch
unable unfähig
unbearable unerträglich
unfair ungerecht
unhappy unglücklich
unique einmalig
unknown unbekannt
unlimited unbeschränkt
unpleasant unangenehm
unpredictable unvorhersehbar
untenable unhaltbar
valuable wertvoll
various verschiedenartig
vast weitläufig
viscous schleimig
vulgar vulgär
vulnerable verwundbar
warm warmherzig
weak schwach
weird seltsam
welcoming gastfreundlich
well gut
wet feucht, nass
wet nass
whole ganz
wide breit
wild wild
wonderful wunderbar
worn verbraucht
worried besorgt
worse schlechter
young jung
