
Learn Bulgarian Vocabulary: The city and public places

Bulgarian Vocabulary: The city and public places

– Useful words you should know –


Want to learn the Bulgarian language? Here’s a complete list of the most basic, common and useful words in Bulgarian with their translation in English, on the topic of the city and public places. Ideal to help you boost your Bulgarian vocabulary!

Do you spot any errors or want to add a word to the list? Don’t hesitate to leave a comment to improve the site!

a city grad
the suburbs predgradiyata
the capital stolitsata
the crowd tĹ­lpata
the police politsiyata
the pollution zamĹ­rsyavaneto
the firemen pozharnikarite
the toilets toaletnite
clean chista
dirty mrĹ­sen
safe bezopasno
quiet tikho
an apartment apartament
a bus stop avtobusna spirka
a bar bar
a post office poshta
a shopping center tĹ­rgovski tsentĹ­r
a city center tsentĹ­r na grada
a castle zamĹ­k
a cemetery grobishte
a cinema kino
a police station politseĭski uchastŭk
a dentist zĹ­bolekar
an atm bankomat
a traffic jam zadrĹ­stvane
a garage garazh
a skyscraper nebostĹ­rgach
a hospital bolnitsa
a hotel khotel
a building sgrada
an apartment apartament
a store magazin
a market pazar
a doctor lekar
a subway metro
a monument pametnik
a museum muzeĭ
a park park
a parking lot parking
a bridge most
a neighborhood kvartal
a restaurant restorant
a stadium stadion
a supermarket supermarket
a theater teatĹ­r
a sidewalk trotoar
a village selo
a neighbor sĹ­sed
a zoo zoopark
a bank banka
a library biblioteka
a cathedral katedrala
a school uchilishte
a church tsĹ­rkva
a queue opashka
a fountain fontan
a train station gara
a bus station avtogara
a bookstore knizharnitsa
a mosque dzhamiya
a pharmacy apteka
a swimming pool pluven baseĭn
a bicycle path velosipedna aleya
a pedestrian street peshekhodna ulitsa
a street ulitsa
a main street glavna ulitsa
an alley aleya
an avenue bulevard
a highway magistrala
a gas station benzinostantsiya
a statue statuya
a synagogue sinagoga
a university universitet
a factory fabrika
a garbage can kofa za bokluk
a prison zatvor

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Learn Bulgarian Vocabulary: The human body, head and face

Bulgarian Vocabulary: The human body, head and face

– Useful words you should know –


Want to learn the Bulgarian language? Here’s a complete list of the most basic, common and useful words in Bulgarian with their translation in English, on the topic of the human body, head and face. Ideal to help you boost your Bulgarian vocabulary!

Do you spot any errors or want to add a word to the list? Don’t hesitate to leave a comment to improve the site!

the head glavata
the face litseto
the mouth ustata
the throat gĹ­rloto
the cheek buzata
the tongue ezikĹ­t
the lips ustnite
the jaw chelyustta
the neck vratĹ­t
the forehead cheloto
the chin bradichkata
the nose nosĹ­t
the hair kosata
the eyes ochite
a tooth zĹ­b
the hair kosata
an ear ukho
a mustache mustak
a beard brada
the skin kozhata
the shoulder ramoto
the forearm predmishnitsata
the wrist kitkata
an arm rĹ­ka
the arms rĹ­tsete
the elbow lakĹ­tya
a hand rĹ­ka
a thumb palets
the fingers prĹ­stite
the belly korema
the chest gĹ­rdite
the back gĹ­rba
the breasts gĹ­rdite
the buttocks zadnite chasti
the foot stĹ­paloto
the heel petata
the knee kolyanoto
the leg krakĹ­t
the thigh bedroto
a toe prĹ­st na kraka
the stomach stomakhĹ­t
the brain mozĹ­kĹ­t
the lungs drobovete
the skeleton skeletĹ­t
a bone kost
the skull cherepa
a muscle muskul

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Useful Bulgarian Vocabulary – Contrary Words

Learn Bulgarian Vocabulary: Contrary words

– Useful words you should know –


Want to learn the Bulgarian language? Here’s a complete list of the most basic, common and useful words in Bulgarian with their translation in English, on the topic of contrary words. Ideal to help you boost your Bulgarian vocabulary!

Do you spot any errors or want to add a word to the list? Don’t hesitate to leave a comment to improve the site!

young mlad
old star
empty prazen
full pĹ­len
vertical vertikalen
horizontal khorizontalna
useful polezen
useless bezpolezen
a city grad
a village selo
a question vĹ­pros
an answer otgovor
sad tĹ­zhen
happy shtastliv
all vsichko
nothing nishto
a teacher uchitel
a student student
early rano
late kĹ­sen
open otvoren
closed zatvoren
first pĹ­rvi
last posledno
secure siguren
dangerous opasno
near blizo do
far dalech
sugar zakhar
salt sol
dry sukha
wet mokĹ­r
often chesto
rarely ryadko
always vinagi
never nikoga
same edin i sĹ­sht
different razlichno
dirty mrĹ­sen
clean chista
the evening vecherta
the morning sutrinta
small malĹ­k
large golyam
rich bogat
poor bedni
the ceiling tavana
the floor podĹ­t
animal zhivotno
human chovek
guilty vinoven
innocent nevinen
here tuk
there tam
hunger glad
the thirst zhazhdata
the sun slĹ­ntseto
the moon lunata
the sister sestrata
the brother bratĹ­t
slow baven
fast bĹ­rz
before predi
after sled
heavy tezhĹ­k
light svetlina
old star
new nov
easy lesno
difficult truden
start zapochnete
finish zavĹ­rshek
friend priyatel
enemy vrag
yesterday vchera
tomorrow utre
cold stud
hot goresht
right tochno
left nalyavo
a woman zhena
a man chovek
inside vĹ­tre
outside navĹ­n
strong silen
weak slab
soft meka
hard tvĹ­rd
a lot mnogo
a little malko
up nagore
down nadolu
exactly tochno
probably veroyatno
married zhenen
single edinichen
noisy shumen
quiet tikho
complicated slozhno
simple prosto
now sega
later po kĹ­sno
long dĹ­lgo
short kĹ­s
interesting interesno
boring skuchno e
normal normalno
strange stranno
outside navĹ­n
inside vĹ­tre
the entrance vkhodĹ­t
the exit izkhoda
white byalo
black cheren
expensive skĹ­po
cheap evtino
to walk da vĹ­rvish
to run da byagam
to attach da prikacha
to detach da se otdelya
to go up da se kacha nagore
to go down da slyaza nadolu
to increase uvelichavam
to decrease da namalyava
to stop da spra
to continue prodĹ­lzhavam
to take off da izlitam
to land da katsne
to put on da se oblicha
to remove da premakhna
to move forward da vĹ­rvim napred
to move back da se dvizhi nazad
to forget da zabravya
to remember da zapomnya
to show da pokazha
to hide da se skrie
to save da zapazya
to spend kharcha
to build da se izgradi
to destroy da unishtozhi
to arrive pristigam
to leave da napusna
to enter da vlezesh
to go out izlizam
to laugh da se smeya
to cry placha
to sell da prodavat
to buy da kupya
to break da se schupi
to repair da popravya
to lend da davam nazaem
to borrow da vzema na zaem
to earn da pechelyat
to lose da zagubish
to slow down da zabavya
to speed up da zabĹ­rzash
to search da tĹ­rsite
to find da namerya
to pull da drĹ­pne
to push butam
to take da vzema
to give da dadesh
to wake up da se sĹ­budya
to fall asleep zaspivam
to hold da zadĹ­rzha
to let go da pusne
to turn on za vklyuchvane
to turn off da izklyucha
to sell da prodavat
to buy da kupya
to send da izpratya
to receive poluchavam

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Learn Bulgarian Vocabulary: Travel and tourism

Bulgarian Vocabulary: Travel and tourism

– Useful words you should know –


Want to learn the Bulgarian language? Here’s a complete list of the most basic, common and useful words in Bulgarian with their translation in English, on the topic of travel and tourism. Ideal to help you boost your Bulgarian vocabulary!

Do you spot any errors or want to add a word to the list? Don’t hesitate to leave a comment to improve the site!

travel pĹ­tuvane
tourism turizĹ­m
a hotel khotel
on time na vreme
late kĹ­sen
the airport letishteto
landing katsane
take-off svalyam, otlitam
the air conditioning klimatika
the distance razstoyanieto
the customs obichaite
the border granitsata
the train station garata
the bus station avtogarata
a ticket bilet
the reception retseptsiyata
the reservation rezervatsiyata
the road pĹ­tyat
a highway magistrala
the plane samoletĹ­t
by plane sĹ­s samolet
the bus avtobusĹ­t
the taxi taksito
the train vlaka
the car kolata
a helicopter khelikopter
the sign znakĹ­t
the parking lot parkinga
the passport pasporta
the seat myastoto
the toilet toaletnata
the sunglasses ochilata
a key klyuch
a camera fotoaparat
one way ticket ednoposochen bilet
a return ticket dvuposochen bilet
a ticket office biletna kasa
an accommodation nastanyavane
a pillow vĹ­zglavnitsa
a blanket odeyalo
a sleeping bag spalen chuval
a luggage edin bagazh
a bag chanta
a backpack ranitsa
an information informatsiya
a tourist turist
a vaccine vaksina
an insurance zastrakhovka
a postcard poshtenska kartichka
an itinerary marshrut
a destination destinatsiya
a flashlight fenerche
an electrical outlet elektricheski kontakt
a tent palatka
a suitcase kufar
to visit da posetya
to travel da pĹ­tuvam
to rent naemam
to leave da napusna
to cancel za otmyana
to cancel a reservation za anulirane na rezervatsiya
to photograph da snimam
the wind vyatĹ­ra
the snow snega
the rain dĹ­zhdĹ­t
the storm buryata
the sun slĹ­ntseto
the sea moreto
a mountain planina
a lake ezero
a national park natsionalen park
a country strana
a forest gora
a cave peshtera
an island ostrov
a beach plazh
the nature prirodata
the landscape peĭzazha
sun cream slĹ­ntsezashtiten krem
a towel khavliya

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Essential Bulgarian Vocabulary: The calendar (days, months, seasons)

Bulgarian Vocabulary: The calendar (days, months, seasons)

– Useful words you should know –


Want to learn the Bulgarian language? Here’s a complete list of the most basic, common and useful words in Bulgarian with their translation in English, on the topic of the calendar (days, months, seasons). Ideal to help you boost your Bulgarian vocabulary!

Do you spot any errors or want to add a word to the list? Don’t hesitate to leave a comment to improve the site!

Monday ponedelnik
Tuesday vtornik
Wednesday sryada
Thursday chetvĹ­rtĹ­k
Friday petĹ­k
Saturday SĹ­bota
Sunday nedelya
January yanuari
February fevruari
March Mart
April april
May Mozhe
June yuni
July Yuli
August Avgust
September Septemvri
October oktomvri
November noemvri
December dekemvri
Spring Prolet
Summer lyato
Autumn Esenta
Winter Zima
before predi
after sled
soon skoro
this month tozi mesets
this year tazi godina
this week tazi sedmitsa
from time to time ot vreme na vreme
already veche
today dnes
tomorrow utre
yesterday vchera
last night minalata nosht
the day before yesterday onzi den
a long time ago predi mnogo vreme
a week ago predi sedmitsa
never nikoga
next year sledvashtata godina
next time sledvashtiyat pĹ­t
next week sledvashtata sedmitsa
next month sledvashtiyat mesets
last year minalata godina
last month minaliya mesets
last week minalata sedmitsa
in the morning sutrinta
in the afternoon sledobed
in the evening vecherta
the day denyat
now sega
later po kĹ­sno
immediately vednaga
sometimes ponyakoga
rarely ryadko
recently naskoro
frequently chesto
often chesto
very often mnogo chesto
slowly bavno
quickly bĹ­rzo
late kĹ­sen
early rano
always vinagi
every day vseki den
right away vednaga
all the time prez tsyaloto vreme
all day long tsyal den
a holiday vakantsiya
a month mesets
a year godishno
an hour chas
a minute minuta
a week sedmitsa

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Bulgarian Vocabulary List: Colors and shapes

Bulgarian Vocabulary: Colors and shapes

– Useful words you should know –


Want to learn the Bulgarian language? Here’s a complete list of the most basic, common and useful words in Bulgarian with their translation in English, on the topic of colors and shapes. Ideal to help you boost your Bulgarian vocabulary!

Do you spot any errors or want to add a word to the list? Don’t hesitate to leave a comment to improve the site!

THE COLORS tsvetovete
a color tsvyat
white bial
black cheren
gray seve
yellow zhult
orange portocal
green seelen
blue shin
red cherven
brown kafyav
beige bezhov
purple lilav
mauve lilav
pink rozov
dark temen
golden zlaten
silver srebro
THE SHAPES formite
a pyramid pyramid
a square kvadrat
a circle krag
a triangle triaglnicus
a rectangle pravoaglnik
a star zvezda
a line linea
an arrow strelka
a heart sartse
a crescent polumesets

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Armenian Vocabulary List: Colors and shapes

Armenian Vocabulary: Colors and shapes

– Useful words you should know –


Want to learn the Armenian language? Here’s a complete list of the most basic, common and useful words in Armenian with their translation in English, on the topic of colors and shapes. Ideal to help you boost your Armenian vocabulary!

Do you spot any errors or want to add a word to the list? Don’t hesitate to leave a comment to improve the site!

a color mi guyn
white spitak
black sev
gray mokhraguyn
yellow deghin
orange narnjaguyn
green kanach’
blue kapuyt
red karmir
brown shaganakaguyn
beige bezh
purple manushakaguyn
mauve manushakaguyn
pink vardaguyn
dark mut’
golden voskeguyn
silver artsat’
a pyramid burg
a square k’arrakusi
a circle shrjan
a triangle yerrankyuni
a rectangle ughghankyun
a star astgh
a line mi togh
an arrow mi net
a heart mi sirt
a crescent kisalusin

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Essential Armenian Vocabulary: The calendar (days, months, seasons)

Armenian Vocabulary: The calendar (days, months, seasons)

– Useful words you should know –


Want to learn the Armenian language? Here’s a complete list of the most basic, common and useful words in Armenian with their translation in English, on the topic of the calendar (days, months, seasons). Ideal to help you boost your Armenian vocabulary!

Do you spot any errors or want to add a word to the list? Don’t hesitate to leave a comment to improve the site!

Monday Yerkushabt’i
Tuesday Yerek’shabt’i
Wednesday ch’vorek’shabt’i
Thursday hingshabt’i
Friday Urbat’
Saturday shabat’ ory
Sunday Kiraki
January hunvar
February p’etrvar
March mart
April april
May mayis
June hunis
July hulis
August ogostos
September september
October hoktember
November noyember
December dektember
Spring Garun
Summer Amarr
Autumn Ashun
Winter Dzmerr
before nakhk’an
after heto
soon shutov
this month ays amis
this year ays tari
this week ays shabat’
from time to time zhamanak arr zhamanak
already arden
today aysor
tomorrow vaghy
yesterday yerek
last night nakhord gisher
the day before yesterday yerek ch’e, arrajin ory
a long time ago yerkar zhamanak arraj
a week ago mek shabat’ arraj
never yerbek’
next year hajord tari
next time hajord angam
next week hajord shabat’
next month hajord amis
last year ants’ats tari
last month ants’ats amis
last week ants’ats shabat’
in the morning arravotyan
in the afternoon kesorin
in the evening yerekoyan
the day ory
now hima
later aveli ush
immediately anmijapes
sometimes yerbemn
rarely hazvadep
recently verjers
frequently hachakhaki
often hachakh
very often shat hachakh
slowly dandagh
quickly arag
late ushats’ats
early vagh
always misht
every day amen or
right away anmijapes
all the time amboghj zhamanak
all day long amboghj ory
a holiday ardzakurd
a month mek amis
a year mek tari
an hour mi zham
a minute rope
a week shabat’

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Learn Armenian Vocabulary: Travel and tourism

Armenian Vocabulary: Travel and tourism

– Useful words you should know –


Want to learn the Armenian language? Here’s a complete list of the most basic, common and useful words in Armenian with their translation in English, on the topic of travel and tourism. Ideal to help you boost your Armenian vocabulary!

Do you spot any errors or want to add a word to the list? Don’t hesitate to leave a comment to improve the site!

travel chanaparhordut’yun
tourism zbosashrjut’yun
a hotel hyuranots’
on time zhamanakin
late ushats’ats
the airport odanavakayany
landing vayrejk’
take-off hanel
the air conditioning odorakich’y
the distance herravorut’yun
the customs sovoruyt’nery
the border sahmany
the train station gnats’k’i kayaran
the bus station avtokayany
a ticket toms
the reception yndunelut’yuny
the reservation amragrumy
the road chanaparh
a highway mi mayrughi
the plane ink’nat’irry
by plane ink’nat’irrov
the bus avtobusy
the taxi tak’sin
the train gnats’k’y
the car avtomek’ena
a helicopter ughghat’irr
the sign nshany
the parking lot avtokayanateghin
the passport andznagiry
the seat nstateghy
the toilet zugaran
the sunglasses arevayin aknots’nery
a key banali
a camera tesakhts’ik
one way ticket toms arrants’ hetadardzi
a return ticket veradardzi toms
a ticket office tomsarkgh
an accommodation kats’aran
a pillow bardz
a blanket mi vermak
a sleeping bag k’napark
a luggage mi ugheberr
a bag mi payusak
a backpack usapark
an information teghekatvut’yun
a tourist zbosashrjik
a vaccine patvastanyut’
an insurance apahovagrut’yun
a postcard bats’ik
an itinerary yert’ughi
a destination npatakaket
a flashlight lapter
an electrical outlet elektrakan vardakits’
a tent vran
a suitcase mi champruk
to visit ayts’elel
to travel champ’vordel, chanaparhordel
to rent vardzakalel
to leave herranal
to cancel ch’eghyal hamarel
to cancel a reservation amragrumy ch’egharkelu hamar
to photograph lusankarel
the wind k’amin
the snow dzyuny
the rain andzrevy
the storm p’vot’vorik
the sun arev
the sea tsovy
a mountain mi sar
a lake mi lich
a national park azgayin park
a country mi yerkir
a forest mi antarr
a cave k’arandzav
an island kghzi
a beach mi loghap’
the nature bnut’yuny
the landscape landshafty
sun cream arevapashtpan k’suk’
a towel srbich’

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Useful Armenian Vocabulary – Contrary Words

Learn Armenian Vocabulary: Contrary words

– Useful words you should know –


Want to learn the Armenian language? Here’s a complete list of the most basic, common and useful words in Armenian with their translation in English, on the topic of contrary words. Ideal to help you boost your Armenian vocabulary!

Do you spot any errors or want to add a word to the list? Don’t hesitate to leave a comment to improve the site!

young yeritasard
old hin
empty datark
full li
vertical ughghahayats’
horizontal horizonakan
useful ogtakar
useless anogut
a city mi k’aghak’
a village gyugh
a question mi harts’
an answer pataskhan
sad tkhur
happy yerjanik
all bolory
nothing voch’inch’
a teacher usuts’ich’
a student usanogh
early vagh
late ushats’ats
open bats’el
closed p’akvats
first arrajin
last verjin
secure apahov
dangerous vtangavor
near mot
far herru
sugar shak’aravaz
salt agh
dry ch’vor
wet t’ats’
often hachakh
rarely hazvadep
always misht
never yerbek’
same nuyny
different tarber
dirty keghtot
clean mak’ur
the evening yerekon
the morning arravot
small p’vok’r
large mets
rich harust
poor aghk’at
the ceiling arrastaghy
the floor hataky
animal kendani
human mard
guilty meghavor
innocent anmegh
here aystegh
there ayntegh
hunger k’aghts’
the thirst tsaravy
the sun arev
the moon lusiny
the sister k’uyry
the brother yeghbayry
slow dandagh
fast arag
before nakhk’an
after heto
heavy tsanr
light luys
old hin
new nor
easy hesht
difficult dzhvar
start sksel
finish avartel
friend ynker
enemy t’shnami
yesterday yerek
tomorrow vaghy
cold ts’urt
hot tak’
right chisht
left dzakh
a woman kin
a man mi mard
inside nersum
outside drsum
strong uzhegh
weak t’uyl
soft p’ap’uk
hard dzhvar
a lot shat
a little mi k’ich’
up verev
down nerk’ev
exactly chisht
probably havanabar
married amusnats’ats
single miaynak
noisy aghmkot
quiet hangist
complicated bard
simple parz
now hima
later aveli ush
long yerkar
short karch
interesting hetak’rk’ir
boring dzandzrali
normal normal
strange tarorinak
outside drsum
inside nersum
the entrance mutk’y
the exit yelk’y
white spitak
black sev
expensive t’ankarzhek’
cheap ezhan
to walk k’aylel
to run vazel
to attach kts’el
to detach anjatel
to go up bardzranal
to go down ijnel
to increase metsats’nel
to decrease nvazets’nel
to stop kangnel
to continue sharunakel
to take off hanel
to land vayrejk’ katarel
to put on hagnel
to remove herrats’nel
to move forward arraj sharzhvel
to move back het sharzhvel
to forget morranal
to remember hishel
to show ts’uyts’ tal
to hide t’ak’ts’nel
to save pahpanel
to spend tsakhsel
to build karruts’el
to destroy voch’nch’ats’nel
to arrive zhamanel
to leave herranal
to enter mtnel
to go out durs gal
to laugh tsitsaghel
to cry lats’el
to sell vacharrel
to buy gnel
to break kotrel
to repair veranorogel
to lend partk’ tal
to borrow partk’ov verts’nel
to earn vastakel
to lose korts’nel
to slow down dandaghets’nel
to speed up aragats’nel
to search voronel
to find gtnel
to pull k’ashel
to push hrel
to take verts’nel
to give tal
to wake up art’nanal
to fall asleep k’nel
to hold pahel
to let go bats’ t’voghnel
to turn on miats’nel
to turn off anjatel
to sell vacharrel
to buy gnel
to send ugharkel
to receive stanal

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